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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2008 0 0.49 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
2009 0 0.47 0.29 0 6 7 8 2 2 1 1 0 2 0.33 0.24
2010 0.29 0.48 0.25 0.29 9 16 4 2 6 7 2 7 2 0 0 0.21
2011 0.07 0.52 0.09 0.06 17 33 25 3 9 15 1 16 1 0 2 0.12 0.24
2012 0.15 0.52 0.23 0.21 31 64 57 15 24 26 4 33 7 7 46.7 7 0.23 0.22
2013 0.08 0.56 0.05 0.06 38 102 54 5 29 48 4 64 4 1 20 0 0.24
2014 0.17 0.55 0.12 0.13 36 138 49 16 45 69 12 101 13 0 3 0.08 0.23
2015 0.23 0.55 0.19 0.21 46 184 37 35 80 74 17 131 27 0 1 0.02 0.23
2016 0.11 0.53 0.14 0.14 33 217 58 30 110 82 9 168 24 1 3.3 2 0.06 0.21
2017 0.24 0.54 0.29 0.17 20 237 35 68 178 79 19 184 32 11 16.2 12 0.6 0.22
2018 0.3 0.56 0.21 0.21 16 253 24 53 231 53 16 173 37 12 22.6 2 0.13 0.24
2019 0.39 0.58 0.17 0.19 22 275 19 46 277 36 14 151 28 19 41.3 3 0.14 0.23
2020 0.26 0.7 0.16 0.15 14 289 8 45 322 38 10 137 21 15 33.3 1 0.07 0.33
2021 0.25 0.87 0.11 0.19 18 307 5 35 357 36 9 105 20 13 37.1 0 0.32
2022 0.19 1 0.12 0.17 23 330 5 41 398 32 6 90 15 8 19.5 3 0.13 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016Planning for Infrastructure to Realize Canadas Potential: The Corridor Concept. (2016). Fellows, Garret ; Sulzenko, Andrei . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:22.

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22012Capturing Economic Rents from Resources through Royalties and Taxes. (2012). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:30.

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32014Ontarios Experiment with Primary Care Reform. (2014). Sweetman, Arthur ; Buckley, Gioia . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:11.

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42017Big and Little Feet: A Comparison of Provincial Level Consumption- and Production-Based Emissions Footprints. (2017). Fellows, Garret ; Dobson, Sarah. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:23.

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52012The GST and Financial Services: Pausing for Perspective. (2012). McKenzie, Kenneth ; Firth, Michael. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:29.

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62011Small Business Taxation: Revamping Incentives to Encourage Growth. (2011). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:7.

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720162015 Tax-Competitveness Report: Canada is losing its Attractiveness. (2016). Mintz, Jack ; Bazel, Philip. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:37.

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82018An International Comparison of Tax Assistance for R&D: 2017 Update and Extension to Patent Boxes. (2018). Lester, John ; Warda, Jacek. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:13.

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92014Simulated Replacement Rates for CPP Reform Options. (2014). Schirle, Tammy ; Milligan, Kevin. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:7.

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1020132013 Annual Global Tax Competitiveness Ranking: Corporate Tax Policy at a Crossroads. (2013). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:35.

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112017The Incidence of the Corporate Income Tax on Wages: Evidence from Canadian Provinces. (2017). McKenzie, Kenneth ; Ferede, Ergete. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:7.

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122013Pacific Basin Heavy Oil Refining Capacity. (2013). Winter, Jennifer ; Moore, Michal C ; Grissom, Susan W ; Noda, Leigh ; Hackett, David . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:8.

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132016Into the Mire: A Closer Look at Fossil Fuel Subsides. (2016). Stefanski, Radoslaw. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:10.

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142016The Theory and Evidence Concerning Public-Private Partnerships in Canada and Elsewhere. (2016). Vining, Aidan ; Boardman, Anthony ; Siemiatycki, Matti. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:12.

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152012Reforming the Tax Mix in Canada. (2012). Dahlby, Bev. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:14.

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162013The Canadian Dollar and the Dutch and Canadian Diseases. (2013). Coulombe, Serge. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:30.

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172013Income Inequality and Income Taxation in Canada: Trends in the Census 1980-2005. (2013). Milligan, Kevin. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:24.

