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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2002 0 0.54 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.31
2013 0 0.67 0.15 0 88 92 127 14 20 0 0 3 21.4 14 0.16 0.35
2014 0.22 0.67 0.22 0.22 1 93 10 20 40 88 19 88 19 0 1 1 0.34
2015 0.18 0.66 0.22 0.18 4 97 46 21 61 89 16 89 16 0 4 1 0.36
2016 2 0.65 0.21 0.23 5 102 0 21 82 5 10 93 21 0 0 0.35
2017 0.56 0.62 0.28 0.29 1 103 22 29 111 9 5 98 28 0 0 0.35
2018 0.33 0.62 0.15 0.15 4 107 1 15 127 6 2 99 15 0 0 0.35
2019 0.6 0.63 0.16 0.73 94 201 37 33 160 5 3 15 11 0 7 0.07 0.37
2020 0.08 0.72 0.12 0.14 4 205 0 24 184 98 8 108 15 0 0 0.78
2021 0.13 0.99 0.15 0.19 12 217 1 33 217 98 13 108 21 3 9.1 2 0.17 0.41
2022 0.06 0.78 0.11 0.13 4 221 0 23 241 16 1 115 15 1 4.3 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Race-Specific Agglomeration Economies: Social Distance and the Black-White Wage Gap. (2013). Ross, Stephen ; Fu, Shihe ; Ananat, Elizabeth . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002057.

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22015Bayesian Persuasion with Multiple Receivers. (2015). Wang, Yun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002253.

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32017Measuring the Stringency of Land Use Regulation: The Case of Chinas Building Height Limits. (2017). Fu, Shihe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002361.

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42013Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities. (2013). Zhang, Dayong ; Fu, Shihe ; Chen, Zhihong . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002022.

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52015Housing Price in Urban China as Determined by Demand and Supply. (2015). Niu, Linlin ; Chow, Gregory . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002251.

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62019THE ROLE OF TRANSPORTATION SPEED IN FACILITATING HIGH SKILLED TEAMWORK. (2019). Zheng, Siqi ; Kahn, Matthew ; Dong, Xiaofang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002502.

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72013De Facto Currency Baskets of China and East Asian Economies: The Rising Weights. (2013). Niu, Linlin ; Fang, Ying ; Huang, Shicheng . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002045.

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82014The Nelson-Siegel Model of the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility and Volatility Components. (2014). zhao, bin ; Han, Qian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002218.

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92013A Tale of Two Index Futures: The Intraday Price Discovery Process between the China Financial Futures Exchange and the Singapore Exchange. (2013). guo, biao ; Han, Qian ; Ryu, Doojin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002049.

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102013Auctioning the Right to Play Ultimatum Games and the Impact on Equilibrium Selection. (2013). Swarthout, J. ; Shachat, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002056.

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112013Are Nearly Exogenous Instruments Reliable?. (2013). Fang, Ying ; Caner, Mehmet ; Berkowitz, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:001965.

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122013The Effect of Beijing’s Driving Restrictions on Pollution and Economic Activity. (2013). Viard, V. ; Fu, Shihe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002039.

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132013Do Institutions Matter? Estimating the Effect of Institutions on Econo- mic Performance in China. (2013). Fang, Ying ; Zhao, Yang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002010.

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142019pdynmc - An R-package for estimating linear dynamic panel data models based on linear and nonlinear moment conditions. (2019). Schnurbus, Joachim ; Pua, Andrew Adrian ; Fritsch, Markus . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002488.

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152013The “Curse of Resources” Revisited: A Different Story from China. (2013). Li, Qi ; Fang, Ying ; Qi, LI ; Zhao, Yang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002007.

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162019A New Structural Break Test for Panels with Common Factors. (2019). Sarafidis, Vasilis ; Silvapulle, Mervyn ; Zhu, Huanjun . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002481.

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172013Weak Instrumental Variables Models for Longitudinal Data. (2013). Fang, Ying ; CAI, ZONGWU ; Li, Henong . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002001.

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182013Panel Data Analysis - Advantages and Challenges. (2013). hsiao, cheng. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:001956.

