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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2010 0 0.52 0.25 0 4 4 67 1 0 0 0 0 0.3
2011 0.5 0.61 0.38 0.5 9 13 18 2 6 4 2 4 2 1 50 0 0.37
2012 0.31 0.68 0.75 0.31 3 16 3 5 18 13 4 13 4 1 20 1 0.33 0.36
2013 0.17 0.67 0.43 0.38 7 23 34 9 28 12 2 16 6 0 3 0.43 0.35
2014 1.2 0.67 0.64 0.7 13 36 54 19 51 10 12 23 16 1 5.3 3 0.23 0.34
2015 0.55 0.66 0.5 0.56 8 44 16 20 73 20 11 36 20 1 5 0 0.36
2016 0.62 0.65 0.79 0.45 8 52 44 41 114 21 13 40 18 8 19.5 7 0.88 0.35
2017 0.5 0.62 0.63 0.46 5 57 4 36 150 16 8 39 18 0 0 0.35
2018 0.38 0.62 0.51 0.39 8 65 7 33 183 13 5 41 16 3 9.1 2 0.25 0.35
2019 0 0.63 0.34 0.24 3 68 10 22 206 13 42 10 0 0 0.37
2020 0.36 0.72 0.42 0.34 13 81 46 34 240 11 4 32 11 2 5.9 12 0.92 0.78
2021 1.13 0.99 0.35 0.62 27 108 32 38 278 16 18 37 23 7 18.4 2 0.07 0.41
2022 0.65 0.78 0.35 0.48 12 120 5 42 320 40 26 56 27 4 9.5 2 0.17 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12010Stars and Misfits: Self-Employment and Labor Market Frictions. (2010). Thompson, Peter ; Chen, Jing ; Astebro, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1003.

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22014Understanding Long-run Price Dispersion. (2014). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Crucini, Mario ; MarioJ. Crucini, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1407.

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32013Capacity Constrained Exporters: Micro Evidence and Macro Implications. (2013). McQuoid, Alexander ; Ahn, JaeBin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1301.

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42016Constant versus Variable Markups: Implications for the Law of One Price. (2016). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1601.

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52020Inflation and Exchange Rate Pass-Through. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Ha, Jongrim ; Stocker, Marc M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2004.

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62016Understanding Gasoline Price Dispersion. (2016). Yilmazkuday, Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1602.

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72019Estimating the Trade Elasticity over Time. (2019). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1903.

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82020Stay-at-Home Works to Fight Against COVID-19: International Evidence from Google Mobility Data. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2008.

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92015Pass-through of Trade Costs to U.S. Import Prices. (2015). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1501.

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102016Trade Partner Diversification and Growth: How Trade Links Matter. (2016). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Onder, Ali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1606.

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112021Gains from Trade: Does Sectoral Heterogeneity Matter?. (2021). Yi, Kei-Mu ; YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Giri, Rahul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2103.

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122011Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs through the Business Cycle. (2011). Thompson, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1102.

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132014Bilateral versus Multilateral Free Trade Agreements: A Welfare Analysis. (2014). Yilmazkuday, Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1401.

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142014Trade and Cities. (2014). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Karayalcin, Cem. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1408.

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152011Understanding Interstate Trade Patterns. (2011). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1104.

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162021COVID-19 Effects on the S&P 500 Index. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2117.

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172020COVID-19 Spread and Inter-County Travel: Daily Evidence from the U.S.. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2007.

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182015Relative Price Variability and Inflation: New evidence. (2015). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Yazgan, Ege ; Baglan, Deniz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1502.

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192014Price Dispersion across U.S. Districts of Entry. (2014). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1405.

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202012Do immigrant outflows lead to native inflows? An empirical analysis of the migratory responses to US state immigration legislation. (2012). Good, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1202.

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212020COVID-19 and Unequal Social Distancing across Demographic Groups. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2006.

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222021Remittances, Ethnic Diversity, and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries. (2021). Bahadir, Berrak ; Yavuz, Isil R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2110.

