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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1999 0 0.39 0.27 0 11 11 75 3 3 0 0 0 3 0.27 0.25
2000 0.45 0.54 0.48 0.45 16 27 214 10 16 11 5 11 5 2 20 5 0.31 0.24
2001 0.85 0.49 0.64 0.85 23 50 90 32 48 27 23 27 23 7 21.9 7 0.3 0.27
2002 0.46 0.54 0.38 0.42 13 63 23 24 72 39 18 50 21 4 16.7 0 0.31
2003 0.25 0.53 0.45 0.37 13 76 63 34 106 36 9 63 23 0 6 0.46 0.3
2004 0.35 0.6 0.52 0.53 26 102 115 52 159 26 9 76 40 10 19.2 6 0.23 0.36
2005 0.41 0.6 0.32 0.29 37 139 169 44 203 39 16 91 26 5 11.4 6 0.16 0.36
2006 0.35 0.59 0.42 0.35 32 171 124 69 274 63 22 112 39 5 7.2 9 0.28 0.34
2007 0.35 0.52 0.35 0.32 30 201 126 71 345 69 24 121 39 11 15.5 9 0.3 0.29
2008 0.34 0.59 0.31 0.29 34 235 67 72 419 62 21 138 40 10 13.9 2 0.06 0.29
2009 0.38 0.58 0.34 0.4 23 258 89 88 507 64 24 159 64 4 4.5 2 0.09 0.33
2010 0.25 0.52 0.27 0.27 26 284 69 76 585 57 14 156 42 5 6.6 4 0.15 0.3
2011 0.53 0.61 0.35 0.34 23 307 157 107 693 49 26 145 49 7 6.5 5 0.22 0.37
2012 0.47 0.68 0.38 0.42 24 331 105 125 819 49 23 136 57 10 8 1 0.04 0.36
2013 0.64 0.67 0.33 0.43 21 352 23 115 934 47 30 130 56 3 2.6 3 0.14 0.35
2014 0.51 0.67 0.28 0.41 28 380 49 108 1042 45 23 117 48 7 6.5 3 0.11 0.34
2015 0.14 0.66 0.21 0.31 29 409 122 87 1129 49 7 122 38 4 4.6 7 0.24 0.36
2016 0.68 0.65 0.28 0.62 23 432 44 122 1252 57 39 125 77 2 1.6 1 0.04 0.35
2017 0.63 0.62 0.23 0.41 31 463 56 105 1357 52 33 125 51 5 4.8 5 0.16 0.35
2018 0.33 0.62 0.17 0.29 24 487 45 84 1441 54 18 132 38 1 1.2 2 0.08 0.35
2019 0.25 0.63 0.18 0.27 16 503 13 91 1532 55 14 135 36 0 0 0.37
2020 0.3 0.72 0.18 0.36 26 529 35 95 1627 40 12 123 44 7 7.4 2 0.08 0.78
2021 0.5 0.99 0.2 0.42 38 567 36 114 1741 42 21 120 50 3 2.6 10 0.26 0.41
2022 0.48 0.78 0.14 0.3 24 591 2 84 1825 64 31 135 41 3 3.6 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12000R&D and technology spillovers via FDI: Innovation and absorptive capacity. (2000). Kinoshita, Yuko . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp163.

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22005Why Can’t a Woman Bid More Like a Man?. (2005). Ozdenoren, Emre ; Katuscak, Peter ; Chen, Yan. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp275.

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32015Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon. (2015). Zilberman, David ; Janda, Karel ; Irsova, Zuzana ; Havranek, Tomas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp533.

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42000Resources, Agriculture, and Economic Growth in Economies in Transition. (2000). Gylfason, Thorvaldur. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp157.

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52004How financial incentives and cognitive abilities affect task performance in laboratory settings: An illustration. (2004). Rydval, Ondrej ; Ortmann, Andreas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp221.

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62011A Multilevel Analysis of Innovation in Developing Countries. (2011). Srholec, Martin. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp432.

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72005Origin and Concentration: Corporate Ownership, Control and Performance. (2005). Svejnar, Jan ; Kočenda, Evžen ; Hanousek, Jan ; Kocenda, Evzen . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp259.

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82000Output Changes and Inflationary Bias in Transition. (2000). Hanousek, Jan ; Filer, Randall. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp167.

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92007Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach. (2007). Zemcik, Petr ; Mikhed, Vyacheslav. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp338.

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102011How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. (2011). Rusnák, Marek ; Horvath, Roman ; Havranek, Tomas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp446.

