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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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2014 0 0.55 0 0 64 64 7 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
2015 0.03 0.55 0.01 0.03 80 144 3 2 2 64 2 64 2 0 0 0.23
2016 0.03 0.53 0.03 0.03 27 171 0 5 7 144 4 144 4 0 0 0.21
2017 0 0.54 0 0 53 224 11 7 107 171 0 0 0.22
2018 0.08 0.56 0.03 0.04 102 326 5 10 17 80 6 224 9 3 30 1 0.01 0.24
2019 0.01 0.58 0 0.01 84 410 8 2 19 155 2 326 2 1 50 0 0.23
2020 0.01 0.7 0.01 0.01 88 498 4 5 24 186 2 346 5 0 0 0.33
2021 0.03 0.87 0.02 0.02 72 570 5 10 34 172 6 354 8 1 10 1 0.01 0.32
2022 0.03 1 0.02 0.03 30 600 1 11 45 160 5 399 11 0 0 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017Transcontinental Partnerships at the Crossroads: Factors, Risks, Consequences. (2017). Lebedeva, Liudmila F. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:40.

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22014New development strategy of the Russian Far East: assessment and prospects. (2014). Minakir, P A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2014:id:102.

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32017FRENCH EUROSCEPTICISM: HISTORY AND THE PRESENT TIME. (2017). , Timofeev. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:7.

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42014Arctic megaproject in the system of national interests and state administration. (2014). Porfiriev, B N ; Lexin, V N ; Ivanter, V V. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2014:id:130.

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52019Russian Arctic: The Logic and Paradoxes of Changes. (2019). Porfiryev, B N ; Leksin, V N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:527.

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62015Accumulated foreign investments in Russian regions: the territorial structure and the role of offshore capital. (2015). Kuznetsova, O V. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2015:id:217.

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72019Learning from the European Union? Eurasian Regionalism and the Global Script. (2019). Libman, A M. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:449.

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82015Methodological basics of system analysis of the current situation and problems in the Arctic zone of Russia. (2015). Porfiriev, B N ; Leksin, V N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2015:id:160.

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92018Budget Innovations at the Period of Trump’s Presidency: Social Dimension. (2018). Lebedeva, L F. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2018:id:328.

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102019The Economy of the Arctic in the Modern Coordinate System. (2019). Kryukov, Valeriy. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:525.

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112018Communist Party in the Power System of the USSR. (2018). Ya, A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2018:id:311.

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122014Russian regional policy and its «eastern vector». (2014). Leksin, V N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2014:id:104.

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132021FDI in the Post-Soviet Space Three Decades after the Disintegration of the Soviet Union. (2021). Kalotay, Kalman ; Sulstarova, A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:863.

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142017Regionalization of Migration. (2017). Tsapenko, Irina Pavlovna. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:41.

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152019Policy Coordination between China and Latin American Countries under the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. (2019). Xu, Wenhong. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:493.

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162021Uncontrolled Territories in the Contemporary World: Theory, Genesis, Types and Dynamics. (2021). Turov, N L ; Sebentsov, A B ; Kolosov, V A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:717.

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172018Globalization does not End, it Becomes Another. (2018). Kheyfets, Boris A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2018:id:267.

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182020Transformation of the Economic and Financial Structures of the World: the Impact of Growing Shocks of Catastrophes. (2020). Mirkin, Ya M. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2020:id:666.

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192021The Post-Soviet Space and Turkey: The Results of 30 Years. (2021). Avatkov, V A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:859.

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202020Transformation of the Socio-economic Model of China in the Context of a Pandemic. (2020). Zakliazminskaia, E O ; Lukonin, S A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2020:id:709.

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212019Development of Transit Potential of the Northern Sea Route. (2019). Grigoryev, M N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:529.

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222021Financial Sector of Russia: 30 Years of High Volatility Inside Global Finance. (2021). Mirkin, Ya M. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:857.

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232017THE IMPACT OF STRUCTURAL AND MACROECONOMIC IMBALANCES ON THE FUNDAMENTAL TRENDS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA. (2017). Fituni, L L ; Abramova, I O. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:26.

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242018Public-Private Partnership as Timely Innovation Factor of the USA. (2018). Frolov, A V. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2018:id:334.

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252020Global Value Chains: How to Enhance Resilience under Sudden Shocks?. (2020). Katukov, D D ; Smorodinskaya, N V. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2020:id:700.

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262022Battery Energy Storage Systems as a Game Changer in the Transformation of Global Power Industry. (2022). Maslennikov, A O. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2022:id:995.

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272017CHINESE DIASPORA IN RUSSIA. (2017). Larin, A G. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:53.

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282021University Cities in Europe: Concept, Development Specifics and Urban Planning Patterns. (2021). Shatilo, D P. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:825.

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292017THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTION GUARDS CORPS OF IRAN: A STATE WHITHIN A STATE. (2017). Sazhin, V I. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:22.

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302020The Corona Virus Pandemic and Global Transformations: Making or Breaking International Orders?. (2020). Simons, G. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2020:id:682.

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312014Three vectors of Siberia and the Far East space configuration and Chinas role in the Russian East. (2014). Seliverstov, V E. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2014:id:105.

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322022Expropriation in the 21st Century – New Challenge for Political Risk Analysis. (2022). Bordovskikh, A N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2022:id:1005.

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332017LIMITS OF INTERACTION OF RUSSIAN AND CHINESE BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRIES OF EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION. (2017). Kuznetsov, A V. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2017:id:50.

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342021Changing Geopolitics and Negotiating Postures in the India-China Border Dispute. (2021). Singh, Daulet Z. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:755.

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352016Ideology as an instrument of foreign policy. (2016). Bagdasaryan, Vardan. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2016:id:234.

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362020The Pandemic and the Crisis in the System of International Relations. (2020). Gromyko, Al A. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2020:id:681.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12019Russian Arctic: The Logic and Paradoxes of Changes. (2019). Porfiryev, B N ; Leksin, V N. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:527.

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22019Learning from the European Union? Eurasian Regionalism and the Global Script. (2019). Libman, A M. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:449.

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32019The Economy of the Arctic in the Modern Coordinate System. (2019). Kryukov, Valeriy. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2019:id:525.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 5
2022The US-China Trade War in the Context of Deglobalization and the Re-ideologization of International Relations (Part 1). (2022). Shumilov, M M. In: Administrative Consulting. RePEc:acf:journl:y:2022:id:1944.

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2022Sectoral Transformation of the Economic System during Crisis and Stable Growth Periods (A Case Study of the European Countries). (2022). Vasin, Sergey Mikhailovich. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:10:y:2022:i:6:p:148-:d:840663.

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2022Comparative Analysis of Socioeconomic Models in COVID-19 Pandemic. (2022). Vasin, Sergey Mikhailovich. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:10:y:2022:i:11:p:278-:d:966583.

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2022Economic Development as a Challenge for “De Facto States”: Post-Conflict Dynamics and Perspectives in South Ossetia. (2022). Turov, N L ; Gritsenko, A A ; Karpenko, M S ; Sebentsov, A B. In: Regional Research of Russia. RePEc:spr:rrorus:v:12:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1134_s2079970522700277.

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2022How do local factors shape transformation pathways towards climate-neutral and resilient cities?. (2022). Kern, Kristine ; Irmisch, Janne ; Eckersley, Peter ; Haupt, Wolfgang. In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters. RePEc:zbw:espost:268009.

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Recent citations
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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021Thirty Years from the End of the USSR. (2021). Gourdon, C C. In: Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. RePEc:ccs:journl:y:2021:id:862.

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