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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2017 0.56 0.62 5.07 0.55 28 28 78 139 142 64 36 154 85 7 5 8 0.29 0.35
2018 0.27 0.62 2.28 0.48 33 61 89 139 281 63 17 154 74 5 3.6 7 0.21 0.35
2019 0.64 0.63 1.38 0.44 23 84 51 116 397 61 39 153 67 5 4.3 0 0.37
2020 0.63 0.72 1.54 0.47 23 107 65 165 562 56 35 148 70 5 3 19 0.83 0.78
2021 0.93 0.99 1.18 0.54 21 128 57 151 713 46 43 142 77 6 4 22 1.05 0.41
2022 1.02 0.78 0.88 0.65 29 157 4 138 851 44 45 128 83 5 3.6 4 0.14 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Use of instrumental variables in the presence of heterogeneity and self-selection: An application in breast cancer patients. (2007). URZUA, SERGIO ; Navarro, Salvador ; Heckman, James ; Basu, Anirban. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/07.

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22011Quality and quantity: the role of social interactions in individual health. (2011). Sabatini, Fabio ; Fiorillo, Damiano. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/04.

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3Collateral effects of a pension reform in France.. (). Garrouste, Clementine ; Blake, Helene. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:12/16.

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42005Reporting bias and heterogeneity in selfassessed health. Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. (2005). Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew ; Hernández-Quevedo, Cristina ; Hernandez-Quevedo, Cristina. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:05/04.

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52021The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on socioeconomic inequality in psychological distress in the UK. (2021). Jones, A M ; Davillas, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/01.

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62018Does postponing minimum retirement age improve healthy behaviors before retirement? Evidence from middle-aged Italian workers. (2018). Mazzarella, Gianluca ; brunello, giorgio ; Bertoni, Marco. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:18/03.

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72005Mortality, lifestyle and socio-economic status. (2005). Jones, Andrew ; Balia, Silvia. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:05/02.

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82014The Welfare Impact of Parallel Imports: A Structural Approach Applied to the German Market for Oral Anti-diabetics. (2014). Suppliet, Moritz ; Herr, Annika ; Duso, Tomaso. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/09.

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92006Small-sample properties of tests for heteroscedasticity in the conditional logit model. (2006). Hole, Arne. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:06/04.

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102010Models For Health Care. (2010). Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/01.

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112013The Causal Effect of Retirement on Mortality: Evidence from Targeted Incentives to Retire Early. (2013). Bloemen, Hans ; Hochguertel, S. ; Zweering, J.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/22.

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122013Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well Being: The Case of Fukushima. (2013). Ziebarth, Nicolas ; Tiefenbach, Tim ; Krekel, Christian ; Goebel, Jan. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/28.

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132019Vaccine Hesitancy and Fake News: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Italy. (2019). Principe, Francesco ; Madio, Leonardo ; Carrieri, Vincenzo. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:19/03.

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142020Ex ante Inequality of Opportunity in Health among the Elderly in China: A Distributional Decomposition Analysis of Biomarkers. (2020). Nie, Peng ; Jones, Andrew ; Ding, L. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/10.

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152020The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality of opportunity in psychological distress in the UK. (2020). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/11.

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162012Empirical evidence for decreasing returns to scale in a health capital model. (2012). Meijer, Erik ; Hullegie, Patrick ; Galama, Titus ; Outcault, S.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:12/05.

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172006Health and retirement in Europe. (2006). Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew ; Hagan, Ronald. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:06/10.

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182006Does reporting heterogeneity bias the measurement of health disparities?. (2006). Van Doorslaer, Eddy ; O'Donnell, Owen ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Bago d'Uva, Teresa ; dUva, Teresa Bago ; Chatterji, Somnath ; Odonnell, Owen . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:06/03.

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192014Alcohol Exposure In Utero and Child Academic Achievement. (2014). von Hinke, Stephanie ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Stephanie ; Wehby, G. L. ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, S.;, ; Lewis, S. ; Zuccolo, L.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/01.

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202005Socioeconomic inequalities in health: a comparative longitudinal analysis using the European Community Household Panel. (2005). Rice, Nigel ; López Nicolás, Ángel ; Jones, Andrew ; Hernández-Quevedo, Cristina ; Nicolas, ngel Lopez. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:05/12.

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212010The Impact of an Individual Health Insurance Mandate on Hospital and Preventive Care: Evidence from Massachusetts. (2010). Kowalski, Amanda ; Kolstad, J.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/18.

