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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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1997 0 0.28 1.11 0 9 9 337 10 10 0 0 1 10 10 1.11 0.15
1998 2.67 0.31 1.85 2.67 11 20 119 37 47 9 24 9 24 9 24.3 11 1 0.18
1999 2 0.39 2.03 2 10 30 165 60 108 20 40 20 40 17 28.3 6 0.6 0.25
2000 1.57 0.54 2.21 1.9 9 39 107 86 194 21 33 30 57 18 20.9 7 0.78 0.24
2001 1.53 0.49 1.49 1.26 8 47 94 70 264 19 29 39 49 4 5.7 4 0.5 0.27
2002 0.82 0.54 1.3 0.98 7 54 84 70 334 17 14 47 46 10 14.3 6 0.86 0.31
2003 1.2 0.53 1.06 0.71 10 64 78 68 402 15 18 45 32 8 11.8 5 0.5 0.3
2004 0.82 0.6 1.31 1.2 8 72 73 94 496 17 14 44 53 14 14.9 1 0.13 0.36
2005 1 0.6 0.92 0.76 7 79 33 73 569 18 18 42 32 6 8.2 0 0.36
2006 0.87 0.59 1.14 0.98 12 91 86 103 673 15 13 40 39 17 16.5 13 1.08 0.34
2007 1.05 0.52 0.85 0.95 15 106 169 89 763 19 20 44 42 8 9 5 0.33 0.29
2008 1.33 0.59 0.83 0.9 19 125 133 103 867 27 36 52 47 20 19.4 12 0.63 0.29
2009 0.82 0.58 0.72 0.82 20 145 82 102 971 34 28 61 50 5 4.9 7 0.35 0.33
2010 0.67 0.52 0.67 0.6 14 159 58 102 1077 39 26 73 44 8 7.8 1 0.07 0.3
2011 0.91 0.61 0.79 0.71 8 167 41 115 1209 34 31 80 57 15 13 2 0.25 0.37
2012 0.55 0.68 0.53 0.62 6 173 157 90 1301 22 12 76 47 4 4.4 8 1.33 0.36
2013 1.64 0.67 0.71 0.76 6 179 194 122 1428 14 23 67 51 5 4.1 14 2.33 0.35
2014 2.67 0.67 0.56 0.76 4 183 54 102 1530 12 32 54 41 4 3.9 1 0.25 0.34
2015 2.8 0.66 0.63 1.16 6 189 140 119 1649 10 28 38 44 5 4.2 17 2.83 0.36
2016 2.3 0.65 0.72 2.3 12 201 53 145 1794 10 23 30 69 14 9.7 13 1.08 0.35
2017 1.89 0.62 0.6 2.06 4 205 18 122 1916 18 34 34 70 3 2.5 2 0.5 0.35
2018 1.13 0.62 0.62 1.75 8 213 41 132 2048 16 18 32 56 1 0.8 6 0.75 0.35
2019 2 0.63 0.62 1.41 2 215 3 133 2181 12 24 34 48 1 0.8 2 1 0.37
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11997Efficient rules for monetary policy. (1997). Ball, Laurence. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/03.

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22013A tractable framework for zero lower bound Gaussian term structure models. (2013). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/02.

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32012Modifying Gaussian term structure models when interest rates are near the zero lower bound. (2012). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2012/02.

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41997Estimating potential output: a semi-structural approach. (1997). Conway, Paul ; Hunt, Ben . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/09.

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52015Do inflation expectations propagate the inflationary impact of real oil price shocks?: Evidence from the Michigan survey. (2015). Wong, Benjamin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/01.

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62012The information content of central bank interest rate projections: Evidence from New Zealand. (2012). Nautz, Dieter ; Detmers, Gunda-Alexandra. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2012/03.

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71999The myth of co-moving commodity prices. (1999). McDermott, Christopher ; Cashin, Paul ; Scott, Alasdair . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/09.

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81997Inflation targeting in an open economy: strict or flexible inflation targeting?. (1997). Svensson, Lars. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/08.

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91997The alleged instability of nominal income targeting. (1997). McCallum, Bennett. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/06.

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102013Dissecting the dynamics of the US trade balance in an estimated equilibrium model. (2013). Peersman, Gert ; Jacob, Punnoose. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/04.

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111998Core inflation: concepts, uses and measurement. (1998). Roger, Scott . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1998/09.

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122015When is macroprudential policy effective?. (2015). McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/06.

