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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1997 0 0.28 0 0 2 2 13 0 0 0 0 0 0.15
1998 0 0.31 0.73 0 31 33 316 23 24 2 2 12 52.2 23 0.74 0.18
1999 0.45 0.39 0.81 0.45 14 47 154 38 62 33 15 33 15 15 39.5 3 0.21 0.25
2000 0.49 0.54 0.68 0.49 13 60 128 41 103 45 22 47 23 6 14.6 4 0.31 0.24
2001 0.89 0.49 0.76 0.62 8 68 44 52 155 27 24 60 37 4 7.7 0 0.27
2002 0.19 0.54 1.22 0.59 26 94 158 115 270 21 4 68 40 35 30.4 15 0.58 0.31
2003 0.44 0.53 0.76 0.55 22 116 99 88 358 34 15 92 51 15 17 11 0.5 0.3
2004 0.46 0.6 0.76 0.4 15 131 111 100 458 48 22 83 33 10 10 0 0.36
2005 0.54 0.6 0.66 0.42 14 145 69 96 554 37 20 84 35 15 15.6 1 0.07 0.36
2006 0.79 0.59 0.53 0.33 12 157 63 83 637 29 23 85 28 7 8.4 1 0.08 0.34
2007 0.38 0.52 0.68 0.44 26 183 41 124 761 26 10 89 39 14 11.3 7 0.27 0.29
2008 0.24 0.59 0.51 0.25 12 195 30 99 860 38 9 89 22 4 4 0 0.29
2009 0.24 0.58 0.48 0.28 4 199 4 95 955 38 9 79 22 3 3.2 3 0.75 0.33
2010 0 0.52 0.34 0.13 3 202 27 69 1024 16 68 9 2 2.9 0 0.3
2011 0.43 0.61 0.57 0.35 32 234 77 133 1157 7 3 57 20 16 12 19 0.59 0.37
2012 0.31 0.68 0.48 0.27 18 252 42 121 1278 35 11 77 21 16 13.2 14 0.78 0.36
2013 0.48 0.67 0.66 0.42 22 274 98 180 1459 50 24 69 29 34 18.9 27 1.23 0.35
2014 0.23 0.67 0.48 0.29 12 286 24 137 1596 40 9 79 23 10 7.3 2 0.17 0.34
2015 0.76 0.66 0.5 0.4 9 295 28 147 1743 34 26 87 35 2 1.4 2 0.22 0.36
2016 0.33 0.65 0.41 0.33 8 303 9 123 1866 21 7 93 31 0 3 0.38 0.35
2017 0.59 0.62 0.48 0.52 7 310 24 148 2014 17 10 69 36 11 7.4 14 2 0.35
2018 0.13 0.62 0.29 0.16 5 315 9 90 2104 15 2 58 9 0 0 0.35
2019 0.67 0.63 0.26 0.39 5 320 14 84 2188 12 8 41 16 10 11.9 9 1.8 0.37
2020 0.5 0.72 0.24 0.44 4 324 1 78 2266 10 5 34 15 2 2.6 0 0.78
2021 0.22 0.99 0.26 0.31 4 328 0 84 2350 9 2 29 9 1 1.2 0 0.41
2022 0.13 0.78 0.14 0.36 2 330 0 47 2397 8 1 25 9 0 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11998Exclusion, Employment and Opportunity. (1998). Hills, John ; Atkinson, A B. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:004.

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21998Exclusion, Employment and Opportunity. (1998). Atkinson, Anthony ; Hills, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case04.

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31998Intergenerational and Life-Course Transmission of Social Exclusion: Influences and Childhood Poverty, Family Disruption and Contact with the Police. (1998). Hobcraft, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case15.

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42005Parallel lives? Ethnic segregation in schools and neighbourhoods. (2005). Burgess, Simon ; Wilson, Deborah ; Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:101.

