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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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2000 0 0.54 0.45 0 11 11 84 4 5 0 0 0 4 0.36 0.24
2001 0.64 0.49 0.58 0.64 8 19 34 11 16 11 7 11 7 0 1 0.13 0.27
2002 0.63 0.54 0.53 0.63 11 30 59 15 32 19 12 19 12 0 0 0.31
2003 0.68 0.53 1.1 0.7 9 39 24 42 75 19 13 30 21 0 5 0.56 0.3
2004 0.95 0.6 0.76 0.67 11 50 40 37 113 20 19 39 26 1 2.7 4 0.36 0.36
2005 0.6 0.6 0.56 0.46 11 61 94 34 147 20 12 50 23 7 20.6 2 0.18 0.36
2006 0.77 0.59 0.69 0.44 10 71 20 49 196 22 17 50 22 2 4.1 4 0.4 0.34
2007 0.33 0.52 0.27 0.23 11 82 20 22 218 21 7 52 12 0 5 0.45 0.29
2008 0.14 0.59 0.39 0.27 8 90 11 35 253 21 3 52 14 1 2.9 0 0.29
2009 0.16 0.58 0.19 0.24 8 98 27 19 272 19 3 51 12 1 5.3 1 0.13 0.33
2010 0.13 0.52 0.16 0.19 7 105 39 17 289 16 2 48 9 0 0 0.3
2011 0.47 0.61 0.3 0.32 8 113 20 34 323 15 7 44 14 0 1 0.13 0.37
2012 1.07 0.68 0.28 0.48 9 122 43 34 357 15 16 42 20 3 8.8 2 0.22 0.36
2013 0.76 0.67 0.29 0.63 8 130 65 38 395 17 13 40 25 1 2.6 0 0.35
2014 0.88 0.67 0.26 0.48 7 137 54 36 431 17 15 40 19 4 11.1 4 0.57 0.34
2015 0.87 0.66 0.29 0.56 9 146 41 43 474 15 13 39 22 2 4.7 1 0.11 0.36
2016 0.75 0.65 0.35 0.73 7 153 17 53 527 16 12 41 30 3 5.7 1 0.14 0.35
2017 0.25 0.62 0.29 0.48 11 164 48 47 574 16 4 40 19 0 4 0.36 0.35
2018 1.11 0.62 0.33 0.95 10 174 35 58 632 18 20 42 40 7 12.1 1 0.1 0.35
2019 0.62 0.63 0.24 0.59 7 181 63 44 676 21 13 44 26 0 4 0.57 0.37
2020 1.82 0.72 0.39 0.93 6 187 13 72 748 17 31 44 41 2 2.8 3 0.5 0.78
2021 1.62 0.99 0.36 0.93 8 195 10 70 818 13 21 41 38 1 1.4 2 0.25 0.41
2022 0.64 0.78 0.29 0.86 7 202 3 59 877 14 9 42 36 0 1 0.14 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005Structural Change, Productivity and Employment in the New EU Member States. (2005). Havlik, Peter. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:313.

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22000Structural Change in the Transition Economies, 1989 to 1999. (2000). Landesmann, Michael. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:269.

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32017The Evolution of Non-Tariff Measures and their Diverse Effects on Trade. (2017). Stehrer, Robert ; Reiter, Oliver ; Gruebler, Julia ; Ghodsi, Mohammad Mahdi ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:419.

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42019Tangible and Intangible Assets in the Growth Performance of the EU, Japan and the US. (2019). Stehrer, Robert ; Adarov, Amat. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:442.

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52010Migration, Skills and Productivity. (2010). Stehrer, Robert ; Robinson, Catherine ; Peng, Fei ; O'MAHONY, Mary ; Nowotny, Klaus ; Landesmann, Michael ; Iara, Anna ; Huber, Peter ; Hierlander, Robert. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:365.

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62005Employment Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. (2005). Hunya, Gabor ; Geishecker, Ingo. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:321.

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72013A ‘Manufacturing Imperative’ in the EU – Europes Position in Global Manufacturing and the Role of Industrial Policy. (2013). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Landesmann, Michael ; Holzner, Mario ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Poschl, Johannes ; Stollinger, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:391.

