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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-01-07 21:26:51]
5 Years H Index
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5 Years IF
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2004 0 0.57 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35
2005 0 0.58 0 0 2 3 21 0 1 1 0 0 0.36
2006 0 0.58 0 0 3 6 6 0 3 3 0 0 0.34
2007 0 0.5 0 0 6 12 8 0 5 6 0 0 0.29
2008 0 0.58 0.04 0.08 12 24 38 1 1 9 12 1 0 0 0.3
2009 0 0.56 0.05 0.04 13 37 48 2 3 18 24 1 0 1 0.08 0.32
2010 0.16 0.51 0.19 0.17 11 48 170 9 12 25 4 36 6 0 3 0.27 0.29
2011 0.58 0.6 0.36 0.36 19 67 448 22 36 24 14 45 16 0 5 0.26 0.35
2012 0.6 0.65 0.39 0.41 15 82 157 32 68 30 18 61 25 0 7 0.47 0.34
2013 0.76 0.64 0.57 0.61 8 90 26 50 119 34 26 70 43 1 2 3 0.38 0.34
2014 1.17 0.65 0.73 0.97 14 104 75 75 195 23 27 66 64 0 5 0.36 0.34
2015 0.55 0.63 0.67 1.18 45 149 124 96 295 22 12 67 79 0 8 0.18 0.35
2016 0.51 0.63 0.83 0.89 40 189 230 155 451 59 30 101 90 0 18 0.45 0.34
2017 0.59 0.62 0.87 0.61 35 224 117 195 646 85 50 122 74 6 3.1 13 0.37 0.34
2018 0.92 0.62 0.9 0.63 34 258 168 230 877 75 69 142 89 23 10 12 0.35 0.35
2019 0.55 0.62 0.75 0.52 21 279 80 209 1086 69 38 168 88 13 6.2 7 0.33 0.37
2020 1 0.7 0.96 0.69 25 304 31 290 1377 55 55 175 120 3 1 7 0.28 0.72
2021 0.96 1.01 0.94 0.94 13 317 4 297 1674 46 44 155 146 14 4.7 7 0.54 0.42
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12011The impact of growth, energy and financial development on the environment in China: a cointegration analysis. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7917.

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22010Fighting terrorism: Are military measures effective? Empirical evidence from Turkey. (2010). Feridun, Mete ; Shabaz, Muhammad . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7919.

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32018Climate change, financial stability and monetary policy. (2018). Nikolaidi, Maria ; Dafermos, Yannis ; Galanis, Giorgos. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:19966.

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42012Electricity consumption and economic growth empirical evidence from Pakistan. (2012). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; Feridun, Mete. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:8517.

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52012Is aggregate demand wage-led or profit-led? National and global effects. (2012). Onaran, Ozlem ; Galanis, Giorgos. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15289.

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62016Wage-led growth in the EU15 member states: the effects of income distribution on growth, investment, trade balance, and inflation. (2016). Onaran, Ozlem ; Obst, Thomas. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14868.

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72010Finance-growth nexus in China revisited: New evidence from principal components and ARDL bounds tests. (2010). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul ; Ma, Ying. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7918.

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82017Minsky models: a structured survey. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17448.

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92016R&D and productivity in OECD firms and industries: a hierarchical meta-regression analysis. (2016). Ugur, Mehmet ; Guidi, Francesco ; Solomon, Edna ; Trushin, Eshref. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15854.

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102017Minsky models. A structured survey. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17739.

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112018The effects of financialization on investment: evidence from firm-level data for the UK. (2018). Tori, Daniele ; Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:18056.

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122011Impact of financial development on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7924.

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132014An analysis of South-Eastern European stock markets: evidence on cointegration and portfolio diversification benefits. (2014). Ugur, Mehmet ; Guidi, Francesco . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:11323.

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142019The impact of financialisation on the wage share: A theoretical clarification and empirical test. (2019). Guschanski, Alexander ; Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Kohler, Karsten. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23472.

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152016Inverted-U relationship between R&D intensity and survival: evidence on scale and complementarity effects in UK data. (2016). Ugur, Mehmet ; Solomon, Edna ; Trushin, Eshref. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15510.

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162009Early childcare and child development. (2009). Hansen, Kirstine ; Hawkes, Denise . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:4802.

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172011Weak-form market efficiency and calendar anomalies for Eastern Europe equity markets. (2011). Gupta, Rakesh ; Guidi, Francesco ; Maheshwari, Suneel . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7275.