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111999Do Stock Markets Promote Economic Growth?. (1999). Hanousek, Jan ; Filer, Randall ; Campos, Nauro. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp151.

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121999Worker-firm Matching and Unemployment in Transition to a Market Economy: (Why) Are the Czechs More Successful than Others?. (1999). Terrell, Katherine ; Svejnar, Jan ; MÜNICH, Daniel ; Munich, Daniel . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp141.

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132009How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect?. (2009). Rydval, Ondrej ; Ortmann, Andreas ; Prokosheva, Sasha ; Hertwig, Ralph. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp385.

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142001Consumers Opinion of Inflation Bias Due to Quality Improvements in Transition in the Czech Republic. (2001). Hanousek, Jan ; Filer, Randall. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp184.

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152010Rationally Inattentive Seller: Sales and Discrete Pricing. (2010). Matejka, Filip. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp408.

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162007Does Reform Work? An Econometric Examination of the Reform-Growth Puzzle. (2007). Campos, Nauro ; Babecký, Jan ; Babetskii, Ian . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp322.

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172012Credit Support for Export: Evidence from the Czech Republic. (2012). Skuhrovec, Jiri ; Michalíková, Eva ; Janda, Karel ; Michalikova, Eva . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp461.

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182015Does Experience Rating Improve Obstetric Practices? Evidence From Geographical Discontinuities in Italy. (2015). Grembi, Veronica ; Amaral-Garcia, Sofia ; Bertoli, Paola. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp540.

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192009Learning in an Estimated Medium-Scale DSGE Model. (2009). Wouters, Raf ; Slobodyan, Sergey. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp396.

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202012Firm Efficiency: Domestic Owners, Coalitions, and FDI. (2012). Kočenda, Evžen ; Hanousek, Jan ; Kocenda, Evzen ; Masika, Michal . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp456.

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212011Discrete Actions in Information-Constrained Tracking Problems. (2011). Sims, Christopher ; Matejka, Filip. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp441.

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222007Horizontal and Vertical FDI Spillovers: Recent Evidence from the Czech Republic. (2007). Stancik, Juraj . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp340.

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232020Using Survey Questions to Measure Preferences: Lessons from an Experimental Validation in Kenya. (2020). Chytilová, Julie ; Miguel, Edward ; Bauer, Michal. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp653.

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242018Bayesian Persuasion with Costly Information Acquisition. (2018). Matyskova, Ludmila. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp614.

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252006Should the Average Tax Rate Be Marginalized?. (2006). Katuscak, Peter ; Feldman, Naomi. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp304.

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262011Rational Inattention to Discrete Choices: A New Foundation for the Multinomial Logit Model. (2011). McKay, Alisdair ; Matejka, Filip. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp442.

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271999Back to the Future: The Growth Prospects of Transition Economies Reconsidered. (1999). Campos, Nauro. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp146.

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282006Pollution Haven Hypothesis or Factor Endowment Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Examination for the US and China. (2006). Temursho (Temurshoev), Umed. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp292.

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292004Structural remedies in merger regulation in a Cournot framework. (2004). Medvedev, Andrei. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp229.

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302000Responses of Private and Public Schools to Voucher Funding:The Czech and Hungarian Experience. (2000). MÜNICH, Daniel ; Filer, Randall. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp160.

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312008Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? Understanding Seemingly Biased Self-Assessments. (2008). Ortmann, Andreas ; Krajc, Marian . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp373.

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322010Rigid Pricing and Rationally Inattentive Consumer. (2010). Matejka, Filip. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp409.

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332000Financial Conditions and Investment during the Transition: Evidence from Czech Firms. (2000). Svejnar, Jan ; Lizal, Lubomir. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp153.

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342011Credit Rationing and Public Support of Commercial Credit. (2011). Janda, Karel. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp436.

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352001Perceptions of Corruption in Ukraine: Are They Correct?. (2001). Cabelkova, Inna. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp176.

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362007Do House Prices Reflect Fundamentals? Aggregate and Panel Data Evidence. (2007). Zemcik, Petr ; Mikhed, Vyacheslav. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp337.

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372003Ownership and Firm Performance after Large-Scale Privatization. (2003). Svejnar, Jan ; Kočenda, Evžen. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp209.

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382005Pilgrims to the Eurozone: How Far, How Fast?. (2005). Yigit, Taner ; Kutan, Ali ; Kočenda, Evžen ; Kocenda, Evzen . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp279.

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392001Survey-based Estimates of Biases in Consumer Price Indices During Transition: Evidence from Romania. (2001). Hanousek, Jan ; Filer, Randall. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp178.

