[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]
IF | AIF | CIF | IF5 | DOC | CDO | CIT | NCI | CCU | D2Y | C2Y | D5Y | C5Y | SC | %SC | CiY | II | AII | |
2000 | 0 | 0.36 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.16 | |||||
2001 | 0 | 0.39 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 23 | 31 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0.17 | |||||
2002 | 0.13 | 0.41 | 0.11 | 0.13 | 12 | 35 | 40 | 3 | 4 | 23 | 3 | 23 | 3 | 2 | 66.7 | 0 | 0.21 | |
2003 | 0.05 | 0.44 | 0.12 | 0.14 | 8 | 43 | 27 | 5 | 9 | 21 | 1 | 35 | 5 | 3 | 60 | 0 | 0.22 | |
2004 | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.13 | 0.09 | 19 | 62 | 67 | 7 | 17 | 20 | 2 | 43 | 4 | 4 | 57.1 | 1 | 0.05 | 0.22 |
2005 | 0.15 | 0.51 | 0.09 | 0.1 | 24 | 86 | 39 | 7 | 25 | 27 | 4 | 62 | 6 | 2 | 28.6 | 0 | 0.24 | |
2006 | 0.35 | 0.51 | 0.22 | 0.25 | 23 | 109 | 64 | 24 | 49 | 43 | 15 | 72 | 18 | 10 | 41.7 | 0 | 0.23 | |
2007 | 0.11 | 0.47 | 0.25 | 0.2 | 17 | 126 | 71 | 31 | 80 | 47 | 5 | 86 | 17 | 13 | 41.9 | 3 | 0.18 | 0.2 |
2008 | 0.33 | 0.49 | 0.32 | 0.21 | 21 | 147 | 71 | 47 | 127 | 40 | 13 | 91 | 19 | 29 | 61.7 | 10 | 0.48 | 0.23 |
2009 | 0.34 | 0.48 | 0.34 | 0.23 | 22 | 169 | 52 | 55 | 184 | 38 | 13 | 104 | 24 | 28 | 50.9 | 5 | 0.23 | 0.24 |
2010 | 0.19 | 0.49 | 0.23 | 0.21 | 17 | 186 | 120 | 42 | 226 | 43 | 8 | 107 | 22 | 19 | 45.2 | 3 | 0.18 | 0.21 |
2011 | 0.21 | 0.52 | 0.16 | 0.17 | 17 | 203 | 34 | 33 | 259 | 39 | 8 | 100 | 17 | 6 | 18.2 | 0 | 0.24 | |
2012 | 0.44 | 0.52 | 0.28 | 0.29 | 21 | 224 | 31 | 62 | 322 | 34 | 15 | 94 | 27 | 8 | 12.9 | 1 | 0.05 | 0.22 |
2013 | 0.21 | 0.56 | 0.27 | 0.32 | 24 | 248 | 88 | 65 | 388 | 38 | 8 | 98 | 31 | 14 | 21.5 | 3 | 0.13 | 0.24 |
2014 | 0.24 | 0.55 | 0.25 | 0.33 | 28 | 276 | 72 | 69 | 457 | 45 | 11 | 101 | 33 | 12 | 17.4 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.23 |
2015 | 0.42 | 0.55 | 0.24 | 0.4 | 23 | 299 | 36 | 73 | 530 | 52 | 22 | 107 | 43 | 12 | 16.4 | 8 | 0.35 | 0.23 |
2016 | 0.24 | 0.53 | 0.18 | 0.24 | 24 | 323 | 25 | 57 | 587 | 51 | 12 | 113 | 27 | 3 | 5.3 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.21 |
2017 | 0.19 | 0.54 | 0.24 | 0.24 | 18 | 341 | 149 | 81 | 669 | 47 | 9 | 120 | 29 | 9 | 11.1 | 9 | 0.5 | 0.22 |
2018 | 0.55 | 0.55 | 0.25 | 0.39 | 25 | 366 | 47 | 92 | 761 | 42 | 23 | 117 | 46 | 6 | 6.5 | 4 | 0.16 | 0.23 |
2019 | 0.56 | 0.57 | 0.2 | 0.32 | 10 | 376 | 5 | 76 | 838 | 43 | 24 | 118 | 38 | 6 | 7.9 | 0 | 0.23 | |
2020 | 0.4 | 0.68 | 0.22 | 0.46 | 13 | 389 | 13 | 86 | 924 | 35 | 14 | 100 | 46 | 6 | 7 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.32 |
2021 | 0.26 | 0.8 | 0.23 | 0.42 | 16 | 405 | 13 | 92 | 1016 | 23 | 6 | 90 | 38 | 6 | 6.5 | 3 | 0.19 | 0.29 |
2022 | 0.28 | 0.84 | 0.22 | 0.49 | 11 | 416 | 19 | 92 | 1108 | 29 | 8 | 82 | 40 | 7 | 7.6 | 2 | 0.18 | 0.25 |
2023 | 0.67 | 0.86 | 0.2 | 0.35 | 13 | 429 | 2 | 87 | 1195 | 27 | 18 | 75 | 26 | 11 | 12.6 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.25 |
IF: | Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y |
AIF: | Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y |
CIF: | Cumulative impact factor |
IF5: | Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y |
DOC: | Number of documents published in year y |
CDO: | Cumulative number of documents published until year y |
CIT: | Number of citations to papers published in year y |
NCI: | Number of citations in year y |
CCU: | Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y |
D2Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
C2Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
D5Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
C5Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
SC: | selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
%SC: | Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
CiY: | Cites in year y to documents published in year y |
II: | Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents. |
AII: | Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2017 | The environmental Kuznets curve after 25 years. (2017). Stern, David. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-017-9243-1. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 109 |
2 | 2010 | A bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Dyck, Andrew ; Tydemers, Peter ; Munro, Gordon ; Pauly, Daniel ; Khan, Ahmed ; Watson, Reg. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:201-225. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 57 |
3 | 2013 | Is cooperation instinctive? Evidence from the response times in a public goods game. (2013). ortona, guido ; Migheli, Matteo ; Lotito, Gianna. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:15:y:2013:i:2:p:123-133. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 43 |