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182017The effects of financialisation and financial development on investment: evidence from firm-level data in Europe. (2017). Tori, Daniele ; Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16089.

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192005On stability of the demand for money in a developing OECD country: the case of Turkey. (2005). Ugur, Mehmet ; HALICIOGLU, Ferda. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:3978.

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202011Finance-growth nexus revisited for some Asian countries. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Mukhopadhyaya, Bidisha ; Pradhana, Rudra P. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7914.

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212011The impact of military spending on economic growth: the case of North Cyprus. (2011). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; sawhney, bansi ; Feridun, Mete. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7927.

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222015The effects of financialization on investment: evidence from firm-level data for the UK. (2015). Tori, Daniele ; Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14068.

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232015Debt-driven growth? Wealth, distribution and demand in OECD countries. (2015). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Wildauer, Rafael. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:18278.

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242011Long-run relationship between income inequality and financial development in China. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7923.

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252014Structural asymmetries at the roots of the eurozone crisis: Whats new for industrial policy in the EU?. (2014). Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14453.

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262008Regional underdevelopment and terrorism: The case of south eastern Turkey. (2008). Feridun, Mete ; Sezgin, Selami . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7921.

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272014The effect of globalization on the distribution of taxes and social expenditures in Europe: do welfare state regimes matter?. (2014). Onaran, Ozlem ; Boesch, Valerie . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:9433.

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282018Expenditure cascades, low interest Rates, credit deregulation or property booms? Determinants of household Dbt in OECD countries. (2018). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Wildauer, Rafael. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:20882.

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292019Inequality and finance in a rent economy. (2019). Stiglitz, Joseph ; Russo, Alberto ; Gallegati, Mauro ; Caverzasi, Eugenio ; Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23101.

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302013Is aggregate demand wage-led or profit-led? A global model. (2013). Onaran, Ozlem ; Galanis, G. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16222.

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312015Correcting for the missing rich: An application to Wealth Survey Data. (2015). Springholz, Florian ; Schütz, Bernhard ; Kapeller, Jakob ; Eckerstorfer, Paul ; Wildauer, Rafael ; Schutz, Bernhard ; Halak, Johannes. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:18279.

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322015Securitisation, wage stagnation and financial fragility: a stock-flow consistent perspective. (2015). Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14078.

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332016Determinants of the wage share: a cross-country comparison using sectoral data. (2016). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15847.

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342016Agrarian Structures, Urbanization, and Inequality. (2016). Oyvat, Cem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15005.

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352016The macroeconomics of shadow banking. (2016). Tori, Daniele ; Caverzasi, Eugenio ; Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15616.

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362015Financial–real-side interactions in an extended monetary circuit with shadow banking: Loving or dangerous hugs?. (2015). Tori, Daniele ; Caverzasi, Eugenio ; Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14454.

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372019Subordinate financialization in emerging capitalist economies. (2019). Powell, Jeff ; Bonizzi, Bruno ; Kaltenbrunner, Annina. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23044.

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382015Financial-real side interactions in an extended monetary circuit with shadow banking: loving or dangerous hugs?. (2015). Tori, Daniele ; Caverzasi, Eugenio ; Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14069.

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392016The political economy of income distribution: industry level evidence from Austria. (2016). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15865.

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402009A crisis of distribution. (2009). Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16224.

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412017The political economy of income distribution: industry level evidence from 14 OECD countries. (2017). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17518.

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422020The impact of digital technology usage on economic growth in Africa. (2020). van Klyton, Aaron ; Solomon, Edna Maeyen . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:29537.

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432016Income inequality and wealth concentration in the recent crisis. (2016). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Onaran, Ozlem ; Goda, Thomas. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14690.

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442011Foreign direct investment, host country factors and economic growth. (2011). Solomon, Edna Maeyen . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:9670.

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452015Wage-led growth in the EU15 member states: the effects of income distribution on growth, investment, trade balance, and inflation. (2015). Onaran, Ozlem ; Obst, Thomas. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14079.

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462017Government education expenditures and economic growth: a meta-analysis. (2017). Yew, Siew Ling ; Ugur, Mehmet ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17354.

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472018The labour share and financialisation: Evidence from publicly listed firms. (2018). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:19371.

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482017The effect of income distribution and fiscal policy on growth, investment, and budget balance: the case of Europe. (2017). Onaran, Ozlem ; Obst, Thomas ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16088.

