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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2009 0 0.58 0 0 8 8 20 0 0 0 0 0 0.33
2010 0.13 0.52 0.33 0.13 7 15 8 1 5 8 1 8 1 0 0 0.3
2011 0.13 0.61 0.12 0.13 10 25 12 3 8 15 2 15 2 0 1 0.1 0.37
2012 0.29 0.68 0.28 0.36 25 50 88 13 22 17 5 25 9 2 15.4 4 0.16 0.36
2013 0.31 0.67 0.28 0.3 21 71 45 20 42 35 11 50 15 3 15 4 0.19 0.35
2014 0.65 0.67 0.44 0.45 23 94 41 41 83 46 30 71 32 5 12.2 8 0.35 0.34
2015 0.5 0.66 0.36 0.4 17 111 61 40 123 44 22 86 34 5 12.5 6 0.35 0.36
2016 0.43 0.65 0.4 0.44 8 119 17 48 171 40 17 96 42 2 4.2 0 0.35
2017 0.36 0.62 0.19 0.22 11 130 37 25 196 25 9 94 21 3 12 2 0.18 0.35
2018 0.37 0.62 0.27 0.38 8 138 3 33 233 19 7 80 30 1 3 0 0.35
2019 0.42 0.63 0.24 0.24 13 151 16 34 269 19 8 67 16 2 5.9 3 0.23 0.37
2020 0.48 0.72 0.28 0.6 13 164 13 46 315 21 10 57 34 5 10.9 3 0.23 0.78
2021 0.15 0.99 0.15 0.21 8 172 7 26 341 26 4 53 11 1 3.8 4 0.5 0.41
2022 0.19 0.78 0.1 0.17 9 181 2 19 360 21 4 53 9 1 5.3 1 0.11 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017Closing Heavens Door: Evidence from the 1920s U.S. Immigration Quota Acts. (2017). Hansen, Casper ; Ager, Philipp. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2017_011.

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22015Historical origins of cultural supply in Italy. (2015). Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_003.

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32012Nonlinear expectations in speculative markets - Evidence from the ECB survey of professional forecasters. (2012). Reitz, Stefan ; Stadtmann, Georg ; Rulke, Jan-Christoph . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_001.

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42012The bounded core for games with precedence constraints. (2012). Sudhölter, Peter ; Grabisch, Michel ; Sudholter, Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_005.

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52012Cultural participation and tourism flows: An empirical investigation of Italian provinces. (2012). Castiglione, Concetta ; Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_021.

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62012Export experience of managers and the internationalization of firms. (2012). Sala, Davide ; Yalcin, Erdal. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_018.

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72013The heavy plough and the agricultural revolution in medieval Europe. (2013). Skovsgaard, Christian ; Jensen, Peter ; Andersen, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_006.

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82013Agglomeration Economies in Classical Music. (2013). Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_013.

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92014The Danish Agricultural Revolution in an Energy Perspective: A Case of Development with Few Domestic Energy Sources. (2014). Sharp, Paul ; Henriques, Sofia. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_009.

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10Sequential legislative lobbying. (2009). Zaporozhets, Vera ; Sudhölter, Peter ; Breton, MichelLe ; Sudholter, Peter ; Lebreton, Michel ; le Breton, Michel. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2009_008.

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112014Contraception and Development: A Unified Growth Theory. (2014). Strulik, Holger. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_007.

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122016An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search Procedure Applied to the Dynamic Patient Admission Scheduling Problem. (2016). Lusby, Richard Martin ; Larsen, Jesper ; Range, Troels Martin ; Schwierz, Martin . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2016_001.

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132017Its never too LATE: A new look at local average treatment effects with or without defiers. (2017). Mellace, Giovanni ; Huber, Martin ; Dahl, Christian M. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2017_002.

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142010Workers of the world, unite! Franchise extensions and the threat of revolution in Europe, 1820-1938. (2010). Jensen, Peter ; Aidt, Toke. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2010_007.

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152015Poverty mapping based on first order dominance with an example from Mozambique. (2015). Tarp, Finn ; Østerdal, Lars Peter ; salvucci, vincenzo ; Hussain, M. Azhar ; Arndt, Channing ; Osterdal, Lars Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_015.

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162015Legal Risk Premia During the Euro-Crisis: The Role of Credit and Redenomination Risk. (2015). Nordvig, Jens . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_010.

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172015Fiscal and Economic Aspects of Book Consumption in the European Union. (2015). Navarrete, Trilce ; Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_007.

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18Welfare Egalitarianism with Other-Regarding Preferences. (2014). Treibich, Rafael. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_022.

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192015Digitization of heritage collections as indicator of innovation. (2015). Navarrete, Trilce ; Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_014.

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202012The curse of the first-in-first-out queue discipline. (2012). Østerdal, Lars Peter ; Platz, Trine ; Osterdal, Lars Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_010.

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212015Sharing the proceeds from a hierarchical venture. (2015). Tvede, Mich ; Østerdal, Lars Peter ; Moreno-Ternero, Juan ; Hougaard, Jens ; Osterdal, Lars Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_002.

