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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-01-07 21:26:51]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2016 0 0.63 0 0 50 50 6 0 0 1 0 0 0.34
2017 0.02 0.62 0 0.02 187 237 49 1 1 50 1 51 1 1 100 0 0.34
2018 0.04 0.62 0.03 0.04 88 325 29 9 10 237 9 238 9 3 33.3 0 0.35
2019 0.07 0.62 0.05 0.06 110 435 25 22 32 275 18 325 19 4 18.2 3 0.03 0.37
2020 0.07 0.7 0.05 0.05 88 523 10 25 57 198 14 435 21 4 16 1 0.01 0.72
2021 0.08 1.01 0.1 0.07 102 625 4 62 119 198 15 523 35 3 4.8 3 0.03 0.42
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12018Optimal Fiscal Policy – Factors for the Formation of the Optimal Economic and Social Models. (2018). Abuselidze, George. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber153.

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22017Feministic Analysis of Arundhati Roys Postmodern Indian Fiction: The God of Small Things. (2017). Hariharasudan, A. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr489.

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32017An Eye View of Technical Communication in English Language among Engineering Students in Southern Tamil Nadu (India): An Analysis in the Postmodern Era. (2017). Hariharasudan, A. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr452.

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42020ACHIEVE Model on Research and Publication Performance. (2020). , Sulistiowati. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr553.

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52020Transforming into Digital Organization by Orchestrating Culture, Leadership and Competence in Digital Context. (2020). Saputra, Nopriadi. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr572.

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62016The Impact of Financial Ratios, Operational Efficiency and Non- Performing Loan Towards Commercial Bank Profitability. (2016). Christaria, Fiola. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr116.

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72017Does Voluntary Tax Compliance Increase After Granting Tax Amnesty?. (2017). Sudarma, Made I. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr138.

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82018Bankruptcy Prediction: SMEs Case Study in Pontianak, Indonesia. (2018). Hamzani, Umiaty. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr152.

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92019Model for Strengthening Employee Performance. (2019). Soehari, Tjiptogoro Dinarjo. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr207.

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102017State Ownership, Family Ownership, and Sustainability Report Quality, The Moderating Role of Board Effectiveness. (2017). Rudyanto, Astrid. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr129.

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112019Firm Value, Firm Size and Income Smoothing. (2019). Susanto, Yulius Kurnia. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr151.

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122021Closed Product Life Cycle as a Basis of the Circular Economy. (2021). Vetrova, Maria. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber198.

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132017How to Build Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty with a Focus On Complaints Handling (Review of the Scientific Literature). (2017). Salim, Agus. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr127.

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142018Corporate Governance, State Ownership and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. (2018). Eforis, Chermian. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr154.

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152017Modeling the Effect of Healthcare Expenditure and Education Expenditure on Labour Productivity: A Study on OIC Countries. (2017). Abdul Wahab, Abdul Azeez ; Oluwanisola, Abdul Azeez. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber134.

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162018Three-Factor and Five-Factor Models: Implementation of Fama and French Model on Market Overreaction Conditions. (2018). Sembiring, Ferikawita M. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr150.

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172019Sigma Convergence and VECM Approach in Explaining the Relationship among Macro Variables in Indonesia. (2019). Kurniawati, Sri. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber181.

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182020The Role of Psychological Testing As an Effort to Improve Employee Competency. (2020). Baron, Ihil S. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr235.

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192018Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Accounting Students Undertaking Internships. (2018). Santoso, Arif Lukman. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr179.

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202020Audit Report Lag: Specialized Auditor and Corporate Governance. (2020). Pradipta, Arya. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr555.

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212017An Evaluation of Financial Stress for Islamic Banks in Indonesia Using a Bankometer Model. (2017). Budiman, Teguh. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr130.

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222019Company Characteristics, Corporate Governance, Audit Quality Impact on Earnings Management. (2019). Firnanti, Friska. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr173.

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232020An Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Resource Base View Model for Creating Competitive Advantage. (2020). Ristyawan, Mochammad Ridwan. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber187.

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242017Sustainable Business of Islamic Bank Through on the Islamic Corporate Governance and Islamic Financial Performance. (2017). Siswanti, Indra. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr125.