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492013Corruption’s direct effects on per-capita income growth: a meta-analysis. (2013). Ugur, Mehmet. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:10180.

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502015Effects of government education and health expenditures on economic growth: a meta-analysis. (2015). Yew, Siew Ling ; Ugur, Mehmet ; Churchill, Sefa Awawoyi . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14072.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12011The impact of growth, energy and financial development on the environment in China: a cointegration analysis. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7917.

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22018Climate change, financial stability and monetary policy. (2018). Nikolaidi, Maria ; Dafermos, Yannis ; Galanis, Giorgos. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:19966.

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32018The effects of financialization on investment: evidence from firm-level data for the UK. (2018). Tori, Daniele ; Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:18056.

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42017Minsky models. A structured survey. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17739.

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52017Minsky models: a structured survey. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17448.

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62019The impact of financialisation on the wage share: A theoretical clarification and empirical test. (2019). Guschanski, Alexander ; Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Kohler, Karsten. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23472.

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72016Wage-led growth in the EU15 member states: the effects of income distribution on growth, investment, trade balance, and inflation. (2016). Onaran, Ozlem ; Obst, Thomas. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14868.

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82016R&D and productivity in OECD firms and industries: a hierarchical meta-regression analysis. (2016). Ugur, Mehmet ; Guidi, Francesco ; Solomon, Edna ; Trushin, Eshref. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15854.

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92012Electricity consumption and economic growth empirical evidence from Pakistan. (2012). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; Feridun, Mete. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:8517.

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102016Inverted-U relationship between R&D intensity and survival: evidence on scale and complementarity effects in UK data. (2016). Ugur, Mehmet ; Solomon, Edna ; Trushin, Eshref. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15510.

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112010Fighting terrorism: Are military measures effective? Empirical evidence from Turkey. (2010). Feridun, Mete ; Shabaz, Muhammad . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7919.

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122019Subordinate financialization in emerging capitalist economies. (2019). Powell, Jeff ; Bonizzi, Bruno ; Kaltenbrunner, Annina. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23044.

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132019Inequality and finance in a rent economy. (2019). Stiglitz, Joseph ; Russo, Alberto ; Gallegati, Mauro ; Caverzasi, Eugenio ; Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23101.

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142018Expenditure cascades, low interest Rates, credit deregulation or property booms? Determinants of household Dbt in OECD countries. (2018). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Wildauer, Rafael. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:20882.

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152010Finance-growth nexus in China revisited: New evidence from principal components and ARDL bounds tests. (2010). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul ; Ma, Ying. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7918.

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162020The impact of digital technology usage on economic growth in Africa. (2020). van Klyton, Aaron ; Solomon, Edna Maeyen . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:29537.

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172011The impact of military spending on economic growth: the case of North Cyprus. (2011). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; sawhney, bansi ; Feridun, Mete. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7927.

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182012Is aggregate demand wage-led or profit-led? National and global effects. (2012). Onaran, Ozlem ; Galanis, Giorgos. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15289.

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192014An analysis of South-Eastern European stock markets: evidence on cointegration and portfolio diversification benefits. (2014). Ugur, Mehmet ; Guidi, Francesco . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:11323.

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202011Impact of financial development on economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7924.

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212020Subordinate financialization in emerging capitalist economies. (2020). Powell, Jeff ; Bonizzi, Bruno ; Kaltenbrunner, Annina. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:26969.

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222017The effects of financialisation and financial development on investment: evidence from firm-level data in Europe. (2017). Tori, Daniele ; Onaran, Ozlem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16089.

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232013Is aggregate demand wage-led or profit-led? A global model. (2013). Onaran, Ozlem ; Galanis, G. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16222.

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242005On stability of the demand for money in a developing OECD country: the case of Turkey. (2005). Ugur, Mehmet ; HALICIOGLU, Ferda. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:3978.

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252011Weak-form market efficiency and calendar anomalies for Eastern Europe equity markets. (2011). Gupta, Rakesh ; Guidi, Francesco ; Maheshwari, Suneel . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7275.

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262016Agrarian Structures, Urbanization, and Inequality. (2016). Oyvat, Cem. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15005.

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272015Effects of government education and health expenditures on economic growth: a meta-analysis. (2015). Yew, Siew Ling ; Ugur, Mehmet ; Churchill, Sefa Awawoyi . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14072.

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282020Wage‐led versus profit‐led demand: a comprehensive empirical analysis. (2020). Oyvat, Cem ; Elgin, Ceyhun ; Oztunali, Ouz. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:27870.