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222011The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy. (2011). Sabatini, Fabio. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/07.

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232011Children of the Revolution: Fetal and Child Health amidst Violent Civil Conflict. (2011). Valente, Christine. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/12.

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242005Health-related non-response in the BHPS and ECHP: using inverse probability weighted estimators in nonlinear models. (2005). Rice, Nigel ; Koolman, Xander ; Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:05/05.

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252009Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity. (2009). Van Doorslaer, Eddy ; O'Donnell, Owen ; Lindeboom, Maarten ; Bago d'Uva, Teresa. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:09/30.

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262016Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes. (2016). Zantomio, Francesca ; Rice, Nigel ; Jones, M A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:16/04.

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272008Impact of Private Health Insurance on the Choice of Public versus Private Hospital Services. (2008). Zhao, Xueyan ; Srivastava, Preety Pratima. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:08/17.

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282010Demand for hospital care and private health insurance in a mixed publicprivate system: empirical evidence using a simultaneous equation modeling approach. (2010). Vahid, Farshid ; Cheng, Terence. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/25.

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292017Does more education always improve mental health? Evidence from a British compulsory schooling reform. (2017). Nafilyan, Vahé ; de Coulon, Augustin. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/10.

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302007How does heterogeneity shape the socioeconomic gradient in health satisfaction?. (2007). Schurer, Stefanie ; Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/05.

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312008International Comparison of Public Sector Performance: The Use of Anchoring Vignettes to adjust Self-Reported Data. (2008). robone, silvana ; Rice, Nigel ; Smith, P. C, . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:08/28.

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322013Killing me softly: work and mortality among French seniors. (2013). Garrouste, C. ; Blake, H.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/25.

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332014Testing exogeneity of multinomial regressors in count data models: does two stage residual inclusion work?. (2014). Monfardini, Chiara ; Geraci, Andrea ; Fabbri, Daniele ; Geraciy, A. ; Fabbriz, D.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/03.

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342007The Quantile Regression Approach to Efficiency Measurement: Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations. (2007). Laporte, Audrey ; Ferguson, Brian ; Liu, Chunping ; ChunpingLiu, . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/14.

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352010The effect of waiting time and distance on hospital choice for English cataract patients. (2010). Sivey, Peter. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/09.

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362013A quasi-Monte Carlo comparison of developments in parametric and semi-parametric regression methods for heavy tailed and non-normal data: with an application to healthcare costs. (2013). Rice, Nigel ; Lomas, James ; Jones, Andrew ; Moore, P.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/30.

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372017The income-health gradient: Evidence from self-reported health and biomarkers using longitudinal data on income. (2017). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Jones A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/04.

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382006Sick of work or too sick to work? Evidence on health shocks and early retirement from the BHPS. (2006). Roberts, Jennifer ; Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:06/13.

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392013Exploring the relationship between macroeconomic conditions and problem drinking as captured by Google searches in the US. (2013). Shields, Michael ; Lordan, Grace ; Johnston, David ; Frijters, Paul. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/02.

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402014Social Interactions and Malaria Preventive Behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2014). Apouey, Bénédicte ; Picone, G.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/06.

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412008Contractual Conditions, Working conditions, Health and Well-Being in the British Household Panel Survey. (2008). robone, silvana ; Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:08/19.

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422011Waiting times and socioeconomic status: does sample selection matter?. (2011). Siciliani, Luigi ; Sharma, Anand ; Harris, Anthony. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/22.

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432009How Does Retirement Affect Health?. (2009). Behncke, Stefanie. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:09/11.

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442011From social capital to health - and back. (2011). Rocco, Lorenzo ; Fumagalli, Elena ; Suhrcke, M.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/21.

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452012Parental education and offspring outcomes: evidence from the Swedish compulsory schooling reform.. (2012). Rooth, Dan-Olof ; Nilsson, Anton ; Lundborg, Petter. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:12/12.

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462010Inequality of Opportunities in Health in Europe: Why So Much Difference Across Countries?. (2010). Tubeuf, Sandy ; Trannoy, Alain ; Jusot, Florence. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/26.

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472009A Natural Experiment on Sick Pay Cuts, Sickness Absence, and Labor Costs. (2009). Ziebarth, Nicolas ; Karlsson, Martin. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:09/34.

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482007Panel data methods and applications to health economics. (2007). Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/18.

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492013Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes. (2013). Logue, Caitriona ; Heckman, James ; Harmon, Colm ; Doyle, Orla ; Moon, S. H.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/18.

