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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2013 0 0.67 0.27 0 11 11 12 3 3 0 0 3 100 3 0.27 0.35
2014 0.18 0.67 0.33 0.18 4 15 0 5 8 11 2 11 2 2 40 1 0.25 0.34
2015 0.07 0.66 0.27 0.07 11 26 31 7 15 15 1 15 1 4 57.1 5 0.45 0.36
2016 0.4 0.65 0.33 0.23 19 45 38 15 30 15 6 26 6 6 40 7 0.37 0.35
2017 0.5 0.62 0.5 0.36 9 54 16 27 57 30 15 45 16 13 48.1 3 0.33 0.35
2018 0.43 0.62 0.31 0.28 8 62 1 19 76 28 12 54 15 7 36.8 0 0.35
2019 0.18 0.63 0.15 0.16 11 73 8 11 87 17 3 51 8 0 1 0.09 0.37
2020 0.26 0.72 0.33 0.29 13 86 22 28 115 19 5 58 17 0 9 0.69 0.78
2021 0.33 0.99 0.18 0.18 6 92 3 17 132 24 8 60 11 0 1 0.17 0.41
2022 0.53 0.78 0.17 0.28 6 98 0 17 149 19 10 47 13 1 5.9 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12020The Wealth Decumulation Behavior of the Retired Elderly in Italy: The Importance of Bequest Motives and Precautionary Saving. (2020). Ventura, Luigi ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000171.

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22013Wage Differentials between Foreign Multinationals and Local Plants and Worker Quality in Malaysian Manufacturing. (2013). Ramstetter, Eric. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000095.

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32013Wage Differentials between Foreign Multinationals and Local Plants and Worker Education in Indonesian Manufacturing. (2013). Ramstetter, Eric ; Narjoko, Dionisius. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000096.

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42016The Impact of Pre-marital Sex Ratios on Household Saving in Two Asian Countries: The Competitive Saving Motive Revisited. (2016). Horioka, Charles ; Hagiwara, Akiko ; Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000111.

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52015Can Happiness Provide New Insights into Social Inequality? Evidence from Japan. (2015). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000031.

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62015The Costs of Informal Care: An Analysis of the Impact of Elderly Care on Caregivers Subjective Well-being in Japan. (2015). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000082.

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72016The Real Explanation of the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle. (2016). Horioka, Charles ; Ford, Nicholas. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000104.

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82015Wage Differentials among Ownership Groups and Worker Quality in Vietnamese Manufacturing. (2015). Ramstetter, Eric ; Nguyen, KIEN. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000037.

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92017Convergence of public and private enterprise wages in a transition economy: Evidence from a distributional decomposition in Vietnam, 2002–2014. (2017). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000130.

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102016Why Do Children Take Care of Their Elderly Parents? Are the Japanese Any Different?. (2016). Tang, Xueli ; Horioka, Charles ; Gahramanov, Emin ; Hayat, Aziz . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000108.

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112016A Possible Explanation of the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle: A Common Solution to Three Major Macroeconomic Puzzles?. (2016). Horioka, Charles ; Ford, Nicholas. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000112.

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122015Do Losses Bite More than Gains? Evidence from a Panel Quantile Regression Analysis of Subjective Well-being in Japan. (2015). Niimi, Yoko ; Fang, Zheng. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000084.

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132017Firms and Regional Favoritism. (2017). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000136.

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142016To Avoid or Not to Avoid Inheritance Taxes? That Is the Question for Parents: Empirical Evidence from Japan. (2016). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000110.

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152015Explaining Foreign Holdings of Asias Debt Securities: The Feldstein-Horioka Paradox Revisited. (2015). NOMOTO, TAKAAKI ; Horioka, Charles ; Hagiwara, Akiko ; Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000081.

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162020Was the Expansion of Housing Credit in Japan Good or Bad?. (2020). Niimi, Yoko ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000165.

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172015The impacts of energy trends and policies on Taiwans power generation systems. (2015). Kuo, Po-Yao . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000016.

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182016Multinational Enterprises and Vietnam’s Exports: Comparing Economy-wide and Firm-level Evidence. (2016). Ramstetter, Eric ; Nguyen, KIEN. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000119.

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192019Do enterprise zones promote local business development? Evidence from Vietnam. (2019). Vu, Tien ; Yamada, Hiroyuki. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000153.

