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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2006 0 0.59 1 0 1 1 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.34
2007 3 0.52 0.44 3 8 9 90 4 5 1 3 1 3 2 50 1 0.13 0.29
2008 0.67 0.59 0.91 0.67 2 11 34 10 15 9 6 9 6 3 30 2 1 0.29
2009 0.6 0.58 0.5 0.64 3 14 5 7 22 10 6 11 7 2 28.6 0 0.33
2010 1 0.52 0.59 0.86 8 22 28 13 35 5 5 14 12 3 23.1 0 0.3
2011 0.91 0.61 0.6 0.95 13 35 30 21 56 11 10 22 21 2 9.5 0 0.37
2012 0.38 0.68 0.64 0.68 9 44 0 28 84 21 8 34 23 2 7.1 0 0.36
2013 0.27 0.67 0.37 0.31 10 54 29 20 104 22 6 35 11 3 15 0 0.35
2014 0.47 0.67 0.49 0.37 13 67 80 33 137 19 9 43 16 3 9.1 7 0.54 0.34
2015 0.61 0.66 0.35 0.32 13 80 15 28 165 23 14 53 17 3 10.7 2 0.15 0.36
2016 0.23 0.65 0.38 0.29 8 88 39 33 198 26 6 58 17 0 0 0.35
2017 0.29 0.62 0.34 0.34 14 102 32 35 233 21 6 53 18 0 0 0.35
2018 0.55 0.62 0.42 0.45 22 124 17 52 285 22 12 58 26 13 25 12 0.55 0.35
2019 0.22 0.63 0.24 0.31 10 134 10 32 317 36 8 70 22 3 9.4 0 0.37
2020 0.16 0.72 0.34 0.33 20 154 15 53 370 32 5 67 22 19 35.8 16 0.8 0.78
2021 0.33 0.99 0.33 0.41 10 164 1 54 424 30 10 74 30 2 3.7 0 0.41
2022 0.07 0.78 0.17 0.08 12 176 2 30 454 30 2 76 6 5 16.7 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016Making the implicit explicit: A look inside the implicit discount rate. (2016). Schleich, Joachim ; Meissner, Thomas ; Gassmann, Xavier ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s042016.

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22014A brighter future? Quantifying the rebound effect in energy efficient lighting. (2014). Schleich, Joachim ; Mills, Bradford ; Dutschke, Elisabeth. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32014.

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32007Economic and environmental effects of border tax adjustments. (2007). Schleich, Joachim ; Peterson, Everett. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12007.

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42014Modelling market diffusion of electric vehicles with real world driving data. Part I: Model structure and validation. (2014). Wietschel, Martin ; Gnann, Till ; Plotz, Patrick. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s42014.

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52008Incentives for energy efficiency in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. (2008). Schleich, Joachim ; Betz, Regina ; Rogge, Karoline . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s22008.

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62007Agent-based simulation of electricity markets: a literature review. (2007). Most, Dominik ; Genoese, Massimo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Sensfu, Frank . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s52007.

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72014Modelling market diffusion of electric vehicles with real world driving data: German market and policy options. (2014). Wietschel, Martin ; Gnann, Till ; Plotz, Patrick. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s122014.

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82017Free riding and rebates for residential energy efficiency upgrades: A multi-country contingent valuation experiment. (2017). Schleich, Joachim ; Gassmann, Xavier ; Faure, Corinne ; Olsthoorn, Mark. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s102017.

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92007The merit-order effect: a detailed analysis of the price effect of renewable electricity generation on spot market prices in Germany. (2007). Sensfu, Frank ; Genoese, Massimo ; Ragwitz, Mario. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72007.

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102013Towards a more comprehensive policy mix conceptualization for environmental technological change: A literature synthesis. (2013). Rogge, Karoline S. ; Reichardt, Kristin . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32013.

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112011The role of the regulatory framework for innovation activities: The EU ETS and the German paper industry. (2011). Schleich, Joachim ; Roser, Annette ; Haussmann, Philipp ; Rogge, Karoline S. ; Reitze, Felix . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12011.

