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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2009 0 0.58 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.33
2010 0 0.52 0.06 0 14 17 35 1 1 3 3 0 1 0.07 0.3
2011 0.29 0.61 0.3 0.29 6 23 12 7 8 17 5 17 5 1 14.3 1 0.17 0.37
2012 0.4 0.68 0.36 0.35 5 28 21 9 18 20 8 23 8 0 1 0.2 0.36
2013 0.45 0.67 0.41 0.39 4 32 2 11 31 11 5 28 11 0 0 0.35
2014 0.11 0.67 0.3 0.34 8 40 7 12 43 9 1 32 11 0 1 0.13 0.34
2015 0.08 0.66 0.25 0.22 4 44 21 9 54 12 1 37 8 1 11.1 0 0.36
2016 0.58 0.65 0.41 0.52 15 59 84 22 78 12 7 27 14 3 13.6 6 0.4 0.35
2017 1.32 0.62 0.51 0.78 6 65 27 31 111 19 25 36 28 7 22.6 1 0.17 0.35
2018 0.57 0.62 0.26 0.41 4 69 3 18 129 21 12 37 15 1 5.6 0 0.35
2019 0.7 0.63 0.38 0.57 5 74 4 28 157 10 7 37 21 0 0 0.37
2020 0.44 0.72 0.44 0.71 6 80 19 35 192 9 4 34 24 1 2.9 5 0.83 0.78
2021 0.73 0.99 0.31 0.58 4 84 0 26 218 11 8 36 21 1 3.8 0 0.41
2022 0.2 0.78 0.2 0.28 6 90 1 18 236 10 2 25 7 2 11.1 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016Market Inefficiency, Insurance Mandate and Welfare: U.S. Health Care Reform 2010. (2016). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2014-01.

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22015Forecasting Consumption: The Role of Consumer Confidence in Real Time with many Predictors. (2015). Zhao, Yongchen ; Monokroussos, George ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2015-02.

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32012How Effective are Cash Transfer Programs at Improving Nutritional Status?. (2012). Manley, James ; Gitter, Seth ; Slavchevska, Vanya . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-18.

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42016Determinants of Consumer Sentiment over Business Cycles: Evidence from the U.S. Surveys of Consumers. (2016). Zhao, Yongchen ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-14.

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52017Aging and Health Financing in the U.S. A General Equilibrium Analysis. (2017). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen ; Chambers, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-04.

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62017A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Unique Maximum with an Application to Potential Games. (2017). Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2017-04.

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72010Health Care Financing over the Life Cycle, Universal Medical Vouchers and Welfare. (2010). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-03.

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82020Coronavirus Infections and Deaths by Poverty Status: Time Trends and Patterns. (2020). Jung, Juergen ; Shrestha, Vinish ; Manley, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2020-03.

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92010Endogenous Group Formation via Unproductive Costs. (2010). Rubin, Jared ; Makowsky, Michael ; Iannaccone, Laurence ; Aimone, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-15.

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102016Differential Mortality and the Progressivity of Social Security. (2016). Bagchi, Shantanu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-03.

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112010The Pill and Partnerships: The impact of the birth control pill on cohabitation. (2010). Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-02.

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122011Did Housing Policies Cause the Post-War Boom in Homeownership? A General Equilibrium Analysis. (2011). Schlagenhauf, Don ; Garriga, Carlos ; Chambers, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2011-01.

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132020Maternal Education and Infant Health Gradient: New Answers to Old Questions. (2019). Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2019-03.

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142016Foods and Fads - The Welfare Impacts of Rising Quinoa Prices in Peru. (2016). Gitter, Seth ; Fajardo-Gonzalez, Johanna ; Bellemare, Marc. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-06.

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152020Robustness of Forecast Combination in Unstable Environment: A Monte Carlo Study of Advanced Algorithms. (2015). Zhao, Yongchen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2015-04.

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162016Long-Run Health Consequences of Air Pollution: Evidence from Indonesias Forest Fires of 1997. (2016). Radoias, Vlad ; Manley, James ; Kim, Younoh ; Knowles, Scott . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-11.

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172019Updates to Household Inflation Expectations: Signal or Noise?. (2019). Zhao, Yongchen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2019-01.

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18Subjective Health Expectations. (2014). Jung, Juergen ; Huynh, Kim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-08.

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192018Inflation Expectations in India: Learning from Household Tendency Surveys. (2018). Zhao, Yongchen ; Lahiri, Kajal ; Das, Abhiman. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2018-03.

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20An Agent-Based Model of Centralized Institutions, Social Network Technology, and Revolution. (2011). Rubin, Jared ; Makowsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2011-05.

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212010Fair Trade-Organic Coffee Cooperatives, Migration, and Secondary Schooling in Southern Mexico. (2010). Weber, Jeremy ; Gitter, Seth ; Callenes, Mercedez ; Barham, Bradford L. ; Lewis, Jessa M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-14.

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222016Are Cash Transfers the answer for children in Sub-Saharan Africa? A Literature Review. (2016). Manley, James ; Slavchevska, Vanya . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-12.

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23Stadium Construction and Minor League Baseball Attendance. (2010). Rhoads, Thomas ; Gitter, Seth. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-06.

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242014Intra Marriage Bargaining Power and Fertility Decisions for Women in Developing Countries. (2014). Radoias, Vlad ; Kim, Younoh. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2014-06.

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252016The Postwar Conquest of the Home Ownership Dream. (2016). Garriga, Carlos ; Chambers, Matthew ; Schlagenhauf, Don E. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-07.

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262010Did the Financial Crisis in Japan Affect Household Welfare Seriously?. (2010). Sawada, Yasuyuki ; Lee, Mark ; Nawata, Kazumitsu ; Masako Ii, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-11.