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292016Determinants of the wage share: a cross-country comparison using sectoral data. (2016). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15847.

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302014Structural asymmetries at the roots of the eurozone crisis: Whats new for industrial policy in the EU?. (2014). Botta, Alberto. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14453.

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312009Early childcare and child development. (2009). Hansen, Kirstine ; Hawkes, Denise . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:4802.

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322016Finance, foreign (direct) investment, and the Dutch disease: the case of Colombia. (2016). Godin, Antoine ; Botta, Alberto ; Missaglia, Marco . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:15546.

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332017Government education expenditures and economic growth: a meta-analysis. (2017). Yew, Siew Ling ; Ugur, Mehmet ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17354.

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342011Long-run relationship between income inequality and financial development in China. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Jalil, Abdul. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7923.

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352011Finance-growth nexus revisited for some Asian countries. (2011). Feridun, Mete ; Mukhopadhyaya, Bidisha ; Pradhana, Rudra P. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:7914.

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362019Fiscal policy and ecological sustainability: a post-Keynesian perspective. (2019). Nikolaidi, Maria ; Dafermos, Yannis. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:25868.

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372017The effect of income distribution and fiscal policy on growth, investment, and budget balance: the case of Europe. (2017). Onaran, Ozlem ; Obst, Thomas ; Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:16088.

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382014The effect of globalization on the distribution of taxes and social expenditures in Europe: do welfare state regimes matter?. (2014). Onaran, Ozlem ; Boesch, Valerie . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:9433.

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392018The transformation of post-socialist capitalism – from developmental state to clan state?. (2018). Sallai, Dorottya ; Schnyder, Gerhard. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:18535.

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402019Shadow banking and the financial side of financialization. (2019). Capelli, Clara ; Botta, Alberto ; Caverzasi, Eugenio. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:22986.

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412017Spatial dependence in the growth process and implications for convergence rate: Evidence on Vietnamese provinces. (2017). Ugur, Mehmet ; Esiyok, Bulent. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17507.

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422019Do crop insurance-certified seed bundles crowd-in investments? Experimental evidence from Kenya. (2018). Bulte, Erwin ; Cecchi, Francesco ; Marr, Ana ; van Asseldonk, Marcel ; Lensink, Robert. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:23788.

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432017Why is the wage share falling in emerging economies? Industry level evidence. (2017). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17536.

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442018The labour share and financialisation: Evidence from publicly listed firms. (2018). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:19371.

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452018The role of social networks in inclusion of small-scale producers in agri-food developing clusters.. (2018). Ramirez, Matias ; Hernandez, Ivan ; Clarke, Ian ; Bernal, Paloma. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:20062.

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462018Divergence between the core and the periphery and secular stagnation in the Eurozone. (2018). Onaran, Ozlem ; Botta, Alberto ; Tippet, Ben. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:20405.

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472015Securitisation, wage stagnation and financial fragility: a stock-flow consistent perspective. (2015). Nikolaidi, Maria. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:14078.

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482021The decline in the wage share: falling bargaining power of labour or technological progress? Industry-level evidence from the OECD. (2020). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:29007.

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492017The political economy of income distribution: industry level evidence from 14 OECD countries. (2017). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17518.

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502015International trade and domestic competition: Evidence from Belgium. (2015). Gaggero, Alberto ; Bramati, Maria Caterina ; Solomon, Edna . In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:13145.

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2021Inequality and finance in a rent economy. (2021). Russo, Alberto ; Gallegati, Mauro ; Botta, Alberto ; Stiglitz, Joseph E ; Caverzasi, Eugenio. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:183:y:2021:i:c:p:998-1029.

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2021Commodities fluctuations, cross border flows and financial innovation: A stock?flow analysis. (2021). Yajima, Giuliano Toshiro ; Nalin, Lorenzo. In: Metroeconomica. RePEc:bla:metroe:v:72:y:2021:i:3:p:539-579.

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2021Beyond the Stereotype: Restating the Relevance of the Dependency Research Programme. (2021). Kvangraven, Ingrid Harvold. In: Development and Change. RePEc:bla:devchg:v:52:y:2021:i:1:p:76-112.

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2021Old Cycles and New Vulnerabilities: Financial Deregulation and the Argentine Crisis. (2021). Bortz, Pablo ; Toftum, Nicole ; Zeolla, Nicolas Hernan. In: Development and Change. RePEc:bla:devchg:v:52:y:2021:i:3:p:598-626.