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122015Real-world fuel economy and CO2 emissions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. (2015). Jochem, Patrick ; Funke, Simon ; Plotz, Patrick. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12015.

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132010The innovation impact of EU emission trading: findings of company case studies in the German power sector. (2010). Rogge, Karoline S. ; Hoffmann, Volker H. ; Schneider, Malte . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s22010.

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142010Evaluation of European electric vehicle support schemes. (2010). Dallinger, David ; Wietschel, Martin ; Kley, Fabian . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72010.

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152006An early assessment of national allocation plans for phase 2 of EU emission trading. (2006). Schleich, Joachim ; Betz, Regina ; Rogge, Karoline . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12006.

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162011Smart metering in Germany and Austria: Results of providing feedback information in a field trial. (2011). Schleich, Joachim ; Golz, Sebastian ; Klobasa, Marian ; Brunner, Marc ; Gotz, Konrad . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s62011.

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172008Why dont households see the light? Explaining the diffusion of compact fluorescent lamps. (2008). Schleich, Joachim ; Mills, Bradford. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12008.

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182007Using benchmarking for the primary allocation of EU allowances - an application to the German power sector. (2007). Schleich, Joachim ; Cremer, Clemens. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s62007.

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192018A large-scale test of the effects of time discounting, risk aversion, loss aversion and present bias on household adoption of energy efficient technologies. (2018). Schleich, Joachim ; Meissner, Thomas ; Faure, Corinne ; Gassmann, Xavier. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s042018.

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202009Whats driving energy efficient appliance label awareness and purchase propensity?. (2009). Schleich, Joachim ; Mills, Bradford. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12009.

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212014How the policy mix and its consistency impact innovation: Findings from company case studies on offshore wind in Germany. (2014). Rogge, Karoline ; Reichardt, Kristin . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72014.

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222013Household transitions to energy efficient lighting. (2013). Schleich, Joachim ; Mills, Bradford. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s52013.

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232010Optimisation algorithms for the charge dispatch of plug-in vehicles based on variable tariffs. (2010). Dallinger, David ; Buttner, Markus ; Richter, Julius ; Link, Jochen . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32010.

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242019Die aktuelle Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland. (2019). Rudiger, David ; Kuhnbach, Matthias ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s022019.

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252020Decreasing costs of renewables: Implications for Indonesias climate targets. (2020). Wachsmuth, Jakob ; Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s132020.

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262020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Indonesia. (2020). Eckstein, Johannes ; Ordonez, Jose Antonio. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s142020.

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272020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Mexico. (2020). Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s162020.

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282018Institutional and organisational change in the German rail transport sector. (2018). Gandenberger, Carsten ; Doll, Claus ; Kohler, Jonathan Hugh. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s092018.

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292011The impact of policy elements on the financing costs of RE investment: The case of wind power in Germany. (2011). Breitschopf, Barbara ; Giebel, Olaf . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s112011.

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302007Increased auctioning in the EU ETS and trade in guarantees of origin for renewables: a comparison of the impact on power sector producer rents. (2007). Schleich, Joachim ; Resch, Gustav ; Ragwitz, Mario. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s82007.

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312020Household preferences for new heating systems: Insights from a multi-country discrete choice experiment. (2020). Faure, Corinne ; Schleich, Joachim ; Tu, Gengyang ; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s052020.

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322017Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland in Zeiten zunehmender Elektromobilität. (2017). Moll, Cornelius ; Doll, Claus ; Breitschopf, Barbara ; Sievers, Luisa ; Gnann, Till ; Plotz, Patrick ; Thielmann, Axel ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s092017.

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332007Determinants of residential water demand in Germany. (2007). Schleich, Joachim ; Hillenbrand, Thomas . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32007.

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342018Sustainability transitions in local communities: District heating, water systems and communal housing projects. (2018). Dutschke, Elizabeth ; Hohmann, Claudia ; Kohler, Jonathan Hugh. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s112018.

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352014Certifying improvement, improving certification: An analysis based on the artisanal and small-scale mining sector. (2014). Bodenheimer, Miriam. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s92014.