4 | 2010 | Economic impact of ocean fish populations in the global fishery. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Dyck, Andrew. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:227-243. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 32 |
5 | 2006 | Corruption and Age. (2006). Valev, Neven ; Torgler, Benno. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:8:y:2006:i:2:p:133-145. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 30 |
6 | 2009 | Reconciling psychology with economics: Obesity, behavioral biology, and rational overeating. (2009). Smith, Trenton. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:11:y:2009:i:3:p:249-282. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 27 |
7 | 2014 | Do institutions for collective action evolve?. (2014). Ostrom, Elinor. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:1:p:3-30. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 26 |
8 | 2010 | Food security implications of global marine catch losses due to overfishing. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Cheung, William ; Srinivasan, U. ; Watson, Reg. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:183-200. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 23 |
9 | 2007 | A Global Ex-vessel Fish Price Database: Construction and Applications. (2007). Sumaila, Ussif ; Watson, Reg ; Pauly, Daniel ; Marsden, A.. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:9:y:2007:i:1:p:39-51. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 23 |
10 | 2008 | Accounting for economic evolution: Fitness and the population method. (2008). Metcalfe, John. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:23-49. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 21 |
11 | 2001 | Sex Differences in the Ultimatum Game: An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective. (2001). Gill, Tripat ; Saad, Gad. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:3:y:2001:i:2:p:171-193. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 19 |
12 | 2017 | Sustainability policy as if people mattered: developing a framework for environmentally significant behavioral change. (2017). Gross, Christian ; Baum, Chad M. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9238-3. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
13 | 2016 | Economics and evolutionary mismatch: humans in novel settings do not maximize. (2016). Burnham, Terence C. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:18:y:2016:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9233-8. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
14 | 2008 | The bioeconomics of homogeneous middleman groups as adaptive units: Theory and empirical evidence viewed from a group selection framework. (2008). Landa, Janet . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:3:p:259-278. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
15 | 2007 | Feminist Ecological Economics and Sustainability. (2007). Perkins, Patricia. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:9:y:2007:i:3:p:227-244. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 16 |
16 | 2004 | The Human Adaptation for Culture and its Behavioral Implications. (2004). Cordes, Christian. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:6:y:2004:i:2:p:143-163. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 15 |
17 | 2022 | Investigating the link between economic growth, financial development, urbanization, natural resources, human capital, trade openness and ecological footprint: evidence from Nigeria. (2022). Dada, James ; Noor, Azizi Ismail ; Adeiza, Adams ; Marina, Arnaut. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:24:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-021-09323-x. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
18 | 2002 | A Review of Selected Bioeconomic Models with Environmental Influences in Fisheries. (2002). Knowler, Duncan. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:4:y:2002:i:2:p:163-181. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
19 | 2018 | Integrated bio-economic models as tools to support land-use decision making: a review of potential and limitations. (2018). Calvas, Baltazar ; Ochoa, Santiago ; Hartl, Fabian ; Castro, Luz Maria ; Knoke, Thomas ; Izquierdo, Leonardo. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-018-9270-6. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
20 | 2010 | A global estimate of benefits from ecosystem-based marine recreation: potential impacts and implications for management. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Cisneros-Montemayor, Andres . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:245-268. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