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2021When Land Meets Finance in Latin America: Some Intersections between Financialization and Land Grabbing in Argentina and Brazil. (2021). Costantino, Agostina ; Cibils, Alan ; Garcia-Arias, Jorge ; Fernandez-Huerga, Eduardo ; Fernandes, Vitor B. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:14:p:8084-:d:597567.

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2021From exit to control: The structural power of finance under asset manager capitalism. (2021). Braun, Benjamin. In: SocArXiv. RePEc:osf:socarx:4uesc.

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2021How can green differentiated capital requirements affect climate risks? A dynamic macrofinancial analysis. (2021). Nikolaidi, Maria ; Dafermos, Yannis. In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:54:y:2021:i:c:s1572308921000310.

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2021Climate sentiments, transition risk, and financial stability in a stock-flow consistent model. (2021). Naqvi, Syed Ali Asjad ; Monasterolo, Irene ; Dunz, Nepomuk. In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:54:y:2021:i:c:s1572308921000322.

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2021Heterogeneous expectations, forecasting behaviour and policy experiments in a hybrid Agent-based Stock-flow-consistent model. (2021). Reissl, Severin. In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics. RePEc:spr:joevec:v:31:y:2021:i:1:d:10.1007_s00191-020-00683-7.

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2021‘Kaldor Facts’ and the decline of Wage Share: An agent based-stock flow consistent model of induced technical change along Classical and Keynesian lines. (2021). Fanti, Lucrezia. In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics. RePEc:spr:joevec:v:31:y:2021:i:2:d:10.1007_s00191-020-00686-4.

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2021Financial development, income and income inequality. (2021). Vachadze, George. In: Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. RePEc:spr:jeicoo:v:16:y:2021:i:3:d:10.1007_s11403-021-00321-w.

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2021An Agent-based Model of Trickle-up Growth and Income Inequality. (2021). Roventini, Andrea ; Napoletano, Mauro ; Gaffard, Jean-Luc ; Palagi, Elisa. In: GREDEG Working Papers. RePEc:gre:wpaper:2021-29.

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2021An agent-based model of trickle-up growth and income inequality. (2021). Gaffard, Jean-Luc ; Roventini, Andrea ; Napoletano, Mauro ; Palagi, Elisa. In: LEM Papers Series. RePEc:ssa:lemwps:2021/23.

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2021An agent-based model of trickle-up growth and income inequality. (2021). Napoletano, Mauro ; Palagi, Elisa ; Gaffard, Jean-Luc ; Roventini, Andrea. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03373193.

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2021Shadow banking and financial intermediation. (2021). oZGuR, Goker . In: Metroeconomica. RePEc:bla:metroe:v:72:y:2021:i:4:p:731-757.

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2021Financialisation and macroeconomic regimes in emerging capitalist economies before and after the Great Recession. (2021). Hein, Eckhard ; Akçay, Ümit ; Jungmann, Benjamin. In: IPE Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:ipewps:1582021.

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2021The effect of global value chain participation on the labour share – Industry level evidence from emerging economies. (2021). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:31973.

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2021Financialization revisited: the economics and political economy of the vampire squid economy. (2021). Palley, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:pke:wpaper:pkwp2110.

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2021Bank Seigniorage in a Monetary Production Economy. (2021). Bossone, Biagio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:pke:wpaper:pkwp2111.

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2021Industrial stagnation and the financialization of nonfinancial corporations. (2021). McCormack, Shane ; Davis, Leila. In: Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. RePEc:spr:revepe:v:2:y:2021:i:3:d:10.1007_s43253-021-00043-6.

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2021Demand and growth regimes in finance-dominated capitalism and the role of the macroeconomic policy regime: a post-Keynesian comparative study on France, Germany, Italy and Spain before and after the G. (2021). Hein, Eckhard ; Martschin, Judith. In: Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. RePEc:spr:revepe:v:2:y:2021:i:3:d:10.1007_s43253-021-00044-5.

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2021Corporate financialization’s conservation and transformation: from Mark I to Mark II. (2021). Rabinovich, Joel ; Durand, Cedric ; Auvray, Tristan ; Rikap, Cecilia. In: Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. RePEc:spr:revepe:v:2:y:2021:i:3:d:10.1007_s43253-021-00045-4.

