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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2015 0 0.55 0 0 19 19 16 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
2016 0.21 0.53 0.09 0.21 25 44 17 4 4 19 4 19 4 0 0 0.21
2017 0.07 0.54 0.05 0.07 21 65 14 3 7 44 3 44 3 0 0 0.22
2018 0.02 0.56 0.04 0.05 18 83 24 3 10 46 1 65 3 0 0 0.24
2019 0.03 0.58 0.05 0.05 16 99 16 5 15 39 1 83 4 1 20 1 0.06 0.23
2020 0.15 0.7 0.12 0.12 13 112 5 13 28 34 5 99 12 0 1 0.08 0.33
2021 0.21 0.87 0.24 0.3 20 132 3 32 60 29 6 93 28 1 3.1 1 0.05 0.32
2022 0.18 1 0.21 0.18 20 152 0 32 92 33 6 88 16 6 18.8 1 0.05 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017Macroeconomic Effects of the European Monetary Union: A Counterfactual Analysis. (2017). Colonescu, Constantin. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i2-5.

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22018The Effects of Donald Trumps Tweets on US Financial and Foreign Exchange Markets. (2018). Colonescu, Constantin. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i4-2.

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32019Intellectual Capital: Its Impact on Financial Performance and Financial Stability of Ghanaian Banks. (2019). Duho, King Carl Tornam ; Onumah, Joseph Mensah . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i3-4.

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42019Spillover Effects from the ECBs Unconventional Monetary Policies: The Case of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. (2019). Korus, Arthur . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i1-3.

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52018Factors Affecting Access to Formal Credit by Micro and Small Enterprises in Uganda. (2018). Buyinza, Faisal ; Tibaingana, Anthony ; Mutenyo, John. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i4-4.

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62016Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: Panel Cointegration Analysis for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. (2016). Moolio, Pahlaj ; Kong, Somphyvatanak. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i4-6.

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72015Micro-Entrepreneurship: Tendency towards Precarious Work? Empirical Findings for Austria. (2015). bögenhold, dieter ; Klinglmair, Andrea ; Bogenhold, Dieter. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i2-2.

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82015Comparative Advantage and Competitive Advantage: An Economics Perspective and a Synthesis. (2015). Gupta, Satyadev. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i1-1.

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92018The Combined Effects of Service Offering and Service Employees on the Perceived Corporate Reputation. (2018). Nguyen, Nha ; Leblanc, Gaston. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-1.

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102016SMEs and Industry 4.0 - Introducing a KPI based Procedure Model to identify Focus Areas in Manufacturing Industry. (2016). Kleindienst, Mario ; Ramsauer, Christian. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i2-1.

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112015Central Bank Behaviour Concerning the Level of Bitcoin Regulation as a Policy Variable. (2015). Sauer, Beate. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i4-1.

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122020The Lebanese Students’ Awareness on the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. (2020). al Am, Aline. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev6i4-3.

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132016The Casual Relationship Between Debt and Profitability: The Case of Italy. (2016). Muscettola, Marco ; Naccarato, Francesco. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i1-2.

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142017The Packaging Industry and Sustainability. (2017). Hillier, David ; Jones, Peter ; Comfort, Daphne. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i4-3.

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152018How Efficient is the Foreign Exchange Market?. (2018). Kallianiotis, Ioannis N. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i3-4.

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162020Foreign Direct Investment and Tax: OECD Gravity Modelling in a World with International Financial Institutions. (2020). Baier, Fabian J. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev6i1-3.

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172018The Significance of Assessing Money Laundering Risk as a Part of Auditing Operations. (2018). Cindori, Sonja ; Petrovia, Tajana. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i1-4.

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182019Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Zone. (2019). Binatli, Ayla Ogu ; Sohrabji, Niloufer . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i1-4.

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192016Social Influence and Customer Referral Value. (2016). Xevelonakis, Evangelos. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i1-1.

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202018Democratic or Autocratic Leadership Style?Participative Management and its Links to rewarding Strategies and Job Satisfaction in SMEs. (2018). Dyczkowska, Joanna. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-5.