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82001Competitiveness of CEE Industries: Evidence From Foreign Trade Specialization and Quality Indicators. (2001). Stehrer, Robert ; Landesmann, Michael ; Havlik, Peter. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:278.

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92014Economic Convergence and Structural Change: the Role of Transition and EU Accession. (2014). Havlik, Peter ; Dobrinsky, Rumen. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:395.

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102002Recent Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on Growth and Restructuring in Central European Transition Countries. (2002). Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:284.

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112000International Competitiveness Impacts of FDI in CEECs. (2000). Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:268.

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122013International Fragmentation of Production, Trade and Growth: Impacts and Prospects for EU Member States. (2013). Timmer, Marcel ; Stehrer, Robert ; Foster-McGregor, Neil. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:387.

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13Global Value Chains and the EU Industry. (2012). Stehrer, Robert ; Sass, Magdolna ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Dachs, Bernhard ; Szalavetz, Andrea ; Schmall, Thomas Christian ; Kinkel, Steffen ; Borowiecki, Martin ; Poschl, Johannes ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:383.

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142002The CEECs in the Enlarged Europe: Convergence Patterns, Specialization and Labour Market Implications. (2002). Stehrer, Robert ; Landesmann, Michael. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:286.

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152018Global and Regional Value Chains: How Important, How Different?. (2018). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Stollinger, Roman ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:427.

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162015Competitiveness of the European Economy. (2015). Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra ; Landesmann, Michael. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:401.

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172013Development Patterns of Central and East European Countries (in the course of transition and following EU accession). (2013). Podkaminer, Leon. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:388.

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182004Economic Restructuring and Labour Market Developments in the New EU Member States. (2004). Landesmann, Michael ; Vidovic, Hermine ; Ward, Terry . In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:312.

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192014Trade Integration, Production Fragmentation and Performance in Europe - Blessing or Curse? A Comparative Analysis of the New Member States and the EU-15. (2014). Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:397.

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202005Coming and Going: Gains and Losses from Relocations Affecting Hungary. (2005). Sass, Magdolna ; Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:323.

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212009Foreign Direct Investment Flows between the EU and the BRICs. (2009). Stöllinger, Roman ; Hunya, Gabor ; Stollinger, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:358.

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222011Trade in Intermediate Products and EU Manufacturing Supply Chains. (2011). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Seppälä, Timo ; Rouvinen, Petri ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris ; Seppala, Timo ; Stollinger, Roman ; Yla-Anttila, Pekka ; Ali-Yrkko, Jyrki. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:369.

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232002Restructuring Through FDI in Romanian Manufacturing. (2002). Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:287.

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242003Prospects for Further (South-) Eastern EU Enlargement: from Divergence to Convergence?. (2003). Landesmann, Michael ; Holzner, Mario ; Gligorov, Vladimir. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:296.

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252012Surveying Romanian Migrants in Italy Before and After the EU Accession: Migration Plans, Labour Market Features and Social Inclusion. (2012). Mara, Isilda. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:378.

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262004Foreign Direct Investment and the Catching-up Process in New EU Member States: Is There a Flying Geese Pattern?. (2004). Rojec, Matija ; Damijan, Joze. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:310.

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272001Patterns of Catching-Up in Candidate Countries Manufacturing Industry. (2001). Havlik, Peter. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:279.

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282019Demographic Challenges for Labour Supply and Growth. (2019). Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:439.

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292007High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon. (2007). Woerz, Julia ; Urban, Waltraut ; Richter, Sandor ; Podkaminer, Leon ; Landesmann, Michael ; Hunya, Gabor ; Holzner, Mario ; Havlik, Peter ; Gligorov, Vladimir ; Astrov, Vasily. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:341.

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302018The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and its Relevance for the Austrian Economy. (2018). Stehrer, Robert ; Reiter, Oliver ; Gruebler, Julia ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:434.

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312015The Relation between Industry and Services in Terms of Productivity and Value Creation. (2015). Vieweg, Günther ; Strobel, Thomas ; Stehrer, Robert ; Schricker, Julia ; Leitner, Sandra ; Koenen, Johannes ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Yagafarova, Anastasia ; Vermeulen, Jurgen ; Paul, Baker ; Johannes, Koenen . In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:404.