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131999Booms and slumps in world commodity prices. (1999). McDermott, Christopher ; Cashin, Paul ; Scott, Alasdair . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/08.

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142007Open economy DSGE-VAR forecasting and policy analysis - head to head with the RBNZ published forecasts. (2007). Smith, Christie ; Matheson, Troy ; Lees, Kirdan. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2007/01.

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152007Housing Markets and Migration in New Zealand, 1962-2006. (2007). Landon-Lane, John ; Coleman, Andrew. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2007/12.

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162008How do Housing Wealth, Financial Wealth and Consumption Interact? Evidence from New Zealand. (2008). De Veirman, Emmanuel ; Dunstan, Ashley . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2008/05.

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172014Price-setting behaviour in New Zealand. (2014). Parker, Miles. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2014/04.

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181997A robust measure of core inflation in New Zealand, 1949-96. (1997). Roger, Scott . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/07.

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192003Monetary policy and the volatility of real exchange rates in New Zealand. (2003). West, Kenneth. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2003/09.

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202006A Small New Keynesian Model of the New Zealand economy. (2006). Liu, Philip. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2006/03.

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211999Noise trading and exchange rate regimes. (1999). Rose, Andrew ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/02.

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222013Financial exposure and the international transmission of financial shocks. (2013). Thoenissen, Christoph ; Kamber, Gunes. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/06.

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232004Estimates of the output gap in real time: how well have we been doing?. (2004). Graff, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2004/04.

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241998Exchange rate effects and inflation targeting in a small open economy: a stochastic analysis using FPS. (1998). Drew, Aaron ; Conway, Paul ; Scott, Alasdair ; Hunt, Ben . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/04.

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252014Asset markets and monetary policy shocks at the zero lower bound. (2014). Krippner, Leo ; Claus, Iris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2014/03.

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262000Is the output gap a useful indicator of inflation?. (2000). Claus, Iris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2000/05.

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272002Currency Unions and Trade: Variations on Themes by Rose and Persson. (2002). Kenen, Peter. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2002/08.

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281998The Forecasting and Policy System: stochastic simulations of the core model. (1998). Drew, Aaron ; Hunt, Ben . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1998/06.

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292000Stylised facts from output gap measures. (2000). Scott, Alasdair . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2000/07.

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301999Efficient simple policy rules and the implications of potential output uncertainty. (1999). Drew, Aaron ; Hunt, Benjamin . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/05.

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312007Which nonlinearity in the Phillips curve? The absence of accelerating deflation in Japan. (2007). De Veirman, Emmanuel. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2007/14.

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322000Interest rate smoothing in New Zealand and other dollar bloc countries. (2000). Plantier, L. Christopher ; Drew, Aaron. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2000/10.

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331997The inflation-output trade-off: Is the Phillips Curve symmetric? A policy lesson from New Zealand. (1997). Razzak, Weshah. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/02.

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342016Monetary policy spillovers across the Pacific when interest rates are at the zero lower bound. (2016). Krippner, Leo ; Claus, Iris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2016/08.

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352001PPP-based analysis of New Zealands equilibrium exchange rate. (2001). Hargreaves, David ; Brook, Anne-Marie . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2001/01.

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361999Concordance in business cycles. (1999). McDermott, Christopher ; Scott, Alasdair . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/07.

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372001How much do import price shocks matter for consumer prices?. (2001). Hampton, Tim . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2001/06.

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382002Foreign-owned banks: Implications for New Zealands financial stability. (2002). Hull, Leslie. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2002/05.

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392015The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis. (2015). Krippner, Leo ; Eickmeier, Sandra ; von Borstel, Julia . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/03.

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401998The Forecasting and Policy System: preparing economic projections. (1998). Drew, Aaron ; Hunt, Ben . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1998/07.

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412002Estimating a Taylor Rule for New Zealand with a time-varying neutral real rate. (2002). Scrimgeour, Dean ; Plantier, L. Christopher. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2002/06.

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422015A structural model for policy analysis and forecasting: NZSIM. (2015). Theodoridis, Konstantinos ; Kamber, Gunes ; Sander, Nicholas ; McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/05.

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432001Would adopting the Australian dollar provide superior monetary policy in New Zealand?. (2001). McDermott, Christopher ; Hall, Viv ; Drew, Aaron ; St. Clair, Robert. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2001/03.

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442003Financial deregulation and household indebtedness. (2003). Hull, Leslie. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2003/01.

