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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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Raw Data


2011 0 0.61 0.3 0 23 23 124 7 7 0 0 1 14.3 7 0.3 0.37
2012 0.65 0.68 0.5 0.65 25 48 167 24 31 23 15 23 15 6 25 9 0.36 0.36
2013 0.79 0.67 0.65 0.79 18 66 88 43 74 48 38 48 38 4 9.3 4 0.22 0.35
2014 0.67 0.67 0.53 0.58 12 78 48 41 115 43 29 66 38 4 9.8 2 0.17 0.34
2015 1.1 0.66 0.7 0.72 11 89 32 62 177 30 33 78 56 7 11.3 0 0.36
2016 0.22 0.65 0.55 0.53 4 93 7 50 228 23 5 89 47 5 10 0 0.35
2017 0.2 0.62 0.55 0.49 10 103 59 57 285 15 3 70 34 4 7 4 0.4 0.35
2018 1.5 0.62 0.62 0.67 12 115 20 71 356 14 21 55 37 7 9.9 0 0.35
2019 0.59 0.63 0.42 0.47 11 126 15 53 409 22 13 49 23 8 15.1 3 0.27 0.37
2020 0.39 0.72 0.31 0.4 13 139 14 43 452 23 9 48 19 7 16.3 3 0.23 0.78
2021 0.5 0.99 0.46 0.48 13 152 1 70 522 24 12 50 24 11 15.7 0 0.41
2022 0.19 0.78 0.28 0.2 3 155 0 44 566 26 5 59 12 1 2.3 0 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12012Stock return autocorrelations revisited: A quantile regression approach. (2012). Jung, Robert ; Baur, Dirk ; Dimpfl, Thomas. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:24.

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22011On the economic architecture of the workplace: repercussions of social comparisons amongst heterogeneous workers. (2011). Stark, Oded ; Hyll, Walter. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:6.

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32014The impact of the financial crisis on transatlantic information flows: An intraday analysis. (2014). Peter, Franziska J. ; Dimpfl, Thomas. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:70.

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42017A class of proximity-sensitive measures of relative deprivation. (2017). Stark, Oded ; Falniowski, Fryderyk ; Bielawski, Jakub. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:101.

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52013Stressful integration. (2013). Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:56.

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62011Can Internet search queries help to predict stock market volatility?. (2011). Jank, Stephan ; Dimpfl, Thomas. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:18.

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72013Integration as a catalyst for assimilation. (2013). Stark, Oded ; Jakubek, Marcin. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:59.

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82017Contracting institutions and firm boundaries. (2017). Eppinger, Peter ; Kukharskyy, Bohdan. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:100.

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92015Gender differentiation in risk-taking behavior: On the relative risk aversion of single men and single women. (2015). Zawojska, Ewa ; Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:88.

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102017Migration when social preferences are ordinal: Steady-state population distribution, and social welfare. (2017). Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:98.

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112011Offshoring tasks, yet creating jobs?. (2011). Wrona, Jens ; Kohler, Wilhelm. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:12.

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122012Unilateral trade liberalization in the Melitz model: A note. (2012). Jung, Benjamin ; Felbermayr, Gabriel. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:30.

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132012A back-door brain drain. (2012). Stark, Oded ; Byra, Lukasz. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:31.

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142013Icebergs versus tariffs: A quantitative perspective on the gains from trade. (2013). Larch, Mario ; Jung, Benjamin ; Felbermayr, Gabriel. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:53.

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152011Two-way migration between similar countries. (2011). Wrona, Jens ; Kreickemeier, Udo. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:1.

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162013Trade, tasks, and training: The effect of offshoring on individual skill upgrading. (2013). Wrona, Jens ; Hogrefe, Jan. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:64.

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172018Community cohesion and assimilation equilibria. (2018). Szczygielski, Krzysztof ; Stark, Oded ; Jakubek, Marcin. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:112.

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182015How inheriting affects bequest plans. (2015). Stark, Oded ; Nicinska, Anna . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:86.

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192020Different no more: Country spreads in advanced and emerging economies. (2020). Pfeifer, Johannes ; Müller, Gernot ; Born, Benjamin ; Wellmann, Susanne. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:129.

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202013Global sourcing and firm selection. (2013). Smolka, Marcel ; Kohler, Wilhelm. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:63.

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212012Women Count: Gender (in-)equalities in the human capital development in Asia, 1900-60. (2012). Baten, Joerg ; Prayon, Valeria ; Friesen, Julia . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:29.

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222012Do better capitalized banks lend less? Long-run panel evidence from Germany. (2012). Prieto, Esteban ; Buch, Claudia. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:37.

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232011Electoral Cycles in Active Labor Market Policies. (2011). Potrafke, Niklas ; Mechtel, Mario. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:2.

