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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2009 0 0.58 3 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0.33
2010 0 0.52 0.12 0 24 25 34 3 6 1 1 3 100 3 0.13 0.3
2011 0.28 0.61 0.31 0.28 11 36 27 9 17 25 7 25 7 6 66.7 1 0.09 0.37
2012 0.17 0.68 0.18 0.17 13 49 11 8 26 35 6 36 6 5 62.5 0 0.36
2013 0.25 0.67 0.22 0.2 23 72 43 13 42 24 6 49 10 8 61.5 1 0.04 0.35
2014 0.17 0.67 0.16 0.14 25 97 43 16 58 36 6 72 10 7 43.8 4 0.16 0.34
2015 0.38 0.66 0.23 0.22 23 120 22 28 86 48 18 96 21 6 21.4 4 0.17 0.36
2016 0.15 0.65 0.15 0.15 27 147 17 22 108 48 7 95 14 10 45.5 7 0.26 0.35
2017 0.12 0.62 0.14 0.14 25 172 10 24 132 50 6 111 16 6 25 0 0.35
2018 0.12 0.62 0.13 0.17 21 193 8 26 158 52 6 123 21 6 23.1 0 0.35
2019 0.07 0.63 0.05 0.06 19 212 26 11 169 46 3 121 7 0 0 0.37
2020 0.33 0.72 0.13 0.15 16 228 4 29 198 40 13 115 17 0 0 0.78
2021 0.43 0.99 0.15 0.18 8 236 4 36 234 35 15 108 19 0 0 0.41
2022 0.17 0.78 0.09 0.11 5 241 0 21 255 24 4 89 10 0 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Impact of a Shade Coffee Certification Program on Forest Conservation:A Case Study from a Wild Coffee Forest in Ethiopia. (2013). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Takahashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:55.

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22011Impact of Community Management on Forest Protection:Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Ethiopia. (2011). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Takahashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:31.

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32014Does Infrastructure Facilitate Social Capital Accumulation? Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country. (2014). Shoji, Masahiro ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Aoyagi, Keitaro . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:65.

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42019Technology Adoption, Impact, and Extension in Developing Countries Agriculture: A Review of the Recent Literature. (2019). Takahashi, Kazushi ; Otsuka, Keijiro ; Muraoka, Rie. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:196.

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52019The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania. (2019). Magezi, Eustadius F ; Nakano, Yuko. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:193.

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62010The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Poverty Dynamics:The Case of an Irrigation Project in Sri Lanka. (2010). Sugawara, Shinya ; Shoji, Masahiro ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Shinkai, Naoko. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:4.

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72010Motives behind Community Participation. (2010). Shoji, Masahiro ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Aoyagi, Keitaro ; Kasahara, Ryuji . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:16.

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82013Measurements and Determinants of Multifaceted Poverty:Absolute, Relative, and Subjective Poverty in Indonesia. (2013). Dartanto, Teguh ; Shigeru, Otsubo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:54.

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92011Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Income and Skills: Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Rural Ethiopia. (2011). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Takahashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:30.

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102014Access to Infrastructure and Human Development:Cross-Country Evidence. (2014). Sapkota, Jeet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:70.

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112015The Impact of Training on Technology Adoption and Productivity of Rice Farming in Tanzania: Is Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Effective?. (2015). Pede, Valerien ; NAKANO, YUKO ; Aida, Takeshi ; Tsusaka, Takuji W.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:90.

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122010Human Capital, Mobility, and Income Dynamics: Evidence from Indonesia. (2010). Yamauchi, Futoshi ; Dewina, FReno . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:11.

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132014Aid Fragmentation and Effectiveness for Infant and Child Mortality and Primary School Completion. (2014). Furukawa, Mitsuaki . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:83.

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142012Do Community-Managed Schools Facilitate Social Capital Accumulation? Evidence from the COGES Project in Burkina Faso. (2012). Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Ishii, Takaharu . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:42.

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152010Conceptualizing and Measuring Ethnicity. (2010). Brown, Graham ; Langer, Arnim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:9.

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162019Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reduction from Air Quality Improvement: Evidence from Urban Bangladesh. (2019). Mahmud, Minhaj ; Yamada, Eiji ; Sawada, Yasuyuki. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:190.