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272011Does the Availability of Parental Health Insurance Affect the College Enrollment Decision of Young Americans?. (2011). Rhoads, Thomas ; Jung, Juergen ; Diane M. Harnak Hall, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-05.

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282014Labor Supply and the Optimality of Social Security. (2014). Bagchi, Shantanu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2014-04.

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292016Comparative Statics and Heterogeneity. (2016). Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-01.

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302016The Effect of the Health Insurance Mandate on Labor Market Activity and Time Allocation: Evidence from the Federal Dependent Coverage Provision. (2016). Lenhart, Otto ; Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-10.

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312017A Strong Correspondence Principle for Smooth, Monotone Environments. (2017). Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-05.

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322017The Affordable Care Act and College Enrollment Decisions. (2017). Jung, Juergen ; Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-16.

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332011Financial globalization and the raising of public debt. (2011). de Francisco, Eva ; Azzimonti, Marina ; Quadrini, Vincenzo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2011-03.

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342019Can Basic Maternal Literacy Skills Improve Infant Health Outcomes? Evidence from the Education Act in Nepal. (2019). Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-08.

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352013Fiscal Austerity Measures: Spending Cuts vs. Tax Increases. (2013). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen ; Glomm, Gerhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2013-01.

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362020Nowcasting in Real Time Using Popularity Priors. (2020). Zhao, Yongchen ; Monokroussos, George. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2020-01.

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372010Global Social Interactions with Sequential Binary Decisions: The Case of Marriage, Divorce, and Stigma. (2010). Jung, Juergen ; Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-01.

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382012Oh Brother! Testing the Etiology of Sibling Effects Using External Cash Transfers. (2012). Manley, James ; Gertler, Paul ; Fernald, Lia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2012-03.

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392022Social Health Insurance: A Quantitative Exploration. (2016). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-02.

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402010Religion, Clubs, and Emergent Social Divides. (2010). Makowsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2009-03.

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412017Medium- and Long-run Consequences of Pollution on Labor Supply: Evidence from Indonesias Forest Fires of 1997. (2017). Radoias, Vlad ; Manley, James ; Kim, Younoh. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2017-02.

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422013Medical Consumption over the Life Cycle: Facts from a U.S. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. (2013). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-09.

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432020The Nordhaus Test with Many Zeros. (2020). Zhao, Yongchen ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2020-05.

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442010A Theory of Liberal Churches. (2010). Makowsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-04.

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452010Political Costs and Fiscal Benefits: The Political Economy of Residential Property Value Assessment. (2010). Sanders, Shane ; Makowsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2010-16.

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462009More Tickets, Fewer Accidents: How Cash-Strapped Towns Make for Safer Roads. (2009). Stratmann, Thomas ; Makowsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2009-02.

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472016How Efficient are the Current U.S. Beer Taxes?. (2016). Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-09.

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482018International Propagation of Shocks: A Dynamic Factor Model Using Survey Forecasts. (2018). Zhao, Yongchen ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2018-04.

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492013Childcare Availability and Female Labor Force Participation: An Empirical Examination of the Chile Crece Contigo Program. (2013). Vásquez Lavín, Felipe ; Manley, James ; Vasquez, Felipe . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2013-03.

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502009Transfers and Labor Market Behavior of the Elderly in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Vietnam. (2009). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2009-01.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016Market Inefficiency, Insurance Mandate and Welfare: U.S. Health Care Reform 2010. (2016). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2014-01.

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22017A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Unique Maximum with an Application to Potential Games. (2017). Christensen, Finn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2017-04.

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32017Aging and Health Financing in the U.S. A General Equilibrium Analysis. (2017). Tran, Chung ; Jung, Juergen ; Chambers, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-04.

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42020Coronavirus Infections and Deaths by Poverty Status: Time Trends and Patterns. (2020). Jung, Juergen ; Shrestha, Vinish ; Manley, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2020-03.

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52020Maternal Education and Infant Health Gradient: New Answers to Old Questions. (2019). Shrestha, Vinish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2019-03.

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62016Determinants of Consumer Sentiment over Business Cycles: Evidence from the U.S. Surveys of Consumers. (2016). Zhao, Yongchen ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2016-14.

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72015Forecasting Consumption: The Role of Consumer Confidence in Real Time with many Predictors. (2015). Zhao, Yongchen ; Monokroussos, George ; Lahiri, Kajal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2015-02.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 2
2022Maternal education, health care system and child health: Evidence from India. (2022). James, K S ; Gupta, Ashish Kumar ; Paul, Sourabh. In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:296:y:2022:i:c:s0277953622000430.

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2022Effects of income inequality on COVID-19 infections and deaths during the first wave of the pandemic: Evidence from European countries. (2022). Sanchez-Paez, David A. In: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. RePEc:vid:yearbk:v:20:y:2022:i:1:oid:0x003cb240.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2022

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020Modern Infectious Diseases: Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Responses. (2020). Prettner, Klaus ; Kuhn, Michael ; Bloom, David E. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gwi:wpaper:2020-17.

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2020Modern Infectious Diseases: Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Responses. (2020). Prettner, Klaus ; Kuhn, Michael ; Bloom, David E. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13625.

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2020Modern Infectious Diseases: Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Responses. (2020). Prettner, Klaus ; Kuhn, Michael ; Bloom, David. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27757.

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2020Predicting U.S. Business Cycle Turning Points Using Real-Time Diffusion Indexes Based on a Large Data Set. (2020). Zhao, Yongchen. In: Journal of Business Cycle Research. RePEc:spr:jbuscr:v:16:y:2020:i:2:d:10.1007_s41549-020-00046-y.

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Recent citations received in 2019

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