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242016The great trade collapse and the Spanish export miracle: Firm-level evidence from the crisis. (2016). Smolka, Marcel ; Eppinger, Peter ; Sindlinger, Marc-Manuel ; Meythaler, Nicole . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:93.

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252013Offshoring domestic jobs. (2013). Wrona, Jens ; Kreickemeier, Udo ; Egger, Hartmut. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:50.

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262019Pure rank preferences and variation in risk-taking behavior. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor ; Jakubek, Marcin. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:123.

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272014Socially gainful gender quotas. (2014). Stark, Oded ; Hyll, Walter. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:71.

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282018An adverse social welfare effect of a doubly gainful trade. (2018). Zawojska, Ewa ; Szczygielski, Krzysztof ; Stark, Oded ; Kohler, Wilhelm. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:106.

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292011Trade, wages, and profits. (2011). Kreickemeier, Udo ; Egger, Hartmut. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:23.

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302011Intrafirm conflicts and interfirm competition. (2011). Stadler, Manfred ; Pull, Kerstin ; Güth, Werner ; Guth, Werner ; WERNER GÜTH, . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:14.

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312015European monetary integration and aggregate relative deprivation: The dull side of the shiny euro. (2015). WÅ‚odarczyk, Julia ; Stark, Oded ; Wlodarczyk, Julia . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:82.

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322020RIOTs in Germany - constructing an interregional input-output table for Germany. (2020). Krebs, Oliver. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:132.

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332011What makes us want to have more than others? Explaining relative consumption effects of public and private goods. (2011). Mechtel, Mario ; Hillesheim, Inga . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:4.

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342019Repercussions of negatively selective migration for the behavior of non-migrants when preferences are social. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:117.

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352012Factor shares and income inequality - Empirical evidence from Germany 2002 - 2008. (2012). Schmid, Kai ; Adler, Martin . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:34.

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362013Migration and dynamics: How a leakage of human capital lubricates the engine of economic growth. (2013). Stark, Oded ; Sorger, Gerhard ; Wang, Yong. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:58.

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372012Employer sanctions, and the welfare of native workers. (2012). Stark, Oded ; Jakubek, Marcin. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:38.

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382012Putting currency misalignment into gravity: The currency union effect reconsidered. (2012). Jung, Benjamin ; Hogrefe, Jan ; Kohler, Wilhelm K.. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:32.

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392012Engines of growth: Education and innovation. (2012). Stadler, Manfred. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:40.

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402018Common holdings and strategic manager compensation: The case of an asymmetric triopoly. (2018). Stadler, Manfred ; Neus, Werner. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:109.

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412013International migration, human capital formation, and saving. (2013). Stark, Oded ; Dorn, Agnieszka . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:49.

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422012Networks and selection in international migration to Spain. (2012). Smolka, Marcel ; Neubecker, Nina ; Steinbacher, Anne . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:35.

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432011Growth effects of 19th century mass migrations: Fome Zero for Brazil. (2011). Stolz, Yvonne ; Baten, Joerg ; Botelho, Tarcisio . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:20.

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442012Tariffs and welfare in new trade theory models. (2012). Larch, Mario ; Jung, Benjamin ; Felbermayr, Gabriel. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:41.

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452019The role of preferences, attitudes, and personality traits in labor market matching. (2019). Kampkötter, Patrick ; Kampkotter, Patrick ; Haylock, Michael. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:124.

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462019The pure effect of social preferences on regional location choices: The evolving dynamics of convergence to a steady state population distribution. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor ; Kosiorowski, Grzegorz. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:118.

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472014Delegation, worker compensation, and strategic competition. (2014). Stadler, Manfred ; Pull, Kerstin ; Güth, Werner ; Guth, Werner ; WERNER GÜTH, . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:67.

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482017A critical comparison of migration policies: Entry fee versus quota. (2017). Uebelmesser, Silke ; Stark, Oded ; Casarico, Alessandra ; Byra, Łukasz ; Ubelmesser, Silke. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:99.

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492011The merger of populations, the incidence of marriages, and aggregate unhappiness. (2011). Stark, Oded ; Jakubek, Marcin ; Rendl, Franz . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:10.

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502017Asymmetric information in simple bargaining games: An experimental study. (2017). Pull, Kerstin ; Stadler, Manfred ; Klempt, Charlotte. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:97.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Stock return autocorrelations revisited: A quantile regression approach. (2012). Jung, Robert ; Baur, Dirk ; Dimpfl, Thomas. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:24.

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22017A class of proximity-sensitive measures of relative deprivation. (2017). Stark, Oded ; Falniowski, Fryderyk ; Bielawski, Jakub. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:101.