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502014Learning, Hygiene, and Traditional Medicine. (2014). Naqvi, Syed Ali Asjad ; Bennett, Daniel ; Schmidt, W-P.;, ; Naqvi, S. A. A.;, . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/25.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12021The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on socioeconomic inequality in psychological distress in the UK. (2021). Jones, A M ; Davillas, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/01.

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22018Does postponing minimum retirement age improve healthy behaviors before retirement? Evidence from middle-aged Italian workers. (2018). Mazzarella, Gianluca ; brunello, giorgio ; Bertoni, Marco. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:18/03.

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32019Vaccine Hesitancy and Fake News: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Italy. (2019). Principe, Francesco ; Madio, Leonardo ; Carrieri, Vincenzo. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:19/03.

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42020Ex ante Inequality of Opportunity in Health among the Elderly in China: A Distributional Decomposition Analysis of Biomarkers. (2020). Nie, Peng ; Jones, Andrew ; Ding, L. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/10.

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52020The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality of opportunity in psychological distress in the UK. (2020). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/11.

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6Collateral effects of a pension reform in France.. (). Garrouste, Clementine ; Blake, Helene. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:12/16.

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72010Models For Health Care. (2010). Jones, Andrew. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/01.

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82017The income-health gradient: Evidence from self-reported health and biomarkers using longitudinal data on income. (2017). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Jones A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/04.

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92021Locked down in distress: a causal estimation of the mental-health fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. (2021). Waqas, Muhammad ; Yalonetzky, G ; Howley, P ; Anaya, L. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/10.

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102014Alcohol Exposure In Utero and Child Academic Achievement. (2014). von Hinke, Stephanie ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Stephanie ; Wehby, G. L. ; von Hinke Kessler Scholder, S.;, ; Lewis, S. ; Zuccolo, L.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/01.

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112020An ARIMA model to forecast the spread and the final size of COVID-2019 epidemic in Italy. (2020). Perone, Gaetano. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/07.

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122007Use of instrumental variables in the presence of heterogeneity and self-selection: An application in breast cancer patients. (2007). URZUA, SERGIO ; Navarro, Salvador ; Heckman, James ; Basu, Anirban. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/07.

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132021Getting warmer: fuel poverty, objective and subjective health and well-being. (2021). Liu, H-H., ; Burlinson, A ; Davillas, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/13.

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142013Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes. (2013). Logue, Caitriona ; Heckman, James ; Harmon, Colm ; Doyle, Orla ; Moon, S. H.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/18.

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152007The Quantile Regression Approach to Efficiency Measurement: Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations. (2007). Laporte, Audrey ; Ferguson, Brian ; Liu, Chunping ; ChunpingLiu, . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:07/14.

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162017The Health Benefits of a Targeted Cash Transfer:The UK Winter Fuel Payment. (2017). Crossley, Thomas ; Zilio, T F. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/23.

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172010The evaluation of health policies through microsimulation methods. (2010). Zucchelli, Eugenio ; Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew ; Jones, A. M, . In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/03.

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182011Survival expectations, subjective health and smoking: evidence from European countries. (2011). Balia, Silvia. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/30.

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192006Small-sample properties of tests for heteroscedasticity in the conditional logit model. (2006). Hole, Arne. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:06/04.

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202014The Welfare Impact of Parallel Imports: A Structural Approach Applied to the German Market for Oral Anti-diabetics. (2014). Suppliet, Moritz ; Herr, Annika ; Duso, Tomaso. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/09.

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212005Reporting bias and heterogeneity in selfassessed health. Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. (2005). Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew ; Hernández-Quevedo, Cristina ; Hernandez-Quevedo, Cristina. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:05/04.

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222017Inequity in healthcare use among older people after 2008: The case of Southern European Countries. (2017). Zantomio, Francesca ; Tavares, Zantomio L. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/06.

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232017Does more education always improve mental health? Evidence from a British compulsory schooling reform. (2017). Nafilyan, Vahé ; de Coulon, Augustin. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/10.

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242012Empirical evidence for decreasing returns to scale in a health capital model. (2012). Meijer, Erik ; Hullegie, Patrick ; Galama, Titus ; Outcault, S.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:12/05.

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252019Long-run consequences of informal elderly care and implications of public long-term care insurance. (2019). Korfhage, Thorben. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:19/17.

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262018Hospital Choice in the NHS. (2018). Laudicella, Mauro ; Dardanoni, Valentino ; Li, P. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:18/04.