21 | 2015 | Human ultrasociality and the invisible hand: foundational developments in evolutionary science alter a foundational concept in economics. (2015). Gowdy, John ; Wilson, David. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:17:y:2015:i:1:p:37-52. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
22 | 2005 | The Bioeconomics of Marine Reserves: A Selected Review with Policy Implications. (2005). Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin ; Schneider, Viktoria . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:7:y:2005:i:2:p:161-178. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 12 |
23 | 2004 | Knowledge as a Path-Dependence Process. (2004). Rizzello, Salvatore. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:6:y:2004:i:3:p:255-274. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 12 |
24 | 2004 | Intersubjectivity and Embodiment. (2004). Dupuy, Jean-Pierre . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:6:y:2004:i:3:p:275-294. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 11 |
25 | 2014 | Agriculture as a major evolutionary transition to human ultrasociality. (2014). Gowdy, John ; Krall, Lisi. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:2:p:179-202. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 11 |
26 | 2018 | The growth of relative wealth and the Kelly criterion. (2018). Lo, Andrew ; Zhang, Ruixun ; Orr, Allen H. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-017-9253-z. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 10 |
27 | 2008 | Primatesâ fertilization systems and the evolution of the human brain. (2008). Pagano, Ugo ; Battistini, Alberto. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:1-21. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 10 |
28 | 2005 | The Sensory Order and other Adaptive Classifying Systems. (2005). butos, william ; McQuade, Thomas. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:7:y:2005:i:3:p:335-358. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
29 | 2002 | Couple Formation in France: The Changing Importance of Labor Market Early Career Path. (2002). SOLAZ, Anne ; EKERT-JAFFE, Olivia. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:4:y:2002:i:3:p:223-239. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
30 | 2014 | Parallel experimentation: a basic scheme for dynamic efficiency. (2014). Ellerman, David. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:3:p:259-287. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
31 | 2015 | Sexual selection, conspicuous consumption and economic growth. (2015). Weber, Ernst ; Collins, Jason ; Baer, Boris . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:17:y:2015:i:2:p:189-206. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
32 | 2002 | The Economics Of Partner Out Trading in Sexual Markets. (2002). Cameron, Samuel. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:4:y:2002:i:3:p:195-222. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
33 | 2008 | In search of general evolutionary principles: Why Darwinism is too important to be left to the biologists. (2008). Hodgson, Geoffrey ; Knudsen, Thorbjorn. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:51-69. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
34 | 2013 | Charitable giving among females and males: an empirical test of the competitive altruism hypothesis. (2013). Regner, Tobias ; Bohm, Robert. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:15:y:2013:i:3:p:251-267. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
35 | 2003 | What Does it Mean to be Human? A Comparison of Primate Economies. (2003). Pryor, Frederic. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:5:y:2003:i:2:p:97-145. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
36 | 2003 | Skew Selection: Nature Favors a Trickle-Down Distribution of Resources in Ants. (2003). Cassill, Deby . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:5:y:2003:i:2:p:83-96. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
37 | 2000 | The Bioeconomics of Cooperation. (2000). Gifford, Adam . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:2:y:2000:i:2:p:153-168. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
38 | 2006 | Why Skew Selection, a Model of Parental Exploitation, Should Replace Kin Selection. (2006). Cassill, Deby . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:8:y:2006:i:2:p:101-119. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
39 | 2018 | Black and white female body mass index values in the developing late 19th and early 20th century United States. (2018). Carson, Scott Alan. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-018-9277-z. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
40 | 2003 | Ecological Transfers in Non-Human Communities Parallel Economic Markets in a General Equilibrium Ecosystem Model. (2003). Tschirhart, John. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:5:y:2003:i:2:p:193-214. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
