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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2013 0 0.67 0 0 1 1 105 0 0 0 0 0 0.35
2014 27 0.67 6 27 4 5 30 30 30 1 27 1 27 6 20 3 0.75 0.34
2015 4.8 0.66 4.5 4.8 3 8 11 36 66 5 24 5 24 15 41.7 3 1 0.36
2016 1.86 0.65 5.38 3.38 5 13 82 70 136 7 13 8 27 36 51.4 19 3.8 0.35
2017 3.88 0.62 4.8 3.62 7 20 27 96 232 8 31 13 47 53 55.2 6 0.86 0.35
2018 1.92 0.62 1.43 1.55 3 23 16 33 265 12 23 20 31 2 6.1 2 0.67 0.35
2019 0.3 0.63 0.79 0.55 5 28 13 22 287 10 3 22 12 1 4.5 6 1.2 0.37
2020 0.75 0.72 0.71 0.83 7 35 12 25 312 8 6 23 19 2 8 1 0.14 0.78
2021 0.92 0.99 0.72 0.81 1 36 0 26 338 12 11 27 22 0 0 0.41
2022 0.75 0.78 0.46 0.61 3 39 5 18 356 8 6 23 14 0 3 1 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Transatlantic Trade: Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences?. (2013). Jean, Sebastien ; Gourdon, Julien ; Fontagné, Lionel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2013-01.

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22016International Financial Flows in the New Normal: Key Patterns (and Why We Should Care). (2016). Valla, Natacha ; Schmidt, Julia ; Bussiere, Matthieu. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-10.

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32014A New Architecture for Public Investment in Europe. (2014). Valla, Natacha ; Brand, Thomas ; Doisy, Sebastien . In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2014-04.

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42014Central Bank Currency Swaps and the International Monetary System. (2014). DESTAIS, Christophe. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2014-05.

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52014Can the Euro Area Avoid a “Lost Decade”?. (2014). Tripier, Fabien ; Héricourt, Jérôme ; Carton, Benjamin ; Hericourt, Jerome. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2014-02.

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62018The Effects of Immigration in Developed Countries: Insights from Recent Economic Research. (2018). Steinmayr, Andreas ; Sardoschau, Sulin ; Ragot, Lionel ; Rapoport, Hillel ; Edo, Anthony. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2018-22.

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72017Trade and Labor Market: What Do We Know?. (2017). Orefice, Gianluca ; Crozet, Matthieu. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-15.

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82016Climate Finance at COP21 and After: Lessons Learnt. (2016). Espagne, Etienne. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-09.

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92017Uncertainty Fluctuations: Measures, Effects and Macroeconomic Policy Challenges. (2017). Tripier, Fabien ; Lhuissier, Stéphane ; Ferrara, Laurent. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-20.

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102015A holistic approach to ECB asset purchases, the Investment Plan and CMU. (2015). Valla, Natacha ; CLERC, Laurent ; Nielsen, Erik ; Garnier, Olivier ; Berg, Jesper. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2015-07.

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112016Intra-European Labor Migration in Crisis Times. (2016). Ragot, Lionel ; Edo, Anthony ; chojnicki, xavier. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-13.

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122016Granting Market Economy Status to China in the EU: An Economic Impact Assessment. (2016). Jean, Sebastien ; Bellora, Cecilia. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-11.

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132015Financing energy and low-carbon investment: public guarantees and the ECB. (2015). Espagne, Etienne ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2015-06.

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142015Currency turmoil in an unbalanced world economy. (2015). Coudert, Virginie ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2015-08.

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152020After Covid-19, will seasonal migrant agricultural workers in Europe be replaced by robots?. (2020). Ragot, Lionel ; Mitaritonna, Cristina. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-33.

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162019The design of a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism for the euro area: Choices and trade-offs. (2019). Heinemann, Friedrich ; DESTAIS, Christophe ; Eidam, Frederik. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-25.

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172022Guerre en Ukraine : bouleversements et défis énergétiques en Europe. (2022). Mignon, Valerie ; Massol, Olivier ; Lantz, Frederic ; Hache, Emmanuel ; Grekou, Carl. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2022-37.

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182020Impôts des multinationales après la crise sanitaire : pour un taux de taxe effectif minimum. (2020). Toubal, Farid ; Souillard, Baptiste ; Laffitte, Sébastien ; Parenti, Mathieu ; Martin, Julien. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-30.

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192019Setting the Stage for RMB Internationalisation - Liberalizing the Capital Account and Strengthening the Domestic Bond Market. (2019). MacAire, Camille ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-28.

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202018Some Unpleasant Euro Arithmetic. (2018). Vicard, Vincent ; Gaulier, Guillaume. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2018-21.

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212019The dollar and the Transition to Sustainable Development: From Key Currency to Multilateralism. (2019). Coudert, Virginie ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-26.

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222017Why Trade, and What Would Be the Consequences of Protectionism?. (2017). Jean, Sebastien ; Reshef, Ariell. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-18.

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232017Who is Afraid of the Brain Drain? A Development Economist’s View. (2017). Rapoport, Hillel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-14.

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242022Central Bank Monetary Policy Strategies amid Turmoil in the World Economy. (2022). Khanniche, Sabrina ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2022-39.

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252017Are State-Contingent Sovereign Bonds the Solution to Avoid Government Debt Crisis?. (2017). DESTAIS, Christophe. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-19.

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262019L’étonnante atonie des exportations françaises : retour sur la compétitivité et ses déterminants. (2019). Vicard, Vincent ; Jean, Sebastien ; Emlinger, Charlotte. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-24.

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272020Has immigration contributed to the rise of right-wing extremist parties in Europe?. (2020). Giesing, Yvonne ; Edo, Anthony. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-34.