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182017Who Pays the Corporate Tax?: Insights from the Literature and Evidence for Canadian Provinces. (2017). McKenzie, Kenneth ; Ferede, Ergete. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:6.

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192015The 2014 Global Tax Competitiveness Report: A Proposed Business Tax Reform Agenda. (2015). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:8:y:2015:i:4.

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2020182017 Tax Competitiveness Report: The Calm Before the Storm. (2018). Mintz, Jack ; Thompson, Austin ; Bazel, Philip. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:7.

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212019An Alberta Guaranteed Basic Income: Issues and Options. (2019). Stevens, Harvey ; Simpson, Wayne. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:12:y:2019:i:15.

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222012Departures from Neutrality in Canadas Goods and Services Tax. (2012). Smart, Michael. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:5.

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232016The Costliest Tax of All: Raising Revenue Through Corporate Tax Hikes can be Counter-Productive for the Provinces. (2016). Ferede, Ergete ; Dahlby, Bev. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:11.

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242016Energy Projects, Social Licence, Public Acceptance and Regulatory Systems in Canada: A White Paper. (2016). Yatchew, Adonis ; Winter, Jennifer ; Sayers, Judith ; Morgan, Dylan ; Findlay, Martha Hall ; Gehman, Joel ; Gattinger, Monica ; Fast, Stewart ; Corscadden, Kenneth ; Colton, John . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:20.

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252014The Free Ride is Over: Why Cities, and Citizens, Must Start Paying for Much-Needed Infrastructure. (2014). Mintz, Jack ; Bazel, Philip. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:14.

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262015The Siren Song of Economic Diversification: Albertas Legacy of Loss. (2015). Morton, Ted ; McDonald, Meredith . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:8:y:2015:i:13.

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272020Cross-Canada Infrastructure Corridor, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Meaningful Consultation. (2020). Wright, David V. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:13:y:2020:i:24.

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282017The Ground Rules for Effective OBAs: Principles for Addressing Carbon-Pricing Competitiveness Concerns through the Use of Output-Based Allocations. (2017). Winter, Jennifer ; Tombe, Trevor ; Fellows, Garret ; Dobson, Sarah. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:17.

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292015What do we know about Improving Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder?. (2015). Dudley, Carolyn ; Zwicker, Jennifer D ; Nicholas, David B. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:8:y:2015:i:32.

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302014Should Canada Worry About a Resource Curse?. (2014). Gelb, Alan. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:2.

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312015The Impact of Converting Federal Non-Refundable Tax Credits into Refundable Credits. (2015). Simpson, Wayne ; Stevens, Harvey . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:8:y:2015:i:30.

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322012A Review and Assessment of Privatization in Canada. (2012). Vining, Aidan ; Boardman, Anthony. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:4.

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332011The Tricky Art of Measuring Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Critique of Existing Studies. (2011). Mintz, Jack ; McKenzie, Kenneth. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:14.

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342020Climate Change and Implications for the Proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. (2020). Ford, James D ; Pearce, Tristan ; Fawcett, David. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:13:y:2020:i:26.

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352012The International Experience with Privatization: Its Rapid Rise, Partial Fall and Uncertain Future. (2012). Nellis, John. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:3.

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362013Reform Proposals for Replenishing Retirement Savings. (2013). Mintz, Jack ; Wilson, Thomas A. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:9.

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372019The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Coverage of Carbon Pricing Instruments for Canadian Provinces. (2019). Winter, Jennifer ; Boyd, Brendan ; Dobson, Sarah. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:12:y:2019:i:6.

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382018Opening Canada’s North: A Study of Trade Costs in the Territories. (2018). Tombe, Trevor ; Fellows, Garret. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:17.

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392011Income Support for Persons with Disabilities. (2011). Kneebone, Ronald ; Grynishak, Oksana . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:11.

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402013Enhancing the Alberta Tax Advantage with a Harmonized Sales Tax. (2013). Mintz, Jack ; Bazel, Philip. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:29.

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412014The Incentive Effects of Equalization Grants on Fiscal Policy. (2014). Ferede, Ergete. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:23.

