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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2004 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005 0 0.17 0 10 12 24 2 2 2 2 0 2 0.2
2006 0.25 0.17 0.25 11 23 2 4 6 12 3 12 3 0 0
2007 0.19 0.13 0.17 8 31 18 4 10 21 4 23 4 0 0
2008 0 0.07 0.1 11 42 32 3 13 19 31 3 0 0
2009 0.05 0.08 0.07 9 51 31 4 17 19 1 42 3 0 1 0.11
2010 0.25 0.17 0.18 3 54 19 9 26 20 5 49 9 0 0
2011 0.33 0.11 0.14 7 61 10 7 33 12 4 42 6 0 0
2012 0.2 0.13 0.21 10 71 10 9 42 10 2 38 8 0 0
2013 0.18 0.14 0.23 7 78 25 11 53 17 3 40 9 1 9.1 0
2014 0.18 0.15 0.19 7 85 12 13 66 17 3 36 7 1 7.7 1 0.14
2015 0.57 0.31 0.41 3 88 18 27 93 14 8 34 14 2 7.4 3 1
2016 0.1 0.25 0.15 4 92 29 23 116 10 1 34 5 1 4.3 11 2.75
2017 1.29 0.38 0.55 5 97 10 37 153 7 9 31 17 4 10.8 10 2
2019 0.2 0.17 0.32 2 99 0 17 190 5 1 19 6 0 0
2020 0 0.25 0.5 3 102 9 25 215 2 14 7 3 12 1 0.33
2021 1 0.3 0.79 2 104 2 31 246 5 5 14 11 2 6.5 1 0.5
2022 0.8 0.15 0.42 2 106 0 16 262 5 4 12 5 0 0
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12008Methods of future and scenario analysis: overview, assessment, and selection criteria. (2008). Gassner, Robert ; Kosow, Hannah . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:39.

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22016Environmental tax reform in developing, emerging and transition economies. (2016). Mahler, Alexander ; Runkel, Matthias ; Cottrell, Jacqueline ; Schlegelmilch, Kai . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:93.

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32015The global partnership for effective development cooperation: origins, actions and future prospects. (2015). Abdel-Malek, Talaat . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:88.

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42009Biodiesel in India: value chain organisation and policy options for rural development. (2009). Seelige, Kathrin ; Rosendahl, Christina ; Nikolidakis, Nikos ; Hahl, Matthias ; Dietz, Hildegard ; Altenburg, Tilman . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:43.

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52010Resilient adaptation to climate change in African agriculture. (2010). Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:54.

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62005Economic opportunities and challenges posed by China for Mexico and Central America. (2005). Peters, Enrique Dussel. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:8.

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72013Sustainability certification in the Indonesian palm oil sector: benefits and challenges for smallholders. (2013). Wiese, Hannah ; Westermann, Lotte ; Schirmbeck, Sonja ; Hosang, Christoph ; Cabani, Tobias ; Brandi, Clara. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:74.

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82013Which factors determine the upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? The case of Egypt. (2013). Reda, Malak ; Niendorf, Elisabeth ; Kern, Maximilian ; Chantelauze, Marc ; Borbein, Lisa ; Altpeter, Annegret ; Al-Ayouty, Iman ; Loewe, Markus . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:76.

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92009Agricultural policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: understanding CAADP and APRM policy processes. (2009). Flaherty, Kathleen ; Kolavalli, Shashidhara ; Bruntrup, Michael ; Zimmermann, Roukayatou. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:48.

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102005Enhancing policy coherence for development: justification, recognition and approaches to achievement. (2005). Ashoff, Guido. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:11.

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112007The impact of favouritism on the business climate: a study on wasta in Jordan. (2007). Voss, Christian ; Speer, Johanna ; Seibert, Stella ; Schonleber, Verena ; Blume, Jonas ; Loewe, Markus . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:30.

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122008Energy efficiency in buildings in China: policies, barriers and opportunities. (2008). Russbild, Jonas ; Netzer, Nina ; Minnaert, Anja ; Hansen, Nils ; von Frieling, Tabea ; Richerzhagen, Carmen. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:41.