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202020Persistent legacy of the 1075–1919 Vietnamese imperial examinations in contemporary quantity and quality of education. (2020). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000176.

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212019Household Debt and Aging in Japan. (2019). Niimi, Yoko ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000162.

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222020The Economic Impact Analysis of US-China Trade War. (2020). Wang, Jiann-Chyuan. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000175.

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232017Does Providing Informal Elderly Care Hasten Retirement? Evidence from Japan. (2017). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000127.

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242017Decomposing Gender Equality along the Wage Distribution in Vietnam during the Period 2002–14. (2017). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000124.

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252021Why is the Vaccination Rate Low in India?. (2021). Sur, Pramod. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000185.

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262016Are the Japanese Unique? Evidence from Household Saving and Bequest Behavior. (2016). Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000109.

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272017How important are SOEs and MNEs in Vietnam’s economy?. (2017). Ramstetter, Eric ; Nguyen, KIEN. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000129.

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282018Do Borrowing Constraints Matter for Intergenerational Educational Mobility? Evidence from Japan. (2018). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000140.

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292016Evaluating Regional Emissions Trading Pilot Schemes in Chinas Two Provinces and Five Cities. (2016). Wang, Huizhi. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000098.

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302021Understanding the Puzzle of Primary Health Care Use :Evidence from India. (2021). Sur, Pramod. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000186.

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312017The Solution to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle. (2017). Horioka, Charles ; Ford, Nicholas. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000137.

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322016The Real Explanation of the PPP Puzzle. (2016). Horioka, Charles ; Ford, Nicholas. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000105.

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332019Productivity, Market Penetration and Allocation of Sales. (2019). Sun, Xiaonan ; Zhe, Chen . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000154.

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342020Sex Ratio and Religion in Vietnam. (2020). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000167.

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352015IS Imbalances and Current Account Surpluses in Japan: In Memory of Professor Ronald I. McKinnon. (2015). Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000036.

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362020Is the Selfish Life-Cycle Model More Applicable in Japan and, If So, Why? A Literature Survey. (2020). Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000182.

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372016Experiences with Foreign Workers in Singapore and Malaysia: What are the Lessons for Japans Labor Markets?. (2016). Ramstetter, Eric ; Eric, Ramstetter . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000103.

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382016The Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on Household Wealth Inequality in Japan and the United States. (2016). Niimi, Yoko ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000117.

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392019Effects of weather on human capital in Vietnam. (2019). Vu, Tien. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000150.

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402013Do Multinationals Use Water and Energy Relatively Efficiently in Malaysian Manufacturing?. (2013). Ramstetter, Eric ; Haji, Shahrazat Binti . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000089.

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412013Study of Regional Disparity in Indonesia Using a Multi-region CGE Model. (2013). Sakamoto, Hiroshi . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000067.

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422016Multinational Enterprise Growth and Vietnams Employment and Wages in Manufacturing and Trade Industries: Did Takeovers Play a Role?. (2016). Ramstetter, Eric ; Nguyen, KIEN. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000102.

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432021Juggling Paid Work and Elderly Care Provision in Japan: Does a Flexible Work Environment Help Family Caregivers Cope?. (2021). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000189.

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442016Post Catch-up with Market Cultivation and Product Servicizing: Case of Taiwans Transportation Equipment Industries. (2016). Wen, Pei-Chang ; Chen, Shin-Horng . In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000113.

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452013Foreign Ownership and Energy Efficiency in Thailand’s Local Manufacturing Plants. (2013). Ramstetter, Eric ; Kohpaiboon, Archanun. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000088.

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462014Exporting, Education, and Wage Differentials between Foreign Multinationals and Local Plants in Indonesian and Malaysian Manufacturing. (2014). Ramstetter, Eric. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000051.

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472019Managerial Foreign Experience and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China. (2019). Sun, Xiaonan ; Ke, Yun ; Wen, Wen. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000158.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020The Wealth Decumulation Behavior of the Retired Elderly in Italy: The Importance of Bequest Motives and Precautionary Saving. (2020). Ventura, Luigi ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000171.

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22018Do Borrowing Constraints Matter for Intergenerational Educational Mobility? Evidence from Japan. (2018). Niimi, Yoko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000140.

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32015Explaining Foreign Holdings of Asias Debt Securities: The Feldstein-Horioka Paradox Revisited. (2015). NOMOTO, TAKAAKI ; Horioka, Charles ; Hagiwara, Akiko ; Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000081.