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192013A New Forecasting Model for USD/CNY Exchange Rate. (2013). Fang, Ying ; CAI, ZONGWU ; Chen, Linna . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002017.

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202013To Give and Get: Poverty Alleviation as A Local Public Good. (2013). Dorsch, Michael ; Graham, Brett . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002037.

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212013Modeling the Dynamics of Chinese Spot Interest Rates. (2013). Lin, Hai ; Hong, Yongmiao ; Wang, Shouyang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:001998.

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222019Where Have All the Children Gone?. (2019). Long, Cheryl ; Li, Kai ; Bao, Xiaojia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002470.

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232013Adaptive Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Term Structure Model with Applications. (2013). Niu, Linlin ; Chen, Ying. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002047.

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242013Some Recent Develop- ments on Nonparametric Econometrics. (2013). Li, Qi ; CAI, ZONGWU. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002008.

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252019Multiproduct Firms and the Business Cycle. (2019). Guo, Diyue. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002436.

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262013Stochastic Dominance and Risk Measure: A Decision-Theoretic Foundation for VaR and C-VaR. (2013). Wong, Wing-Keung ; Ma, Chenghu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:001971.

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272019Heterogeneous Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence. (2019). GAO, Jiti ; Zhu, Huanjun ; Xia, Kai. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002482.

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282013Semiparametric Estimation of Partially Varying-Coefficient. (2013). Fang, Ying ; CAI, ZONGWU ; Chen, Linna . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002052.

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292019Semiparametric Estimation and Variable Selection for Single-index Copula Models. (2019). Long, Wei ; Liu, Guannan ; Hafner, Christian M ; Yang, Bingduo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002440.

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302019An Asymptotic F Test for Uncorrelatedness in the Presence of Time Series Dependence. (2019). Wang, Xuexin ; Sun, Yixiao. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002407.

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312019Measuring Financial Data Dependence Structure with Conditional Mixture Copulas. (2019). Yang, Bingduo ; Cai, Zongwu ; Long, Wei ; Liu, Guannan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002439.

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322019Asymptotic F Tests under Possibly Weak Identification. (2019). Wang, Xuexin ; Sun, Yixiao ; Martinez-Iriarte, Julian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002400.

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332021Generalized Spectral Tests for High Dimensional Multivariate Martingale Difference Hypotheses. (2021). Wang, Xuexin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002596.

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342019Time-Varying Mixture Copula Models with Copula Selection. (2019). Liu, Guannan ; Hafner, Christian M ; Cai, Zongwu ; Yang, Bingduo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002438.

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352013The Validity of Instruments Revisited. (2013). Fang, Ying ; Caner, Mehmet ; Berkowitz, Daniel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:001990.

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362019Public Interest or Regulatory Capture: Theory and Evidence from China’s Airfare Deregulation. (2019). Wan, Wei ; Long, Cheryl ; Li, Kai. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002399.

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372019Local Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms,. (2019). Zhao, Jinsong ; Zhang, Shuoxun ; Jiang, Yifei . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002456.

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382021Generalized Spectral Tests for High Dimensional Multivariate Martingale Difference Hypotheses. (2021). Wang, Xuexin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002584.

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392013Asymmetric and negative return-volatility relationship: the case of the VKOSPI. (2013). guo, biao ; Webb, Robert I. ; Han, Qian ; Ryu, Doojin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002046.

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402023Occupational Retirement and Social Security Reform: the Roles of Physical and Cognitive Health. (2018). Wen, Jiayi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002390.

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412019Digital Payment and Household Consumption. (2019). Zhang, Shuoxun ; Hou, Liming. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002451.

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422021A Semiparametric Model for Bond Pricing with Life Cycle Fundamental. (2021). Niu, Linlin ; Chen, Jiazi ; Cai, Zongwu. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002581.

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432018Prices under Innovation: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms. (2018). Lin, Shuheng ; Jaumandreu, Jordi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002435.

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442013Man Versus Nash: An Experiment on the Self-enforcing Nature of Mixed Strategy Equilibrium. (2013). Shachat, Jason ; Swarthouty, Todd J. ; Wei, Lijia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002021.

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452013The Discrete-Time Framework of the Arbitrage-Free Nelson-Siegel Class of Term Structure Models. (2013). Niu, Linlin ; Zeng, Gengming . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002050.