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132016Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in Namibia. (2016). Herrmann, Raoul ; Gaebler, Martina ; Ostermann, Silja ; Prothmann, Jan ; Becker, Katharina ; Bruntrup, Michael. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:90.

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142017Aligning climate change mitigation and sustainable development under the UNFCCC: a critical assessment of the Clean Development Mechanism, the Green Climate Fund and REDD+. (2017). Hein, Jonas ; Horstmann, Britta . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:96.

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152014Micro and small enterprise upgrading in the Philippines: the role of the entrepreneur, enterprise, networks and business environment. (2014). Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimee . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:86.

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162010Formalisation and business development in Mozambique: how important are regulations ?. (2010). Bretas, Lena Siciliano ; Koppa, Martin ; Hirtbach, Claudia ; Gayoso, Lena ; Ackermann, Moritz ; Krause, Matthias . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:53.

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172020Community effects of cash-for-work programmes in Jordan: Supporting social cohesion, more equitable gender roles and local economic development in contexts of flight and migration. (2020). Zintl, Tina ; Loewe, Markus ; Pohl, Lena ; Kaltenbach, Regina ; Gantner, Verena ; Fritzenkotter, Jorn. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:103.

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182020Earmarking in the multilateral development system: Many shades of grey. (2020). Wolff, Peter ; Lundsgaarde, Erik ; Baumann, Max-Otto ; Weinlich, Silke. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:101.

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192016Food security in sub-Saharan Africa: a fresh look on agricultural mechanisation. How adapted financial solutions can make a difference. (2016). Speicher, Anna ; Feddersen, Marietta ; de Martinez, Christiane Stroh . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:91.

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202017Retail FDI liberalisation and the transformation of agrifood value chains in India. (2017). Sarkar, Tamal ; Agasty, Sangeeta ; Wehinger, Franziska ; Pannwitz, Katharina ; Haddad, Alexander ; Cremer, Thomas ; Brankamp, Hauke ; Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimee . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:95.

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212012Evaluation of budget support in Zambia: implementation, direct effects and political economy. (2012). Faust, Jorg ; Leiderer, Stefan. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:68.

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222007Corporate social and environmental responsibility in India – assessing the UN global compacts role. (2007). Schlager, Catarina ; Repinski, Gordon ; Kubina, Iris ; Kolb, Dorothea ; Emmerling, Johannes ; Chahoud, Tatjana. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:26.

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232011Reforming development cooperation at the United Nations: an analysis of policy position and actions of key states on reform options. (2011). Weinlich, Silke. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:59.

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242007Virtual water trade: a realistic concept for resolving the water crisis?. (2007). Neubert, Susanne ; Horlemann, Lena . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:25.

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252015The devolution of the land and building tax in Indonesia. (2015). Ferreira, Amelie Stanzel ; Germain, Samuel ; Elfert, Alice ; Sahler, Gregor ; von Haldenwang, Christian ; Engelmann, Tobias. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:89.

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262009Administracion tributaria municipal en el contexto del proceso de descentralizacion en el Peru. (2009). Pulkowski, Jens ; Jenrich, Ferdinand ; Goldboom, Tabea ; Foldi, Katharina ; Busing, Elke ; von Haldenwang, Christian. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:44.

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272012Building domestic capabilities in renewable energy: a case study of Egypt. (2012). Vidican, Georgeta . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:66.

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282011The role of regulation, tradition and gender in doing business: case study and survey report on a two-year research project in Ghana. (2011). Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimee . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:60.

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292014Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance. (2014). Cruz, Anna-Maria Santa ; Erler, Daniela ; Hein, Jonas-Ibrahim ; Zelli, Fariborz . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:85.

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302005Budgethilfe in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der EU. (2005). Schmidt, Petra. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:10.

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312013Micro, small and medium enterprise upgrading in India: learning from success cases. (2013). Reeg, Caroline . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:78.