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42020The Economic Impact Analysis of US-China Trade War. (2020). Wang, Jiann-Chyuan. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000175.

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52021Why is the Vaccination Rate Low in India?. (2021). Sur, Pramod. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000185.

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62020Was the Expansion of Housing Credit in Japan Good or Bad?. (2020). Niimi, Yoko ; Horioka, Charles. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000165.

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72016The Impact of Pre-marital Sex Ratios on Household Saving in Two Asian Countries: The Competitive Saving Motive Revisited. (2016). Horioka, Charles ; Hagiwara, Akiko ; Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000111.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 10
2022Leisure and housing consumption after retirement: new evidence on the life-cycle hypothesis. (2022). Schreiber, Sven ; Beblo, Miriam. In: Review of Economics of the Household. RePEc:kap:reveho:v:20:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1007_s11150-021-09569-4.

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2022Short term decumulation strategies for underspending retirees. (2022). Forsyth, Peter A. In: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. RePEc:eee:insuma:v:102:y:2022:i:c:p:56-74.

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2022Do the Retired Elderly in Europe Decumulate Their Wealth? The Importance of Bequest Motives, Precautionary Saving, Public Pensions, and Homeownership. (2022). Ventura, Luigi ; Horioka, Charles Yuji. In: AGI Working Paper Series. RePEc:agi:wpaper:00000198.

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2022Heterogeneity in optimal investment and drawdown strategies in retirement. (2022). Warren, Geoffrey J ; Khemka, Gaurav ; Butt, Adam. In: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. RePEc:eee:pacfin:v:74:y:2022:i:c:s0927538x22000932.

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2022Do the Retired Elderly in Europe Decumulate Their Wealth? The Importance of Bequest Motives, Precautionary Saving, Public Pensions, and Homeownership. (2022). Ventura, Luigi ; Horioka, Charles Yuji. In: ISER Discussion Paper. RePEc:dpr:wpaper:1189.

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2022Do the Retired Elderly in Europe Decumulate Their Wealth? The Importance of Bequest Motives, Precautionary Saving, Public Pensions, and Homeownership. (2022). Ventura, Luigi ; Horioka, Charles Yuji. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:kob:dpaper:dp2022-34.

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2022Evidence of behavioural life-cycle features in spending patterns after retirement. (2022). van Soest, Arthur ; Bonekamp, Johan. In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. RePEc:eee:joecag:v:23:y:2022:i:c:s2212828x22000408.

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2022China-US trade friction and welfare: The role of regional trade agreements. (2022). Yu, Jiawen ; Wu, Caiyun ; Guo, Guangyuan ; Ding, Guanzu. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:113:y:2022:i:c:s0264999322001237.

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2022Effects of Heat on Mathematics Test Performance in Vietnam. (2022). Vu, Tien. In: Asian Economic Journal. RePEc:bla:asiaec:v:36:y:2022:i:1:p:72-94.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Does the Selfish Life-Cycle Model Apply in the Case of Japan?. (2020). Horioka, Charles. In: ISER Discussion Paper. RePEc:dpr:wpaper:1084.

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2020Is the Selfish Life-Cycle Model More Applicable in Japan and, If So, Why? A Literature Survey. (2020). Horioka, Charles. In: ISER Discussion Paper. RePEc:dpr:wpaper:1102.

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2020Does the Selfish Life-Cycle Model Apply in the Case of Japan?. (2020). Horioka, Charles. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:kob:dpaper:dp2020-14.

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2020Is the Selfish Life-Cycle Model More Applicable in Japan and, If So, Why? A Literature Survey. (2020). Horioka, Charles. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:kob:dpaper:dp2020-28.

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2020The persisting legacies of imperial elites among contemporary top-ranked Vietnamese politicians. (2020). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:100861.

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2020The legacy of Confucianism in gender inequality in Vietnam. (2020). Yamada, Hiroyuki ; Vu, Tien. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:101487.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Power-to-methane via co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2: The effects of pressurized operation and internal methanation. (2019). Diethelm, Stefan ; Rao, Megha ; Wang, Ligang ; van Herle, Jan ; Marechal, Franois ; Hagen, Anke ; Zhang, Hanfei ; Lin, Tzu-En. In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:250:y:2019:i:c:p:1432-1445.

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