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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1999 0 0.39 0.18 0 38 38 75 7 7 0 0 7 100 7 0.18 0.25
2000 0.05 0.54 0.05 0.05 39 77 159 4 11 38 2 38 2 1 25 2 0.05 0.24
2001 0.16 0.49 0.17 0.16 31 108 118 18 29 77 12 77 12 8 44.4 5 0.16 0.27
2002 0.24 0.54 0.28 0.2 33 141 172 39 68 70 17 108 22 17 43.6 11 0.33 0.31
2003 0.39 0.53 0.31 0.26 21 162 90 50 118 64 25 141 36 6 12 3 0.14 0.3
2004 0.39 0.6 0.25 0.25 20 182 141 46 164 54 21 162 41 6 13 1 0.05 0.36
2005 0.27 0.6 0.2 0.24 21 203 137 41 205 41 11 144 34 10 24.4 2 0.1 0.36
2006 0.63 0.59 0.39 0.46 20 223 130 85 292 41 26 126 58 17 20 8 0.4 0.34
2007 0.76 0.52 0.39 0.49 21 244 125 96 388 41 31 115 56 6 6.3 14 0.67 0.29
2008 0.61 0.59 0.46 0.56 20 264 98 122 510 41 25 103 58 28 23 4 0.2 0.29
2009 0.56 0.58 0.37 0.46 18 282 68 103 613 41 23 102 47 22 21.4 2 0.11 0.33
2010 0.26 0.52 0.26 0.24 20 302 53 78 691 38 10 100 24 16 20.5 2 0.1 0.3
2011 0.39 0.61 0.37 0.38 12 314 53 116 807 38 15 99 38 11 9.5 9 0.75 0.37
2012 0.38 0.68 0.28 0.31 9 323 122 92 899 32 12 91 28 7 7.6 6 0.67 0.36
2013 0.29 0.67 0.27 0.38 16 339 59 90 989 21 6 79 30 15 16.7 3 0.19 0.35
2014 0.64 0.67 0.26 0.35 11 350 47 90 1080 25 16 75 26 11 12.2 3 0.27 0.34
2015 0.19 0.66 0.22 0.35 10 360 52 80 1160 27 5 68 24 8 10 3 0.3 0.36
2016 0.48 0.65 0.22 0.55 10 370 17 81 1241 21 10 58 32 9 11.1 0 0.35
2017 0.55 0.62 0.32 0.61 6 376 38 119 1360 20 11 56 34 6 5 3 0.5 0.35
2018 0.75 0.62 0.35 0.75 18 394 94 136 1496 16 12 53 40 21 15.4 6 0.33 0.35
2019 0.54 0.63 0.25 0.56 6 400 0 98 1594 24 13 55 31 1 1 0 0.37
2020 1.42 0.72 0.26 0.9 6 406 3 107 1701 24 34 50 45 9 8.4 2 0.33 0.78
2021 0 0.99 0.22 0.43 12 418 1 93 1794 12 46 20 0 0 0.41
2022 0.06 0.78 0.21 0.56 1 419 0 89 1883 18 1 48 27 0 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12004Exploring the patent explosion. (2004). Hall, Bronwyn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp291.

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22012The Evolution of Science Policy and Innovation Studies. (2012). Martin, Ben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp432.

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32005Will services be the new engine of economic growth in India?. (2005). Singh, Ajit ; Dasgupta, Sukti . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp310.

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42007The Evolution of Labour Law: Calibrating and Comparing Regulatory Regimes. (2007). Siems, Mathias ; Lele, Priya ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp352.

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52018The Depths of The Cuts: The Uneven Geography of Local Government Austerity. (2018). Barford, Anna ; Gray, Mia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp510.

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62009How Do Legal Rules Evolve? Evidence from a cross-country Comparison of Shareholder, Creditor and Worker Protection. (2009). Siems, Mathias ; Armour, John ; Deakin, Simon ; Lele, Priya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp382.

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72008Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of Labour Law Systems: A theoretical Reappraisal and Analysis of New Time Series Data. (2008). Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp367.