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252018The Impact of Institutional Ownership and a Firms Size on Firm Value: Tax Avoidance as a Moderating Variable. (2018). Ratnawati, Vince . In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr140.

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262020Tax Policy and Foreign Direct Investment: A Regime Change Analysis.. (2020). Edo, Onome Christopher. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr176.

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272019How to Manage Customer Satisfaction through Brand Association and Perceived Value Strategy. (2019). Susanti, Vonny. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr224.

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282017Factors Affecting Earnings Management in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. (2017). Alexander, Nico. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr124.

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292021The Influence of Regulation and Financial Performance on The Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputation Moderated by Ownership Structure. (2021). Wilestari, Median. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr194.

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302019The Nature of Excessive Behavior (ISRAF) in the Islamic Economic Framework. (2019). Muttaqin, Zein. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber169.

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312020Are Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Corporate Strategy and Corporate Financial Characteristics Related to Earnings Management?. (2020). Tonay, Clarissa. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr172.

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322018A New Analysis of Population History in Sabah and Sarawak. (2018). Hakim, Hashom Mohd. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr517.

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332016Financial Literacy and Its Effect on Economic Empowerment Among Self Help Group Women Members. (2016). Johnson, Sophia. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr111.

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342017Resistance to Change (RTC): A Taxonomical Perspective. (2017). Ahmad, Ahmad Syahmi. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr160.

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352017Single Beta and Dual Beta Models: A Testing of CAPM on Condition of Market Overreactions. (2017). Sembiring, Ferikawita M. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr128.

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362019The Effect of Product, Service, and Customer Satisfaction on Word-of-Mouth Behavior. (2019). Lestari, Setyani Dwi. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr221.

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372018Analysis of Voluntary Disclosure Before and After the Establishment of the Integrated Reporting Framework. (2018). Jaffar, Nahariah. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr163.

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382020The Influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Indicators on Customer Loyalty of Sharia Based Banking System. (2020). Lubis, Adelina. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr242.

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392020Determinants of Culinary Business Performance. (2020). Garnasih, Raden Lestari. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber184.

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402017Mapping Enforcement Agency Integrity: Evidence from the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). (2017). Ismail, Aida Maria. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr123.

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412019Psychological Resilience Predicted by Personality Traits, Locus of Control and Self-Regulation of Young Entrepreneurs in Pekanbaru. (2019). Farradinna, Syarifah. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr531.

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422017The Effect of Good Corporate Governance and Premium Growth on the Performance of Insurance Companies . (2017). , Markonah. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr123.

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432018Trust in Leadership and Affective Commitment as a Mediator between Servant Leadership Behavior and Extra-Role Behavior of Teachers. (2018). Rosnani, Titik. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr192.

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442017Audit Firm Reputation versus Auditor Capability: Their Effect on Audit Quality in Indonesia. (2017). Rudyanto, Astrid. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr147.

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452017The Determinants of Service Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction (A Survey of Islamic Banks Customers in Indonesia). (2017). Wahyuni, Salamah. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr138.

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462020E-Service Quality and Price to Build Online Transportation Loyalty in Indonesia. (2020). Hendrayati, Heny. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr236.

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472020The Effect of Firm Size, Profitability, Audit Committee, and Other Factors to Firm Value. (2020). Djashan, Indra Arifin. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr186.

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482018The Contribution of Tourist Attraction, Accessibility and Amenities in Creating Tourist Loyalty in Indonesia. (2018). Robustin, Tri Palupi. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber163.

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492019The Effect of Ownership Structure, Cash Holding and Tax Avoidance on Income Smoothing. (2019). Alexander, Nico. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr166.

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502017The Influence of Spirituality Workplace to Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. (2017). Fanggidae, Rolland Epafras. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr491.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Feministic Analysis of Arundhati Roys Postmodern Indian Fiction: The God of Small Things. (2017). Hariharasudan, A. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr489.

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22018Optimal Fiscal Policy – Factors for the Formation of the Optimal Economic and Social Models. (2018). Abuselidze, George. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber153.

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32017Does Voluntary Tax Compliance Increase After Granting Tax Amnesty?. (2017). Sudarma, Made I. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr138.

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42017An Eye View of Technical Communication in English Language among Engineering Students in Southern Tamil Nadu (India): An Analysis in the Postmodern Era. (2017). Hariharasudan, A. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr452.