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51998Intergenerational and Life-Course Transmission of Social Exclusion: Influences and Childhood Poverty, Family Disruption and Contact with the Police. (1998). Hobcraft, John . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:015.

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61998Social Exclusion, Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income. (1998). Barry, Brian . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case12.

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71998Social Exclusion, Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income. (1998). Barry, Brian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:012.

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82003Neighbourhood Effects: Can we measure them and does it matter?. (2003). Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case73.

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91999The Family Gap in Pay: Evidence from Seven Industrialised Countries. (1999). Waldfogel, Jane ; Harkness, Susan . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:030.

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102003Neighbourhood Effects: Can we measure them and does it matter?. (2003). Lupton, Ruth. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:073.

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112000The Dynamics of Being Disabled. (2000). Burchardt, Tania. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case36.

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121998An Economic Model of Household Income Dynamics, with an Application to Poverty Dynamics among American Women. (1998). Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case09.

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132002Social Exclusion and Children: A European view for a US debate. (2002). Micklewright, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case51.

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142000How Effective is the British Governments Attempt to Reduce Child Poverty?. (2000). Sutherland, Holly ; Piachaud, David . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case38.

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151998An Economic Model of Household Income Dynamics, with an Application to Poverty Dynamics among American Women. (1998). , Carolpropper ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:009.

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162013Wealth and Inheritance in Britain from 1896 to the Present. (2013). Atkinson, Anthony. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case178.

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171999Poverty, Social Exclusion and Neighbourhood: Studying the area bases of social exclusion. (1999). Power, Anne ; Lupton, Ruth ; Noden, Philip ; Glennerster, Howard . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:022.

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182002Tasting Freedom: Happiness, religion and economic transition. (2002). Lelkes, Orsolya. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case59.

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191999Area-based Initiatives: The rationale and options for area targeting. (1999). Smith, Gillian R. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:025.

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202006Pension Policy in EU25 and its Possible Impact on Elderly Poverty. (2006). Grech, Aaron ; Fuchs, Michael ; Zaidi, Asghar . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case116.

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212004The Impact of Low Income on Child Health: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study. (2004). Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon ; Rigg, John A.. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:085.

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222011The distribution of total greenhouse gas emissions by households in the UK, and some implications for social policy. (2011). Smith, Cindy ; Johnson, Victoria ; Abdallah, Saamah ; Ryan-Collins, Josh ; Gough, Ian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/152.

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232012Mapping and measuring the distribution of household wealth: A cross-country analysis. (2012). Cowell, Frank ; McKnight, Abigail ; Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case165.

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242013Wealth and Inheritance in Britain from 1896 to the Present. (2013). Atkinson, A. B.. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/178.

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251998Early Health Related Behaviours and their Impact on Later Life Chances: Evidence from the US (OUT (publ. in Health Economics, 7(5), 1998). (1998). Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case06.

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262002Social Exclusion and Children: A European view for a US debate. (2002). Micklewright, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:051.

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272011The distribution of total greenhouse gas emissions by households in the UK, and some implications for social policy. (2011). Abdallah, Saamah ; Smith, Cindy ; Ryan-Collins, Josh ; Johnson, Victoria ; Gough, Ian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case152.

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282010Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe. (2010). Grech, Aaron. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case140.

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292004The Economic Basis of Social Class. (2004). McKnight, Abigail ; Goldthorpe, John H. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:080.

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302012Mapping and measuring the distribution of household wealth: A cross-country analysis. (2012). McKnight, Abigail ; Cowell, Frank A ; Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/165.

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312002Recent Changes in the Distribution of the Social Wage. (2002). Sefton, Tom . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:062.

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321999The Decline of Employment Among Older People in Britain. (1999). Campbell, Nigel . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:019.

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332002Recent Changes in the Distribution of the Social Wage. (2002). Sefton, Tom . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case62.

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341999Schools, Education and Social Exclusion. (1999). Sparkes, Jo. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:029.