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212016Cyclical Dynamics of Unemployment: Portugal versus the Euro Area. (2016). Correia, Leonida ; Carvalho, Daniela. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i2-3.

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222015The Impact of Price Volatility of Agricultural Commodities in Polandon Alternative Incomes of Conventional, Ecological and AgritourismFarms. (2015). Borawski, Piotr ; Alter, Theodore ; Dunn, James W ; Gotkiewicz, Wojciech. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i4-3.

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232021The Never-Ending Quest for the European Fiscal Policy’s Objectives: Stability vs. Convergence or Stability and Convergence?. (2021). Klein, Carlo . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev7i1-2.

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242018Audit Quality and Earnings Management: Evidence from Portugal. (2018). Lopes, Ana Paula . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-4.

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252016Using Neural Networks to Enhance Technical Trading Rule Returns: A Case with KLCI. (2016). Phooi, Jacinta Chan ; Aziz, Azmin Azliza. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i1-5.

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262015The Roles of Forgiveness towards Repurchase Intentions from a Cross Cultural Perspective. (2015). Noth, Arirat Chueabunkoet ; Brown, Rudolph Henry ; Jaroenwanit, Pensri. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i3-4.

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272016International Competitiveness in the Economics Literature: A Bibliometric Study. (2016). Olczyk, Magdalena. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i4-3.

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282019The Interrelation between Manufacturing Productivity, Maximum Sectoral Employment and National Income Per Capita. (2019). Przywara, Rainer. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i2-1.

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292021Integration of Agile Approaches in SME’s Product Development: Demand Analysis and Concept Development. (2021). Hahn, Carsten ; Kerres, Roman ; Trinh, Han Jennifer ; Niever, Manuel. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev7i4-3.

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302015Financial Administration and Small and Medium Enterprises:A Study Conducted in South Africa. (2015). Visser, Thea ; van Heerden, Emsi ; Nieman, Gideon . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i3-1.

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312016Comparative Analysis of the Autoregressive Equation that Describe the Generating Information Process of Inflation in Regards of a Methodological Change of Puerto Ricos Consumer Price Index (CPI). (2016). Rodriguez, Carlos A. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i3-2.

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322021Ethical Leadership, Employees Commitment and Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of Non-Faculty Members. (2021). Adeoye, Abayomi Olarewaju. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev7i2-3.

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332018Financial Impact of Canadian Bill 198 on Seasoned Equity Offerings by Canadian Firms. (2018). Rubalcava, Arturo. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i1-3.

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342017SMEs: The Sustainable Development Goals and the Financial Services Industry. (2017). Jones, Peter ; Comfort, Daphne ; Hillier, David. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i1-3.

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352015Are we talking the Same Language? Challenging Complexity in Country Brand Models. (2015). Mariutti, Fabiana ; Tench, Ralph. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i1-4.

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362019The Effects of International Financial Reporting Standards on Financial Reporting Quality. (2019). Abdel-Salam, Abdallah ; Salah, Wafaa. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i3-3.

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372017Analysis of Carbon Emission Accounting Practices of Leading Carbon Emitting European Union Companies. (2017). Ayaz, Haseeb. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i4-5.

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382018Storytelling and Sustainability Reporting: An Exploratory Study of Leading US Retailers. (2018). Jones, Peter ; Comfort, Daphne. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-2.

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392019Bangladesh Trade with India: Trends and Patterns. (2019). Islam, Anisul M. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i2-2.

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402022Fighting Brain Drain: The Ecuadorian Scholarship. (2022). Sanna, Alice. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev8i3-4.

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412017Deindustrialization - Opportunity or Threat?. (2017). Przywara, Rainer. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i4-4.

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422020Social Welfare Consequences of the Radius of Employment Decency. (2020). Baye, Francis Menjo ; Njang, Gladys ; Ndamsa, Thomas Dickson. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev6i3-3.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Macroeconomic Effects of the European Monetary Union: A Counterfactual Analysis. (2017). Colonescu, Constantin. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i2-5.