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32014The impact of the financial crisis on transatlantic information flows: An intraday analysis. (2014). Peter, Franziska J. ; Dimpfl, Thomas. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:70.

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42018Community cohesion and assimilation equilibria. (2018). Szczygielski, Krzysztof ; Stark, Oded ; Jakubek, Marcin. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:112.

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52020Different no more: Country spreads in advanced and emerging economies. (2020). Pfeifer, Johannes ; Müller, Gernot ; Born, Benjamin ; Wellmann, Susanne. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:129.

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62017Migration when social preferences are ordinal: Steady-state population distribution, and social welfare. (2017). Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:98.

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72015Gender differentiation in risk-taking behavior: On the relative risk aversion of single men and single women. (2015). Zawojska, Ewa ; Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:88.

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82019Repercussions of negatively selective migration for the behavior of non-migrants when preferences are social. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:117.

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92020RIOTs in Germany - constructing an interregional input-output table for Germany. (2020). Krebs, Oliver. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:132.

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102019The pure effect of social preferences on regional location choices: The evolving dynamics of convergence to a steady state population distribution. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor ; Kosiorowski, Grzegorz. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:118.

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112012Women Count: Gender (in-)equalities in the human capital development in Asia, 1900-60. (2012). Baten, Joerg ; Prayon, Valeria ; Friesen, Julia . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:29.

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122019The role of preferences, attitudes, and personality traits in labor market matching. (2019). Kampkötter, Patrick ; Kampkotter, Patrick ; Haylock, Michael. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:124.

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132018An adverse social welfare effect of a doubly gainful trade. (2018). Zawojska, Ewa ; Szczygielski, Krzysztof ; Stark, Oded ; Kohler, Wilhelm. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:106.

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142011On the economic architecture of the workplace: repercussions of social comparisons amongst heterogeneous workers. (2011). Stark, Oded ; Hyll, Walter. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:6.

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152015Comparing the global and merged with the local and separate: On a downside to the integration of regions and nations. (2015). Stark, Oded. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:89.

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162018Gender differentiation in intergenerational care-giving and migration choices. (2018). Stark, Oded ; Cukrowska-Torzewska, Ewa ; Curkowska-Torzewska, Ewa. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:104.

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172018Common holdings and strategic manager compensation: The case of an asymmetric triopoly. (2018). Stadler, Manfred ; Neus, Werner. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:109.

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182021Contracting institutions and firm integration around the world. (2021). Kukharskyy, Bohdan ; Eppinger, Peter S. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:148.

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192019Switching queues, cultural conventions, and social welfare. (2019). Stark, Oded ; Budzinski, Wiktor ; Kosiorowski, Grzegorz. In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:120.

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202015How inheriting affects bequest plans. (2015). Stark, Oded ; Nicinska, Anna . In: University of Tuebingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:86.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 5
2022Euro Area Periphery Countries Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy Surprises. (2022). Rottmann, Horst ; Hülsewig, Oliver ; Hulsewig, Oliver. In: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. RePEc:bla:obuest:v:84:y:2022:i:3:p:544-568.

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2022The Political Costs of Austerity. (2022). Pessoa, Sofia ; Klein, Mathias ; Gabriel, Ricardo Duque. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:rbnkwp:0418.

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2022Surges and instability: The maturity shortening channel. (2022). Su, Dan ; Li, Xiang. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:139:y:2022:i:c:s0022199622001118.

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2022Quarterly GDP Estimates for the German States. (2022). Lehmann, Robert ; Wikman, Ida. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:112642.

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2022Quarterly GDP Estimates for the German States. (2022). Wikman, Ida ; Lehmann, Robert. In: ifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ifowps:_370.

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Recent citations
Recent citations received in 2021

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020The international dimension of a fragile EMU. (2020). Stracca, Livio ; Pagliari, Maria Sole ; Livio, Stracca ; Sole, Pagliari Maria ; Demosthenes, Ioannou. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:795.

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2020The international dimension of an incomplete EMU. (2020). Stracca, Livio ; Pagliari, Maria Sole ; Ioannou, Demosthenes . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20202459.

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2020The optimum size of public education spending: panel data evidence. (2020). Trofimov, Ivan D. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:106847.

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Recent citations received in 2019

YearCiting document
2019The Likelihood of Divorce and the Riskiness of Financial Decisions. (2019). Szczygielski, Krzysztof ; Stark, Oded. In: JODE - Journal of Demographic Economics. RePEc:ctl:louvde:v:85:y:2019:i:3:p:209-229.

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2019Relative Deprivation as a Cause of Risky Behaviors. (2019). Stark, Oded. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp12756.

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2019Relative deprivation as a cause of risky behaviors. (2019). Stark, Oded. In: University of Tübingen Working Papers in Business and Economics. RePEc:zbw:tuewef:125.

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