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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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2008 0 0.59 0 0 9 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 0.29
2009 0.33 0.58 0.15 0.33 11 20 18 3 3 9 3 9 3 2 66.7 0 0.33
2010 0.1 0.52 0.07 0.1 9 29 4 2 5 20 2 20 2 0 0 0.3
2011 0.15 0.61 0.09 0.1 15 44 44 4 9 20 3 29 3 2 50 1 0.07 0.37
2012 0.25 0.68 0.13 0.16 9 53 13 7 16 24 6 44 7 0 0 0.36
2013 0.29 0.67 0.14 0.17 10 63 27 9 25 24 7 53 9 2 22.2 0 0.35
2014 0.11 0.67 0.1 0.15 14 77 17 8 33 19 2 54 8 1 12.5 0 0.34
2015 0.25 0.66 0.21 0.26 7 84 4 18 51 24 6 57 15 3 16.7 1 0.14 0.36
2016 0.33 0.65 0.18 0.22 7 91 11 16 67 21 7 55 12 1 6.3 0 0.35
2017 0 0.62 0.16 0.15 3 94 6 15 82 14 47 7 0 1 0.33 0.35
2018 0.4 0.62 0.12 0.17 9 103 7 12 94 10 4 41 7 2 16.7 2 0.22 0.35
2019 0.42 0.63 0.19 0.3 1 104 0 20 114 12 5 40 12 0 0 0.37
2020 0.3 0.72 0.13 0.22 2 106 0 14 128 10 3 27 6 1 7.1 0 0.78
2021 0 0.99 0.19 0.05 1 107 0 20 148 3 22 1 0 0 0.41
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
1Financial Investments, Information Flows, and Caste Affiliation - Empirical Evidence from India. (2011). Filipiak, Ute ; Bönte, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11014.

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22011Gender Differences in Competitiveness, Risk Tolerance, and other Personality Traits: Do they contribute to the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship?. (2011). Jarosch, Monika ; Bönte, Werner ; Boente, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11012.

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32012Productivity in German manufacturing firms: Does fixed-term employment matter?. (2012). Schiersch, Alexander ; Nielen, Sebastian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp12004.

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42014Specifying Formatively-measured Constructs In Endogenous Positions In Structural Equation Models: Caveats and Guidelines For Researchers. (2014). Diamantopoulos, Adamantios ; Pfegfeidel, Vanessa ; Temme, Dirk . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14005.

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52013A Bibliometric Based Review on Social Entrepreneurship and its Establishment as a Field of Research. (2013). Volkmann, Christine ; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13003.

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62009School Choice in German Primary Schools: How binding are school districts?. (2009). Schneider, Kerstin ; Riedel, Andrea ; Weishaupt, Horst ; Schuchart, Claudia . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp09011.

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72013Trusting Financial Institutions: Out of Reach, out of Trust?. (2013). Filipiak, Ute. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13002.

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82014You can’t always get what you want: Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction of University Graduates. (2014). Krabel, Stefan ; Bönte, Werner ; Bonte, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14007.

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92017Educational differences in smoking: selection versus causation. (2017). Meyer, Sophie-Charlotte ; Jurges, Hendrik. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp17001.

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102016Economics meets Psychology:Experimental and self-reported Measures of Individual Competitiveness. (2016). Urbig, Diemo ; Bönte, Werner ; Bonte, Werner ; Lombardo, Sandro . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16006.

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112013Time to BRIC it? Internationalization of European family firms in Europe, North America and the BRIC countries. (2013). Urbig, Diemo ; Procher, Vivien ; Volkmann, Christine . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13004.

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122009Financial Signaling by Innovative Nascent Entrepreneurs. (2009). Mahagaonkar, Prashanth ; Bönte, Werner ; Audretsch, David ; Bonte, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp09001.

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132011How Policy Changes Affect Shareholder Wealth: The Case of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. (2011). Rinne, Ulf ; Betzer, Andre ; Doumet, Markus. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11011.

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142013Does Inequality Promote Employment? An International Comparison. (2013). Schettkat, Ronald ; Jovicic, Sonja. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13009.

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152016Quiet please! Adverse effects of noise on child development. (2016). Schneider, Kerstin ; Makles, Anna ; And, Anna Makles . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16002.

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162018The Behavioral Economics of John Maynard Keynes. (2018). Schettkat, Ronald. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp18007.

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172008Monetary Policy and European Unemployment. (2008). Sun, Rongrong ; Schettkat, Ronald. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp08002.

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182018Early Detection of Students at Risk - Predicting Student Dropouts Using Administrative Student Data and Machine Learning Methods Abstract: High rates of student attrition in tertiary education are a m. (2018). Schneider, Kerstin ; Burghoff, Julian ; Oster, Simon ; Berens, Johannes. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp18006.

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192009Analyzing Rebound Effects. (2009). Schettkat, Ronald. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp09002.

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202010Innovation im Steuerrecht: Wie kann die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung eine annähernd belastungsneutrale Besteuerung von Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften gewährleisten?. (2010). Schneider, Kerstin ; Wesselbaum-Neugebauer, Claudia . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp10002.

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212011The effect of free primary school choice on ethnic groups – Evidence from a policy reform. (2011). Schneider, Kerstin ; Riedel, Andrea ; Weishaupt, Horst ; Schuchart, Claudia . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11007.

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222015Wage Inequality, Skill Inequality, and Employment: Evidence from PIAAC. (2015). Jovicic, Sonja. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp15007.

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232009Financial System and Innovations-Determinants of Early Stage Venture Capital in Europe. (2009). Schröder, Christian ; Schroder, Christian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp09004.