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272010Inequality of Opportunities in Health in Europe: Why So Much Difference Across Countries?. (2010). Tubeuf, Sandy ; Trannoy, Alain ; Jusot, Florence. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/26.

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282019Incorporating Inequality Aversion in Health-Care Priority Setting. (2019). Costa-i-Font, Joan ; Cowell, F ; Costa-Font, J. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:19/04.

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292019The Effect of Mental Health on Employment:Accounting for Selection Bias. (2019). Roberts, Jennifer ; Bryan, Mark ; Sechel, C. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:19/14.

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302018The Incidence of Soft-Drink Taxes on Consumer Prices and Welfare:Evidence from the French “Soda Taxâ€. (2018). Lecocq, Sébastien ; Etilé, Fabrice ; Boizot-Szanta, C. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:18/13.

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312021Health information and lifestyle behaviours: the impact of a diabetes diagnosis. (2021). Zucchelli, Eugenio ; Jimnez-Rubio, D ; Gil, J ; Gaggero, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/02.

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322011The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy. (2011). Sabatini, Fabio. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:11/07.

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332014Testing exogeneity of multinomial regressors in count data models: does two stage residual inclusion work?. (2014). Monfardini, Chiara ; Geraci, Andrea ; Fabbri, Daniele ; Geraciy, A. ; Fabbriz, D.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:14/03.

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342013Inequalities in Self-Reported Health: A Meta-Regression Analysis. (2013). Hernández-Quevedo, Cristina ; Costa-i-Font, Joan ; Hernandez-Quevedo, C. ; Costa-Font, J.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/05.

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352017Can clean air make you happy? Examining the effect of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on life satisfaction. (2017). Howley, S J. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:17/08.

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362013The effect of schooling on health: Evidence on several health outcomes and behaviors. (2013). Braga, Marcelo ; Bratti, M.. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:13/19.

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372010Endogenous Treatment Effects for Count Data Models with Sample Selection or Endogenous Participation. (2010). Miranda, Alfonso ; Bratti, Massimiliano. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/19.

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392018The effect of health shocks on financial risk preferences differs by personality traits. (2018). Rice, Nigel ; Jones, Andrew ; Robone, S. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:18/07.

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482020Mental health and employment: a bounding approach using panel data. (2020). Roberts, Jennifer ; Sechela, C ; Rice, N ; Bryana, M. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:20/12.

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492016Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes. (2016). Zantomio, Francesca ; Rice, Nigel ; Jones, M A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:16/04.

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502021Hang Up on Stereotypes: Domestic Violence and Anti-Abuse Helpline Campaign. (2021). Giua, L ; Geraci, A ; Deiana, C ; Colagrossi, M. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/04.

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2022A Model of Errors in BMI Based on Self-Reported and Measured Anthropometrics with Evidence from Brazilian Data. (2022). Jones, Andrew M ; de Oliveira, Victor Hugo ; Davillas, Apostolos. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15380.

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2022Using the SARIMA Model to Forecast the Fourth Global Wave of Cumulative Deaths from COVID-19: Evidence from 12 Hard-Hit Big Countries. (2022). Perone, Gaetano. In: Econometrics. RePEc:gam:jecnmx:v:10:y:2022:i:2:p:18-:d:790245.

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2022Comparison of ARIMA, ETS, NNAR, TBATS and hybrid models to forecast the second wave of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Italy. (2022). Perone, Gaetano. In: The European Journal of Health Economics. RePEc:spr:eujhec:v:23:y:2022:i:6:d:10.1007_s10198-021-01347-4.

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2022Impact of social determinants on COVID-19 infections: a comprehensive study from Saudi Arabia governorates. (2022). Allah, Abd. In: Palgrave Communications. RePEc:pal:palcom:v:9:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1057_s41599-022-01208-2.

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2022Is Inconsistent Reporting of Self-Assessed Health Persistent and Systematic? Evidence from the UKHLS. (2022). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Apostolos ; de Oliveira, Victor Hugo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15085.

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2022Decomposing inequality of opportunity in child health in Tanzania: The role of access to water and sanitation. (2022). von Fintel, Dieter ; Mkupete, Mkupete Jaah ; Burger, Ronelle. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:31:y:2022:i:11:p:2465-2480.

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2022Model-based recursive partitioning to estimate unfair health inequalities in the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study. (2022). Scarchilli, Giovanna ; Davillas, Apostolos ; Brunori, Paolo. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:117404.

