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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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1999 0 0.39 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.25
2000 0 0.54 0 0 6 9 9 0 3 3 0 0 0.24
2001 0 0.49 0 0 5 14 1 0 9 9 0 0 0.27
2002 0 0.54 0 0 5 19 4 0 11 14 0 0 0.31
2003 0 0.53 0.05 0.05 3 22 0 1 1 10 19 1 0 0 0.3
2004 0 0.6 0.07 0.05 8 30 10 2 3 8 22 1 2 100 1 0.13 0.36
2005 0.18 0.6 0.06 0.07 5 35 1 2 5 11 2 27 2 1 50 0 0.36
2006 0 0.59 0 0 11 46 17 5 13 26 0 0 0.34
2007 0.19 0.52 0.08 0.09 5 51 40 4 9 16 3 32 3 4 100 1 0.2 0.29
2008 0.06 0.59 0.09 0.13 5 56 21 5 14 16 1 32 4 3 60 0 0.29
2009 0.2 0.58 0.07 0.06 4 60 12 4 18 10 2 34 2 2 50 0 0.33
2010 0 0.52 0.11 0.2 1 61 1 7 25 9 30 6 0 0 0.3
2011 0.2 0.61 0.09 0.15 5 66 28 6 31 5 1 26 4 4 66.7 1 0.2 0.37
2012 0.83 0.68 0.36 0.6 6 72 19 26 57 6 5 20 12 15 57.7 3 0.5 0.36
2013 0.36 0.67 0.12 0.24 4 76 4 9 66 11 4 21 5 3 33.3 1 0.25 0.35
2014 0.4 0.67 0.17 0.25 11 87 15 15 81 10 4 20 5 2 13.3 0 0.34
2015 0.07 0.66 0.16 0.19 3 90 1 14 95 15 1 27 5 2 14.3 0 0.36
2016 0.14 0.65 0.23 0.34 5 95 9 22 117 14 2 29 10 5 22.7 1 0.2 0.35
2017 0.13 0.62 0.25 0.17 7 102 14 25 142 8 1 29 5 7 28 3 0.43 0.35
2018 0.5 0.62 0.24 0.3 4 106 5 25 167 12 6 30 9 14 56 1 0.25 0.35
2019 0.09 0.63 0.11 0.1 2 108 0 12 179 11 1 30 3 2 16.7 0 0.37
2020 0.17 0.72 0.14 0.14 3 111 3 16 195 6 1 21 3 1 6.3 0 0.78
2022 1 0.78 0.22 0.31 3 114 0 25 235 3 3 16 5 14 56 1 0.33 0.25
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Barriers to innovation in SMEs: Can the internationalization of R&D mitigate their effects?. (2007). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:50.

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22008Indias National Innovation System: Key elements and corporate perspectives. (2008). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:51.

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32011What is green Innovation? A quantitative literature review. (2011). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Schiederig, Tim ; Tietze, Frank. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:63.

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42012India - a lead market for frugal innovations? Extending the lead market theory to emerging economies. (2012). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:67.

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52007Innovation via global route: Proposing a reference model for chances and challenges of global innovation processes. (2007). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:49.

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62012Open global innovation networks as enablers of frugal innovation: propositions based on evidence from India. (2012). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:72.

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72011Role of Lead Market factors in globalization of innovation: Emerging evidence from India & its implications. (2011). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:64.

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82009The emergence of Indian multinationals: An empirical study of motives, status-quo and trends of Indian investments in Germany. (2009). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:56.

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92014Frugal innovation and analogies: Some propositions for product development in emerging economies. (2014). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Tiwari, Rajnish ; Kalogerakis, Katharina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:84.

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102018The question of a frugal mindset in Western MNCs: Exploring an emerging phenomenon with a systematic literature review. (2018). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Krohn, Malte. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:103.

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112004How to use analogies for breakthrough innovations. (2004). Luthje, Christian ; Schild, Katharina ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:24.

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122006Patterns of innovation and protection activities within service companies: Results from a German study on service-intensive companies. (2006). Hipp, Christiane B. ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:45.

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132017Innovation pathways and trajectories in Indias auto component industry. (2017). Kalogerakis, Katharina ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:98.

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142016Are patients and relatives the better innovators? The case of medical smartphone applications. (2016). Goeldner, Moritz ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:91.

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152017Frugal innovation in Germany: A qualitative analysis of potential socio-economic impacts. (2017). Kalogerakis, Katharina ; Fischer, Luise ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:96.

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162007Mobile services in banking sector: The role of innovative business solutions in generating competitive advantage. (2007). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:48.

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172009Influence of government policies on industry development: The case of Indias automotive industry. (2009). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Ranawat, Mahipat . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:57.

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182014Global innovation strategies of German hidden champions in key emerging markets. (2014). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:85.

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192006Mobile banking as business strategy: Impact of mobile technologies on customer behaviour and its implications for banks. (2006). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:37.

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202016A bibliometric analysis of academic papers on frugal innovation. (2016). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Kalogerakis, Katharina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:93.

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212002The innovation process: an introduction to process models. (2002). Verworn, Birgit ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:12.

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222006The impact of the fuzzy front end on new product development success in Japanese NPD projects. (2006). Nagahira, Akio ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Verworn, Birgit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:39.

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232000Characteristics of innovating users in a consumer goods field: An empirical study of sport-related product consumers. (2000). Luthje, Christian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:8.

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242013Too good to succeed? Why not just try good enough! Some deliberations on the prospects of frugal innovations. (2013). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:76.