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452007Local linear impulse responses for a small open economy. (2007). Smith, Christie ; Haug, Alfred. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2007/09.

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462008Analysing shock transmission in a data-rich environment: A large BVAR for New Zealand. (2008). Matheson, Troy ; Bloor, Chris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2008/09.

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472001Money in the era of inflation targeting. (2001). Razzak, Weshah. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2001/02.

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482005Reaction functions in a small open economy: What role for non-traded inflation?. (2005). Santacreu, Ana Maria. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2005/04.

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492008Explaining Movements in the NZ Dollar - Central Bank Communication and the Surprise Element in Monetary Policy?. (2008). Siklos, Pierre ; Karagedikli, Ozer. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2008/02.

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502004The equilibrium exchange rate according to PPP and UIP. (2004). Stephens, Dominick. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2004/03.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015Do inflation expectations propagate the inflationary impact of real oil price shocks?: Evidence from the Michigan survey. (2015). Wong, Benjamin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/01.

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22013A tractable framework for zero lower bound Gaussian term structure models. (2013). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/02.

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32012Modifying Gaussian term structure models when interest rates are near the zero lower bound. (2012). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2012/02.

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42013Financial exposure and the international transmission of financial shocks. (2013). Thoenissen, Christoph ; Kamber, Gunes. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/06.

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52012The information content of central bank interest rate projections: Evidence from New Zealand. (2012). Nautz, Dieter ; Detmers, Gunda-Alexandra. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2012/03.

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62002Foreign-owned banks: Implications for New Zealands financial stability. (2002). Hull, Leslie. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2002/05.

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71997Inflation targeting in an open economy: strict or flexible inflation targeting?. (1997). Svensson, Lars. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1997/08.

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81999The myth of co-moving commodity prices. (1999). McDermott, Christopher ; Cashin, Paul ; Scott, Alasdair . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1999/09.

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92007Stylised facts about New Zealand business cycles. (2007). McCaw, Sharon. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2007/04.

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102013Dissecting the dynamics of the US trade balance in an estimated equilibrium model. (2013). Peersman, Gert ; Jacob, Punnoose. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2013/04.

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112016Monetary policy spillovers across the Pacific when interest rates are at the zero lower bound. (2016). Krippner, Leo ; Claus, Iris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2016/08.

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122014Asset markets and monetary policy shocks at the zero lower bound. (2014). Krippner, Leo ; Claus, Iris. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2014/03.

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132017Macroprudential policies in a low interest-rate environment.. (2017). Yao, Fang ; Rubio, Margarita. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2017/4.

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142004The equilibrium exchange rate according to PPP and UIP. (2004). Stephens, Dominick. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2004/03.

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152011Cyclical changes in firm volatility. (2011). Levin, Andrew ; De Veirman, Emmanuel. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2011/06.

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162018Migration and Business Cycle Dynamics. (2018). Thoenissen, Christoph ; Smith, Christie. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2018/7.

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172011Evaluating density forecasts: model combination strategies versus the RBNZ. (2011). Thorsrud, Leif ; McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2011/03.

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182010A theoretical foundation for the Nelson and Siegel class of yield curve models, and an empirical application to U.S. yield curve dynamics. (2010). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2010/11.

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192015When is macroprudential policy effective?. (2015). McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2015/06.

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202006A Small New Keynesian Model of the New Zealand economy. (2006). Liu, Philip. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2006/03.

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212011Fluctuations in the international prices of oil, dairy products, beef and lamb between 2000 and 2008: A review of market-specific demand and supply factors. (2011). Ng, Tim ; Yao, Aidan ; Briggs, Phil ; Harker, Carly . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2011/02.

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221998Core inflation: concepts, uses and measurement. (1998). Roger, Scott . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:1998/09.

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232018Residential construction and population growth in New Zealand: 1996-2016. (2018). Karagedikli, Ozer ; Coleman, Andrew. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:nzb:nzbdps:2018/2.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor:
Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Estimation of the adequate living expenses threshold during the Greek crisis. (2019). Fasianos, Apostolos ; Petralias, Athanassios ; Andriopoulou, Eirini. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bog:wpaper:261.

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2019The Effect of Mortgage Debt on Consumer Spending: Evidence from Household-level Data. (2019). Price, Fiona ; la Cava, Gianni ; Beckers, Benjamin. In: RBA Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:rba:rbardp:rdp2019-06.

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