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352001Growing Up: School, family and area influences on adolescents later life chances. (2001). Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon ; Gardiner, Karen. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case49.

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361998Early Health Related Behaviours and their Impact on Later Life Chances: Evidence from the US (OUT (publ. in Health Economics, 7(5), 1998). (1998). , Carolpropper ; Propper, Carol ; Burgess, Simon. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:006.

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372003Is Targeting Deprived Areas an Effective Means to Reach Poor People? An assessment of one rationale for area-based funding programmes. (2003). Tunstall, Rebecca ; Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case70.

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382014Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance?. (2014). Macmillan, Lindsey ; Blanden, Joanne. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case179.

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392002Constraint and Opportunity: Identifying Voluntary Non-Employment. (2002). le Grand, Julian ; Burchardt, Tania. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case55.

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402014Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance?. (2014). Blanden, JO ; MacMillan, Lindsey. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/179.

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412013How best to measure pension adequacy. (2013). Grech, Aaron. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case172.

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422003Is Targeting Deprived Areas an Effective Means to Reach Poor People? An assessment of one rationale for area-based funding programmes. (2003). Tunstall, Rebecca ; Lupton, Ruth. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:070.

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432013How best to measure pension adequacy. (2013). Grech, Aaron George. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/172.

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442002Smart Growth: The Future of the American Metropolis?. (2002). Katz, Bruce . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:058.

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452002Smart Growth: The Future of the American Metropolis?. (2002). Katz, Bruce . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case58.

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462006Modelling poverty by not modelling poverty: An application of a simultaneous hazards approach to the UK. (2006). Propper, Carol ; Dickson, Matt ; Burgess, Simon ; Aassve, Arnstein. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case106.

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472011Inequality among the Wealthy. (2011). Cowell, Frank A. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/150.

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482000Measuring Income Risk. (2000). Propper, Carol ; Jenkins, Stephen ; Burgess, Simon ; Gardiner, Karen. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case40.

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492000The Roles of Schooling and Educational Qualifications in the Emergence of Adult Social Exclusion. (2000). Hobcraft, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case43.

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502004Schools in Disadvantaged Areas: Recognising context and raising quality. (2004). Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:076.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11998Exclusion, Employment and Opportunity. (1998). Hills, John ; Atkinson, A B. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:004.

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21998Exclusion, Employment and Opportunity. (1998). Atkinson, Anthony ; Hills, John. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case04.

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32011The distribution of total greenhouse gas emissions by households in the UK, and some implications for social policy. (2011). Smith, Cindy ; Johnson, Victoria ; Abdallah, Saamah ; Ryan-Collins, Josh ; Gough, Ian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/152.

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42011The distribution of total greenhouse gas emissions by households in the UK, and some implications for social policy. (2011). Abdallah, Saamah ; Smith, Cindy ; Ryan-Collins, Josh ; Johnson, Victoria ; Gough, Ian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case152.

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52017The empirical relationship between income poverty and income inequality in rich and middle income countries. (2017). Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/206.

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62014Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance?. (2014). Blanden, JO ; MacMillan, Lindsey. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/179.

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72004Schools in Disadvantaged Areas: Recognising context and raising quality. (2004). Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:076.

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82014Education and Intergenerational Mobility: Help or Hindrance?. (2014). Macmillan, Lindsey ; Blanden, Joanne. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case179.

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92015The income distribution in the UK: A picture of advantage and disadvantage. (2015). Jenkins, Stephen. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/186.

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102017Does Money Affect Children’s Outcomes? An update. (2017). Stewart, Kitty ; Cooper, Kerris. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/203.

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112013Wealth and Inheritance in Britain from 1896 to the Present. (2013). Atkinson, Anthony. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case178.

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121998Social Exclusion, Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income. (1998). Barry, Brian . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case12.

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132019Understanding the relationship between poverty, inequality and growth: a review of existing evidence. (2019). McKnight, Abigail. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/216.