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232014Mismeasurement of Distance Effects: The Role of Internal Location of Production. (2014). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1412.

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242021COVID-19 and Monetary Policy with Zero Bounds: A Cross-Country Investigation. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2112.

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252020The Impact of Chinas Fiscal and Monetary Policy Responses to the Great Recession: An Analysis of Firm-Level Chinese Data. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Xue, Wenjun ; Taylor, Jason . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2002.

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262016The Role of Direct Flights in Trade Costs. (2016). Yilmazkuday, Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1604.

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272018Spatial Dispersion of Retail Margins: Evidence from Turkish Agricultural Prices. (2018). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1802.

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282020Seasonality, Academic Calendar and School Drop-outs in Developing Countries. (2020). Shonchoy, Abu S ; Ito, Seiro. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2013.

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292022Drivers of Turkish Inflation. (2022). Yilmazkuday, Hakan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2204.

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302020Household Debt, Consumption and Inequality. (2020). Lastrapes, William ; Bahadir, Berrak ; De, Kuhelika. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2011.

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312022Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the Global Economy. (2022). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2202.

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322014Foreign Bidders Going Once, Going Twice... Protection in Government Procurement Auctions. (2014). Davies, Ronald ; Cole, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1402.

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332017Global Investigation of Return Autocorrelation and its Determinants. (2017). Xue, Wen-Jun ; Jain, Pawan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1704.

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342021Welfare Costs of COVID-19: Evidence from U.S. Counties. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2111.

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352020Gains from Domestic versus International Trade: Evidence from the U.S.. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2001.

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362021Oil Price Pass-Through into Consumer Prices: Evidence from U.S. Weekly Data. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2118.

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372020Unequal Exchange Rate Pass-Through across Income Groups. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2005.

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382021Narrowing the Gender Gap in Mobile Banking. (2021). Shonchoy, Abu ; Ravindran, Saravana ; Morduch, Jonathan ; Lee, Jean N. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2108.

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392016Financial Health and the Intensive Margin of Trade. (2016). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Baglan, Deniz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1607.

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402017Geographical Dispersion of Consumer Search Behavior. (2017). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1705.

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412013Interrogation and Evidence Fabrication. (2013). Bull, Jesse. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1303.

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422018Natural Hazards and Internal Migration: The Role of Transient versus Permanent Shocks. (2018). Hasan, Syed ; Mozumder, Pallab ; Pavel, Tanvir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1806.

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432011Oil Shocks through International Transport Costs: Evidence from U.S. Business Cycles. (2011). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1105.

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442021Early Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Children in Rural Bangladesh. (2021). Shonchoy, Abu ; Makino, Momoe ; Wahhaj, Zaki. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2104.

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452021TRANSLATING INFORMATION INTO ACTION: A PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERIMENT IN BANGLADESH. (2021). Pandey, Kailash ; Yamauchi, Chikako ; Shonchoy, Abu S ; Hussam, Reshmaan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2127.

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462018Illegal Immigration, Unemployment, and Multiple Destinations. (2018). Sato, Yasuhiro ; Miyagiwa, Kaz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1804.

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472017Asymmetric Incidence of Sales Taxes: A Short-Run Investigation of Gasoline Prices. (2017). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1703.

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482021Drivers of Global Trade: A Product-Level Investigation. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2121.

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492013The Determinants of Trade Agreements in Services vs. Goods. (2013). Cole, Matthew ; Guillin, Amlie . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1307.

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502023Data Driven Contagion Risk Management in Low-Income Countries using Machine Learning Applications with COVID-19 in South Asia. (2023). Ali, Manhal ; Mahmood, Towhid I ; Mahzab, Moogdho M ; Shonchoy, Abu S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2302.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12020Inflation and Exchange Rate Pass-Through. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Ha, Jongrim ; Stocker, Marc M. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2004.

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22021Gains from Trade: Does Sectoral Heterogeneity Matter?. (2021). Yi, Kei-Mu ; YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Giri, Rahul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2103.

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32019Estimating the Trade Elasticity over Time. (2019). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1903.