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322006Economic Growth, Regional Disparities and Employment in the EU-27. (2006). Römisch, Roman ; Landesmann, Michael ; Romisch, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:333.

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332003Consequences of EU Accession: Economic Effects on CEECs. (2003). Richter, Sandor ; Landesmann, Michael. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:299.

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342000Measurement of Costs and Benefits of Accession to the European Union for Selected Countries in Central and Eastern Europe. (2000). Richter, Sandor ; Mortensen, Jorgen. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:263.

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352012European Neighbourhood - Challenges and Opportunities for EU Competitiveness. (2012). Stöllinger, Roman ; Richter, Sandor ; Hunya, Gabor ; Holzner, Mario ; Havlik, Peter ; Astrov, Vasily ; Vidovic, Hermine ; Stollinger, Roman ; Mara, Isilda. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:382.

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362016Improving Competitiveness in the Balkan Region – Opportunities and Limits. (2016). Pöschl, Johannes ; Landesmann, Michael ; Holzner, Mario ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Gabrisch, Hubert ; Poschl, Johannes ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris ; Vidovic, Hermine. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:411.

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372004FDI in Small Countries: the Baltic States. (2004). Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:307.

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382009Models of BRICs Economic Development and Challenges for EU Competitiveness. (2009). Urban, Waltraut ; Poplawski-Ribeiro, Marcos ; Havlik, Peter ; Ghosh, Jayati. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:359.

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392019Wage Developments in the Central and Eastern European EU Member States. (2019). Podkaminer, Leon ; Leitner, Sebastian ; Holzner, Mario ; Astrov, Vasily ; Rezai, Armon ; Mara, Isilda. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:443.

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402008Facing the Monster Juste retour: On the Net Financial Position of Member States vis-à-vis the EU Budget and a Proposal for Reform. (2008). Richter, Sandor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:348.

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412015Migrants and Natives in EU Labour Markets: Mobility and Job-Skill Mismatch Patterns. (2015). Leitner, Sandra ; Landesmann, Michael ; Jestl, Stefan. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:403.

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422009Trade in Goods and Services between the EU and the BRICs. (2009). Stöllinger, Roman ; Pindyuk, Olga ; Havlik, Peter ; Stollinger, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:357.

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432015Free Movement of Workers, Transitional Arrangements and Potential Mobility from Croatia. (2015). Mara, Isilda ; Vidovic, Hermine. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:402.

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442003Transition Countries in 2003: Reforms and Restructuring Keep the Global Economic Slowdown at Bay. (2003). Havlik, Peter. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:297.

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452019Economic Polarisation in Europe: Causes and Options for Action. (2019). Kapeller, Jakob ; Heimberger, Philipp ; Grabner, Claudius. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:440.

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462018The Iranian Economy: Challenges and Opportunities. (2018). Stehrer, Robert ; Ghodsi, Mohammad Mahdi ; Astrov, Vasily ; Grieveson, Richard. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:429.

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472011Revival of the Visegrad Countries’ Mutual Trade after their EU Accession: a Search for Explanation. (2011). Richter, Sandor ; Pindyuk, Olga ; Hunya, Gabor ; Foster-McGregor, Neil. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:372.

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482020Characterising Non-tariff Trade Policy. (2020). Reiter, Oliver ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:449.

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492002The Services Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe. (2002). Vidovic, Hermine. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:289.

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502014Patterns of Structural Change in the New EU Member States. (2014). Havlik, Peter. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:394.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12019Tangible and Intangible Assets in the Growth Performance of the EU, Japan and the US. (2019). Stehrer, Robert ; Adarov, Amat. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:442.

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22017The Evolution of Non-Tariff Measures and their Diverse Effects on Trade. (2017). Stehrer, Robert ; Reiter, Oliver ; Gruebler, Julia ; Ghodsi, Mohammad Mahdi ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:419.

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32015Competitiveness of the European Economy. (2015). Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra ; Landesmann, Michael. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:401.

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42018Global and Regional Value Chains: How Important, How Different?. (2018). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Leitner, Sandra ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Stollinger, Roman ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:427.