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232019Real wages, labour conditions and the standard of living in Denmark: 1500-1900. (2019). Radu, Cristina. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2019_002.

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242020The inclusive synthetic control method. (2020). Mellace, Giovanni ; di Stefano, Roberta. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2020_014.

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252011Lightning, IT diffusion and economic growth across US states. (2011). Selaya, Pablo ; Dalgaard, Carl-Johan ; Bentzen, Jeanet ; Andersen, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2011_002.

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26The optimal legal retirement age in an OLG model with endogenous labour supply. (2009). Hansen, Casper ; Lonstrup, Lars. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2009_005.

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272013How Much Did Chinas WTO Accession Increase Economic Growth in Resource-Rich Countries?. (2013). Jensen, Peter ; Hansen, Casper ; Barslund, Mikkel ; Andersen, Thomas ; Harr, Thomas . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_015.

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282015Co-authorship and the Measurement of Individual Productivity. (2015). Flores-Szwagrzak, Karol ; Treibich, Rafael . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_017.

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292014The Drivers of Long-run CO2 Emissions: A Global Perspective since 1800. (2014). Henriques, Sofia ; Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_013.

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302021What makes an artist? The evolution and clustering of creative activity in the US since 1850. (2021). Borowiecki, Karol ; Dahl, Christian Moller. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2021_001.

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312012Religious orders and growth through cultural change in pre-industrial England. (2012). Sharp, Paul ; Dalgaard, Carl-Johan ; Bentzen, Jeanet ; Andersen, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_012.

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322016Church Membership and Social Insurance: Evidence from the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. (2016). Lønstrup, Lars ; Hansen, Casper ; Ager, Philipp ; Lonstrup, Lars. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2016_007.

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332017Structural Change and the Fertility Transition in the American South. (2017). Herz, Benedikt ; Brückner, Markus ; Ager, Philipp ; Brueckner, Markus. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2017_006.

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342011GResilient index to assess the greenness and resilience of the automotive supply chain. (2011). Carvalho, Helena ; Cruz-Machado, V. ; Azevedo, Susana G. ; Govindan, Kannan. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2011_008.

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352012On extensions of the core and the anticore of transferable utility games. (2012). Sudhölter, Peter ; Peters, Hans ; Derks, Jean ; Sudholter, Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_004.

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362009Threshold cointegration relationships between oil and stock markets. (2009). Leoni, Patrick ; JAWADI, Fredj. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2009_003.

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372016How Are You, My Dearest Mozart? Well-being and Creativity of Three Famous Composers Based on their Letters. (2016). Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_020.

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382012Power outages and economic growth in Africa. (2012). Dalgaard, Carl-Johan ; Andersen, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_007.

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392012Maintaining the Regular Ultra Passum Law in data envelopment analysis. (2012). Ruggiero, John ; Olesen, Ole B.. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_002.

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402013Innovation and trade policy coordination: the role of firm heterogeneity. (2013). Sala, Davide ; NAVAS, ANTONIO. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_018.

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412019Macro-finance and factor timing: Time-varying factor risk and price of risk premiums. (2019). de Oliveira, Thiago. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2019_007.

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422009Rent control and misallocation. (2009). Skak, Morten ; Bloze, Gintautas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2009_007.

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432012Assigning agents to a line. (2012). Østerdal, Lars Peter ; Moreno-Ternero, Juan ; Hougaard, Jens ; Osterdal, Lars Peter. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_011.

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442014Owning, letting and demanding second homes. (2014). Skak, Morten ; Bloze, Gintautas . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_001.

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452020Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness. (2020). Sudholter, Peter ; Grabisch, Michel. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2020_006.

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462013Checking bivariate first order dominance. (2013). Østerdal, Lars Peter ; Osterdal, Lars Peter ; Range, Troels Martin. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_009.

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472014A Leverage-Based Measure of Financial Instability. (2014). Borowiecki, Karol ; Tepper, Alexander. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2014_014.

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482012The news model of asset price determination - An empirical examination of the Danish football club Brøndby IF. (2012). Jorgensen, Casper W. ; Moritzen, Mark R. ; Stadtmann, Georg. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_003.

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492022INCENTIVES AND EFFICIENCY IN MATCHING WITH TRANSFERS: TOWARDS NONQUASILINEAR PACKAGE AUCTIONS. (2022). Tierney, Ryan. In: Discussion Papers on Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2022_006.

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502013Is Africas recent growth sustainable?. (2013). Jensen, Peter ; Andersen, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_008.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Its never too LATE: A new look at local average treatment effects with or without defiers. (2017). Mellace, Giovanni ; Huber, Martin ; Dahl, Christian M. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2017_002.

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22020The inclusive synthetic control method. (2020). Mellace, Giovanni ; di Stefano, Roberta. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2020_014.

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32016An Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search Procedure Applied to the Dynamic Patient Admission Scheduling Problem. (2016). Lusby, Richard Martin ; Larsen, Jesper ; Range, Troels Martin ; Schwierz, Martin . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2016_001.