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42010Stars and Misfits: Self-Employment and Labor Market Frictions. (2010). Thompson, Peter ; Chen, Jing ; Astebro, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1003.

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52021COVID-19 Effects on the S&P 500 Index. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2117.

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62014Understanding Long-run Price Dispersion. (2014). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Crucini, Mario ; MarioJ. Crucini, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1407.

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72016Understanding Gasoline Price Dispersion. (2016). Yilmazkuday, Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1602.

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82020COVID-19 Spread and Inter-County Travel: Daily Evidence from the U.S.. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2007.

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92021Remittances, Ethnic Diversity, and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries. (2021). Bahadir, Berrak ; Yavuz, Isil R. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2110.

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102021COVID-19 and Monetary Policy with Zero Bounds: A Cross-Country Investigation. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2112.

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112020COVID-19 and Unequal Social Distancing across Demographic Groups. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2006.

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122022Drivers of Turkish Inflation. (2022). Yilmazkuday, Hakan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2204.

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132020Household Debt, Consumption and Inequality. (2020). Lastrapes, William ; Bahadir, Berrak ; De, Kuhelika. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2011.

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142020Seasonality, Academic Calendar and School Drop-outs in Developing Countries. (2020). Shonchoy, Abu S ; Ito, Seiro. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2013.

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152020The Impact of Chinas Fiscal and Monetary Policy Responses to the Great Recession: An Analysis of Firm-Level Chinese Data. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Xue, Wenjun ; Taylor, Jason . In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2002.

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162020Stay-at-Home Works to Fight Against COVID-19: International Evidence from Google Mobility Data. (2020). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2008.

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172016Trade Partner Diversification and Growth: How Trade Links Matter. (2016). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Onder, Ali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1606.

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182022Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the Global Economy. (2022). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2202.

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192014Bilateral versus Multilateral Free Trade Agreements: A Welfare Analysis. (2014). Yilmazkuday, Demet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1401.

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202016Constant versus Variable Markups: Implications for the Law of One Price. (2016). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1601.

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212021Welfare Costs of COVID-19: Evidence from U.S. Counties. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2111.

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222013Capacity Constrained Exporters: Micro Evidence and Macro Implications. (2013). McQuoid, Alexander ; Ahn, JaeBin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:1301.

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232021Narrowing the Gender Gap in Mobile Banking. (2021). Shonchoy, Abu ; Ravindran, Saravana ; Morduch, Jonathan ; Lee, Jean N. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2108.

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242021Oil Price Pass-Through into Consumer Prices: Evidence from U.S. Weekly Data. (2021). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2118.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 26
2022Combination of economic policies: how the perfect storm wrecked the Brazilian economic growth. (2022). de Mendonça, Helder ; Valpassos, Iven Silva ; de Mendona, Helder Ferreira ; deMendona, Helder Ferreira . In: Empirical Economics. RePEc:spr:empeco:v:63:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s00181-021-02167-4.

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2022Drivers of Turkish inflation. (2022). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN. In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. RePEc:eee:quaeco:v:84:y:2022:i:c:p:315-323.

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2022JUE Insight: Measuring movement and social contact with smartphone data: a real-time application to COVID-19. (2022). Williams, Kevin R ; Handbury, Jessie ; Green, Allison ; Dingel, Jonathan I ; Couture, Victor. In: Journal of Urban Economics. RePEc:eee:juecon:v:127:y:2022:i:c:s0094119021000103.

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2022JUE insight: Learning epidemiology by doing: The empirical implications of a Spatial-SIR model with behavioral responses. (2022). Moro, Andrea ; Bisin, Alberto. In: Journal of Urban Economics. RePEc:eee:juecon:v:127:y:2022:i:c:s0094119021000504.

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2022Satisfaction differences in bus traveling among low-income individuals before and after COVID-19. (2022). Huang, Wencheng ; Zhang, Tao ; Jin, Minjie ; Sun, Fan. In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. RePEc:eee:transa:v:160:y:2022:i:c:p:311-332.