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52020ACHIEVE Model on Research and Publication Performance. (2020). , Sulistiowati. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr553.

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62020Transforming into Digital Organization by Orchestrating Culture, Leadership and Competence in Digital Context. (2020). Saputra, Nopriadi. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr572.

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72019Firm Value, Firm Size and Income Smoothing. (2019). Susanto, Yulius Kurnia. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr151.

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82019Company Characteristics, Corporate Governance, Audit Quality Impact on Earnings Management. (2019). Firnanti, Friska. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr173.

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92018Bankruptcy Prediction: SMEs Case Study in Pontianak, Indonesia. (2018). Hamzani, Umiaty. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr152.

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102020An Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Resource Base View Model for Creating Competitive Advantage. (2020). Ristyawan, Mochammad Ridwan. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber187.

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112020Audit Report Lag: Specialized Auditor and Corporate Governance. (2020). Pradipta, Arya. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr555.

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122019Sigma Convergence and VECM Approach in Explaining the Relationship among Macro Variables in Indonesia. (2019). Kurniawati, Sri. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber181.

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132020Tax Policy and Foreign Direct Investment: A Regime Change Analysis.. (2020). Edo, Onome Christopher. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr176.

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142021Closed Product Life Cycle as a Basis of the Circular Economy. (2021). Vetrova, Maria. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jber198.

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152016The Impact of Financial Ratios, Operational Efficiency and Non- Performing Loan Towards Commercial Bank Profitability. (2016). Christaria, Fiola. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr116.

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162018The Impact of Institutional Ownership and a Firms Size on Firm Value: Tax Avoidance as a Moderating Variable. (2018). Ratnawati, Vince . In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr140.

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172018Corporate Governance, State Ownership and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia. (2018). Eforis, Chermian. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:afr154.

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182018Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Accounting Students Undertaking Internships. (2018). Santoso, Arif Lukman. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr179.

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192019How to Manage Customer Satisfaction through Brand Association and Perceived Value Strategy. (2019). Susanti, Vonny. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr224.

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202018Three-Factor and Five-Factor Models: Implementation of Fama and French Model on Market Overreaction Conditions. (2018). Sembiring, Ferikawita M. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr150.

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212020The Role of Psychological Testing As an Effort to Improve Employee Competency. (2020). Baron, Ihil S. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jmmr235.

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222017Sustainable Business of Islamic Bank Through on the Islamic Corporate Governance and Islamic Financial Performance. (2017). Siswanti, Indra. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:jfbr125.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 15
2021Does Entrepreneurship Make You Happier? A Comparative Analysis between Entrepreneurs and Wage Earners. (2021). Ahumada-Tello, Eduardo ; Foncubierta-Rodriguez, Maria-Jose ; Ravina-Ripoll, Rafael ; Tobar-Pesantez, Luis Bayardo. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:18:p:9997-:d:630321.

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2021Firm and Board Characteristics, and E-Waste Disclosure: A Study in the Era of Digitalisation. (2021). Mohamed, Rapiah ; Muhammad, Che Zuriana ; Abd-Mutalib, Hafizah ; Hidayah, Saidatul Nurul ; Shafai, Nor Atikah. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:18:p:10417-:d:638498.

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2021Ethical Leadership, Ethical Climate and Integrity Violation: A Comparative Study in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. (2021). Rahman, Rashidah Abdul ; Othman, Zaleha ; Hamoudah, Manal Mohammed ; Alamoudi, May ; Mohd, Nor Azila. In: Administrative Sciences. RePEc:gam:jadmsc:v:11:y:2021:i:2:p:43-:d:537923.

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2021Institutional Ownership, External Auditor Reputation, Financial Leverage, and Earnings Management. (2021). Susan, Marcellia ; Kutha, Ngakan Made ; Of, Asian Institute. In: OSF Preprints. RePEc:osf:osfxxx:a6nye.

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2021Early Strengthening of Dominant Entrepreneurial Characters to Reach the Second Career Opportunity of Being Entrepreneurs. (2021). Tarmizi, Akhmad ; Soehari, Tjiptogoro Dinarjo ; Budiningsih, Iffah. In: International Journal of Asian Social Science. RePEc:asi:ijoass:2021:p:250-258.