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42017Closing Heavens Door: Evidence from the 1920s U.S. Immigration Quota Acts. (2017). Hansen, Casper ; Ager, Philipp. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2017_011.

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52015Historical origins of cultural supply in Italy. (2015). Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2015_003.

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62021What makes an artist? The evolution and clustering of creative activity in the US since 1850. (2021). Borowiecki, Karol ; Dahl, Christian Moller. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2021_001.

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72013Agglomeration Economies in Classical Music. (2013). Borowiecki, Karol. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2013_013.

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82020Characterization of TU games with stable cores by nested balancedness. (2020). Sudholter, Peter ; Grabisch, Michel. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2020_006.

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92022INCENTIVES AND EFFICIENCY IN MATCHING WITH TRANSFERS: TOWARDS NONQUASILINEAR PACKAGE AUCTIONS. (2022). Tierney, Ryan. In: Discussion Papers on Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2022_006.

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102012Nonlinear expectations in speculative markets - Evidence from the ECB survey of professional forecasters. (2012). Reitz, Stefan ; Stadtmann, Georg ; Rulke, Jan-Christoph . In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2012_001.

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112021A Leverage-Based Measure of Financial Stability. (2021). Tepper, Alexander ; Borowiecki, Karol Jan ; Adrian, Tobias. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2021_003.

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122009The optimal legal retirement age in an OLG model with endogenous labour supply. (2009). Hansen, Casper ; Lonstrup, Lars. In: Discussion Papers of Business and Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2009_005.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 4
2022Synthetic Control Group Methods in the Presence of Interference: The Direct and Spillover Effects of Light Rail on Neighborhood Retail Activity. (2020). Oner, Ozge ; Mattei, Alessandra ; Mariani, Marco ; Lattarulo, Patrizia ; Grossi, Giulio. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2004.05027.

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2022Estimating the Effects of Syrian Civil War. (2022). Spruk, Rok ; Keseljevic, Aleksandar. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2209.03046.

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2022On the role of data, statistics and decisions in a pandemic. (2022). Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Wilhelm, Adalbert ; Pauly, Markus ; Munnich, Ralf ; Garczarek, Ursula ; Engel, Joachim ; Behnke, Joachim ; Friedrich, Sarah ; Friede, Tim ; Jahn, Beate ; Siebert, Uwe ; Zwick, Markus. In: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis. RePEc:spr:alstar:v:106:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s10182-022-00439-7.

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2022The Great Margin Call: The Role of Leverage in the 1929 Stock Market Crash. (2022). Tepper, Alexander ; Dzieliski, Micha ; BOROWIECKI, Karol . In: Discussion Papers on Economics. RePEc:hhs:sdueko:2022_001.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

YearCiting document
2022Characterizing pairwise strategy-proof rules in object allocation problems with money. (2022). Shinozaki, Hiroki. In: ISER Discussion Paper. RePEc:dpr:wpaper:1187.

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Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Reading between the lines in the art market: Lack of transparency and price heterogeneity as an indicator of multiple equilibria. (2021). Vecco, Marilena ; Prieto-Rodriguez, Juan. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:102:y:2021:i:c:s0264999321001760.

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2021Immigrant artists: Enrichment or displacement?. (2021). Graddy, Kathryn ; Borowiecki, Karol. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:191:y:2021:i:c:p:785-797.

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2021Economies of scope in artists’ incubator projects. (2021). Whitaker, Amy. In: Journal of Cultural Economics. RePEc:kap:jculte:v:45:y:2021:i:4:d:10.1007_s10824-021-09417-4.

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2021Manhattan Transfer: Productivity effects of agglomeration in American authorship. (2021). Mitchell, Sara ; Hellmanzik, Christiane ; Kuld, Lukas. In: Trinity Economics Papers. RePEc:tcd:tcduee:tep0821.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Loss sharing: Characterizing a new class of rules. (2020). Gaertner, Wulf ; Xu, Yongsheng. In: Mathematical Social Sciences. RePEc:eee:matsoc:v:107:y:2020:i:c:p:37-40.

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2020Loss sharing: characterizing a new class of rules. (2020). Xu, Yongsheng ; Gaertner, Wulf. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:115467.

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2020Cooperative games for minimum cost spanning tree problems. (2020). Vidal-Puga, Juan ; Bergantios, Gustavo. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:104911.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019The impact of border changes and protectionism on real wages in early modern Scania. (2019). Radu, Cristina ; Gary, Kathryn E. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hes:wpaper:0166.

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2019Analysis of Risk Premium Behavior in the Tunisian Foreign Exchange Market During Crisis Period. (2019). Kouki, Sonia. In: Journal of Academic Finance. RePEc:jaf:journl:v:10:y:2019:i:2:n:255.

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2019Analysis of Risk Premium Behavior in the Tunisian Foreign Exchange Market During Crisis Period. (2019). Kouki, Sonia. In: Journal of Academic Finance. RePEc:jaf:journl:v:10:y:2019:i:2:n:318.

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