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322014The role of indicators in development cooperation: an overview study with a special focus on the use of key and standard indicators. (2014). Holzapfel, Sarah. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:81.

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332009Linking EU trade and development policies: lessons from the ACP-EU trade negotiations on economic partnership agreements. (2009). Makhan, Davina. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:50.

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342013Country-level aid coordination at the United Nations: taking the Resident Coordinator system forward. (2013). Mahn, Timo C. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:77.

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352021Origins, evolution and future of global development cooperation: The role of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). (2021). . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:104.

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362007Public financial management for PRSP implementation in Malawi : formal and informal PFM institutions in a decentralising system. (2007). Ziegenbein, Julia ; Schnitzer, Stefanie ; Roll, Michael ; Kabey, Esther ; Hodick, Benjamin ; Leiderer, Stefan. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:28.

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372009China and Latin America: economic relations in the twenty-first century. (2009). . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:49.

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382017Managing coastal ecosystems in the Philippines: what Cash for Work programmes can contribute. (2017). Sorensen, Stefanie ; Muller, Soren ; Kruip, Anna ; Huck, Kerstin ; Fischer, Cecilia ; Altenburg, Tilman . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:94.

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392005Relevanz der Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) für die Länder des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas sowie für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit dieser Region. (2005). Loewe, Markus . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:9.

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402012Increasing the visibility and effectiveness of development cooperation: how to reconcile two competing objectives?. (2012). Vollmer, Frank. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:67.

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412011Agricultural development in a changing climate in Zambia: increasing resilience to climate change and economic shocks in crop production. (2011). Tatge, Nadine ; Schulte, Annika ; Krumsiek, Axel ; Komm, Michael ; Neubert, Susanne. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:57.

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422017Policy options for improving drought resilience and its implication for food security: the cases of Ethiopia and Kenya. (2017). Tsegai, Daniel ; Bruntrup, Michael ; Duguma, Mesay Kebede. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:98.

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432008Political fragmentation, decentralization and development co-operation: Ecuador in the Latin American context. (2008). Schloms, Michael ; Illerhues, Judith ; Harbers, Imke ; von der Goltz, Nicolaus ; Arneth, Florian ; Faust, Jorg. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:33.

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442016Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of Vietnam. (2016). Weyrauch, Svenja ; Rossner, Robert ; Kullmann, Felix ; Kick, Katharina ; Friesen, Julia ; Bender, Andrea ; Bruhn, Dominique ; Berger, Axel. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:92.

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452011Coordinating China and DAC development partners: challenges to the aid architecture in Rwanda. (2011). Sperrfechter, Johannes ; Siebold, Marion ; Knappe, Katharina ; Hoss, Heike ; Grimm, Sven . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:56.

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462005Transforming the Latvian health system: accessibility of health services from a pro-poor perspective. (2005). Rabe, Florian ; Neunsinger, Sven ; Lechner, Stefan ; Kehler, Jenni ; Muller, Katharina. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:7.

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472021Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland. (2021). Dick, Eva ; Wingens, Christopher ; Marschall, Paul. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:105.

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482011Re-defining ‘good business’ in the face of Asian drivers of global change: China and the global corporate social responsibility discussion. (2011). Weikert, Jochen. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:61.

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492006Strengthening participation through decentralisation: findings on local economic development in Kyrgyzstan. (2006). Weikert, Jochen ; von Rumker, Julia ; Pletziger, Stefan ; Meissner, Kathrin ; Doerr, Bettina ; Gravingholt, Jorn. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:16.

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502015Die Global Governance-Qualität der internationalen Aid Effectiveness Agenda: eine theoretische Analyse und Bewertung der Systemreform der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. (2015). Ashoff, Guido. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:87.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12008Methods of future and scenario analysis: overview, assessment, and selection criteria. (2008). Gassner, Robert ; Kosow, Hannah . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:39.

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22016Environmental tax reform in developing, emerging and transition economies. (2016). Mahler, Alexander ; Runkel, Matthias ; Cottrell, Jacqueline ; Schlegelmilch, Kai . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:93.