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2021Why microfinance institutions go digital: An empirical analysis. (2021). Nguyen, Quynh Anh ; Forcella, Davide ; Dorfleitner, Gregor. In: Working Papers CEB. RePEc:sol:wpaper:2013/320683.

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2021Tapping the Power of Social Media on Innovation Performance. (2021). The, Shan Shan. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr592.

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2021Online alcohol sales and home delivery: An international policy review and systematic literature review. (2021). Richmond, Robyn ; Feng, Xiaoqi ; Thornton, Louise ; Wilkinson, Claire ; Colbert, Stephanie. In: Health Policy. RePEc:eee:hepoli:v:125:y:2021:i:9:p:1222-1237.

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2021Addressing the Ongoing Humanitarian and Environmental Consequences of Nuclear Weapons: An Introductory Review. (2021). Minor, Elizabeth ; Bolton, Matthew B. In: Global Policy. RePEc:bla:glopol:v:12:y:2021:i:1:p:81-99.

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2021Digital Leadership in the Economies of the G20 Countries: A Secondary Research. (2021). Magda, Robert ; Cahyadi, Afriyadi. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:9:y:2021:i:1:p:32-:d:512482.

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2021Sustainability Reporting Disclosure in Islamic Corporates: Do Human Governance, Corporate Governance, and IT Usage Matter?. (2021). Gui, Anderes ; Haron, Hasnah ; So, Idris Gautama ; Sari, Synthia Atas ; Princes, Elfindah. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:23:p:13023-:d:687186.

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2021Entrepreneurial networks, entrepreneurial orientation, and performance of small and medium enterprises: are dynamic capabilities the missing link?. (2021). Alfalah, Tasneem ; Al-Madi, Faisal ; Shraah, Ata ; Abu-Rumman, Ayman. In: Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. RePEc:spr:joiaen:v:10:y:2021:i:1:d:10.1186_s13731-021-00170-8.

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2021Direct Taxes and Income Redistribution in Nigeria. (2021). Christopher, Edo Onome. In: GATR Journals. RePEc:gtr:gatrjs:gjbssr596.

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2021The Concept of Zero Waste in the Context of Supporting Environmental Protection by Consumers. (2021). Krasnodbski, Andrzej ; Matysik-Pejas, Renata ; Bogusz, Magorzata ; Dziekaski, Pawe. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:14:y:2021:i:18:p:5964-:d:639401.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021CEO Characteristics, Family Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: The Case of Saudi Arabia. (2021). Wan-Hussin, Wan Nordin ; Qasem, Ameen ; Al-Duais, Shaker Dahan ; Alquhaif, Abdulsalam ; Thomran, Murad ; Bamahros, Hasan Mohamad. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:21:p:12237-:d:673114.

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2021Sustainability Reporting Disclosure in Islamic Corporates: Do Human Governance, Corporate Governance, and IT Usage Matter?. (2021). Gui, Anderes ; Haron, Hasnah ; So, Idris Gautama ; Sari, Synthia Atas ; Princes, Elfindah. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:13:y:2021:i:23:p:13023-:d:687186.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020The role of auditor characteristics: earnings management and audit committee effectiveness. (2020). Kurniawan, Melly Karina ; Pirzada, Kashan ; Eriandani, Rizky. In: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. RePEc:ssi:jouesi:v:7:y:2020:i:4:p:3242-3252.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Formulation Strategy of PT. Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat Bandung Indonesia, Kertajati in Business Aerocity (Aerotropolis). (2019). Mulyana, Bambang ; Syafarudin, Afriapollo. In: International Review of Management and Marketing. RePEc:eco:journ3:2019-03-12.

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2019The Effect of Work Environment on Flexible Working Hours, Employee Engagement and Employee Motivation. (2019). Ch, Lenny ; Riyanto, Setyo ; Djumarno, Djumarno ; Setiyani, Aris. In: International Review of Management and Marketing. RePEc:eco:journ3:2019-03-13.

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2019The Competitive Determinants Strategy and its Impact on Competitive Advantage (Study of Solar Panel Industry in Indonesia). (2019). Kartini, Dwi ; Mappangara, Darman. In: International Review of Management and Marketing. RePEc:eco:journ3:2019-03-14.

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Recent citations received in 2018

YearCiting document