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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2011 0 0.61 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.37
2012 0 0.68 0 0 12 13 24 0 1 1 0 0 0.36
2013 0.31 0.67 0.33 0.31 11 24 79 8 8 13 4 13 4 3 37.5 3 0.27 0.35
2014 0.52 0.67 0.59 0.5 8 32 33 19 27 23 12 24 12 7 36.8 6 0.75 0.34
2015 0.47 0.66 0.3 0.34 8 40 15 12 39 19 9 32 11 1 8.3 0 0.36
2016 0.44 0.65 0.55 0.5 7 47 27 26 65 16 7 40 20 5 19.2 5 0.71 0.35
2017 0.4 0.62 0.49 0.41 8 55 19 27 92 15 6 46 19 2 7.4 0 0.35
2018 0.67 0.62 0.61 0.69 11 66 34 40 132 15 10 42 29 6 15 1 0.09 0.35
2019 0.95 0.63 0.68 0.6 9 75 14 51 183 19 18 42 25 11 21.6 6 0.67 0.37
2020 0.85 0.72 0.48 0.47 8 83 1 40 223 20 17 43 20 6 15 1 0.13 0.78
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Drying out: Investigating the economic effects of drought in New Zealand. (2013). Kamber, Gunes ; McDonald, Chris ; Price, Gael . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/02.

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22014How has the LVR restriction affected the housing market: a counterfactual analysis. (2014). Price, Gael . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2014/03.

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32013Estimating the impacts of restrictions on high LVR lending. (2013). Bloor, Chris ; McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/05.

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42013Estimated Taylor Rules updated for the post-crisis period. (2013). Ng, Tim ; Kendall, Ross . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/04.

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52014Exchange rate and commodity price pass‐through in New Zealand. (2014). Wong, Benjamin ; Parker, Miles. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2014/01.

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62016The Impact of Commodity Price Movements on the New Zealand Economy. (2016). Wong, Benjamin ; Nodari, Gabriela ; Kamber, Gunes. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/05.

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72015Estimating New Zealand’s neutral interest rate. (2015). Richardson, Adam ; Williams, Rebecca . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2015/05.

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82013Productivity and the New Zealand Dollar: Balassa-Samuelson tests on sectoral data. (2013). Steenkamp, Daan. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/01.

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92018Estimating the NAIRU and the Natural Rate of Unemployment for New Zealand. (2018). Jacob, Punnoose ; Wong, Martin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/04.

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102018Job-to-job flows and inflation: Evidence from administrative data in New Zealand. (2018). Karagedikli, Ozer. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/09.

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112016Why the drivers of migration matter for the labour market. (2016). Armstrong, Jed ; McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/02.

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122017Does past inflation predict the future?. (2017). McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2017/04.

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132018Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the New Zealand economy. (2018). Wong, Benjamin ; Vehbi, Tugrul ; Rice, Amy. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/01.

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142017The role of non-participants in labour market dynamics. (2017). Karagedikli, Ozer ; Armstrong, Jed. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2017/01.

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152012Extending the Reserve Bank’s macroeconomic balance model of the exchange rate. (2012). Steenkamp, Daan ; Graham, James. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/08.

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162016The macroeconomic impact of the age composition of migration. (2016). Vehbi, Tugrul. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/03.

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172012A model for interest rates near the zero lower bound: An overview and discussion. (2012). Krippner, Leo. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/05.

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182018Funding cost pass-through to mortgage rates. (2018). Steenkamp, Daan ; Cook, Bevan . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/02.

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192019Expectations and the term premium in New Zealand long-term interest rates. (2019). Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/02.

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202016Inflation expectations curve: a tool for monitoring inflation expectations. (2016). Lewis, Michelle. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/01.

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212012Currency intervention - the profitability of some recent international experiences. (2012). Lewis, Michelle ; Cassino, Enzo . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/03.

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222012Modelling New Zealand mortgage interest rates?. (2012). Cassino, Enzo . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/10.

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232015Constructing cross country estimates of relative industry MFP levels.. (2015). Steenkamp, Daan. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2015/04.

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242018Reassessing the information content of the Commitments of Traders positioning data for exchange rate changes. (2018). Steenkamp, Daan ; Mulligan, Nicholas. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/03.

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252013Some revisions to the sectoral factor model of core inflation. (2013). Price, Gael . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/06.

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262019The flattening of the Phillips curve: Rounding up the suspects. (2019). Jacob, Punnoose ; van Florenstein, Thomas. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/06.

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272017Evaluating alternative monthly house price measures for New Zealand. (2017). Dunstan, Ashley ; Armstrong, Jed ; Irrcher, Tobias . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2017/02.

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282017Is the market always right? Improving federal funds rate forecasts by adjusting for the term premium. (2017). Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2017/08.

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292014Structural adjustment in New Zealand since the commodity boom. (2014). Steenkamp, Daan. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2014/02.

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302013Neutral interest rates in the post-crisis period. (2013). Wood, Amy ; Chetwin, Willy . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/07.

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312013A closer look at some of the supply and demand factors influencing residential property markets. (2013). Watson, Elizabeth. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/11.

