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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2000 0 0.54 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.24
2001 0 0.49 0.38 0 7 8 32 1 3 1 1 0 1 0.14 0.27
2002 0.75 0.54 0.29 0.75 16 24 169 7 10 8 6 8 6 1 14.3 1 0.06 0.31
2003 0.52 0.53 0.44 0.5 15 39 112 17 27 23 12 24 12 5 29.4 4 0.27 0.3
2004 0.68 0.6 0.5 0.59 7 46 49 23 50 31 21 39 23 4 17.4 0 0.36
2005 0.91 0.6 0.75 0.8 21 67 61 50 100 22 20 46 37 7 14 7 0.33 0.36
2006 0.57 0.59 0.53 0.47 19 86 67 45 146 28 16 66 31 6 13.3 9 0.47 0.34
2007 0.38 0.52 0.55 0.58 7 93 18 50 197 40 15 78 45 8 16 2 0.29 0.29
2008 0.54 0.59 0.62 0.59 18 111 92 69 266 26 14 69 41 6 8.7 5 0.28 0.29
2009 0.56 0.58 0.55 0.44 21 132 118 71 338 25 14 72 32 11 15.5 4 0.19 0.33
2010 0.41 0.52 0.4 0.28 19 151 63 60 399 39 16 86 24 7 11.7 4 0.21 0.3
2011 0.65 0.61 0.56 0.51 7 158 40 88 488 40 26 84 43 4 4.5 3 0.43 0.37
2012 0.69 0.68 0.53 0.71 18 176 50 91 581 26 18 72 51 16 17.6 3 0.17 0.36
2013 0.52 0.67 0.42 0.46 11 187 32 76 659 25 13 83 38 7 9.2 1 0.09 0.35
2014 0.52 0.67 0.34 0.37 8 195 55 65 726 29 15 76 28 5 7.7 6 0.75 0.34
2015 0.42 0.66 0.33 0.38 20 215 43 69 796 19 8 63 24 10 14.5 1 0.05 0.36
2016 0.43 0.65 0.27 0.34 14 229 28 57 857 28 12 64 22 7 12.3 0 0.35
2017 0.35 0.62 0.23 0.37 4 233 15 53 910 34 12 71 26 3 5.7 3 0.75 0.35
2018 0.61 0.62 0.24 0.39 10 243 8 59 969 18 11 57 22 7 11.9 5 0.5 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12002Asymmetric Interest Rate Effects for the UK Real Economy. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; ocal, N. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:10.

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22009Financial Dollarization: Short-Run Determinants in Transition Economies. (2009). Haque, Emranul M. ; Neanidis, Kyriakos C.. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:114.

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32009Financial Dollarization: Short-Run Determinants in Transition Economies. (2009). Savva, Christos ; Neanidis, Kyriakos. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:113.

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42003Growth, volatility and learning. (2003). Blackburn, K ; Galindev, R. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:25.

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52002Changes in Variability of the Business Cycle in the G7 Countries. (2002). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:16.

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62014Sudden Floods, Macroprudential Regulation and Stability in an Open Economy. (2014). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:191.

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72008Public Investment and Growth: The Role of Corruption. (2008). Kneller, Richard ; Haque, M. Emranul. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:98.

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82011Business Cycle Synchronization Since 1880. (2011). Chouliarakis, George ; Pkg Harischandra, ; Artis, Michael . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:153.

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92010Financial Dollarization and European Union Membership. (2010). Neanidis, Kyriakos. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:143.

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102004Nonlinearity and Structural Change in Interest Rate Reaction Functions for the US, UK and Germany. (2004). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Kesriyeli, Mehtap. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:44.

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112003The International Business Cycle in a Changing World: Volatility and the Propagation of Shocks. (2003). Perez, Pedro ; Osborn, Denise ; artis, michael. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:37.

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122009Capital Requirements and Business Cycles with Credit Market Imperfections. (2009). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:124.

