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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2009 0 0.58 0.67 0 9 9 46 6 6 0 0 6 100 6 0.67 0.33
2010 0.44 0.52 0.35 0.44 11 20 14 7 13 9 4 9 4 5 71.4 2 0.18 0.3
2011 0.4 0.61 0.34 0.4 15 35 12 12 25 20 8 20 8 10 83.3 0 0.37
2012 0 0.68 0.06 0.06 13 48 8 3 28 26 35 2 2 66.7 1 0.08 0.36
2013 0.14 0.67 0.16 0.17 10 58 4 9 37 28 4 48 8 1 11.1 0 0.35
2014 0.13 0.67 0.16 0.16 3 61 4 10 47 23 3 58 9 0 1 0.33 0.34
2015 0.23 0.66 0.19 0.13 2 63 0 12 59 13 3 52 7 2 16.7 0 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12009The Transformative Power of Europe: The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas. (2009). Borzel, Tanja A. ; Risse, Thomas . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0001.

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22009Diffusing (Inter-) Regionalism - The EU as a Model of Regional Integration. (2009). Borzel, Tanja A. ; Risse, Thomas . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0007.

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32009The Asymmetry of European Integration - or why the EU cannot be a Social Market Economy. (2009). Scharpf, Fritz W.. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0006.

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42009Neighbourhood Europeanization trough ENP - The Case of Ukraine. (2009). Schweickert, Rainer ; Gawrich, Andrea ; Melnykovska, Inna . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0003.

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52009EU Administrative Conditionality and Domestic Downloading - The Limits of Europeanization in Challenging Contexts. (2009). Elbasani, Arolda. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0002.

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62010Do Regional Organizations Travel? - European Integration, Diffusion and the Case of ASEAN. (2010). Jetschke, Anja. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0017.

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72014Banking Nationalism on the Road to Banking Union. (2014). Rhodes, Martin ; Epstein, Rachel A.. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0061.

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82010Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited - Input, Output and Throughput. (2010). Schmidt, Vivien . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0021.

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92011Mechanism-Based Thinking on Policy Diffusion. A Review of Current Approaches in Political Science. (2011). Heinze, Torben . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0034.

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102011Organizing Regulatory Convergence Outside the EU. Setting Policy-Specific Conditionality and Building Domestic Capacities. (2011). Langbein, Julia . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0033.

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112012Assessing EU Leadership on Climate Change - The Limits of Diffusion in EU Relations with China and India. (2012). Torney, Diarmuid . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0046.

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122010Post-Accession Conditionality - Support Instrument for Continuous Pressure?. (2010). Gateva, Eli . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0018.

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132012Beyond Federalism - Estimating and Explaining the Territorial Structure of Government. (2012). Marks, Gary ; Hooghe, Liesbet . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0037.

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142010The Transformative Power of Europe Reloaded - The Limits of External Europeanization. (2010). Borzel, Tanja A.. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0011.

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152013Follow your Neighbor? Regional Emulation and the Design of Transparency Policies. (2013). Berliner, Daniel. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0055.

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162012Emissions Trading - A Transatlantic Journey for an Idea?. (2012). Biedenkopf, Katja. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0045.

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172013Those Who Knock on Europes Door Must Repent? Bilateral Border Disputes and EU Enlargement. (2013). Geddes, Andrew ; Taylor, Andrew. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0054.

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182011Europeanization Subverted? The European Union’s Promotion of Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption in the Southern Caucasus. (2011). Borzel, Tanja A. ; Pamuk, Yasemin . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0026.

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192012Transformations on Whose Terms? Understanding the New EU-ACP Trade Relations from the Outside In. (2012). Lorenz, Ulrike . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0040.

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202010The Emergence of a European Community of Communication - Insights from Empirical Research on the Europeanization of Public Spheres. (2010). van de Steeg, Marianne ; Risse, Thomas . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0015.

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212011You Make Us Do What We Want! The Usage of External Actors and Policy Conditionality in the European Neighborhood. (2011). Ademmer, Esther. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0032.

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222013Templates for Trade: Change, Persistence and Path Dependence in U. S. and EU Preferential Trade Agreements. (2013). Arbia, Ali . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0051.

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232011Decision-Making in Security and Defence Policy - Towards Supranational Intergovernmentalism?. (2011). Howorth, Jolyon . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0025.

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242012The European Commission in the 21st Century - Core Beliefs on EU Governance. (2012). Hooghe, Liesbet . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0038.

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252010A New Society in the Making - European Integration and European Social Groups. (2010). Medrano, Juan Diez . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0012.

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262011Appropriating the Environment. How the European Institutions Received the Novel Idea of the Environment and Made it Their Own.. (2011). Meyer, Jan-Henrik . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0031.

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272013Solidarität unter Fremden? Europäische Identität im Härtetest. (2013). Risse, Thomas . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0050.

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282014Coordination of Social Security Schemes. (2014). Dupper, Ockert . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0060.

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292011When Europeanization Hits Limited Statehood. The Western Balkans as a Test Case for the Transformative Power of Europe. (2011). Borzel, Tanja A.. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0030.

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30Comparative Regionalism - A New Research Agenda. (2011). Borzel, Tanja A.. In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0028.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12009The Transformative Power of Europe: The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas. (2009). Borzel, Tanja A. ; Risse, Thomas . In: KFG Working Papers. RePEc:erp:kfgxxx:p0001.

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