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52021Learning from Tumultuous Times: An Analysis of Vulnerable Sectors in International Trade in the Context of the Corona Health Crisis. (2021). Stehrer, Robert ; Reiter, Oliver. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:454.

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62019Wage Developments in the Central and Eastern European EU Member States. (2019). Podkaminer, Leon ; Leitner, Sebastian ; Holzner, Mario ; Astrov, Vasily ; Rezai, Armon ; Mara, Isilda. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:443.

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72019Functional Specialisation in Global Value Chains and the Middle-Income Trap. (2019). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stollinger, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:441.

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82013A ‘Manufacturing Imperative’ in the EU – Europes Position in Global Manufacturing and the Role of Industrial Policy. (2013). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Landesmann, Michael ; Holzner, Mario ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Poschl, Johannes ; Stollinger, Roman. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:391.

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92022Functional Specialisation in EU Value Chains: Methods for Identifying EU Countries’ Roles in International Production Networks. (2022). Zavarska, Zuzana ; Stollinger, Roman ; Olczyk, Magdalena ; Kordalska, Aleksandra. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:461.

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102005Employment Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. (2005). Hunya, Gabor ; Geishecker, Ingo. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:321.

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112014Economic Convergence and Structural Change: the Role of Transition and EU Accession. (2014). Havlik, Peter ; Dobrinsky, Rumen. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:395.

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122004FDI in Small Countries: the Baltic States. (2004). Hunya, Gabor. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:307.

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132020Characterising Non-tariff Trade Policy. (2020). Reiter, Oliver ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:449.

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142020Economic Challenges and Costs of Reintegrating the Donbas Region in Ukraine. (2020). Pindyuk, Olga ; Havlik, Peter ; Kochnev, Artem. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:447.

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152019Economic Polarisation in Europe: Causes and Options for Action. (2019). Kapeller, Jakob ; Heimberger, Philipp ; Grabner, Claudius. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:440.

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162014Reducing Productivity and Efficiency Gaps: the Role of Knowledge Assets, Absorptive Capacity and Institutions. (2014). Venturini, Francesco ; Vecchi, Michela ; Stehrer, Robert ; Rincon-Aznar, Ana ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Poschl, Johannes. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:396.

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172010Migration, Skills and Productivity. (2010). Stehrer, Robert ; Robinson, Catherine ; Peng, Fei ; O'MAHONY, Mary ; Nowotny, Klaus ; Landesmann, Michael ; Iara, Anna ; Huber, Peter ; Hierlander, Robert. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:365.

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182012Global Value Chains and the EU Industry. (2012). Stehrer, Robert ; Sass, Magdolna ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Dachs, Bernhard ; Szalavetz, Andrea ; Schmall, Thomas Christian ; Kinkel, Steffen ; Borowiecki, Martin ; Poschl, Johannes ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:383.

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192015Free Movement of Workers, Transitional Arrangements and Potential Mobility from Croatia. (2015). Mara, Isilda ; Vidovic, Hermine. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:402.

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202015Energy Efficiency and EU Industrial Competitiveness: Energy Costs and their Impact on Manufacturing Activity. (2015). Stehrer, Robert ; Pöschl, Johannes ; Pindyuk, Olga ; Leitner, Sandra ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Astrov, Vasily ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris ; Poschl, Johannes. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:405.

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212020Wage Developments in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine. (2020). Podkaminer, Leon ; Leitner, Sebastian ; Astrov, Vasily ; Vidovic, Hermine ; Mara, Isilda. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:444.

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222020Capital Dynamics, Global Value Chains, Competitiveness and Barriers to FDI and Capital Accumulation in the EU. (2020). Stehrer, Robert ; Adarov, Amat. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:446.

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232018The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement and its Relevance for the Austrian Economy. (2018). Stehrer, Robert ; Reiter, Oliver ; Gruebler, Julia ; Grubler, Julia. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:434.

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242015Migrants and Natives in EU Labour Markets: Mobility and Job-Skill Mismatch Patterns. (2015). Leitner, Sandra ; Landesmann, Michael ; Jestl, Stefan. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:403.

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252016The Belarus Economy: The Challenges of Stalled Reforms. (2016). Pindyuk, Olga ; Kruk, Dzmitry ; Hunya, Gabor ; Havlik, Peter ; Bornukova, Kateryna ; Adarov, Amat ; Dobrinsky, Rumen. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:413.