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82012Pathways to Impact and the Strategic Role of Universities. (2012). Kitson, Michael ; Hughes, Alan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp435.

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92002Competition and competition policy in emerging markets: international and developmental dimensions. (2002). Singh, Ajit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp246.

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102002Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea. (2002). Martin, Ronald ; Sunley, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp244.

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112004Labour Standards And The “Race To The Bottom”: Rethinking Globalisation And Workers Rights From Developmental And Solidaristic Perspectives. (2004). Singh, Ajit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp279.

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122006Manufacturing, Services and Premature De-Industrialisation in Developing Countries: A Kaldorian Empirical Analysis. (2006). Singh, Ajit ; Dasgupta, Sukti . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp327.

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132006Legal origins: reconciling law and finance and comparative law. (2006). Siems, Mathias. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp321.

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142000The Employment Contract: From Collective Procedures To Individual Rights. (2000). Brown, William ; Nash, David ; Deakin, Simon ; Oxenbridge, Sarah . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp171.

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152003Changes in corporate governance of German corporations: convergence to the Anglo-American model?. (2003). Lane, Christel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp259.

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162001The Long-Run Performance of Hostile Takeovers: UK Evidence. (2001). Guest, paul ; Cosh, A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp215.

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172003Shareholder Primacy and the Trajectory of UK Corporate Governance. (2003). Armour, John ; Konzelmann, Suzanne J. ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp266.

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182013International Industrial Policy Experiences & the Lessons for the UK. (2013). Chang, Ha-Joon ; Kuan, Ming Leong ; Andreoni, Antonio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp450.

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192000Business Advice: The Influence of Distance. (2000). Robson, Paul ; Bratton, William ; Bennett, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp167.

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202007Legal Origin, Shareholder Protection and the Stock Market: New Challenges from Time Series Analysis. (2007). Singh, Ajit ; Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Fagernäs, Sonja ; Fagernas, Sonja . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp343.

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212000Emu Versus The Regions? Regional Convergence And Divergence In Euroland. (2000). Martin, Ronald. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp179.

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222002Corporate Ownership Structure and the Evolution of Bankruptcy Law in the US and UK. (2002). Cheffins, B. R. ; Armour, John ; Skeel, D. A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp226.

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232011Indian Labour Law and its Impact on Unemployment, 1970-2006: A leximetric study. (2011). Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Deakin, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp428.

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242006Shareholder Protection: A Leximetric Approach. (2006). Siems, Mathias ; Lele, Priya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp324.

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252015Twenty Challenges for Innovation Studies. (2015). Martin, Ben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp475.

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262002Corporate governance, competition, the new international financial architecture and large corporations in emerging markets. (2002). Singh, Ajit ; Weisse, Bruce . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp250.

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272005Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship. (2005). Cumming, Douglas ; Armour, John. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp300.

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281999Intensity of Interaction in Suppy of Business Advice and Client Impact: A Comparison of Consultancy, Business Associations and Government Support Initiatives for SMEs. (1999). Robson, Paul ; Bennett, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp142.

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292007Shareholder Protection around the World (Leximetric II). (2007). Siems, Mathias. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp359.

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302000Public Markets, Private Orderings and Corporate Governance. (2000). Pagano, Ugo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp166.

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312017The Role of Gravity Models in Estimating the Economic Impact of Brexit. (2017). Gudgin, Graham ; Buchanan, Jordan ; Gibson, Neil ; Coutts, Ken . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp490.

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322017The CBR-LRI Dataset: Methods, Properties & Potential of Leximetric Coding of Labour Laws. (2017). Deakin, Simon ; Bishop, Louise ; Bastani, Parisa ; Adams, Zoe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp489.

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332008The Influence of Stock Market Listing on Human Resource Managment: Evidence for France and Britain. (2008). Reberioux, Antoine ; Petit, Héloïse ; Konzelmann, Suzzanne J. ; Deakin, Simon ; Conway, Neil ; Wilkinson, Frank. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp366.

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342014Institutional Solutions to Precariousness & Inequality in Labour Markets. (2014). Deakin, Simon ; Adams, Zoe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp463.