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2022Model-based Recursive Partitioning to Estimate Unfair Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study. (2022). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Apostolos ; Scarchilli, Giovanna ; Brunori, Paolo. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:204:y:2022:i:c:p:543-565.

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2022Personality, gender, and age resilience to the mental health effects of COVID-19. (2022). Rohde, Nicholas ; Carmignani, Fabrizio ; Staneva, Anita. In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:301:y:2022:i:c:s0277953622001903.

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2022Maintaining Quality of Life during the Pandemic: Managing Economic, Social, and Health Well-Being Amid the COVID-19 Crisis of Agricultural Entrepreneurs. (2022). Imran, Muhammad ; Aziz, Babar ; Prisca, Kyalisiima ; Ul, Shamsheer ; Nadeem, Muhammad ; Cheng, YI ; Shahbaz, Pomi. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:23:p:15597-:d:981987.

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2022Depression and labor supply: Evidence from the Netherlands. (2022). Rootjes, Frank ; Ringdal, Charlotte. In: Economics & Human Biology. RePEc:eee:ehbiol:v:45:y:2022:i:c:s1570677x21001283.

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2022The impact of working conditions on mental health: novel evidence from the UK. (2022). Meschi, Elena ; Belloni, Michele ; Carrino, Ludovico. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:1039.

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2022Model-based recursive partitioning to estimate unfair health inequalities in the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study. (2022). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Apostolos ; Scarchilli, Giovanna ; Brunori, Paolo. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:113538.

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2022Impact of COVID?19 lockdowns on mental health: Evidence from a quasi?natural experiment in England and Scotland. (2022). Stuckler, David ; McKee, Martin ; Kentikelenis, Alexander ; Serranoalarcon, Manuel. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:31:y:2022:i:2:p:284-296.

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2022Societal Movement Restrictions and Adverse Mental Health Outcomes. (2022). Torgler, Benno ; Savage, David ; Proulx, Damon ; Tani, Massimiliano ; Paloyo, Alfredo R ; Mendolia, Silvia ; Cheng, Zhiming ; Chan, Ho Fai. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15111.

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2022The Impact of Working Conditions on Mental Health: Novel Evidence from the UK.. (2022). Belloni, Michele ; Meschi, Elena ; Carrino, Ludovico. In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers. RePEc:uto:dipeco:202202.

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2022The gender gap in mental well-being at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the UK. (2022). Spantig, Lisa ; Etheridge, Ben. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:145:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122000502.

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2022Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in older adults: A panel data analysis. (2022). Jimenez-Rubio, Dolores ; Fernandez-Perez, Angel ; Gaggero, Alessio. In: Health Policy. RePEc:eee:hepoli:v:126:y:2022:i:9:p:865-871.

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2022The impact of working conditions on mental health: Novel evidence from the UK. (2022). Meschi, Elena ; Belloni, Michele ; Carrino, Ludovico. In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:76:y:2022:i:c:s0927537122000677.

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2022Disrupted transitions: young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022). Smyth, Emer ; Nolan, Anne. In: Research Series. RePEc:esr:resser:rs142.

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2022The association between COVID-19 policy responses and mental well-being: Evidence from 28 European countries. (2022). Aassve, Arnstein ; Mencarini, Letizia ; Mascherini, Massimiliano ; Piccitto, Giorgio ; Maksimovic, Teodora ; Plach, Samuel ; Toffolutti, Veronica. In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:301:y:2022:i:c:s027795362200212x.

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2022COVID-19 and Indigenous health in the Brazilian Amazon. (2022). Wichmann, Roberta. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:115:y:2022:i:c:s0264999322002085.

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2022Sick and Depressed? The Causal Impact of a Diabetes Diagnosis on Depression. (2022). Zucchelli, Eugenio ; Jimenez-Rubio, Dolores ; Gil, Joan ; Gaggero, Alessio. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp15403.

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2022Sick and depressed? The causal impact of a diabetes diagnosis on depression. (2022). Zucchelli, E ; Jimnez-Rubio, D ; Gil, J ; Gaggero, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:22/11.

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2022Mobility and wellbeing during the covid-19 lockdown. Evidence from Spain. (2022). Ruiz, Tomas ; Arroyo, Rosa ; Mars, Lidon. In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. RePEc:eee:transa:v:161:y:2022:i:c:p:107-129.

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2022An assessment of physicians’ risk attitudes using laboratory and field data. (2022). Romeo, D ; Guccio, C ; Castro, M F. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:22/26.