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262021Production and Trade of ICT from an EU Perspective. (2021). Stöllinger, Roman ; Stehrer, Robert ; Ghodsi, Mahdi ; Adarov, Amat ; Stollinger, Roman ; Exadaktylos, Dimitrios. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:456.

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272015The Relation between Industry and Services in Terms of Productivity and Value Creation. (2015). Vieweg, Günther ; Strobel, Thomas ; Stehrer, Robert ; Schricker, Julia ; Leitner, Sandra ; Koenen, Johannes ; Foster-McGregor, Neil ; Yagafarova, Anastasia ; Vermeulen, Jurgen ; Paul, Baker ; Johannes, Koenen . In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:404.

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282017From Fiscal Austerity towards Growth-Enhancing Fiscal Policy in Ukraine. (2017). Landesmann, Michael ; Havlik, Peter ; Gligorov, Vladimir ; Bogdan, Tetiana . In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:417.

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292018The Iranian Economy: Challenges and Opportunities. (2018). Stehrer, Robert ; Ghodsi, Mohammad Mahdi ; Astrov, Vasily ; Grieveson, Richard. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:429.

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302021How do Economies in EU-CEE Cope with Labour Shortages?. (2021). Leitner, Sebastian ; Hanzl-Weiß, Doris ; Grieveson, Richard ; Astrov, Vasily ; Mara, Isilda ; Hanzl-Weiss, Doris ; Vidovic, Hermine. In: wiiw Research Reports. RePEc:wii:rpaper:rr:452.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 9
2022Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern (MOEL). (2022). Vidovic, Hermine ; Stehrer, Robert ; Romisch, Roman ; Leitner, Sebastian ; Landesmann, Michael ; Jestl, Stefan ; Astrov, Vasily. In: wiiw Research Reports in German language. RePEc:wii:ratpap:rpg:21.

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2022Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: assessment of the humanitarian, economic, and financial impact in the short and medium term. (2022). Stehrer, Robert ; Pindyuk, Olga ; Landesmann, Michael ; Kochnev, Artem ; Holzner, Mario ; Grieveson, Richard ; Ghodsi, Mahdi ; Astrov, Vasily ; Bykova, Alexandra ; Tverdostup, Maryna. In: International Economics and Economic Policy. RePEc:kap:iecepo:v:19:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s10368-022-00546-5.

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2022The Effect of the War on Human Capital in Ukraine and the Path for Rebuilding. (2022). Sahin, Aysegul ; Kudlyak, Marianna ; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy. In: IZA Policy Papers. RePEc:iza:izapps:pp185.

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2022FIW-Jahresgutachten - Die österreichische Außenwirtschaft 2022. (2022). Oberhofer, Harald ; Wolfmayr, Yvonne ; Stollinger, Roman ; Moshammer, Bernhard ; Grieveson, Richard ; Astrov, Vasily ; Stehrer, Robert. In: FIW Annual Report on the Status of the Austrian External Sector series. RePEc:wsr:fiwjag:y:2022:i:005.

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2022Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Assessment of the Humanitarian, Economic and Financial Impact in the Short and Medium Term. (2022). Tverdostup, Maryna ; Stehrer, Robert ; Pindyuk, Olga ; Landesmann, Michael ; Holzner, Mario ; Grieveson, Richard ; Ghodsi, Mahdi ; Astrov, Vasily. In: wiiw Policy Notes. RePEc:wii:pnotes:pn:59.

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2022Lieferengpässe in Österreich? Globale Warenketten von Medizinprodukten während der COVID-19 Pandemie. (2022). Grohs, Hannes ; Grumiller, Jan ; Reiner, Christian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:69.

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2022Comparative Advantages in the Digital Era: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Approach. (2022). Stoellinger, Roman ; Guarascio, Dario. In: Working Papers in Public Economics. RePEc:sap:wpaper:wp223.

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2022Comparative Advantages in the Digital Era – A Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Approach. (2022). Stollinger, Roman ; Guarascio, Dario. In: wiiw Working Papers. RePEc:wii:wpaper:217.

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