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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2005 0 0.6 2.5 0 2 2 0 13 0 0 0 0 0.37
2006 0 0.59 0.97 0 29 31 922 12 43 2 2 6 50 12 0.41 0.34
2007 1 0.52 1.03 1 32 63 520 63 108 31 31 31 31 13 20.6 28 0.88 0.29
2008 1.41 0.59 1.17 1.37 31 94 281 106 218 61 86 63 86 11 10.4 13 0.42 0.29
2009 1.27 0.58 1.22 1.36 32 126 175 151 372 63 80 94 128 1 0.7 8 0.25 0.33
2010 0.65 0.52 0.92 1.02 42 168 237 153 527 63 41 126 128 8 5.2 10 0.24 0.3
2011 1.03 0.62 1.14 1.19 33 201 110 229 756 74 76 166 198 5 2.2 3 0.09 0.37
2012 0.97 0.68 0.96 0.91 37 238 217 226 984 75 73 170 154 8 3.5 7 0.19 0.36
2013 0.71 0.67 0.84 0.67 35 273 164 224 1214 70 50 175 117 13 5.8 6 0.17 0.35
2014 0.64 0.67 0.71 0.53 28 301 49 211 1427 72 46 179 94 11 5.2 5 0.18 0.34
2015 0.37 0.66 0.61 0.4 41 342 153 209 1636 63 23 175 70 10 4.8 14 0.34 0.36
2016 0.59 0.64 0.69 0.62 24 366 76 252 1888 69 41 174 108 4 1.6 3 0.13 0.34
2017 0.46 0.62 0.48 0.38 17 383 27 185 2073 65 30 165 62 1 0.5 2 0.12 0.35
2018 0.56 0.61 0.48 0.59 21 404 15 191 2266 41 23 145 86 8 4.2 1 0.05 0.34
2019 0.29 0.62 0.44 0.32 14 418 64 183 2449 38 11 131 42 4 2.2 12 0.86 0.36
2020 0.54 0.71 0.46 0.37 25 443 58 204 2654 35 19 117 43 9 4.4 10 0.4 0.76
2021 1.23 0.97 0.41 0.65 15 458 35 189 2843 39 48 101 66 5 2.6 14 0.93 0.4
2022 0.63 0.71 0.33 0.38 10 468 11 156 2999 40 25 92 35 1 0.6 1 0.1 0.23
2023 0.44 0.61 0.23 0.27 12 480 2 108 3107 25 11 85 23 3 2.8 0 0.19
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12006Ambiguity Aversion, Robustness, and the Variational Representation of Preferences. (2006). Rustichini, Aldo ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:12.

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22007Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection: A Honeymoon Effect?. (2007). Garibaldi, Pietro ; Boeri, Tito. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:37.

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32006Dynamic Variational Preferences. (2006). Rustichini, Aldo ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:1.

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42008Uncertainty Averse Preferences. (2008). Montrucchio, Luigi ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio ; Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:77.

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52006A Multivariate Jump-Driven Financial Asset Model. (2006). luciano, elisa ; Schoutens, Wim. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:29.

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62020Women’s Work, Housework and Childcare, before and during COVID-19. (2020). Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi ; Rossi, Maria Cristina ; Profeta, Paola. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:613.

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72007Identity, Dignity and Taboos: Beliefs as Assets. (2007). Tirole, Jean ; Benabou, Roland. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:50.

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82012Ambiguity in the small and in the large. (2012). Siniscalchi, Marciano ; Ghirardato, Paolo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:255.

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92007College Cost and Time to Complete a Degree: Evidence from Tuition Discontinuities. (2007). Rettore, Enrico ; Ichino, Andrea ; Giavazzi, Francesco ; Garibaldi, Pietro. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:38.

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102008Risk Measures: Rationality and Diversification. (2008). Montrucchio, Luigi ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio ; Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:100.

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112012Poor Institutions, Rich Mines: Resource Curse and the Origins of the Sicilian Mafia. (2012). Vanin, Paolo ; Prarolo, Giovanni ; Durante, Ruben ; Buonanno, Paolo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:261.

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122008Trading Favors: Optimal Exchange and Forgiveness. (2008). Hauser, Christine ; Hopenhayn, Hugo . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:88.

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132013Labor Market Search and Schooling Investment. (2013). Mullins, Joseph ; Flinn, Christopher. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:295.

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142008On-the-Job Search, Minimum Wages, and Labor Market Outcomes in an Equilibrium Bargaining Framework. (2008). Mabli, James ; Flinn, Christopher. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:91.