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472019The Assurance Payment Mechanism for Threshold Public Goods Provision: An Experimental Investigation. (2019). Liu, Pengfei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002538.

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482013Forecasting Interval-valued Crude Oil Prices via Autoregressive Conditional Interval Models. (2013). Hong, Yongmiao ; Han, AI ; He, Yanan ; Wang, Shouyang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002040.

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492013A Local Vector Autoregressive Framework and its Applications to Multivariate Time Series Monitoring and Forecasting. (2013). Niu, Linlin ; Li, BO ; Chen, Ying. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002208.

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502019Typhoon, Earthquake and Food Price: Evidence from China. (2019). Sun, Puyang ; Li, Jianan ; Bao, Xiaojia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002477.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12017Measuring the Stringency of Land Use Regulation: The Case of Chinas Building Height Limits. (2017). Fu, Shihe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002361.

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22019THE ROLE OF TRANSPORTATION SPEED IN FACILITATING HIGH SKILLED TEAMWORK. (2019). Zheng, Siqi ; Kahn, Matthew ; Dong, Xiaofang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002502.

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32015Bayesian Persuasion with Multiple Receivers. (2015). Wang, Yun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002253.

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42014The Nelson-Siegel Model of the Term Structure of Option Implied Volatility and Volatility Components. (2014). zhao, bin ; Han, Qian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002218.

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52013Auctioning the Right to Play Ultimatum Games and the Impact on Equilibrium Selection. (2013). Swarthout, J. ; Shachat, Jason. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002056.

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62019Multiproduct Firms and the Business Cycle. (2019). Guo, Diyue. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002436.

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72019Where Have All the Children Gone?. (2019). Long, Cheryl ; Li, Kai ; Bao, Xiaojia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002470.

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82015Housing Price in Urban China as Determined by Demand and Supply. (2015). Niu, Linlin ; Chow, Gregory . In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002251.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 1
2022Forecasting Interest Rates with Shifting Endpoints: The Role of the Demographic Age Structure. (2022). Niu, Linlin ; Hong, Zhiwu ; Chen, Jiazi. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002606.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Instrumental variable estimation via a continuum of instruments with an application to estimating the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption. (2021). Wang, Xuexin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:wyi:wpaper:002595.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019An Asymptotically F-Distributed Chow Test in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation. (2019). Wang, Xuexin ; Sun, Yixiao. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:1911.03771.

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2019Modelling system integration of a micro solar Organic Rankine Cycle plant into a residential building. (2019). Tascioni, Roberto ; del Zotto, Luca ; Arteconi, Alessia ; Cioccolanti, Luca. In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:251:y:2019:i:c:46.

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2019Nonparametric Estimation in Panel Data Models with Heterogeneity and Time Varyingness. (2019). GAO, Jiti ; Yang, Yanrong ; Liu, Fei. In: Monash Econometrics and Business Statistics Working Papers. RePEc:msh:ebswps:2019-24.

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2019Spiked Eigenvalues of High-Dimensional Separable Sample Covariance Matrices. (2019). GAO, Jiti ; Yang, Yanrong ; Pan, Guangming ; Zhang, BO. In: Monash Econometrics and Business Statistics Working Papers. RePEc:msh:ebswps:2019-31.

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2019On GMM estimation of linear dynamic panel data models. (2019). Fritsch, Markus. In: Passauer Diskussionspapiere, Betriebswirtschaftliche Reihe. RePEc:zbw:upadbr:b3619.

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2019Large sample properties of an IV estimator based on the Ahn and Schmidt moment conditions. (2019). Schnurbus, Joachim ; Fritsch, Markus ; Yu, Andrew Adrian . In: Passauer Diskussionspapiere, Betriebswirtschaftliche Reihe. RePEc:zbw:upadbr:b3719.

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2019Practical aspects of using quadratic moment conditions in linear dynamic panel data models. (2019). Schnurbus, Joachim ; Fritsch, Markus ; Yu, Andrew Adrian . In: Passauer Diskussionspapiere, Betriebswirtschaftliche Reihe. RePEc:zbw:upadbr:b3819.

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