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2022Effects of the COVID?19 pandemic on the Colombian labour market: Disentangling the effect of sector?specific mobility restrictions. (2022). Lassovalderrama, Francisco ; Pulidomahecha, Karen L ; Hermida, Didier ; Florez, Luz A ; Mejia, Leonardo Bonilla ; Bonillamejia, Leonardo ; Morales, Leonardo Fabio. In: Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique. RePEc:wly:canjec:v:55:y:2022:i:s1:p:308-357.

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2022From the lockdown to the new normal: individual mobility and local labor market characteristics following the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. (2022). Fracasso, Andrea ; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Caselli, Mauro. In: Journal of Population Economics. RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:35:y:2022:i:4:d:10.1007_s00148-022-00891-4.

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2022International Transport costs: New Findings from modeling additive cost. (2022). Patureau, Lise ; Hericourt, Jerome ; Daudin, Guillaume. In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers). RePEc:hal:cesptp:hal-03538476.

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2022International Transport costs: New Findings from modeling additive costs. (2022). Patureau, Lise ; Hricourt, Jrme ; Daudin, Guillaume. In: CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb). RePEc:cpm:docweb:2203.

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2022International Transport costs: New Findings from modeling additive cost. (2022). Héricourt, Jérôme ; Daudin, Guillaume ; Patureau, Lise. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03538476.

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2022Gravity Channels in Trade. (2022). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Wang, Yun ; Hou, Yulin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fiu:wpaper:2209.

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2022Tariff-based product-level trade elasticities. (2022). Orefice, Gianluca ; Fontagné, Lionel ; Guimbard, Houssein ; Fontagne, Lionel. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:137:y:2022:i:c:s0022199622000253.

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2022Does Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Affect Trade Imbalances? Evidence from US–China Trade. (2022). Lei, Sihan ; Gu, Guoda ; Zu, Wenjing. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:14:p:8381-:d:858561.

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2022Household welfare in the digital age: Assessing the effect of mobile money on household consumption volatility in developing countries. (2022). Apeti, Ablam Estel. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03819779.

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2022Aid for Trade is more effective when the trading environment is more predictable. (2022). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm. In: Economic Affairs. RePEc:bla:ecaffa:v:42:y:2022:i:3:p:453-476.

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2022Exchange-rate and news: Evidence from the COVID pandemic. (2022). Masolo, Riccardo M. ; Di Pace, Federico ; Dipace, Federico ; Aquilante, Tommaso. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:213:y:2022:i:c:s0165176522000647.

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2022How to calm down the markets? The effects of COVID-19 economic policy responses on financial market uncertainty. (2022). Plihal, Toma ; Deev, Oleg. In: Research in International Business and Finance. RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:60:y:2022:i:c:s0275531922000010.

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2022Global evidence of the COVID-19 shock on real equity prices and real exchange rates: A counterfactual analysis with a threshold-augmented GVAR model. (2022). Wohar, Mark E ; Gupta, Rangan ; Ayinde, Taofeek O ; Salisu, Afees A. In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:47:y:2022:i:pa:s1544612321004864.

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2022COVID-19 Effects on Arbitrage Trading in the Energy Market. (2022). Zhang, Guang ; Chen, LI. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:15:y:2022:i:13:p:4584-:d:845809.

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2022Islamic Stock indices and COVID-19 pandemic. (2022). Salisu, Afees ; Shaik, Muneer. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:80:y:2022:i:c:p:282-293.

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2022Are government spending shocks inflationary at the zero lower bound? New evidence from daily data. (2022). Choi, Sangyup ; Yoo, Seung Yong ; Shin, Junhyeok. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:139:y:2022:i:c:s0165188922001294.

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2022The intended and unintended consequences of large electricity subsidies: evidence from Mongolia.. (2022). Hasan, Syed ; Berka, Martin ; Narantungalag, Odmaa. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:mas:dpaper:2202.

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2022Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Monetary Policy, and Real Exchange Rates: Iceland and the 2008 Crisis. (2022). Cabezas, Luis ; Edwards, Sebastian. In: Open Economies Review. RePEc:kap:openec:v:33:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s11079-021-09627-5.