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152008Policy with Dispersed Information. (2008). Pavan, Alessandro ; Angeletos, George-Marios. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:86.

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162009The Origins of Ethnolinguistic Diversity. (2009). Michalopoulos, Stelios. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:110.

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172015Who should be Treated? Empirical Welfare Maximization Methods for Treatment Choice. (2015). Tetenov, Aleksey ; Kitagawa, Toru. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:402.

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182006The Euro Changeover and its Effects on Price Transparency and Inflation.. (2006). Mastrobuoni, Giovanni ; Dziuda, Wioletta. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:26.

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192013Democracy, Dictatorship and the Cultural Transmission of Political Values. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Ticchi, Davide ; Vindigni, Andrea. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:300.

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202016Disaster recovery and the term structure of dividend strips?. (2016). Marfè, Roberto ; Hasler, Michael. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:458.

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212007An Empirical Assessment of Assortative Matching in the Labor Market. (2007). van den Berg, Gerard ; Mendes, Rute ; Lindeboom, Maarten. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:62.

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222010Household Choices and Child Development. (2010). Wiswall, Matthew ; Flinn, Christopher ; Del Boca, Daniela. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:149.

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232007Learning and Disagreement in an Uncertain World. (2007). Yildiz, Muhamet ; Chernozhukov, Victor ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:48.

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242007The Incapacitation Effect of Incarceration: Evidence From Several Italian Collective Pardons. (2007). Mastrobuoni, Giovanni ; barbarino, alessandro. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:55.

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252006Emergence and Persistence of Inefficient States. (2006). Vindigni, Andrea ; Ticchi, Davide ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:34.

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262013Mortality Surface by Means of Continuous Time Cohort Models. (2013). luciano, elisa ; Vigna, Elena ; Jevtic, Petar . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:264.

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272007Do better–informed workers make better retirement choices? A test based on the Social Security Statement. (2007). Mastrobuoni, Giovanni. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:51.

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282006Shadow Sorting. (2006). Garibaldi, Pietro ; Boeri, Tito. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:10.

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292011Exploring the impacts of public childcare on mothers and children in Italy: does rationing play a role?. (2011). Pronzato, Chiara ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Brilli, Ylenia. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:214.

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302019Dynamic Campaign Spending. (2019). Turkel, Eray ; Sugaya, Takuo ; Grillo, Edoardo ; Acharya, Avidit. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:601.

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312010Gender Wage Gaps Reconsidered: A Structural Approach Using Matched Employer-Employee Data. (2010). Bartolucci, Cristian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:116.

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322010Measurement Matters: Perspectives on Education Policy from an Economist and School Board Member. (2010). Lang, Kevin. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:143.

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332008The Labor Market of Italian Politicians. (2008). Merlo, Antonio ; Mattozzi, Andrea ; Landi, Massimiliano ; Galasso, Vincenzo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:89.

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342012Import Diversification along the Growth Path. (2012). Jaimovich, Esteban. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:242.

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352016The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Financial-Market Regulations: A General Equilibrium Analysis. (2016). Vilkov, Grigory ; Uppal, Raman ; Dumas, Bernard ; Buss, Adrian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:449.

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362015Identifying Sorting in Practice. (2015). Monzon, Ignacio ; Devicienti, Francesco ; Bartolucci, Cristian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:431.

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372007Information Acquisition and Refunds for Returns. (2007). Matthews, Steven ; Persico, Nicola . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:54.

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382019The gender pay gap in the UK: children and experience in work. (2019). Parodi, Francesca ; Joyce, Robert ; Dias, Monica Costa. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:594.

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392010A more robust definition of multiple priors. (2010). Siniscalchi, Marciano ; Ghirardato, Paolo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:144.

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402015The Impact of Part-Time Work on Firm Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from Italy. (2015). vannoni, davide ; Grinza, Elena ; Devicienti, Francesco. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:433.

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412010High-School Dropouts and Transitory Labor Market Shocks: The Case of the Spanish Housing Boom. (2010). Aparicio, Ainhoa. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:158.

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422009Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior. (2009). Lijoi, Antonio ; Favaro, Stefano ; Mena, Ramses H. ; Prunster, Igor. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:123.

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432009Endogeneous Household Interaction. (2009). Flinn, Christopher ; Del Boca, Daniela. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:109.

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442013Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous workers. (2013). Nicodano, Giovanna ; Fugazza, Carolina ; Bagliano, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:266.