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132002Nonlinearity in the Feds Monetary Policy Rule. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Kim, D H. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:18.

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142001Short-term Volatility versus Long-term Growth: Evidence in US Macroeconomic Time Series. (2001). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:08.

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152006Corruption Clubs: The Allocation of Public Expenditure and Economic Growth. (2006). Neanidis, K C ; Agenor, P R. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:69.

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162009Monetary Shocks and Central Bank Liquidity with Credit Market Imperfections. (2009). Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:120.

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172015Inflation Targeting and Inflation Persistence. (2015). Martin, Christopher ; Madsen, Jakob ; Bratsiotis, George. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:211.

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182009Public Capital, Health Persistence and Poverty Traps. (2009). Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:115.

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192006Credit Market Imperfections and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism Part I: Fixed Exchange Rates. (2006). Montiel, Peter ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:76.

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202012Sudden Floods, Macroprudential Regulation and Stability in an Open Economy. (2012). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:166.

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212002Endogenous Life Expectancy in a Simple Model of Growth. (2002). Issa, H ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:13.

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222011Capital Regulation, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability. (2011). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:154.

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232006The Tyranny of Rules: Fiscal Discipline, Productive Spending, and Growth. (2006). Yilmaz, Sakir ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:73.

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242004Distribution and Development in a Model of Misgovernance. (2004). Forgues-Puccio, Gonzalo ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:42.

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252005Infrastructure, Public Education and Growth with Congestion Costs. (2005). Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:47.

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262012Credit Frictions, Collateral and the Cyclical Behaviour of the Finance Premium. (2012). Pfajfar, Damjan ; Bratsiotis, George ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; P-R. Agenor, . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:172.

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272017Monetary Policy with Sectoral Trade-offs. (2017). Santoro, Emiliano ; Rossi, Raffaele ; Petrella, Ivan. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:233.

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282008US Consumer Inflation Expectations: Evidence Regarding Learning, Accuracy and Demographics. (2008). Anderson, Robert ; Robert D. J. Anderson, . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:99.

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292002Dating the Business Cycle in Britain. (2002). artis, michael. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:17.

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302013Institutions and Financial Dollarization: Indirect Effects based on a Policy Experiment. (2013). Savva, Christos ; Neanidis, Kyriakos. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:187.

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312008Globalization and Business Cycle Transmission. (2008). Okubo, Toshihiro ; artis, michael. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:110.

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322003Seasonal Adjustment and the Detection of Business Cycle Phases. (2003). Osborn, Denise ; Matas Mir, Antonio ; Matas-Mir, A. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:26.

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332016The Macroeconomic Effects of Income and Consumption Tax Changes. (2016). Rossi, Raffaele ; Onnis, Luisanna ; Nguyen, Anh. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:227.

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342015Revisiting Reinhart & Rogoff after the Crisis: A Time Series Perspective. (2015). Middleditch, Paul ; Amman, Jurgen . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:198.

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352004Modelling Real Exchange Rate Effects on Output Performance in Latin America. (2004). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; Mejia-Reyes, P. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:35.

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362008Excess Liquidity, Bank Pricing Rules, and Monetary Policy. (2008). El Aynaoui, Karim ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:105.

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372007Credit Market Imperfections and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism Part II: Flexible Exchange Rates. (2007). Montiel, Peter ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:87.

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382010Innovation, Public Capital, and Growth. (2010). Neanidis, Kyriakos ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:135.

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392012The Effects of Credit Subsidies on Development. (2012). Cavalcanti, Tiago ; Antunes, António ; Villamil, Anne . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:176.

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402005Public Expenditures, Bureaucratic Corruption and Economic Development. (2005). Forgues-Puccio, G ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:54.

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412008Is Volatility Good for Growth? Evidence from the G7. (2008). Sensier, Marianne ; Pelloni, Alessandra ; Andreou, Elena. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:97.