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352007Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development: An Empirical Test of the Legal Origins Hypothesis. (2007). Siems, Mathias ; Singh, Ajit ; Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Armour, John ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp358.

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362002Corporate profitability and the dynamics of competition in emerging markets: a time series analysis. (2002). Singh, Ajit ; Lee, Kevin ; Glen, Jack . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp248.

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372002Capital account liberalization, free long-term capital flows, financial crises and economic development. (2002). Singh, Ajit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp245.

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382003Capital Structure, Rates of Return and Financing Corporate Growth: Comparing Developed and Emerging Markets, 1994-00. (2003). Singh, Ajit ; Glen, Jack . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp265.

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392013Addressing Labour Market Segmentation: The Role of Labour Law. (2013). Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp446.

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402013De-industrialisation & the Balance of Payments in Advanced Economies. (2013). Rowthorn, Robert ; Coutts, Ken . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp453.

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412014A Note on Pikettys Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2014). Rowthorn, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp462.

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422001The Law and Economics of Corporate Insolvency: A Review. (2001). Armour, John. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp197.

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432015Legal Institutionalism: Capitalism & the Constitutive Role of Law. (2015). Hodgson, Geoffrey ; Gindis, David ; Pistor, Katharina ; Huang, Kainan ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp468.

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442008Stock Markets in Low and Middle Income Countries. (2008). Singh, Ajit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp377.

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452001Mutuality and Corporate Governance: The Evolution of UK Building Societies Following Deregulation. (2001). Hughes, Alan ; Deakin, S. ; Cook, J.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp205.

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462002Managing competences in entrepreneurial technology firms: a comparative institutional analysis of Germany, Sweden and the UK. (2002). Whitley, Richard ; Casper, Steven . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp230.

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472014Labour Law and Inclusive Development. (2014). Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp458.

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482009The Evolution of Ownership Disclosure Rules across Countries. (2009). Siems, Mathias ; Schouten, Michael C.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp393.

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492008The Stock Market, the Market for Corporate Control and the Theory of the Firm: Legal and Economic Perspectives and Implications for Public Policy. (2008). Singh, Ajit ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp365.

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502006The costs and benefits of secured creditor control in bankruptcy: Evidence from the UK. (2006). Walters, Adrian ; Armour, John ; Hsu, Audrey . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp332.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12018The Depths of The Cuts: The Uneven Geography of Local Government Austerity. (2018). Barford, Anna ; Gray, Mia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp510.

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22012The Evolution of Science Policy and Innovation Studies. (2012). Martin, Ben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp432.

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32005Will services be the new engine of economic growth in India?. (2005). Singh, Ajit ; Dasgupta, Sukti . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp310.

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42017The CBR-LRI Dataset: Methods, Properties & Potential of Leximetric Coding of Labour Laws. (2017). Deakin, Simon ; Bishop, Louise ; Bastani, Parisa ; Adams, Zoe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp489.

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52012Pathways to Impact and the Strategic Role of Universities. (2012). Kitson, Michael ; Hughes, Alan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp435.

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62000Business Advice: The Influence of Distance. (2000). Robson, Paul ; Bratton, William ; Bennett, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp167.

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72007The Evolution of Labour Law: Calibrating and Comparing Regulatory Regimes. (2007). Siems, Mathias ; Lele, Priya ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp352.

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82010The Impact of the Patent System on SMEs. (2010). Hughes, Alan ; Mina, A.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp411.

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92014Institutional Solutions to Precariousness & Inequality in Labour Markets. (2014). Deakin, Simon ; Adams, Zoe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp463.

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102006Manufacturing, Services and Premature De-Industrialisation in Developing Countries: A Kaldorian Empirical Analysis. (2006). Singh, Ajit ; Dasgupta, Sukti . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp327.

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112003Changes in corporate governance of German corporations: convergence to the Anglo-American model?. (2003). Lane, Christel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp259.

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122017Tony Lawsons Theory of the Corporation: Towards a Social Ontology of Law. (2017). Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp491.

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132013International Industrial Policy Experiences & the Lessons for the UK. (2013). Chang, Ha-Joon ; Kuan, Ming Leong ; Andreoni, Antonio. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp450.