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2021Why has the Brazilian economy stagnated in the 2010s? A Minskyan analysis of the behavior of non-financial companies in a financialized economy. (2021). Feijo, Carmem ; Centeno, Vinicius ; Mantoan, Eduardo. In: Review of Evolutionary Political Economy. RePEc:spr:revepe:v:2:y:2021:i:3:d:10.1007_s43253-021-00051-6.

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2021The Implications of Monetary Union for Income Inequality: An Empirical Assessment. (2021). Maschke, Andreas ; Kerschbaumer, Florentin. In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG. RePEc:clr:wugarc:y:2021v:47i:4p:537.

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2021Financialisation and the slowdown of labour productivity in Portugal: A Post-Keynesian approach. (2021). Barradas, Ricardo ; Correia, Diogo. In: PSL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:pslqrr:2021:44.

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2021UK and other advanced economies productivity and income inequality. (2021). Arestis, Philip. In: International Review of Applied Economics. RePEc:taf:irapec:v:35:y:2021:i:3-4:p:355-370.

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2021International financial subordination: a critical research agenda. (2021). Powell, Jeff ; Kvangraven, Ingrid ; Kodddenbrock, Kai ; Kaltenbrunner, Annina ; Bonizzi, Bruno ; Alves, Carolina ; Alami, Ilias. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:33233.

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2021Through the Optics of Finance: Speculative Urbanism and the Transformation of Markets. (2021). Narayan, Devika ; Goldman, Michael. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. RePEc:bla:ijurrs:v:45:y:2021:i:2:p:209-231.

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2021Potential for Upgrading in Financialised Agri-food Chains: The Case of Ghanaian Cocoa. (2021). van Huellen, Sophie ; Abubakar, Fuad Mohammed. In: The European Journal of Development Research. RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:33:y:2021:i:2:d:10.1057_s41287-020-00351-3.

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2021The case for a progressive annual wealth tax in the UK. (2021). Onaran, Ozlem ; Wildauer, Rafael ; Tippet, Benjamin. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:33819.

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2021Production structure, output and profits - A note. (2021). Dogus, Ilhan. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cessdp:88.

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2021Growth drivers in emerging capitalist economies before and after the Global Financial Crisis. (2021). Jungmann, Benjamin. In: IPE Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:ipewps:1722021.

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2021Growth, distribution and dynamic inefficiency in Turkey: An analysis of the naïve neoclassical theory of capital. (2021). Attar, Aykut M. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. RePEc:eee:streco:v:59:y:2021:i:c:p:20-30.

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2021Productivity and Firm Exit during the COVID-19 Crisis : Cross-Country Evidence. (2021). Muzi, Silvia ; Jolevski, Filip ; Viganola, Domenico ; Ueda, Kohei. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:9671.

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2021Ghana’s Digitization Initiatives: A Survey of Citizens Perceptions on the Benefits and Challenges to the Utilization of Digital Governance Services. (2021). Demuyakor, John. In: International Journal of Publication and Social Studies. RePEc:asi:ijopss:2021:p:42-55.

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2021Impact of COVID-19 on water sector projects and practices. (2021). Suresh, Subashini ; Kamunda, Andrew ; Renukappa, Suresh. In: Utilities Policy. RePEc:eee:juipol:v:70:y:2021:i:c:s095717872100028x.

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2021Digital Economic Development and Its Impact on Econimic Growth in China: Research Based on the Prespective of Sustainability. (2021). Sun, Qiubi ; Jiao, Shuaitao. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:18:p:10245-:d:635036.

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2021The Impact of ICT Investment and Diffusion on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Rwanda. (2021). Roger, Mugabe ; Enock, Byringiro ; Shulin, Liu. In: International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development. RePEc:mgs:ijoied:v:7:y:2021:i:4:p:23-36.

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2021Innovative and Sustainable Food Production and Food Consumption Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Recipe for Delivering Development Success in South Africa. (2021). Chipumuro, Juliet ; Ramkissoon, Haywantee ; Samkange, Faith ; Chawla, Gaurav ; Wanyama, Henry. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:19:p:11049-:d:650689.

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2021The Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Business Models in SMEs. (2021). Tomii-Pupek, Katarina ; Furjan, Martina Tomii ; Gregurec, Iva. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:3:p:1098-:d:484536.

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2021The effect of global value chain participation on the labour share – Industry level evidence from emerging economies. (2021). Onaran, Ozlem ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:31973.

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2021The case for a progressive annual wealth tax in the UK. (2021). Onaran, Ozlem ; Wildauer, Rafael ; Tippet, Benjamin. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:33819.

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