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402001What Drives the Speed of Job Reallocation during Episodes of Massive Adjustment?. (2001). Terrell, Katherine ; Jurajda, Stepan. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp170.

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412004Accession Trajectories and Convergence: Endogenous Growth Perspective. (2004). Vavra, David ; Kejak, Michal ; Seiter, Stephan. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp219.

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422012Hiding Information in Open Auctions. (2012). Michelucci, Fabio ; Ettinger, David. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp469.

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432009Foreign Ownership and Corporate Performance: The Czech Republic at EU Entry. (2009). Jurajda, Stepan ; Stancik, Juraj ; Št?pán Jurajda, . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp389.

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442003Indirect Reciprocity and Strategic Reputation Building in an Experimental Helping Game. (2003). Fischbacher, Urs ; Engelmann, Dirk. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp215.

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452005Equilibrium Exchange Rate in the Czech Republic: How Good is the Czech BEER?. (2005). Égert, Balázs ; Babecký, Jan ; Egert, Balazs ; Babetskii, Ian . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp267.

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462014Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War. (2014). Levely, Ian ; Fiala, Nathan ; Bauer, Michal. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp512.

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472003Note on Small Feedback-based Decisions and Their Limited Correspondence to Description-based Decisions. (2003). Blavatsky, Pavlo. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp218.

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482001Gender Wage Gap and Segregation in Late Transition. (2001). Jurajda, Stepan. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp182.

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492008The Reaction of Asset Prices to Macroeconomic Announcements in New EU Markets: Evidence from Intraday Data. (2008). Kutan, Ali ; Kočenda, Evžen ; Hanousek, Jan ; Kocenda, Evzen . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp349.

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502007The Unbundling Regime for Electricity Utilities in the EU: A Case of Legislative and Regulatory Capture?. (2007). Ortmann, Andreas ; Van Koten, Silvester. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp328.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Using Survey Questions to Measure Preferences: Lessons from an Experimental Validation in Kenya. (2020). Chytilová, Julie ; Miguel, Edward ; Bauer, Michal. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp653.

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22015Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon. (2015). Zilberman, David ; Janda, Karel ; Irsova, Zuzana ; Havranek, Tomas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp533.

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32011A Multilevel Analysis of Innovation in Developing Countries. (2011). Srholec, Martin. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp432.

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42021Forced Migration, Staying Minorities, and New Societies: Evidence from Post-war Czechoslovakia. (2021). Roesel, Felix ; Jurajda, Stepan ; Štěpán Jurajda, ; Grossmann, Jakub. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp683.

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52018Bayesian Persuasion with Costly Information Acquisition. (2018). Matyskova, Ludmila. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp614.

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62000R&D and technology spillovers via FDI: Innovation and absorptive capacity. (2000). Kinoshita, Yuko . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp163.

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72018Effects of Poverty on Impatience: Preferences or Inattention?. (2018). Bauer, Michal ; Bartoš, Vojtěch ; Levely, Ian ; Chytilova, Julie ; Bartos, Vojtech. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp623.

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82000Resources, Agriculture, and Economic Growth in Economies in Transition. (2000). Gylfason, Thorvaldur. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp157.

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92021The Impact of Delay: Evidence from Formal Out-of-Court Restructuring. (2021). Srhoj, Stjepan ; Filer, Randall K ; Shapiro, Jacob N ; Kovac, Dejan. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp700.

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102015Does Experience Rating Improve Obstetric Practices? Evidence From Geographical Discontinuities in Italy. (2015). Grembi, Veronica ; Amaral-Garcia, Sofia ; Bertoli, Paola. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp540.

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112011How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis. (2011). Rusnák, Marek ; Horvath, Roman ; Havranek, Tomas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp446.

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122021Learning about Ethnic Discrimination from Different Information Sources. (2021). Korlyakova, Darya. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp689.

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132004How financial incentives and cognitive abilities affect task performance in laboratory settings: An illustration. (2004). Rydval, Ondrej ; Ortmann, Andreas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp221.

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142019Menstrual Health, Worker Productivity and Well-being among Female Bangladeshi Garment Workers. (2019). Czura, Kristina ; Miotto, Martina ; Menzel, Andreas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp649.

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152008Are the Unskilled Really That Unaware? Understanding Seemingly Biased Self-Assessments. (2008). Ortmann, Andreas ; Krajc, Marian . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp373.

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162014Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War. (2014). Levely, Ian ; Fiala, Nathan ; Bauer, Michal. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp512.

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172011Credit Rationing and Public Support of Commercial Credit. (2011). Janda, Karel. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp436.