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282019Sectoral Reallocations, Real Estate Shocks and Productivity Divergence in Europe: A Tale of Three Countries. (2019). Tripier, Fabien ; Héricourt, Jérôme ; Hericourt, Jerome ; Grjebine, Thomas. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-27.

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292020Covid-19: Has the Time Come for Mainstream Macroeconomics to Rehabilitate Money Printing?. (2020). Héricourt, Jérôme ; Tripier, Fabien ; Hericourt, Jerome ; Arquie, Axelle. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-31.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12018The Effects of Immigration in Developed Countries: Insights from Recent Economic Research. (2018). Steinmayr, Andreas ; Sardoschau, Sulin ; Ragot, Lionel ; Rapoport, Hillel ; Edo, Anthony. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2018-22.

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22020After Covid-19, will seasonal migrant agricultural workers in Europe be replaced by robots?. (2020). Ragot, Lionel ; Mitaritonna, Cristina. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-33.

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32017Uncertainty Fluctuations: Measures, Effects and Macroeconomic Policy Challenges. (2017). Tripier, Fabien ; Lhuissier, Stéphane ; Ferrara, Laurent. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2017-20.

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42013Transatlantic Trade: Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences?. (2013). Jean, Sebastien ; Gourdon, Julien ; Fontagné, Lionel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2013-01.

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52022Guerre en Ukraine : bouleversements et défis énergétiques en Europe. (2022). Mignon, Valerie ; Massol, Olivier ; Lantz, Frederic ; Hache, Emmanuel ; Grekou, Carl. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2022-37.

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62016International Financial Flows in the New Normal: Key Patterns (and Why We Should Care). (2016). Valla, Natacha ; Schmidt, Julia ; Bussiere, Matthieu. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-10.

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72019Setting the Stage for RMB Internationalisation - Liberalizing the Capital Account and Strengthening the Domestic Bond Market. (2019). MacAire, Camille ; Aglietta, Michel. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-28.

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82019The design of a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism for the euro area: Choices and trade-offs. (2019). Heinemann, Friedrich ; DESTAIS, Christophe ; Eidam, Frederik. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2019-25.

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92020Impôts des multinationales après la crise sanitaire : pour un taux de taxe effectif minimum. (2020). Toubal, Farid ; Souillard, Baptiste ; Laffitte, Sébastien ; Parenti, Mathieu ; Martin, Julien. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2020-30.

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102016Granting Market Economy Status to China in the EU: An Economic Impact Assessment. (2016). Jean, Sebastien ; Bellora, Cecilia. In: CEPII Policy Brief. RePEc:cii:cepipb:2016-11.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 6
2022Productivity Slowdown and Tax Havens: Where Is Measured Value Creation?. (2022). Forero, Margarita Lopez ; Delpeuch, Samuel ; Bricongne, Jean-Charles. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03811359.

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2022Assessing public debt sustainability under COVID?19 uncertainty: Evidence from Côte dIvoire. (2022). Napo, Sassire. In: African Development Review. RePEc:bla:afrdev:v:34:y:2022:i:s1:p:s141-s160.

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2022Resilience of agricultural systems: biodiversity-based systems are stable, while intensified ones are resistant and high-yielding. (2022). Therond, Olivier ; Villerd, Jean ; Bockstaller, Christian ; Dardonville, Manon. In: Agricultural Systems. RePEc:eee:agisys:v:197:y:2022:i:c:s0308521x22000014.

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2022COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Disruptions and Implications for National Food Security and Farm Incomes: Farm-Level Evidence from Indian Punjab. (2022). Green, Adam S ; Bhogal, Shruti ; Vatta, Kamal ; Dixit, Sandeep ; Petrie, Cameron A ; Sharma, Heena. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:8:p:4452-:d:789835.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Confronting the gas crisis: Can we REPowerUE?. (2022). Geoffron, Patrice. In: ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. RePEc:fan:efeefe:v:html10.3280/efe2022-001001.

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2022European Economic impacts of cutting energy imports from Russia : A computable general equilibrium analysis. (2022). Vielle, Marc ; Schenckery, Maxime ; Perdana, Sigit. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03887431.

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2022European Economic Impacts of Cutting Energy imports from Russia : a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. (2022). Vielle, Marc ; Schenkery, Maxime ; Perdana, Sirgit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03898833.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Agricultural Workforce Crisis in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020). Lampridi, Maria ; Benos, Lefteris ; Bochtis, Dionysis ; Sorensen, Claus G ; Pearson, Simon ; Marinoudi, Vasso. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:12:y:2020:i:19:p:8212-:d:424002.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Making room for new competitors. A comparative perspective on Italy’s exports in the euro-area market. (2019). Torrini, Roberto ; Giordano, Claire ; FELETTIGH, ALBERTO ; Fabiani, Silvia. In: Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers). RePEc:bdi:opques:qef_530_19.

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2019Fiscal-Financial Vulnerabilities. (2019). Schuknecht, Ludger. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_7776.

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2019Sectoral Reallocations, Real Estate Shocks and Productivity Divergence in Europe: a Tale of Three Countries. (2019). Tripier, Fabien ; Héricourt, Jérôme ; Grjebine, Thomas. In: EconPol Policy Reports. RePEc:ces:econpr:_15.

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2019Euro Area Reform Preferences of Central and Eastern European Economic Experts. (2019). Heinemann, Friedrich ; Havlik, Annika ; Blesse, Sebastian. In: EconPol Working Paper. RePEc:ces:econwp:_37.

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2019Macroeconomic and Financial Policies for Climate Change Mitigation: A Review of the Literature. (2019). Oman, William ; Krogstrup, Signe. In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:2019/185.

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2019Fiscal-financial vulnerabilities. (2019). Schuknecht, Ludger. In: SAFE White Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:safewh:62.

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