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362018Business models for freight and logistics services. (2018). Doll, Claus ; Hitzler, Matthias ; Horvat, Djerdj ; Meyer, Niclas. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s082018.

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372013Costs of meeting international climate targets without nuclear power. (2013). Schleich, Joachim ; Schumacher, Katja ; Duscha, Vicki ; Buisson, Pierre . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72013.

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382014Citizens perceptions of justice in international climate policy: Empirical insights from China, Germany and the US. (2014). Schleich, Joachim ; Ziegler, Andreas ; Dutschke, Elisabeth ; Schwirplies, Claudia . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s22014.

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392010Vehicle-to-grid regulation based on a dynamic simulation of mobility behavior. (2010). Krampe, Daniel ; Wietschel, Martin ; Dallinger, David . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s42010.

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402017Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: Stand der Transformation zu einer Green Economy. (2017). Gandenberger, Carsten ; Gunther, Edeltraud ; Peters, Anja ; Gotsch, Matthias ; Walz, Rainer. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s032017.

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412011Grid integration of intermittent renewable energy sources using price-responsive plug-in electric vehicles. (2011). Dallinger, David ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72011.

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422014Monitoring of the Energiewende: Energy efficiency indicators for Germany. (2014). Schlomann, Barbara ; Pollier, Karine ; Rosenow, Jan ; Lapillonne, Bruno . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s102014.

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432017Household electricity contract and provider switching in the EU. (2017). Schleich, Joachim ; Gassmann, Xavier ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s142017.

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442020Active or passive? Companies use of the EU ETS. (2020). Pinkse, Jonatan ; Betz, Regina Annette ; Abrell, Jan ; Cludius, Johanna ; Lehmann, Sascha ; Schleich, Joachim. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s072020.

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452013Retailer compliance with energy label regulations. (2013). Schleich, Joachim ; Schlomann, Barbara ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s102013.

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462020Effects of rescaling the EU energy label on household preferences for top-rated appliances. (2020). Schleich, Joachim ; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s112020.

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472020Poor energy ratings when appliances convey?. (2020). Schleich, Joachim ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s022020.

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482018Energy efficient technology adoption and low-income households in the EU: What is the evidence?. (2018). Schleich, Joachim. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s122018.

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492020Energy integration across electricity, heating & cooling and the transport sector - Sector coupling. (2020). Ragwitz, Mario ; Pfluger, Benjamin ; Held, Anne ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s082020.

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502013Techno-ökonomische Bewertung von Stromspeichern im Niederspannungsnetz. (2013). Mohring, Alexandra ; Michaelis, Julia . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s42013.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016Making the implicit explicit: A look inside the implicit discount rate. (2016). Schleich, Joachim ; Meissner, Thomas ; Gassmann, Xavier ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s042016.

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22017Free riding and rebates for residential energy efficiency upgrades: A multi-country contingent valuation experiment. (2017). Schleich, Joachim ; Gassmann, Xavier ; Faure, Corinne ; Olsthoorn, Mark. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s102017.

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32014A brighter future? Quantifying the rebound effect in energy efficient lighting. (2014). Schleich, Joachim ; Mills, Bradford ; Dutschke, Elisabeth. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32014.

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42014Modelling market diffusion of electric vehicles with real world driving data. Part I: Model structure and validation. (2014). Wietschel, Martin ; Gnann, Till ; Plotz, Patrick. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s42014.

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52014Modelling market diffusion of electric vehicles with real world driving data: German market and policy options. (2014). Wietschel, Martin ; Gnann, Till ; Plotz, Patrick. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s122014.

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62019Die aktuelle Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland. (2019). Rudiger, David ; Kuhnbach, Matthias ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s022019.

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72007Agent-based simulation of electricity markets: a literature review. (2007). Most, Dominik ; Genoese, Massimo ; Ragwitz, Mario ; Sensfu, Frank . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s52007.