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322016Testing an Interpretation of Core Inflation Measures in New Zealand. (2016). Wong, Benjamin ; Kamber, Gunes. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/06.

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332017Revisiting the Wealth Effect on Consumption in New Zealand. (2017). Wong, Martin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2017/03.

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342018Mortgagor Vulnerability and Deposit Affordability in New Zealand before and after the Loan-to-Value Restrictions. (2018). Shaar, Karam. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/06.

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352018Estimated policy rules for different monetary regimes: Flexible inflation targeting versus a dual mandate. (2018). Jacob, Punnoose ; Wadsworth, Amber ; Punnoose, Jacob. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/11.

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362013What in the world moves New Zealand bond yields?. (2013). Rosborough, Lauren ; Lewis, Michelle. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/08.

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372013New Zealand’s short- and medium-term real exchange rate volatility: drivers and policy implications. (2013). Steenkamp, Daan ; Ng, Tim ; Chetwin, Willy . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/03.

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382016Short-term risk premiums and policy rate expectations in the United States. (2016). Krippner, Leo ; Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/07.

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392012Not a jobless recovery, just a slow one. (2012). Groshenny, Nicolas ; Craigie, Rebecca ; Gillmore, David . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/06.

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402014Economic linkages between New Zealand and China. (2014). Kendall, Ross . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2014/06.

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412015Vulnerability of new mortgage borrowers prior to the introduction of the LVR speed limit: Insights from the Household Economic Survey. (2015). Dunstan, Ashley ; Skilling, Hayden. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2015/02.

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422013Fresh perspectives on unobservable variables: Data decomposition of the Kalman smoother. (2013). Sander, Nicholas . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/09.

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432020Economic impacts of COVID-19 containment measures. (2020). Stannard, Tom ; McDonald, Chris ; Steven, Gregorius. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2020/04.

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442018Quantifying fiscal multipliers in New Zealand: The evidence from SVAR models. (2018). Hamer-Adams, Anna ; Wong, Martin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/05.

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452019Effective Monetary Stimulus: Measuring the stance of monetary policy in New Zealand. (2019). Richardson, Adam ; Culling, Jamie ; Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/05.

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462016Developing a labour utilisation composite index for New Zealand. (2016). Kamber, Gunes ; Karagedikli, Ozer ; Armstrong, Jed. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2016/04.

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472012Kiwi drivers the New Zealand dollar experience. (2012). McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2012/02.

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482018Ageing is a drag: Projecting labour force participation in New Zealand. (2018). Callaghan, Michael ; Robinson, Finn ; Culling, Jamie. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/10.

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492019Evaluating indicators of labour market capacity in New Zealand. (2019). Price, Gael ; Culling, Jamie ; Robinson, Finn. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/09.

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502019Mixed in New Zealand: Nowcasting Labour Markets with MIDAS. (2019). Karagedikli, Ozer ; Ozbilgin, Murat. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/04.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12013Drying out: Investigating the economic effects of drought in New Zealand. (2013). Kamber, Gunes ; McDonald, Chris ; Price, Gael . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/02.

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22014How has the LVR restriction affected the housing market: a counterfactual analysis. (2014). Price, Gael . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2014/03.

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32019The flattening of the Phillips curve: Rounding up the suspects. (2019). Jacob, Punnoose ; van Florenstein, Thomas. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/06.

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42018Quantifying fiscal multipliers in New Zealand: The evidence from SVAR models. (2018). Hamer-Adams, Anna ; Wong, Martin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/05.

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52018Estimating the NAIRU and the Natural Rate of Unemployment for New Zealand. (2018). Jacob, Punnoose ; Wong, Martin. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/04.

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62019Expectations and the term premium in New Zealand long-term interest rates. (2019). Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/02.

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72018Mortgagor Vulnerability and Deposit Affordability in New Zealand before and after the Loan-to-Value Restrictions. (2018). Shaar, Karam. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/06.

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82018Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the New Zealand economy. (2018). Wong, Benjamin ; Vehbi, Tugrul ; Rice, Amy. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2018/01.

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92013Estimating the impacts of restrictions on high LVR lending. (2013). Bloor, Chris ; McDonald, Chris . In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2013/05.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor:
Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020The depth, length and shape of the covid-19 recession conveyed in 2020 growth forecasts. (2020). Gómez-Pineda, Javier ; Gomez-Pineda, Javier G. In: Borradores de Economia. RePEc:bdr:borrec:1123.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019Suite as! Augmenting the Reserve Bank’s output gap indicator suite. (2019). Jacob, Punnoose ; Robinson, Finn. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/08.

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2019Evaluating indicators of labour market capacity in New Zealand. (2019). Price, Gael ; Culling, Jamie ; Robinson, Finn. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Analytical Notes series. RePEc:nzb:nzbans:2019/09.

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2019Opening the toolbox: how does the Reserve Bank analyse the world?. (2019). Wong, Benjamin ; Vehbi, Tugrul ; Cassino, Enzo ; Callaghan, Michael. In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin. RePEc:nzb:nzbbul:apr2019:4.

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2019The Small Open Economy New-Keynesian Phillips Curve: Specification, Structural Breaks and Robustness.. (2019). Aquino, Juan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:rbp:wpaper:2019-019.

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