41 | 2008 | Why multilevel selection matters. (2008). Field, Alexander. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:3:p:203-238. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
42 | 2011 | Consumer specialization and the Romantic transformation of the British Grand Tour of Europe. (2011). chai, andreas. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:13:y:2011:i:3:p:181-203. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
43 | 2012 | Imitation and evolutionary stability of poverty traps. (2012). Sánchez Carrera, Edgar. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:1-20. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
44 | 2014 | Applying evolutionary theory to human behaviour: past differences and current debates. (2014). RICHERSON, PETER ; Brown, Gillian . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:2:p:105-128. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
45 | 2012 | Influence of body image in urbanized areas: differences in long-term changes in teenage body mass index between boys and girls in Japan. (2012). Yamamura, Eiji. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:14:y:2012:i:3:p:243-256. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
46 | 2013 | The biological standard of living and body height in colonial and post-colonial Indonesia, 1770â2000. (2013). van der Eng, Pierre ; Baten, Joerg ; Stegl, Mojgan . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:15:y:2013:i:2:p:103-122. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
47 | 2001 | Bounded Rationality of Economic Man: Decision Making under Ecological, Social, and Institutional Constraints. (2001). Wang, Xiao ; Landa, Janet . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:3:y:2001:i:2:p:217-235. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
48 | 2017 | Utopia competition: a new approach to the micro-foundations of sustainability transitions. (2017). Fatas-Villafranca, Francisco ; Almudi, Isabel ; Potts, Jason. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9239-2. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
49 | 2007 | Neuroeconomics as a Natural Extension of Bioeconomics: The Shifting Scope of Standard Economic Theory. (2007). Vromen, Jack. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:9:y:2007:i:2:p:145-167. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
50 | 2016 | Genetic distance and cognitive human capital: a cross-national investigation. (2016). Kodila-Tedika, Oasis ; Asongu, Simplice. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:18:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-015-9210-7. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2017 | The environmental Kuznets curve after 25 years. (2017). Stern, David. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-017-9243-1. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 52 |
2 | 2022 | Investigating the link between economic growth, financial development, urbanization, natural resources, human capital, trade openness and ecological footprint: evidence from Nigeria. (2022). Dada, James ; Noor, Azizi Ismail ; Adeiza, Adams ; Marina, Arnaut. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:24:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-021-09323-x. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
3 | 2014 | Do institutions for collective action evolve?. (2014). Ostrom, Elinor. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:1:p:3-30. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 10 |
4 | 2016 | Economics and evolutionary mismatch: humans in novel settings do not maximize. (2016). Burnham, Terence C. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:18:y:2016:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9233-8. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
5 | 2013 | Is cooperation instinctive? Evidence from the response times in a public goods game. (2013). ortona, guido ; Migheli, Matteo ; Lotito, Gianna. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:15:y:2013:i:2:p:123-133. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
6 | 2018 | The growth of relative wealth and the Kelly criterion. (2018). Lo, Andrew ; Zhang, Ruixun ; Orr, Allen H. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-017-9253-z. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
7 | 2020 | Correction to: On the emergence of ecological and economic niches. (2020). Kauffman, Stuart ; Fath, Brian D ; Koppl, Roger ; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla ; Ulanowicz, Robert E ; Hordijk, Wim. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:22:y:2020:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-020-09297-2. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