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2022Shock-dependent Exchange Rate Pass-through into Different Measures of Price Indices in the Case of Romania. (2022). Anghelescu, Cristina. In: Journal for Economic Forecasting. RePEc:rjr:romjef:v::y:2022:i:3:p:88-104.

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2022The exchange rate passthrough to consumer price inflation in South Africa: has the inflation target band induced a structural change in the size of passthrough?. (2022). Ndou, Eliphas. In: SN Business & Economics. RePEc:spr:snbeco:v:2:y:2022:i:6:d:10.1007_s43546-022-00216-3.

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2022The impact of health and economic policies on the spread of COVID-19 and economic activity. (2022). Leibovici, Fernando ; Famiglietti, Matthew. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:144:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122000344.

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2022COVID-19 Effects on Arbitrage Trading in the Energy Market. (2022). Zhang, Guang ; Chen, LI. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:15:y:2022:i:13:p:4584-:d:845809.

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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021Global Value Chains. (2021). Chor, Davin ; Antras, Pol. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15908.

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2021Do currency exchange rates impact gold prices? New evidence from the ongoing COVID-19 period. (2021). Sarker, Ashutosh ; Brooks, Robert ; Tanin, Tauhidul Islam . In: International Review of Financial Analysis. RePEc:eee:finana:v:77:y:2021:i:c:s1057521921001988.

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020From the lockdown to the new normal: An analysis of the limitations to individual mobility in Italy following the Covid-19 crisis. (2020). scicchitano, sergio ; Fracasso, Andrea ; Caselli, Mauro. In: Discussion Paper series in Regional Science & Economic Geography. RePEc:ahy:wpaper:wp7.

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2020Does Contact Tracing Work? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from an Excel Error in England. (2020). , Thiemofetzer ; Graeber, Thomas ; Fetzer, Thiemo. In: CAGE Online Working Paper Series. RePEc:cge:wacage:521.

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2020Disaggregated Inflation and Asymmetric Oil Price Pass-Through in Nigeria. (2020). Usman, Nuruddeen ; Shitile, Tersoo Shimonkabir. In: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. RePEc:eco:journ2:2020-01-37.

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2020Shock-Dependent Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Evidence Based on a Narrative Sign Approach. (2020). Zhang, Ren ; Wynne, Mark A. In: Globalization Institute Working Papers. RePEc:fip:feddgw:87486.

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2020Decline in Mobility: Public Transport in Poland in the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020). Grzda, Ukasz ; Czech, Katarzyna ; Wielechowski, Micha. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:8:y:2020:i:4:p:78-:d:421537.

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2020Role of Transport during Outbreak of Infectious Diseases: Evidence from the Past. (2020). Dias, Charitha ; Shahin, MD ; Muley, Deepti ; Abdullah, Muhammad. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:12:y:2020:i:18:p:7367-:d:410605.

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2020Drivers of consumer prices and exchange rates in small open economies. (2020). di Casola, Paola ; Corbo, Vesna. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:rbnkwp:0387.

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2020Tracking COVID-19 Spread in Italy with Mobility Data. (2020). Bilgin, Nuriye. In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:2012.

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2020Effects of Reduced Workplace Presence on COVID-19 Deaths: An Instrumental-Variables Approach.. (2020). McLaren, John ; Wang, SU. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:28275.

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2020Public Policy Lessons from the Covid-19 Outbreak: How to Deal with it in the Post-Pandemic World?. (2020). Basher, Syed ; Abul, Basher Syed. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:104337.

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2020Does Contact Tracing Work? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from an Excel Error in England. (2020). Graeber, Thomas ; Fetzer, Thiemo. In: The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS). RePEc:wrk:warwec:1314.

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2020From the lockdown to the new normal: An analysis of the limitations to individual mobility in Italy following the Covid-19 crisis. (2020). Fracasso, Andrea ; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Caselli, Mauro. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:683.

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Recent citations received in 2019

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