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172010The Global Financial Crisis and Recession. (2010). Maswana, Jean-Claude. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:15.

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182014Happiness in Thailand: The Effects of Family, Health and Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Role of Gender. (2014). Singhapakdi, Anusorn ; Senasu, Kalayanee . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:76.

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192015Spatial vs. Social Network Effects in Risk Sharing. (2015). Aida, Takeshi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:89.

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202014Estimating China’s Foreign Aid 2001-2013. (2014). Kitano, Naohiro ; Harada, Yukinori . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:78.

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212010Climate Change, Perceptions and the Heterogeneity of Adaptation and Rice Productivity: Evidence from Indonesian Villages. (2010). Yamauchi, Futoshi ; Sumaryanto, Sony ; Dewina, Reno . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:13.

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222012Modes of Collective Action in Village Economies:Evidence from Natural and Artefactual Field Experiments in a Developing Country. (2012). Shoji, Masahiro ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Aoyagi, Keitaro ; Kasahara, Ryuji ; Ueyama, Mika . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:47.

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232016The Motivation of Participants in Successful Development Aid Projects: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis of Reasons for Participating. (2016). Sayanagi, Nobuo R ; Aikawa, Jiro . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:121.

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242016Election, Implementation, and Social Capital in SchoolBased Management: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on the COGES Project in Burkina Faso. (2016). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Griffen, Andrew ; Aida, Takeshi ; Noguchi, Haruko ; Kozuka, Eiji . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:120.

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252013The Determinants of Technology Adoption:The Case of the Rice Sector in Tanzania. (2013). NAKANO, YUKO ; Kajisa, Kei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:58.

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262016How Can Community Participation Improve Educational Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a School-Based Management Project in Burkina Faso. (2016). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Kozuka, Eiji . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:112.

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272016Normative Framing of Development Cooperation: Japanese Bilateral Aid between the DAC and Southern Donors. (2016). Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko ; Shiga, Hiroaki ; FukudaParr, Sakiko . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:130.

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282015Convergence of Aid Models in Emerging Donors?Learning Processes, Norms and Identities, and Recipients. (2015). Kondoh, Hisahiro . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:106.

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292011What Makes the Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) So Effective?. (2011). Fujita, Yasuo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:27.

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302018Long-term and Spillover Effects of Rice Production Training in Uganda. (2018). Kijima, Yoko. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:161.

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312021Resilience against the Pandemic: the Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Household Welfare in Tajikistan. (2021). Yamada, Eiji ; Shimizutani, Satoshi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:218.

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322015On the Determinants of High Productivity Rice Farming in Irrigated Areas in Senegal: The Efficiency of Large Compared with Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes. (2015). Takeshi, Sakurai. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:105.

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332018Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia. (2018). Aiba, Daiju ; Okuda, Hidenobu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:160.

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342010Diversity and Transformation of Aid Patterns in Asias Emerging Donors. (2010). Shiga, Hiroaki ; Kobayashi, Takaaki ; Sato, Jin ; Kondoh, Hisahiro . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:21.

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352016Can School-Based Management Generate CommunityWide Impacts in Less Developed Countries? Evidence from Randomized Experiments in Burkina Faso. (2016). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Kozuka, Eiji . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:115.

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362015Measuring Quality of Policies and Their Implementation for Better Learning: Adapting the World Bank’s SABER Tools School Autonomy and Accountability to Burkina Faso. (2015). Kengo, Igei ; Demas, Angela ; Takako, Yuki . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:109.

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372020Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Public Transportation on Employment by Gender: Evidence from the Delhi Metro. (2020). Yamada, Eiji ; Seki, Mai . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:207.

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382011Cross-Border Higher Education for Labor Market Needs: Mobility of Public-Funded Malaysian Students to Japan over Years. (2011). Yuki, Takako ; Koda, Yoshiko ; Hong, Yeeyoung . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:29.

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392014Management of the International Development Aid System Aid System and the Creation of Political Space for China:The Case of Tanzania. (2014). Furukawa, Mitsuaki . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:82.

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402017Focusing on the Quality of EIS to Solve the Constraints on EIA Systems in Developing Countries: A Literature Review. (2017). Huang, Guangwei ; Kamijo, Tetsuya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:144.