8 | 2018 | Integrated bio-economic models as tools to support land-use decision making: a review of potential and limitations. (2018). Calvas, Baltazar ; Ochoa, Santiago ; Hartl, Fabian ; Castro, Luz Maria ; Knoke, Thomas ; Izquierdo, Leonardo. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-018-9270-6. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
9 | 2018 | Black and white female body mass index values in the developing late 19th and early 20th century United States. (2018). Carson, Scott Alan. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-018-9277-z. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
10 | 2022 | Impact of environmental degradation on agricultural efficiency in India: evidence from robust econometric models. (2022). Praveen, Bushra ; Kumar, Pushp ; Baig, Imran Ali ; Bhardwaj, Mandeep ; Singh, Kanak ; Yadav, Arvind Kumar. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:24:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-022-09327-1. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
11 | 2021 | Los Angeles County SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic: Critical Role of Multi-generational Intra-household Transmission. (2021). Harris, Jeffrey E. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:23:y:2021:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-021-09310-2. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
12 | 2020 | On the emergence of ecological and economic niches. (2020). Kauffman, Stuart ; Fath, Brian D ; Koppl, Roger ; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla ; Ulanowicz, Robert E ; Hordijk, Wim. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:22:y:2020:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-020-09295-4. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
13 | 2007 | Feminist Ecological Economics and Sustainability. (2007). Perkins, Patricia. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:9:y:2007:i:3:p:227-244. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
14 | 2010 | Economic impact of ocean fish populations in the global fishery. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Dyck, Andrew. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:227-243. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
15 | 2010 | Food security implications of global marine catch losses due to overfishing. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Cheung, William ; Srinivasan, U. ; Watson, Reg. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:183-200. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
16 | 2002 | Couple Formation in France: The Changing Importance of Labor Market Early Career Path. (2002). SOLAZ, Anne ; EKERT-JAFFE, Olivia. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:4:y:2002:i:3:p:223-239. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
17 | 2009 | Reconciling psychology with economics: Obesity, behavioral biology, and rational overeating. (2009). Smith, Trenton. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:11:y:2009:i:3:p:249-282. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
18 | 2010 | A bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies. (2010). Sumaila, Ussif ; Dyck, Andrew ; Tydemers, Peter ; Munro, Gordon ; Pauly, Daniel ; Khan, Ahmed ; Watson, Reg. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:12:y:2010:i:3:p:201-225. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
19 | 2017 | Sustainability policy as if people mattered: developing a framework for environmentally significant behavioral change. (2017). Gross, Christian ; Baum, Chad M. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9238-3. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
20 | 2008 | In search of general evolutionary principles: Why Darwinism is too important to be left to the biologists. (2008). Hodgson, Geoffrey ; Knudsen, Thorbjorn. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:51-69. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
21 | 2017 | Adaptation processes in the context of climate change: a social and environmental psychology perspective. (2017). Reser, Joseph P ; Bradley, Graham L. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:19:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-016-9231-x. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
22 | 2005 | The Bioeconomics of Marine Reserves: A Selected Review with Policy Implications. (2005). Kompas, Tom ; Grafton, R. Quentin ; Schneider, Viktoria . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:7:y:2005:i:2:p:161-178. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
23 | 2013 | Charitable giving among females and males: an empirical test of the competitive altruism hypothesis. (2013). Regner, Tobias ; Bohm, Robert. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:15:y:2013:i:3:p:251-267. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