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22018The Effects of Donald Trumps Tweets on US Financial and Foreign Exchange Markets. (2018). Colonescu, Constantin. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i4-2.

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32019Intellectual Capital: Its Impact on Financial Performance and Financial Stability of Ghanaian Banks. (2019). Duho, King Carl Tornam ; Onumah, Joseph Mensah . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i3-4.

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42019Spillover Effects from the ECBs Unconventional Monetary Policies: The Case of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. (2019). Korus, Arthur . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i1-3.

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52018Factors Affecting Access to Formal Credit by Micro and Small Enterprises in Uganda. (2018). Buyinza, Faisal ; Tibaingana, Anthony ; Mutenyo, John. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i4-4.

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62020The Lebanese Students’ Awareness on the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. (2020). al Am, Aline. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev6i4-3.

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72016SMEs and Industry 4.0 - Introducing a KPI based Procedure Model to identify Focus Areas in Manufacturing Industry. (2016). Kleindienst, Mario ; Ramsauer, Christian. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i2-1.

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82018The Combined Effects of Service Offering and Service Employees on the Perceived Corporate Reputation. (2018). Nguyen, Nha ; Leblanc, Gaston. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-1.

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92018How Efficient is the Foreign Exchange Market?. (2018). Kallianiotis, Ioannis N. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i3-4.

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102021The Never-Ending Quest for the European Fiscal Policy’s Objectives: Stability vs. Convergence or Stability and Convergence?. (2021). Klein, Carlo . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev7i1-2.

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112018Audit Quality and Earnings Management: Evidence from Portugal. (2018). Lopes, Ana Paula . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-4.

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122016Cyclical Dynamics of Unemployment: Portugal versus the Euro Area. (2016). Correia, Leonida ; Carvalho, Daniela. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i2-3.

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132015Comparative Advantage and Competitive Advantage: An Economics Perspective and a Synthesis. (2015). Gupta, Satyadev. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev1i1-1.

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142017The Packaging Industry and Sustainability. (2017). Hillier, David ; Jones, Peter ; Comfort, Daphne. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev3i4-3.

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152018The Significance of Assessing Money Laundering Risk as a Part of Auditing Operations. (2018). Cindori, Sonja ; Petrovia, Tajana. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i1-4.

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162018Democratic or Autocratic Leadership Style?Participative Management and its Links to rewarding Strategies and Job Satisfaction in SMEs. (2018). Dyczkowska, Joanna. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev4i2-5.

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172019Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Zone. (2019). Binatli, Ayla Ogu ; Sohrabji, Niloufer . In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev5i1-4.

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182016The Casual Relationship Between Debt and Profitability: The Case of Italy. (2016). Muscettola, Marco ; Naccarato, Francesco. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev2i1-2.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 6
2022Evaluating the Quality of Corporations Commitment to their Economic Responsibilities: A Theoretical Study to Enrich the Thought of CSR. (2022). Battal, Younis A. In: International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA). RePEc:ers:ijebaa:v:x:y:2022:i:1:p:214-238.

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2022Greece in the Eurozone: An Evaluation of the First Two Decades. (2022). Papanikos, Gregory T. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:111900.

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2022Greece in the Eurozone: An Evaluation of the First Two Decades. (2022). Papanikos, Gregory T. In: Athens Journal of Business & Economics. RePEc:ate:journl:ajbev8i2-5.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Agile Enterprise and Opportunity Recognition in SMEs: A Concise Bibliometric Analysis. (2021). Trzcielinski, Stefan ; Claudhary, Taimour Khalid. In: European Research Studies Journal. RePEc:ers:journl:v:xxiv:y:2021:i:special5:p:48-63.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Does corruption matter for FDI flows in the OECD? A gravity analysis. (2020). Zander, Tobias. In: EIIW Discussion paper. RePEc:bwu:eiiwdp:disbei280.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019ECB Announcements and Stock Market Volatility. (2019). Neugebauer, Frederik. In: Annual Conference 2019 (Leipzig): 30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall - Democracy and Market Economy. RePEc:zbw:vfsc19:203554.

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