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452012Better Workers Move to Better Firms: A Simple Test to Identify Sorting. (2012). Devicienti, Francesco ; Bartolucci, Cristian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:259.

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462011Migration Restrictions and Criminal Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. (2011). pinotti, paolo ; Mastrobuoni, Giovanni. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:208.

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472008Complete Monotone Quasiconcave Duality. (2008). Montrucchio, Luigi ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio ; Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:80.

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482019Actors in the Child Development Process. (2019). Verriest, Ewout ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Wiswall, Matthew ; Flinn, Christopher. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:560.

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492010Rational Preferences under Ambiguity. (2010). Siniscalchi, Marciano ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio ; Ghirardato, Paolo ; Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:169.

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502009Get Out the (Costly) Vote: Institutional Design for Greater Participation. (2009). Romero, Julian ; Gerardi, Dino ; McConnell, Margaret A. ; Yariv, Leeat. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:121.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12006Ambiguity Aversion, Robustness, and the Variational Representation of Preferences. (2006). Rustichini, Aldo ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:12.

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22007Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection: A Honeymoon Effect?. (2007). Garibaldi, Pietro ; Boeri, Tito. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:37.

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32020Women’s Work, Housework and Childcare, before and during COVID-19. (2020). Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi ; Rossi, Maria Cristina ; Profeta, Paola. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:613.

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42016Disaster recovery and the term structure of dividend strips?. (2016). Marfè, Roberto ; Hasler, Michael. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:458.

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52006Dynamic Variational Preferences. (2006). Rustichini, Aldo ; Marinacci, Massimo ; Maccheroni, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:1.

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62022Climate Impact Investing. (2022). Tankov, Peter ; de Angelis, Tiziano ; Zerbib, Olivier David. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:676.

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72016The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Financial-Market Regulations: A General Equilibrium Analysis. (2016). Vilkov, Grigory ; Uppal, Raman ; Dumas, Bernard ; Buss, Adrian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:449.

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82019Actors in the Child Development Process. (2019). Verriest, Ewout ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Wiswall, Matthew ; Flinn, Christopher. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:560.

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92006A Multivariate Jump-Driven Financial Asset Model. (2006). luciano, elisa ; Schoutens, Wim. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:29.

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102019Dynamic Campaign Spending. (2019). Turkel, Eray ; Sugaya, Takuo ; Grillo, Edoardo ; Acharya, Avidit. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:601.

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112012Import Diversification along the Growth Path. (2012). Jaimovich, Esteban. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:242.

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122021Sharing News Left and Right: The Effects of Policies Targeting Misinformation on Social Media. (2021). Morales, Juan ; Ershov, Daniel. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:651.

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132021The Covid-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education. (2021). SCHIAVON, LUCIA ; Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Muratori, Caterina ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura ; Contini, Dalit. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:664.

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142013Democracy, Dictatorship and the Cultural Transmission of Political Values. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Ticchi, Davide ; Vindigni, Andrea. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:300.

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152021Did COVID-19 affect the division of labor within the household? Evidence from two waves of the pandemic in Italy. (2021). Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi ; Rossi, Mariacristina ; Profeta, Paola. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:654.

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162012Housing wealth decumulation, portfolio composition and financial literacy among the European elderly. (2012). rossi, mariacristina ; Romiti, Agnese. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:289.

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172022Occupational Regulation, Institutions, and Migrants Labor Market Outcomes. (2022). Rostam-Afschar, Davud ; Pagliero, Mario ; Koumenta, Maria. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:685.

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182009Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior. (2009). Lijoi, Antonio ; Favaro, Stefano ; Mena, Ramses H. ; Prunster, Igor. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:123.

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192007Information Acquisition and Refunds for Returns. (2007). Matthews, Steven ; Persico, Nicola . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:54.

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202016On time consistency for mean-variance portfolio selection. (2016). Vigna, Elena. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:476.

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212013Mortality Surface by Means of Continuous Time Cohort Models. (2013). luciano, elisa ; Vigna, Elena ; Jevtic, Petar . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:264.

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222020A general theory of subjective mixtures. (2019). Pennesi, Daniele ; Ghirardato, Paolo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:573.

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232014Wealth decumulation, portfolio composition and financial literacy among European elderly. (2014). rossi, mariacristina ; Romiti, Agnese. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:375.

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242010Measurement Matters: Perspectives on Education Policy from an Economist and School Board Member. (2010). Lang, Kevin. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:143.