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422011The Impact of Sales Tax Reform on Ontario Consumers: A First Look at the Evidence. (2011). Smart, Michael. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:3.

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432016The Very Poor and the Affordability of Housing. (2016). Kneebone, Ronald ; Wilkins, Margarita. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:27.

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442018North American Free Trade Under Attack: Newsprint is Just the Tip of the Iceberg. (2018). Beaulieu, Eugene. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:15.

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452016Albertas New Royalty Regime is a Step Towards Competitivness: A 2016 Update. (2016). Mintz, Jack ; Crisan, Daria. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:35.

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462021Constraints in the Canadian Transport Infrastructure Grid. (2021). Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:14:y:2021:i:6.

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472013Fixing Saskatchewans Potash Royalty Mess: A New Approach for Economic Efficiency and Simplicity. (2013). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:7.

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482017National Pharmacare in Canada: 2019 or Bust?. (2017). Adams, Owen ; Smith, Jordyn . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:5.

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492013Unhealthy Pressure: How Physician Pay Demands Put the Squeeze on Provincial Health-Care Budgets. (2013). Hurley, Jeremiah ; Grant, Hugh. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:6:y:2013:i:22.

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502012Supply Management Problem, Politics - and Possibilities. (2012). Findlay, Martha Hall . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:5:y:2012:i:19.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016Planning for Infrastructure to Realize Canadas Potential: The Corridor Concept. (2016). Fellows, Garret ; Sulzenko, Andrei . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:22.

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22020Cross-Canada Infrastructure Corridor, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Meaningful Consultation. (2020). Wright, David V. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:13:y:2020:i:24.

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32017The Incidence of the Corporate Income Tax on Wages: Evidence from Canadian Provinces. (2017). McKenzie, Kenneth ; Ferede, Ergete. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:7.

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42021Constraints in the Canadian Transport Infrastructure Grid. (2021). Rodrigue, Jean-Paul. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:14:y:2021:i:6.

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52022How Governments Could Best Engage Community Organizations to Co-Design COVID-19 Pandemic Policies for Persons with Disabilities. (2022). Zwicker, Jennifer ; Milaney, Katrina ; Edwards, Meaghan ; Seth, Ash. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:15:y:2022:i:8.

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62016Into the Mire: A Closer Look at Fossil Fuel Subsides. (2016). Stefanski, Radoslaw. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:10.

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72020Climate Change and Implications for the Proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. (2020). Ford, James D ; Pearce, Tristan ; Fawcett, David. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:13:y:2020:i:26.

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82019An Alberta Guaranteed Basic Income: Issues and Options. (2019). Stevens, Harvey ; Simpson, Wayne. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:12:y:2019:i:15.

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92014Simulated Replacement Rates for CPP Reform Options. (2014). Schirle, Tammy ; Milligan, Kevin. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:7.

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102017Who Pays the Corporate Tax?: Insights from the Literature and Evidence for Canadian Provinces. (2017). McKenzie, Kenneth ; Ferede, Ergete. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:6.

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112011Small Business Taxation: Revamping Incentives to Encourage Growth. (2011). Mintz, Jack ; Chen, Duanjie . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:7.

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122020Governance Options for a Canadian Northern Corridor. (2020). Koch, Katharina ; Sulzenko, Andrei . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:13:y:2020:i:27.

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132011Income Support for Persons with Disabilities. (2011). Kneebone, Ronald ; Grynishak, Oksana . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:4:y:2011:i:11.

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142014Alberta Cities at the Crossroads: Urban Development Challenges and Opportunities in Historical and Comparative Perspective. (2014). Taylor, Zack ; Kramer, Anna ; Burchfield, Marcy . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:7:y:2014:i:12.

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152018North American Free Trade Under Attack: Newsprint is Just the Tip of the Iceberg. (2018). Beaulieu, Eugene. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:15.

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1620182017 Tax Competitiveness Report: The Calm Before the Storm. (2018). Mintz, Jack ; Thompson, Austin ; Bazel, Philip. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:11:y:2018:i:7.

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172019Industrial Policy in Alberta: Lessons from AOSTRA and the oil sands. (2019). Hastings-Simon, Sara. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:12:y:2019:i:37.