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242012Compliance costs caused by agency action? Empirical evidence and implications for tax compliance. (2012). Kegels, Chantal ; Eichfelder, Sebastian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp12005.

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252008Central exit examinations increase performance... but take the fun out of mathematics. (2008). Schneider, Kerstin ; Juerges, Hendrik ; Jurges, Hendrik. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp08001.

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262018Revision or Revolution? A Note on Behavioral vs. Neoclassical Economics. (2018). Schettkat, Ronald. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp18005.

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272011Segregation in primary schools - Do school districts really matter? Evidence from policy reforms. (2011). Schneider, Kerstin ; Makles, Anna. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11003.

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282014Making dough or baking dough? Spousal housework responsibilities in Germany, 1992-2011. (2014). Procher, Vivien ; Vance, Colin ; Ritter, Nolan. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14004.

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292015Schumpeter School International Comparative Institutions Database. (2015). Jovicic, Sonja. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp15001.

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302013Who does the shopping? German time-use evidence, 1996-2009. (2013). Procher, Vivien ; Vance, Colin. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13001.

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312011On the importance of growth spillovers and regional clustering in the Russian Federation?. (2011). Perret, Jens K.. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11001.

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322010Die Gewerbesteuer seit der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008: Steigt die Steuerbelastung und die Gefahr der Substanzbesteuerung? Eine empirische Analyse. (2010). Schneider, Kerstin ; Wesselbaum-Neugebauer, Claudia . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp10008.

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332011Dividend Announcements Reconsidered - Dividend Changes versus Dividend Surprises. (2011). Theissen, Erik ; Betzer, Andre ; van den Bongard, Inga ; Haesner, Christian ; Andres, Christian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11013.

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342011Measurement, Monitoring, and Forecasting of Consumer Credit Default Risk - An Indicator Approach Based on Individual Payment Histories. (2011). Schwarz, Alexandra. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11004.

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352016Regional Convergence in the Russian Federation - Spatial and Temporal Dynamics. (2016). Perret, Jens K. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16004.

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362010Entrepreneurship in India - The Question of Occupational Transition. (2010). Monsen, Erik ; Mahagaonkar, Prashanth ; Dienes, Christian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp10007.

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372015Between facts and perceptions: The area close to school as a context factor in school leadership. (2015). Schwarz, Alexandra ; Brauckmann, Stefan . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp15003.

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382016An Alternative Approach towards the Knowledge Production Function on a Regional Level - Applications for the USA and Russia. (2016). Perret, Jens K. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16003.

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392011A Proposal for an Alternative Spatial Weight Matrix under Consideration of the Distribution of Economic Activity?. (2011). Perret, Jens K.. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11002.

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40201299 Entrepreneurship Journals A Comparative Empirical Investigation of Rankings, Impact, and H/HC-Index. (2012). Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp12002.

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412020Entrepreneurs embrace competition: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field study. (2020). Urbig, Diemo ; Bönte, Werner ; Lombardo, Sandro ; Procher, Vivien D. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp20001.

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422008Interdependence Between Foreign Exchange Markets and Stock Markets in Selected European Countries. (2008). Islami, Mevlud. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp08007.

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432014Open Market Share Repurchases in Germany - A Conditional Event Study Approach. (2014). Theissen, Erik ; Betzer, Andre ; Doumet, Markus ; Andres, Christian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14010.

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442017Index Membership vs. Loss of Voting Power: The Unification of Dual-Class Shares. (2017). Goergen, Marc ; van den Bongard, Inga ; Betzer, Andre. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16008.

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452013Price Convergence in Euroland. Evidence from micro data without noise. (2013). Schettkat, Ronald ; Meyer, Sophie-Charlotte . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13005.

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462016Zur landesspezifischen Erfassung des Migrationshintergrunds in der Schulstatistik – (k)ein gemeinsamer Nenner in Sicht?. (2016). Kemper, Thomas . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp16001.

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472009Structural Change, Economic Growth and Bazaar Effects in the Single EU Market. (2009). Welfens, Paul ; Borbely, Dora ; Paul J. J. Welfens, . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp09008.

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482011Temporary Agency Work and Firm Competitiveness - Evidence from a panel data set of German manufacturing enterprises. (2011). Schiersch, Alexander ; Nielen, Sebastian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11006.

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492012Dividend Policy, Corporate Control and the Tax Status of the Controlling Shareholder. (2012). Goergen, Marc ; Betzer, Andre ; Andres, Christian. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp12006.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12013Time to BRIC it? Internationalization of European family firms in Europe, North America and the BRIC countries. (2013). Urbig, Diemo ; Procher, Vivien ; Volkmann, Christine . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13004.

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22014You can’t always get what you want: Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction of University Graduates. (2014). Krabel, Stefan ; Bönte, Werner ; Bonte, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14007.

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32011Financial Investments, Information Flows, and Caste Affiliation - Empirical Evidence from India. (2011). Filipiak, Ute ; Bönte, Werner. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp11014.

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42013A Bibliometric Based Review on Social Entrepreneurship and its Establishment as a Field of Research. (2013). Volkmann, Christine ; Sassmannshausen, Sean Patrick . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13003.

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52013Trusting Financial Institutions: Out of Reach, out of Trust?. (2013). Filipiak, Ute. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp13002.

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62014Specifying Formatively-measured Constructs In Endogenous Positions In Structural Equation Models: Caveats and Guidelines For Researchers. (2014). Diamantopoulos, Adamantios ; Pfegfeidel, Vanessa ; Temme, Dirk . In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp14005.

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72018The Behavioral Economics of John Maynard Keynes. (2018). Schettkat, Ronald. In: Schumpeter Discussion Papers. RePEc:bwu:schdps:sdp18007.

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