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2022Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020. (2021). Senik, Claudia ; Gueguen, Guillaume. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-03455306.

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2022Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020. (2021). Senik, Claudia ; Gueguen, Guillaume. In: PSE Working Papers. RePEc:hal:psewpa:halshs-03455306.

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2022Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020. (2022). Senik, Claudia ; Gueguen, Guillaume. In: CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb). RePEc:cpm:docweb:2201.

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2022The impact of COVID-19 vaccination for mental well-being. (2022). Chaudhuri, Kausik ; Howley, Peter. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:150:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122001775.

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2022How Retirement Affects Mental Health, Cognitive Skills and Mortality; An Overview of Recent Empirical Evidence. (2022). van Ours, Jan. In: De Economist. RePEc:kap:decono:v:170:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s10645-022-09410-y.

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2022Protestantism and energy poverty. (2022). Smyth, Russell ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:111:y:2022:i:c:s0140988322002511.

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2022Social networks and renewable energy technology adoption: Empirical evidence from biogas adoption in China. (2022). Veronesi, Marcella ; Lovo, Stefania ; He, Pan. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:106:y:2022:i:c:s0140988321006277.

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2022Are you Puffing your Childrens Future Away? Energy Poverty and Childhood Exposure to Passive Smoking. (2022). Smyth, Russell ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi ; Prakash, Kushneel. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:1075.

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2022Are you puffing your Childrens future away? Energy poverty and childhood exposure to passive smoking. (2022). Smyth, Russell ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi ; Prakash, Kushneel. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:114:y:2022:i:c:s0264999322001833.

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2022Local area crime and energy poverty. (2022). Smyth, Russell ; Churchill, Sefa Awaworyi. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:114:y:2022:i:c:s0140988322004108.

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2021Weather, Psychological Wellbeing and Mobility during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021). Davillas, Apostolos ; Etheridge, Ben ; Burdett, Ashley. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14119.

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2021The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health: Disentangling Crucial Channels. (2021). von Gaudecker, Hans-Martin ; Mendel, Moritz ; Seitz, Sebastian ; Paffenholz, Michaela ; Siflinger, Bettina M. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14266.

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2021The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health and Subjective Well-Being of Workers: An Event Study Based on High-Frequency Panel Data. (2021). Hetschko, Clemens ; Lawes, Mario ; Eid, Michael ; Stephan, Gesine ; Schob, Ronnie ; Ronnie Schöb, ; Schmidtke, Julia. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14638.

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2021The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Socioeconomic Inequality in Psychological Distress in the UK: An Update. (2021). Davillas, Apostolos ; Jones, Andrew M ; Gao, Xiaoying. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14790.

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2021Model-Based Recursive Partitioning to Estimate Unfair Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study. (2021). Davillas, Apostolos ; Scarchilli, Giovanna ; Jones, Andrew M ; Brunori, Paolo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14925.

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2021Who is resilient in a time of crisis? The importance of financial and non?financial resources. (2021). Johnston, David W ; Shields, Michael A. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:30:y:2021:i:12:p:3051-3073.

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2021Unmet health care need and income?Related horizontal equity in use of health care during the COVID?19 pandemic. (2021). Davillas, Apostolos ; Jones, Andrew M. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:30:y:2021:i:7:p:1711-1716.

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2021Weather, mental health, and mobility during the first wave of the COVID?19 pandemic. (2021). Davillas, Apostolos ; Burdett, Ashley ; Etheridge, Ben. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:30:y:2021:i:9:p:2296-2306.

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2021Weather, psychological wellbeing and mobility during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. (2021). Etheridge, B ; Davillas, A ; Burdett, A. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/03.

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2021The impact of Covid-19 vaccination for mental health. (2021). Howley, P ; Chaudhuri, K. In: Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. RePEc:yor:hectdg:21/14.

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2021Domestic Violence and Gender Stereotypes: Perceptions, Justifications, and Reactions. (2021). Grembi, Veronica ; Rosso, Anna C ; Barili, Emilia. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:869.

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2021The Effect of Repeated Lockdowns during the Covid-19 Pandemic on UK Mental Health Outcomes. (2021). Rienzo, Cinzia ; Lindley, Joanne. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:977.

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2020The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality of opportunity in psychological distress in the UK. (2020). Jones, Andrew ; Davillas, Apostolos. In: ISER Working Paper Series. RePEc:ese:iserwp:2020-07.

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