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142004Exploring the patent explosion. (2004). Hall, Bronwyn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp291.

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152013Addressing Labour Market Segmentation: The Role of Labour Law. (2013). Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp446.

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162001Entrepreneurial Collaboration: Terms of Endearment or Rules of Engagement?. (2001). Quince, T. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp207.

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172004Labour Standards And The “Race To The Bottom”: Rethinking Globalisation And Workers Rights From Developmental And Solidaristic Perspectives. (2004). Singh, Ajit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp279.

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182015Twenty Challenges for Innovation Studies. (2015). Martin, Ben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp475.

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192014A Note on Pikettys Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2014). Rowthorn, Robert . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp462.

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202013De-industrialisation & the Balance of Payments in Advanced Economies. (2013). Rowthorn, Robert ; Coutts, Ken . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp453.

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212009How Do Legal Rules Evolve? Evidence from a cross-country Comparison of Shareholder, Creditor and Worker Protection. (2009). Siems, Mathias ; Armour, John ; Deakin, Simon ; Lele, Priya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp382.

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222021The Impact of Intellectual Property Types on the Performance of Business Start-ups in the USA. (2021). Reid, Gavin C ; Power, Bernadette. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp523.

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232018Shareholder Protection, Stock Markets and Cross-Border Mergers. (2018). Siems, Mathias ; James, Gregory ; Business, Centre For ; Kwabi, Frank O ; Ahiabor, Frederick S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp509.

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242008Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of Labour Law Systems: A theoretical Reappraisal and Analysis of New Time Series Data. (2008). Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Deakin, Simon. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp367.

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252013Industrial Policy for the Medium to Long-term. (2013). Crafts, Nicholas ; Hughes, Alan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp455.

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261999Post-War Institutional Shocks: The Divergence of Italian and Japanese Corporate Governance Models. (1999). Trento, Sandro ; Pagano, Ugo ; Barca, Fabrizio ; Iwai, Katsuhito . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp117.

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272018The World System & the Hollowing-out of State Capacity: How Structural Adjustment Programs Impact Bureaucratic Quality in Developing Countries. (2018). Business, Centre For ; King, Lawrence ; Stubbs, Thomas ; Kentikelenis, Alexander ; Reinsberg, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp503.

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282014The Deindustrial Revolution: The Rise & Fall of UK Manufacturing, 1870-2010. (2014). Kitson, Michael ; Michie, Jonathan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp459.

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292011Open Innovation, the Haldane Principle and the new Production of Knowledge: Science Policy and University-Industry Links in the UK after the Financial Crisis. (2011). Hughes, Alan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp425.

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302016Whats Happening to Our Universities?. (2016). Martin, Ben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp477.

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312011Indian Labour Law and its Impact on Unemployment, 1970-2006: A leximetric study. (2011). Sarkar, Prabirjit ; Deakin, S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp428.

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322020Cut Hours, Not People: No Work, Furlough, Short Hours and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK. (2020). Kamerade, Daiga ; Wang, Senhu ; Burchell, Brendan ; Rubery, Jill ; Bessa, Ioulia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp521.

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332018Will Robots Automate Your Job Away? Full Employment, Basic Income, and Economic Democracy. (2018). Business, Centre For ; McGaughey, Ewan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbr:cbrwps:wp496.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 1
2022Mental and social wellbeing and the UK coronavirus job retention scheme: Evidence from nine longitudinal studies. (2022). Chaturvedi, Nishi ; Lex, A ; Hughes, Alun ; Alex, ; Steptoe, Andrew ; Griffith, Gareth J ; Thompson, Ellen J ; Huggins, Charlotte F ; Shaw, Richard ; di Gessa, Giorgio ; Fitzsimons, Emla ; Green, Michael J ; Silverwood, Richard J ; Wielgoszewska, Boena ; Patalay, Praveetha ; Booth, Charlotte ; Ploubidis, George B ; Maddock, Jane ; Wels, Jacques ; Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal ; Steves, Claire J. In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:308:y:2022:i:c:s0277953622005329.

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