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32020Community effects of cash-for-work programmes in Jordan: Supporting social cohesion, more equitable gender roles and local economic development in contexts of flight and migration. (2020). Zintl, Tina ; Loewe, Markus ; Pohl, Lena ; Kaltenbach, Regina ; Gantner, Verena ; Fritzenkotter, Jorn. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:103.

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42010Resilient adaptation to climate change in African agriculture. (2010). Speranza, Chinwe Ifejika. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:54.

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52020Earmarking in the multilateral development system: Many shades of grey. (2020). Wolff, Peter ; Lundsgaarde, Erik ; Baumann, Max-Otto ; Weinlich, Silke. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:101.

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62015The global partnership for effective development cooperation: origins, actions and future prospects. (2015). Abdel-Malek, Talaat . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:88.

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72013Which factors determine the upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? The case of Egypt. (2013). Reda, Malak ; Niendorf, Elisabeth ; Kern, Maximilian ; Chantelauze, Marc ; Borbein, Lisa ; Altpeter, Annegret ; Al-Ayouty, Iman ; Loewe, Markus . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:76.

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82010Formalisation and business development in Mozambique: how important are regulations ?. (2010). Bretas, Lena Siciliano ; Koppa, Martin ; Hirtbach, Claudia ; Gayoso, Lena ; Ackermann, Moritz ; Krause, Matthias . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:53.

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92017Policy options for improving drought resilience and its implication for food security: the cases of Ethiopia and Kenya. (2017). Tsegai, Daniel ; Bruntrup, Michael ; Duguma, Mesay Kebede. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:98.

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102007The impact of favouritism on the business climate: a study on wasta in Jordan. (2007). Voss, Christian ; Speer, Johanna ; Seibert, Stella ; Schonleber, Verena ; Blume, Jonas ; Loewe, Markus . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:30.

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112016Deep preferential trade agreements and upgrading in global value chains: the case of Vietnam. (2016). Weyrauch, Svenja ; Rossner, Robert ; Kullmann, Felix ; Kick, Katharina ; Friesen, Julia ; Bender, Andrea ; Bruhn, Dominique ; Berger, Axel. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:92.

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122009Agricultural policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: understanding CAADP and APRM policy processes. (2009). Flaherty, Kathleen ; Kolavalli, Shashidhara ; Bruntrup, Michael ; Zimmermann, Roukayatou. In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:48.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 4
2022New rules, same practice? Analysing UN development system reform effects at the country level. (2022). Strey, Anina ; Simon, Manuel ; Pardey, Marie ; Leibbrandt, Franziska ; Hadank-Rauch, Rebecca ; Cassens-Sasse, Maria ; Baumann, Max-Otto ; Weinlich, Silke. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:diedps:32022.

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2022More than the Sum of Its Parts: Donor-Sponsored Cash-for-Work Programmes and Social Cohesion in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees. (2022). Loewe, Markus ; Zintl, Tina. In: The European Journal of Development Research. RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:34:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1057_s41287-022-00536-y.

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2022Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue. (2022). Leininger, Julia ; Malerba, Daniele ; Loewe, Markus ; Burchi, Francesco. In: The European Journal of Development Research. RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:34:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1057_s41287-022-00532-2.

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2022Can Integrated Social Protection Programmes Affect Social Cohesion? Mixed-Methods Evidence from Malawi. (2022). Roscioli, Federico ; Burchi, Francesco. In: The European Journal of Development Research. RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:34:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1057_s41287-022-00535-z.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

YearCiting document
2021Origins, evolution and future of global development cooperation: The role of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). (2021). . In: Studies. RePEc:zbw:diestu:104.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Earmarked funding for multilateral development cooperation: Asset and impediment. (2020). Weinlich, Silke ; Lundsgaarde, Erik ; Baumann, Max-Otto. In: Briefing Papers. RePEc:zbw:diebps:162020.

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