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422005Spillovers and Correlations between US and Major European Stock Markets: The Role of the Euro. (2005). Savva, Christos ; Osborn, Denise ; Gill, L. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:64.

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432001On the Relationship Between Growth and Volatility in Learning-by-Doing Economies. (2001). Pelloni, Alessandra ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:01.

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442014Infrastructure and Industrial Development with Endogenous Skill Acquisition. (2014). Alpaslan, Baris ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:195.

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452002Endogenous Corruption in Economic Development. (2002). Haque, M. Emranul ; Bose, Niloy ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:22.

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462005Public Expenditures, Bureaucratic Corruption and Economic Development. (2005). Haque, M. Emranul ; Bose, Niloy ; Blackburn, K. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:53.

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472013Child Labor, Intra-Household Bargaining and Economic Growth. (2013). Alpaslan, Baris ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:181.

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482003Public Expenditure and Growth in Developing Countries: Education is the Key. (2003). Osborn, Denise ; Haque, M. Emranul ; Bose, Niloy. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:30.

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492002The Prediction of Business Cycle Phases: Financial Variables and International Linkages. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:15.

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502010A threshold cointegration analysis of interest rate pass-through to UK mortgage rates. (2010). YILDIRIM, Dilem ; Osborn, Denise ; Becker, Ralf. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:141.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12014Sudden Floods, Macroprudential Regulation and Stability in an Open Economy. (2014). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:191.

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22015Inflation Targeting and Inflation Persistence. (2015). Martin, Christopher ; Madsen, Jakob ; Bratsiotis, George. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:211.

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32008Public Investment and Growth: The Role of Corruption. (2008). Kneller, Richard ; Haque, M. Emranul. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:98.

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42009Financial Dollarization: Short-Run Determinants in Transition Economies. (2009). Haque, Emranul M. ; Neanidis, Kyriakos C.. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:114.

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52015Revisiting Reinhart & Rogoff after the Crisis: A Time Series Perspective. (2015). Middleditch, Paul ; Amman, Jurgen . In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:198.

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62009Financial Dollarization: Short-Run Determinants in Transition Economies. (2009). Savva, Christos ; Neanidis, Kyriakos. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:113.

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72002Changes in Variability of the Business Cycle in the G7 Countries. (2002). van Dijk, Dick ; Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:16.

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82002Asymmetric Interest Rate Effects for the UK Real Economy. (2002). Sensier, Marianne ; Osborn, Denise ; ocal, N. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:10.

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92012Sudden Floods, Macroprudential Regulation and Stability in an Open Economy. (2012). Pereira da Silva, Luiz Awazu ; Alper, Koray ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:166.

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102003Growth, volatility and learning. (2003). Blackburn, K ; Galindev, R. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:25.

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112016The Macroeconomic Effects of Income and Consumption Tax Changes. (2016). Rossi, Raffaele ; Onnis, Luisanna ; Nguyen, Anh. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:227.

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122013Loan Loss Provisioning Rules, Procyclicality, and Financial Volatility. (2013). Zilberman, Roy ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:184.

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132015Volatile Capital Flows and Economic Growth: The Role of Macro-prudential Regulation. (2015). Neanidis, Kyriakos. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:215.

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142016Institutional Mandates for Macroeconomic and Financial Stability. (2016). Flamini, Alessandro ; Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:231.

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152013Is the Growth Effect of Financial Development Conditional on Technological Innovation?. (2013). Osborn, Denise ; Bhatti, Arshad ; Haque, Emranul M.. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:188.

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162006The Effects of Uncertainty on Currency Substitution and Inflation: Evidence from Emerging Economies. (2006). Savva, Christos ; Neanidis, K C. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:71.

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172018A Theory of Social Norms, Womens Time Allocation, and Gender Inequality in the Process of Development. (2018). Agénor, Pierre-Richard ; Agenor, Pierre-Richard. In: Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:man:cgbcrp:237.

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