24 | 2014 | A theory of socio-ecological system change. (2014). Costanza, R.. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:1:p:39-44. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
25 | 2006 | Corruption and Age. (2006). Valev, Neven ; Torgler, Benno. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:8:y:2006:i:2:p:133-145. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
26 | 2018 | Interethnic relations, informal trading networks, and social integration: imitation, habits, and social evolution. (2018). Landa, Janet Tai ; Wickstrom, Bengt-Arne. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:20:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-018-9278-y. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
27 | 2014 | Do institutions evolve?. (2014). Greif, Avner. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:16:y:2014:i:1:p:53-60. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
28 | 2001 | Sex Differences in the Ultimatum Game: An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective. (2001). Gill, Tripat ; Saad, Gad. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:3:y:2001:i:2:p:171-193. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
29 | 2005 | The Role of Culture and Meaning in Rational Choice. (2005). Gifford, Adam . In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:7:y:2005:i:2:p:129-155. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
30 | 2008 | Primatesâ fertilization systems and the evolution of the human brain. (2008). Pagano, Ugo ; Battistini, Alberto. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:1-21. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
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33 | 2007 | A Global Ex-vessel Fish Price Database: Construction and Applications. (2007). Sumaila, Ussif ; Watson, Reg ; Pauly, Daniel ; Marsden, A.. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:9:y:2007:i:1:p:39-51. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
34 | 2012 | Imitation and evolutionary stability of poverty traps. (2012). Sánchez Carrera, Edgar. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:1-20. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
35 | 2015 | Human ultrasociality and the invisible hand: foundational developments in evolutionary science alter a foundational concept in economics. (2015). Gowdy, John ; Wilson, David. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:17:y:2015:i:1:p:37-52. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
36 | 2020 | Net nutrition, insolation, mortality, and the antebellum paradox. (2020). Carson, Scott Alan. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:22:y:2020:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-020-09293-6. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
37 | 2020 | Smoking inequality across genders and socio-economic positions. Evidence from Italian data. (2020). Migheli, Matteo ; Jacobs, Rowena ; Novi, Cinzia. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:22:y:2020:i:3:d:10.1007_s10818-020-09301-9. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
Year | Title | |
2023 | ||
2023 | Intergenerational coresidence and the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. (2023). Sommacal, Alessandro ; Pensieroso, Luca ; Spolverini, Gaia. In: Economics & Human Biology. RePEc:eee:ehbiol:v:49:y:2023:i:c:s1570677x23000114. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Effectiveness of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions to Avert the Second COVID-19 Surge in Los Angeles County: A Simulation Study. (2023). Muller, Sebastian Msc ; Kaddoura, Ihab Phd ; Zhang, Yunwan Msc ; Horn, Abigail Phd ; Rodier, Caroline Phd. In: Institute of Transportation Studies, Working Paper Series. RePEc:cdl:itsdav:qt5f78h654. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | A climateâeconomy model in a stochastic differential equilibrium with fractional Brownian motions and Poisson jumps. (2023). Alinsato, Alastaire ; Bassongui, Nassibou ; Bete, Kora Hafiz. In: SN Business & Economics. RePEc:spr:snbeco:v:3:y:2023:i:8:d:10.1007_s43546-023-00512-6. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | ||
2023 | ||