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82017Anwendung der Mehr-Ebenen-Perspektive auf Transitionen: Initiativen in den kommunal geprägten Handlungsfeldern Energie, Wasser, Bauen & Wohnen. (2017). Niederste-Hollenberg, Jutta ; Peters, Anja ; Friedrichsen, Nele ; Wesche, Julius ; Hacke, Ulrike ; Renz, Ina ; Laws, Norman ; Kohler, Jonathan Hugh. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s012017.

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92020Household preferences for new heating systems: Insights from a multi-country discrete choice experiment. (2020). Faure, Corinne ; Schleich, Joachim ; Tu, Gengyang ; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s052020.

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102019Moral licensing and rebound effects in the residential lighting area: An experimental study. (2019). Schuler, Johannes ; Eckartz, Katharina Marie ; Dutschke, Elisabeth ; Eberling, Elisabeth. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s092019.

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112020Energy integration across electricity, heating & cooling and the transport sector - Sector coupling. (2020). Ragwitz, Mario ; Pfluger, Benjamin ; Held, Anne ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s082020.

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122018Sustainability transitions in local communities: District heating, water systems and communal housing projects. (2018). Dutschke, Elizabeth ; Hohmann, Claudia ; Kohler, Jonathan Hugh. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s112018.

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132010Evaluation of European electric vehicle support schemes. (2010). Dallinger, David ; Wietschel, Martin ; Kley, Fabian . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s72010.

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142019Water demand responds asymmetrically to rising and falling prices. (2019). Schleich, Joachim ; Hillenbrand, Thomas . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s032019.

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152013Towards a more comprehensive policy mix conceptualization for environmental technological change: A literature synthesis. (2013). Rogge, Karoline S. ; Reichardt, Kristin . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s32013.

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162011The role of the regulatory framework for innovation activities: The EU ETS and the German paper industry. (2011). Schleich, Joachim ; Roser, Annette ; Haussmann, Philipp ; Rogge, Karoline S. ; Reitze, Felix . In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s12011.

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172020Active or passive? Companies use of the EU ETS. (2020). Pinkse, Jonatan ; Betz, Regina Annette ; Abrell, Jan ; Cludius, Johanna ; Lehmann, Sascha ; Schleich, Joachim. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s072020.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 2
2022Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland mit Ökostromverträgen. (2022). Keller, Marc ; Kunze, Robert ; Preuss, Sabine ; Wietschel, Martin. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s022022.

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2022Integrated design and operation of energy systems for residential buildings, commercial buildings, and light industries. (2022). Mahalec, Vladimir ; Li, Ruonan. In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:305:y:2022:i:c:s030626192101151x.

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Recent citations
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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020Conveyance, envy, and homeowner choice of appliances. (2020). Tu, Gengyang ; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte ; Faure, Corinne ; Schleich, Joachim. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:89:y:2020:i:c:s0140988320301560.

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2020Energy efficiency and heating technology investments: Manipulating financial information in a discrete choice experiment. (2020). Weber, Sylvain ; Lanz, Bruno ; Farsi, Mehdi ; Lang, Ghislaine. In: IRENE Working Papers. RePEc:irn:wpaper:20-07.

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2020Effects of rescaling the EU energy label on household preferences for top-rated appliances. (2020). Schleich, Joachim ; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte ; Faure, Corinne. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s112020.

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2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Implications for Indonesias climate targets. (2020). Wachsmuth, Jakob ; Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s132020.

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2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Indonesia. (2020). Eckstein, Johannes ; Ordonez, Jose Antonio. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s142020.

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2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Implications for Mexicos climate targets. (2020). Wachsmuth, Jakob ; Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s152020.

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2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in Mexico. (2020). Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s162020.

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2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Insights on energy sector planning and climate policy from three country case studies. (2020). Ordonez, Jose Antonio ; Castro, Leonardo Nascimento ; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne ; Eckstein, Johannes. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s172020.

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2020How effective are EU minimum energy performance standards and energy labels for cold appliances?. (2020). Schleich, Joachim ; Durand, Antoine ; Brugger, Heike. In: Working Papers Sustainability and Innovation. RePEc:zbw:fisisi:s182020.

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Recent citations received in 2019

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