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142000The Dynamics of Being Disabled. (2000). Burchardt, Tania. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case36.

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152013Labour’s Record on the Under Fives: Policy, Spending and Outcomes 1997-2010. (2013). Stewart, Kitty . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/176.

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162012Mapping and measuring the distribution of household wealth: A cross-country analysis. (2012). Cowell, Frank ; McKnight, Abigail ; Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case165.

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171998Social Exclusion, Social Isolation and the Distribution of Income. (1998). Barry, Brian. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:012.

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182013How best to measure pension adequacy. (2013). Grech, Aaron. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case172.

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192013How best to measure pension adequacy. (2013). Grech, Aaron George. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/172.

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202011The Magnitude and Correlates of Inter-vivos Transfers in the UK. (2011). Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case151.

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212011The Magnitude and Correlates of Inter-vivos Transfers in the UK. (2011). Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/151.

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222003Neighbourhood Effects: Can we measure them and does it matter?. (2003). Lupton, Ruth. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:073.

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232006Modelling poverty by not modelling poverty: An application of a simultaneous hazards approach to the UK. (2006). Propper, Carol ; Dickson, Matt ; Burgess, Simon ; Aassve, Arnstein. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case106.

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242003Neighbourhood Effects: Can we measure them and does it matter?. (2003). Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case73.

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252020Did the introduction of the benefit cap in Britain harm mental health? A natural experiment approach. (2020). Patrick, Ruth ; Fransham, Mark ; Stewart, Kitty ; Reeves, Aaron. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/221.

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262013Wealth and Inheritance in Britain from 1896 to the Present. (2013). Atkinson, A. B.. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/178.

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272018Does Part-Time Mothering Help Get a Job? The Role of Shared Custody in Women’s Employment. (2018). SOLAZ, Anne ; Garbinti, Bertrand ; Bonnet, carole. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/209.

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282012Mapping and measuring the distribution of household wealth: A cross-country analysis. (2012). McKnight, Abigail ; Cowell, Frank A ; Karagiannaki, Eleni. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/165.

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292005Parallel lives? Ethnic segregation in schools and neighbourhoods. (2005). Burgess, Simon ; Wilson, Deborah ; Lupton, Ruth . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:101.

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302016Pareto and the upper tail of the income distribution in the UK: 1799 to the present. (2016). Atkinson, Anthony. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/198.

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311999The Family Gap in Pay: Evidence from Seven Industrialised Countries. (1999). Waldfogel, Jane ; Harkness, Susan . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:030.

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322000Social Exclusion and the Future of Cities. (2000). Power, Anne ; Wilson, William Julius . In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:case35.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 1
2022Does Cutting Child Benefits Reduce Fertility in Larger Families? Evidence from the UK’s Two-Child Limit. (2022). Patrick, Ruth ; Portes, Jonathan ; Reader, Mary. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15203.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2020

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Recent citations received in 2019

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2019Physical safety and Security: Policies, spending and outcomes 2015-2020. (2019). Lacey, Nicola ; Cooper, Kerris. In: CASE - Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes Research Papers. RePEc:cep:spdorp:05.

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2019Understanding the relationship between poverty, inequality and growth: a review of existing evidence. (2019). McKnight, Abigail. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/216.

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2019Understanding the relationship between inequalities and poverty: a review of dynamic mechanisms. (2019). McKnight, Abigail ; Duque, Magali. In: CASE Papers. RePEc:cep:sticas:/217.

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2019Understanding the relationship between inequalities and poverty: a review of dynamic mechanisms. (2019). McKnight, Abigail ; Duque, Magali. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:103457.

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2019Understanding the relationship between poverty, inequality and growth: a review of existing evidence. (2019). McKnight, Abigail. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:103458.

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2019The Effect of Paid Parental Leave on Breastfeeding, Parental Health and Behavior. (2019). Mao, Charles Olivier ; Lebihan, Laetitia. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:95719.

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