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252012Patterns of induced diffusion of renewable energy capacity: The role of regulatory design and decentralization. (2012). Giaccaria, Sergio ; Dalmazzone, Silvana. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:282.

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262012Ambiguity in the small and in the large. (2012). Siniscalchi, Marciano ; Ghirardato, Paolo. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:255.

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272015Labor Rigidity and the Dynamics of the Value Premium. (2015). Marfè, Roberto. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:429.

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282019Roadways, Input Sourcing, and Patterns of Specialization. (2019). Jaimovich, Esteban. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:586.

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292013Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous workers. (2013). Nicodano, Giovanna ; Fugazza, Carolina ; Bagliano, Fabio. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:266.

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302017How Entry into Parenthood Shapes Gender Role Attitudes: New Evidence from Longitudinal UK Data. (2017). vannoni, davide ; Grinza, Elena ; Devicienti, Francesco ; Rossi, Maria Cristina. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:511.

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312011Income and Democracy: Revisiting the Evidence. (2011). Moral-Benito, Enrique ; Bartolucci, Cristian. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:204.

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322008Trading Favors: Optimal Exchange and Forgiveness. (2008). Hauser, Christine ; Hopenhayn, Hugo . In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:88.

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332015The Impact of Part-Time Work on Firm Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from Italy. (2015). vannoni, davide ; Grinza, Elena ; Devicienti, Francesco. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:433.

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342021Can Hearts Change Minds? Social media Endorsements and Policy Preferences. (2021). Samahita, Margaret ; Morales, Juan ; Gallice, Andrea ; Conzo, Pierluigi ; Taylor, Laura K. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:641.

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352018Police Patrols and Crime. (2018). Mastrobuoni, Giovanni ; Blanes, Jordi. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:551.

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362012Single and cross-generation natural hedging of longevity and financial risk. (2012). Regis, Luca ; luciano, elisa ; Vigna, Elena. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:257.

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372019Perceived Immigration and Voting Behavior. (2019). Zotti, Roberto ; Conzo, Pierluigi ; Bellucci, Davide. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:588.

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382021Tackling the gender gap in mathematics with active learning methodologies. (2021). Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Robutti, Ornella ; Ferrara, Francesca ; de Rosa, Dalila ; Contini, Dalit ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:657.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 11
2023Social media news: content bundling and news quality. (2023). Sarvary, Miklos ; de Corniere, Alexandre. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04067655.

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2023Social Media and News: Content Bundling and News Quality. (2023). Sarvary, Miklos ; de Corniere, Alexandre. In: Management Science. RePEc:inm:ormnsc:v:69:y:2023:i:1:p:162-178.

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2023High-speed broadband, school closures and educational achievements. (2023). Boeri, Filippo. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:118120.

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2023Impacts of In-Person School Days on Student Outcomes and Inequality: Evidence from Korean High Schools during the Pandemic. (2023). Yang, Hee-Seung ; Kim, Hyuncheol Bryant ; Hahn, Youjin. In: Working papers. RePEc:yon:wpaper:2023rwp-223.

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2023Decarbonization of financial markets: a mean-field game approach. (2023). Tankov, Peter ; Lavigne, Pierre. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2301.09163.

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2023Preferred habitat investors in the green bond market. (2023). Boermans, Martijn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:dnb:dnbwpp:773.

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2023Do firms respond to commitments on climate change? Impact of COP21 on investment intensity. (2023). Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal ; Jain, Sanjay Kumar ; Tank, Pramendra Singh. In: IIMA Working Papers. RePEc:iim:iimawp:14700.

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2023Welche Rolle spielt die Finanzwirtschaft im Angesicht des Klimawandels?. (2023). Krahnen, Jan Pieter. In: SAFE Policy Letters. RePEc:zbw:safepl:101.

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2023Special Issue on Bright Information and Communication Technologies in the 21st Century. (2023). Bose, Indranil ; Kim, Dan J ; Mukhopadhyay, Arunabha. In: Information Systems Frontiers. RePEc:spr:infosf:v:25:y:2023:i:5:d:10.1007_s10796-023-10407-4.

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2023Labour market impacts of occupational licensing and delicensing: New evidence from China. (2023). Zhang, Tingting ; Lyu, Mengjie ; Ye, Hua. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations. RePEc:bla:brjirl:v:61:y:2023:i:4:p:895-921.

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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021The Covid-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education. (2021). Schiavon, Lucia ; Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Muratori, Caterina ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura ; Contini, Dalit. In: CHILD Working Papers Series. RePEc:cca:wchild:97.