2023 | Articulating natural resource abundance, economic complexity, education and environmental sustainability in MENA countries: Evidence from advanced panel estimation. (2023). Li, Huiyun ; Zafar, Muhammad Wasif ; Haseeb, Abdul ; Saud, Shah. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:80:y:2023:i:c:s0301420722007048. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Greening human capital towards environmental quality in Ghana: Insight from the novel dynamic ARDL simulation approach. (2023). Tackie, Evelyn Agba ; Xu, YI ; Ahakwa, Isaac. In: Energy Policy. RePEc:eee:enepol:v:176:y:2023:i:c:s030142152300099x. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The Impact of Domestic Investment and Trade on Economic Growth in North Africa Countries: New Evidence from Panel CS-ARDL Model. (2023). Bakari, Sayef ; el Weriemmi, Malek ; ben Yedder, Nadia. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:117956. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Foreign direct investment, technological spillover, and total factor productivity growth in Ghana. (2023). Essel, Ronald Ebenezer. In: SN Business & Economics. RePEc:spr:snbeco:v:3:y:2023:i:8:d:10.1007_s43546-023-00514-4. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
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2023 | Stock market development and environmental quality in EU member countries: a dynamic heterogeneous approach. (2023). Musah, Mohammed. In: Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development. RePEc:spr:endesu:v:25:y:2023:i:10:d:10.1007_s10668-022-02521-1. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | ||
2023 | Energy transition, natural resource consumption and environmental degradation: The role of geopolitical risk in sustainable development. (2023). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; Wang, Jianming ; Malik, Muhammad Nasir ; Bashir, Muhammad Farhan. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:85:y:2023:i:pa:s0301420723006967. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Do natural resources and green technological innovation matter in addressing environmental degradation? Evidence from panel models robust to cross-sectional dependence and slope heterogeneity. (2023). Ofori, Elvis Kwame ; Korankye, Benard ; Sarpong, Francis Atta ; Odai, Leslie Afotey ; Tackie, Evelyn Agba ; Xu, YI ; Ahakwa, Isaac. In: Resources Policy. RePEc:eee:jrpoli:v:85:y:2023:i:pb:s0301420723006542. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Biological welfare economics: a natural science critique of normative economics. (2023). Phelan, Jay ; Burnham, Terence C. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:25:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-023-09333-x. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
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2023 | Do Better Institutional Arrangements Lead to Environmental Sustainability: Evidence from India. (2023). Jena, Pabitra Kumar ; Priyadarshi, D P ; Alam, Md Shabbir ; Hawaldar, Iqbal Thonse ; Uddin, Mohammed Ahmar ; Hamid, Ishfaq. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:3:p:2237-:d:1046578. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
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2023 | Evolutionary finance: a model with endogenous asset payoffs. (2023). Vanaei, M J ; Hens, T ; Evstigneev, I V. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:25:y:2023:i:2:d:10.1007_s10818-023-09335-9. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
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2022 | Does the Moderating Role of Financial Development on Energy Utilization Contributes to Environmental Sustainability in GCC Economies?. (2022). Bein, Murad ; Omer, Halmat. In: Energies. RePEc:gam:jeners:v:15:y:2022:i:13:p:4663-:d:847901. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
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2021 | . Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2021 | Excess mortality versus COVID-19 death rates: a spatial analysis of socioeconomic disparities and political allegiance across US states. (2021). Muellbauer, John ; Aron, Janine. In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:955. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2021 | The Mid-Life Dip in Well-Being: A Critique. (2021). Graham, Carol L ; Blanchflower, David G. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:923. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
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2020 | Body Mass, Nutrition, and Disease: Current Net Nutrition during US Economic Development. (2020). Carson, Scott A. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8464. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
# | Series | H | Cites | |
1 | Sustainability / MDPI | 66 | 37 | |
2 | Journal of Bioeconomics / Springer | 15 | 36 | |
3 | Ecological Economics / Elsevier | 145 | 21 | |
4 | Papers / arXiv.org | 90 | 12 | |
5 | Journal of Evolutionary Economics / Springer | 60 | 11 | |
6 | Post-Print / HAL | 207 | 10 | |
7 | 10 | |||
8 | CESifo Working Paper Series / CESifo | 102 | 9 | |
9 | Energies / MDPI | 55 | 9 | |
10 | MPRA Paper / University Library of Munich, Germany | 130 | 8 | |
11 | Economics & Human Biology / Elsevier | 43 | 7 |