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182019The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Coverage of Carbon Pricing Instruments for Canadian Provinces. (2019). Winter, Jennifer ; Boyd, Brendan ; Dobson, Sarah. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:12:y:2019:i:6.

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192015Shelter from the Storm: Weather-Induced Patterns in the use of Emergency Shelters. (2015). Kneebone, Ronald ; Jadidzadeh, Ali . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:8:y:2015:i:6.

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202016Energy Projects, Social Licence, Public Acceptance and Regulatory Systems in Canada: A White Paper. (2016). Yatchew, Adonis ; Winter, Jennifer ; Sayers, Judith ; Morgan, Dylan ; Findlay, Martha Hall ; Gehman, Joel ; Gattinger, Monica ; Fast, Stewart ; Corscadden, Kenneth ; Colton, John . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:9:y:2016:i:20.

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212017The Connection Between Professional Sporting Events, Holidays and Domestic Violence in Calgary, Alberta. (2017). Kneebone, Ronald ; Wells, Lana ; Esina, Elena ; Jadidzadeh, Ali ; Boutilier, Sophia . In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:10:y:2017:i:12.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 6
2022Auditing the ‘Social’ Using Conventions, Declarations, and Goal Setting Documents: A Scoping Review. (2022). Gill, Simerta ; Wolbring, Gregor. In: Societies. RePEc:gam:jsoctx:v:12:y:2022:i:6:p:147-:d:951706.

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2022Arctic and northern community governance: The need for local planning and design as resilience strategy. (2022). Gruezmacher, Monica ; Birchall, Jeff ; van Assche, Kristof. In: Land Use Policy. RePEc:eee:lauspo:v:117:y:2022:i:c:s0264837722000898.

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2022Assessing Trends and Patterns of the Effect of COVID-19 on Public Transit Revenues in the City of Calgary. (2022). Wenshuang, YU ; Lindsay, Tedds ; Gillian, Petit. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:115350.

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2022Existing and Pending Infrastructure Projects: Potential Compatibility with the Canadian Northern Corridor. (2022). Munzur, Alaz. In: SPP Research Papers. RePEc:clh:resear:v:15:y:2022:i:5.

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2022The Wealth Tax and the Tax Mix. (2022). Boadway, Robin ; Pestieau, Pierre. In: LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE. RePEc:cor:louvco:2022007.

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2022Differentiating the Canadian North for Coherent Infrastructure Development. (2022). Koch, Katharina. In: SPP Briefing Papers. RePEc:clh:briefi:v:15:y:2022:i:19.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Disinformation and Russia-Ukrainian War on Canadian Social Media. (2022). Smith, Henry ; Badami, Abbas ; Kim, Jenny ; Edwards, Jack ; Boucher, Jean-Christophe. In: SPP Briefing Papers. RePEc:clh:briefi:v:15:y:2022:i:16.

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2022Emergency and Disaster Management, Preparedness, and Planning (EDMPP) and the ‘Social’: A Scoping Review. (2022). Wolbring, Gregor ; Lillywhite, Brielle. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:20:p:13519-:d:947272.

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2022Risk Narrative of Emergency and Disaster Management, Preparedness, and Planning (EDMPP): The Importance of the ‘Social’. (2022). Wolbring, Gregor ; Lillywhite, Brielle. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2022:i:1:p:387-:d:1015738.

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Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Finanzpolitik mit Weitblick ausrichten. (2020). Felbermayr, Gabriel ; Boysen-Hogrefe, Jens ; Stolzenburg, Ulrich ; Rosenschon, Astrid ; Laaser, Claus-Friedrich ; Kooths, Stefan. In: Kieler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik. RePEc:zbw:ifwkbw:30.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Decision Time: The Alberta Shadow Budget 2019. (2019). Bishop, Grant. In: C.D. Howe Institute Commentary. RePEc:cdh:commen:554.

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2019Regulation of the Crypto-Economy: Managing Risks, Challenges, and Regulatory Uncertainty. (2019). Johan, Sofia ; Cumming, Douglas ; Pant, Anshum. In: JRFM. RePEc:gam:jjrfmx:v:12:y:2019:i:3:p:126-:d:251073.

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