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252017Innovationspfade in der deutschen Automobilzulieferindustrie: Eine Untersuchung aus der Frugalitätsperspektive. (2017). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Bergmann, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:97.

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262000Modelle des Innovationsprozesses. (2000). Verworn, Birgit ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:6.

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272020Opportunities of frugality in the post-Corona era. (2020). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:110.

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282004The process of user-innovation: A case study on user innovation in a consumer goods setting. (2004). Luthje, Christian ; Tietz, Robert ; Morrison, Pamela D. ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:29.

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292017Lead user method vs. innovation contest: An empirical comparison of two open innovation methodologies for identifying social innovation for flood Resilience in Indonesia. (2017). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Kruse, Daniel J ; Goeldner, Moritz. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:101.

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302017A comparison of German and Indian innovation pathways in the auto component industry. (2017). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Fischer, Luise ; Kalogerakis, Katharina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:100.

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312010A typology of technology market intermediaries. (2010). Tietze, Frank. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:60.

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322011Silver product design: Product innovation for older people. (2011). Kohlbacher, Florian ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Bauer, Patrick . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:65.

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332014Exogenous vs. endogenous governance in innovation communities: Effects on motivation, conflict and justice - An experimental investigation. (2014). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Stormer, Niclas . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:82.

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342015Frugale Innovation: Wissenschaftliche Einordnung eines neuen Innovationsbegriffs. (2015). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:88.

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352000Innovationsmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. (2000). Verworn, Birgit ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Luthje, Christian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:7.

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362014The intellectual pillars of user innovation: a co-citation analysis. (2014). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Schweisfurth, Tim. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:87.

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372006Customer on the move: Strategic implications of mobile banking for banks and financial enterprises. (2006). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:38.

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382011Lead market factors for global innovation: Emerging evidence from India. (2011). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:61.

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392020The Deliberative Frugal Mindset: A model of managerial opportunity recognition for frugal innovation. (2020). Petersen, Finn ; Krohn, Malte ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Hochmuth, Dustin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:109.

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402000Management von technologie-getriebenen Entwicklungsprojekten. (2000). Lettl, Christopher ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:5.

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412018What pathways lead to frugal innovation? Some insights on modes & routines of frugal, technical inventions based on an analysis of patent data in German auto components industry. (2018). Bergmann, Stephan ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:105.

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422013Lessons from low-cost healthcare innovations for the Base-of the Pyramid markets: How incumbents can systematically create disruptive innovations. (2013). Ramdorai, Aditi ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:74.

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432004Fuzzy front end practices in innovating Japanese companies. (2004). Nagahira, Akio ; Takahashi, Osamu ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; STOCKSTROM, CHRISTOPH ; Verworn, Birgit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:25.

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442001The fuzzy front end of innovation. (2001). Verworn, Birgit ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:4.

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452008Technology market intermediaries to facilitate external technology exploitation: The case of IP auctions. (2008). Tietze, Frank. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:55.

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462005Service provider - customer interactions: Key to success of innovative services. (2005). Hoffmann, Antje ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:30.

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472008Integration of innovative users as source of service innovations. (2008). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Skiba, Florian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:54.

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482022Frugal sustainability: A new perspective to foster corporate sustainability. (2022). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Achtelik, Timo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:112.

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492014Determinants of user innovator behavior in the silver market. (2014). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Wellner, Konstantin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:81.

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501999Need assessment in practice: Methods, experiences and trends. (1999). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Geschka, Horst . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:3.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12011What is green Innovation? A quantitative literature review. (2011). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Schiederig, Tim ; Tietze, Frank. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:63.

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22018The question of a frugal mindset in Western MNCs: Exploring an emerging phenomenon with a systematic literature review. (2018). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Krohn, Malte. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:103.

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32014Frugal innovation and analogies: Some propositions for product development in emerging economies. (2014). Herstatt, Cornelius ; Tiwari, Rajnish ; Kalogerakis, Katharina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:84.

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42020Opportunities of frugality in the post-Corona era. (2020). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:110.

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52014Global innovation strategies of German hidden champions in key emerging markets. (2014). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:85.

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62006Mobile banking as business strategy: Impact of mobile technologies on customer behaviour and its implications for banks. (2006). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:37.

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72020The Deliberative Frugal Mindset: A model of managerial opportunity recognition for frugal innovation. (2020). Petersen, Finn ; Krohn, Malte ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Hochmuth, Dustin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:109.

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82007Innovation via global route: Proposing a reference model for chances and challenges of global innovation processes. (2007). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:49.

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92017Innovation pathways and trajectories in Indias auto component industry. (2017). Kalogerakis, Katharina ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:98.

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102017Frugal innovation in Germany: A qualitative analysis of potential socio-economic impacts. (2017). Kalogerakis, Katharina ; Fischer, Luise ; Tiwari, Rajnish. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:96.

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112008Indias National Innovation System: Key elements and corporate perspectives. (2008). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Buse, Stephan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:51.

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122016A bibliometric analysis of academic papers on frugal innovation. (2016). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Kalogerakis, Katharina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:93.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 3
2022Frugal sustainability: A new perspective to foster corporate sustainability. (2022). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Herstatt, Cornelius ; Achtelik, Timo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:112.

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2022Ecological lightweight design for sustainable composites: Need for application of frugal engineering principles. (2022). Tiwari, Rajnish ; Achtelik, Timo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:tuhtim:114.

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2022From the liability to the advantage of refugeeness. (2022). Un, Silvy ; Ou, Chhomran. In: Journal of International Business Policy. RePEc:pal:joibpo:v:5:y:2022:i:4:d:10.1057_s42214-021-00126-5.

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