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412013How Access to Irrigation Influences Poverty and Livelihoods:A Case Study from Sri Lanka. (2013). Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Aida, Takeshi ; Wijerathna, Deeptha ; Sellamuttu, Sonali Senaratna ; Kasahara, Ryuji . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:59.

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422017Contract Farming, Farm Mechanization, and Agricultural Intensification: The Case of Rice Farming in Cote d’Ivoire. (2017). Takahashi, Kazushi ; Otsuka, Keijiro ; MANO, Yukichi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:157.

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432010The Green Revolution and Its Significance for Economic Development. (2010). Fujita, Koichi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:17.

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442014A Quantitative Study of Social Capital in the Tertiary Sector of Kobe : Has Social Capital Promoted Economic Reconstruction Since the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake?. (2014). Shimada, Go. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:68.

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452013Is GBS Still a Preferable Aid Modality?. (2013). Takahata, Junichiro ; Furukawa, Mitsuaki . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:50.

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462013Achieving the Millennium Development Goals:Lessons for Post-2015 New Development Strategies. (2013). Sapkota, Jeet ; Shiratori, Sakiko . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:62.

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472016Intrageneration Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Households’ Welfare Mobility Before, During, and After the Asian Financial Crisis. (2016). Dartanto, Teguh ; Otsubo, Shigeru . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:117.

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482017Toward an Accounting of the Values of Ethiopian Forests as Natural Capital. (2017). Ayana, Alemayehu N ; Shimoda, Yukimi ; Lemenih, Mulugeta ; Narita, Daiju. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:140.

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492009Conflict and Land Tenure in Rwanda. (2009). Takeuchi, Shinichi ; Marara, Jean . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:1.

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502019Estimating Social Infrastructure Demand: The Case of Japan. (2019). Hirota, Koki ; Namba, YU ; Hara, Tsuyoshi ; Ishizuka, Fumiaki. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:191.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12019Technology Adoption, Impact, and Extension in Developing Countries Agriculture: A Review of the Recent Literature. (2019). Takahashi, Kazushi ; Otsuka, Keijiro ; Muraoka, Rie. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:196.

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22013Impact of a Shade Coffee Certification Program on Forest Conservation:A Case Study from a Wild Coffee Forest in Ethiopia. (2013). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Takahashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:55.

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32019The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania. (2019). Magezi, Eustadius F ; Nakano, Yuko. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:193.

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42011Impact of Community Management on Forest Protection:Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Ethiopia. (2011). Todo, Yasuyuki ; Takahashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:31.

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52013Measurements and Determinants of Multifaceted Poverty:Absolute, Relative, and Subjective Poverty in Indonesia. (2013). Dartanto, Teguh ; Shigeru, Otsubo . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:54.

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62021Resilience against the Pandemic: the Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Household Welfare in Tajikistan. (2021). Yamada, Eiji ; Shimizutani, Satoshi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:218.

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72016Intrageneration Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Households’ Welfare Mobility Before, During, and After the Asian Financial Crisis. (2016). Dartanto, Teguh ; Otsubo, Shigeru . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:117.

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82014Access to Infrastructure and Human Development:Cross-Country Evidence. (2014). Sapkota, Jeet. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:70.

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92017Focusing on the Quality of EIS to Solve the Constraints on EIA Systems in Developing Countries: A Literature Review. (2017). Huang, Guangwei ; Kamijo, Tetsuya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:144.

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102020Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Public Transportation on Employment by Gender: Evidence from the Delhi Metro. (2020). Yamada, Eiji ; Seki, Mai . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:207.

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112016Is Seasonal Hunger a Distant Memory in Bangladesh? Revisiting Earlier Evidences. (2016). Khandker, Shahidur ; Samad, Hussain A. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:110.

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122018Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia. (2018). Aiba, Daiju ; Okuda, Hidenobu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:jic:wpaper:160.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 4

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2022Immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on household economic activities and food security in Tajikistan. (2022). Murakami, Enerelt. In: Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. RePEc:spr:ediscc:v:6:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s41885-021-00104-4.

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2022Neither by Land nor by Sea : The Rise of Electronic Remittances during COVID-19. (2022). Winkler, Hernan ; Jaume, David ; Dinarte, Lelys Ileana ; Medina-Cortina, Eduardo. In: Policy Research Working Paper Series. RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10057.

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