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2021Gender Mix and Team Performance: Differences between Exogenously and Endogenously Formed Teams. (2021). Fenoll, Ainoa Aparicio ; Zaccagni, Sarah. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:646.

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2021Sharing News Left and Right: The Effects of Policies Targeting Misinformation on Social Media. (2021). Morales, Juan ; Ershov, Daniel. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:651.

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2021The Covid-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education. (2021). SCHIAVON, LUCIA ; Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Muratori, Caterina ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura ; Contini, Dalit. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:664.

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2021The Legacy of Covid-19 in Education. (2021). Woessmann, Ludger ; Werner, Katharina. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9358.

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2021An econometric model of network formation with an application to board interlocks between firms. (2021). Gualdani, Cristina. In: Journal of Econometrics. RePEc:eee:econom:v:224:y:2021:i:2:p:345-370.

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2021Has the COVID-19 pandemic widened the gender gap in paid work hours in Spain?. (2021). Moro, Ana I ; Herrarte, Ainhoa ; Blazquez, Maite. In: ThE Papers. RePEc:gra:wpaper:21/05.

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2021The COVID-19 Pandemic and School Closure: Learning Loss in Mathematics in Primary Education. (2021). SCHIAVON, LUCIA ; Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Muratori, Caterina ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura ; Contini, Dalit. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14785.

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2021The Legacy of COVID-19 in Education. (2021). Woessmann, Ludger ; Werner, Katharina. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14796.

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2021Pandemic Schooling Mode and Student Test Scores: Evidence from US States. (2021). Oster, Emily ; Okun, James C ; Jack, Rebecca ; Halloran, Clare . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:29497.

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2021The Legacy of Covid-19 in Education. (2021). Woessmann, Ludger ; Werner, Katharina. In: Rationality and Competition Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:rco:dpaper:291.

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2021Gender Equality and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Labour Market, Family Relationships and Public Policy. (2021). Profeta, Paola. In: Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy. RePEc:spr:intere:v:56:y:2021:i:5:d:10.1007_s10272-021-0997-2.

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2021The Covid-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education. (2021). Schiavon, Lucia ; Piazzalunga, Daniela ; Muratori, Caterina ; di Tommaso, Maria Laura ; Contini, Dalit. In: DEM Working Papers. RePEc:trn:utwprg:2021/16.

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2021Sharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic. (2021). Aarts, Bas ; van Vugt, Lynn ; Vermeulen, Stan ; de Leeuw, Suzanne ; Jacobs, Madelon ; Korthals, Roxanne ; Haelermans, Carla ; de Wolf, Inge ; van Wetten, Sanne ; van der Velden, Rolf ; Breuer, Tijana. In: ROA Research Memorandum. RePEc:unm:umaror:2021010.

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Recent citations received in 2020

YearCiting document
2020Dynamic Equity Slope. (2020). Marfè, Roberto ; Zucchi, Francesca ; Colonnello, Stefano ; Breugem, Matthijs. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:626.

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2020Corporate Policies and the Term Structure of Risk. (2020). Marfè, Roberto ; Zucchi, Francesca ; Breugem, Matthijs. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:627.

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2020How Entry into Parenthood Shapes Gender Role Attitudes: New Evidence from Longitudinal UK Data. (2020). vannoni, davide ; Grinza, Elena ; Devicienti, Francesco ; Rossi, Maria Cristina. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:635.

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2020Parental well-being in times of Covid-19 in Germany. (2020). Wagner, Gert ; Huebener, Mathias ; Waights, Sevrin ; Spiess, Katharina C ; Siegel, Nico A. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1713.

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2020This Time It’s Different: The Role of Women’s Employment in a Pandemic Recession. (2020). Doepke, Matthias ; Olmstead-Rumsey, Jane ; Alon, Titan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hka:wpaper:2020-057.

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2020Essential work and emergency childcare: Identifying gender differences in COVID-19 effects on labour demand and supply. (2020). Kalb, Guyonne ; Meekes, Jordy. In: Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series. RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2020n24.

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2020Essential Work and Emergency Childcare: Identifying Gender Differences in COVID-19 Effects on Labour Demand and Supply. (2020). Meekes, Jordy ; Kalb, Guyonne ; Hassink, Wolter. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13843.

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2020Dynamic Equity Slope. (2020). Zucchi, Francesca ; Marfe, Roberto ; Colonello, Stefano ; Breugem, Matthijs. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ven:wpaper:2020:21.

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