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182020Sorting of Candidates: Evidence from 20,000 Electoral Ballots. (2020). Šoltés, Michal ; Svitakova, Klara. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp652.

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192006Pollution Haven Hypothesis or Factor Endowment Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Examination for the US and China. (2006). Temursho (Temurshoev), Umed. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp292.

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202009How Certain Is the Uncertainty Effect?. (2009). Rydval, Ondrej ; Ortmann, Andreas ; Prokosheva, Sasha ; Hertwig, Ralph. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp385.

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212012Credit Support for Export: Evidence from the Czech Republic. (2012). Skuhrovec, Jiri ; Michalíková, Eva ; Janda, Karel ; Michalikova, Eva . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp461.

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222020On the Performance of Cryptocurrency Funds. (2020). Babiak, Mykola ; Bianchi, Daniele. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp672.

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232021Sorry, Youre Blocked. Economic Effects of Financial Sanctions on the Russian Economy. (2021). Pestova, Anna ; Mamonov, Mikhail. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp704.

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242020Deep Learning, Predictability, and Optimal Portfolio Returns. (2020). Baruník, Jozef ; Babiak, Mykola. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp677.

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252020Redistributive Capital Taxation Revisited. (2020). Slavik, Ctirad ; Kina, Ozlem ; Yazici, Hakki. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp674.

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262012Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in an Emerging Open Economy: A Non-Ricardian DSGE Approach. (2012). Algozhina, Aliya. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp476.

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272018Invisible Geniuses: Could the Knowledge Frontier Advance Faster?. (2018). Agarwal, Ruchir ; Gaule, Patrick. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp634.

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282021Public Procurement and Supplier Job Creation: Insights from Auctions. (2021). Srhoj, Stjepan ; Dragojevic, Melko. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp707.

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292019Attentional Role of Quota Implementation. (2019). Mikhalishchev, Sergei ; Matveenko, Andrei. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp645.

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302017The Political Economy of Diagnosis-Related Groups. (2017). Grembi, Veronica ; Bertoli, Paola. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp592.

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312021Wages, Minimum Wages, and Price Pass-Through: The Case of McDonalds Restaurants. (2021). Jurajda, Stepan ; Ashenfelter, Orley ; Štěpán Jurajda, . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp684.

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322016Field-of-Study Homogamy. (2016). Jurajda, Stepan ; Bičáková, Alena. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp561.

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332016Criminals and the Price System: Evidence from Czech Metal Thieves. (2016). Montag, Josef ; Brabenec, Tomas. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp558.

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341999Do Stock Markets Promote Economic Growth?. (1999). Hanousek, Jan ; Filer, Randall ; Campos, Nauro. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp151.

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352018Anti-social Behavior in Groups. (2018). Bauer, Michal ; Zelinsky, Tomas ; Cingl, Lubomir ; Chytilova, Julie ; Katreniak, Dagmara Celik ; Cahlikova, Jana. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp632.

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362018Whoever Has Will Be Given More: Child Endowment and Human Capital Investment. (2018). Pidkuyko, Myroslav ; Borga, Liyousew G. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp616.

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372005Equilibrium Exchange Rate in the Czech Republic: How Good is the Czech BEER?. (2005). Égert, Balázs ; Babecký, Jan ; Egert, Balazs ; Babetskii, Ian . In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp267.

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382022Trading Volume and Liquidity Provision in Cryptocurrency Markets. (2022). Dickerson, Alexander ; Babiak, Mykola ; Bianchi, Daniele. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp730.

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392021Sequential Vote Buying. (2021). Zapal, Jan ; Chen, Ying. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp692.

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402017A Model of Focusing in Political Choice. (2017). Zapal, Jan ; Nunnari, Salvatore. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp587.

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412017Not All Silver Lining? The Great Recession and Road Traffic Accidents. (2017). Vall Castello, Judit ; Grembi, Veronica ; Bertoli, Paola. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp611.

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422021Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating. (2021). Zelinsky, Tomas ; Roland, Gerard ; Chytilova, Julie ; Cahlikova, Jana ; Bauer, Michal. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp697.

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432021The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases in the Czech Republic. (2021). Grossmann, Jakub. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp679.

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442021A Factor Model for Cryptocurrency Returns. (2021). Babiak, Mykola ; Bianchi, Daniele. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp710.

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452007Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach. (2007). Zemcik, Petr ; Mikhed, Vyacheslav. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp338.

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462018Discrimination against Workers with Visible Tattoos: Experimental Evidence from Germany. (2018). Jibuti, Daviti. In: CERGE-EI Working Papers. RePEc:cer:papers:wp628.

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