Author citation profiles: Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW)

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Effrosyni Adamopoulou62711815.71% 8
Zareh Asatryan11303897.6% 43
Irene Bertschek14867063.95% 24
Sarra Ben Yahmed7131433.38% 14
Florian Buhlmann517501.96% 6
Dirk Crass6241317.75% 11
Philipp Doerrenberg10284994.77% 35
Daniel Erdsiek5266910.39% 6
Maria Theresia Evers417497.55% 12
Björn Fischer-Weckemann317493.92% 7
Leonardo M. Giuffrida3135319.7% 8
Alexander Glas6231599.14% 14
Elisabeth Grewenig7162045.56% 40
Friedrich Heinemann2022214884.98% 46
Michael Hellwig510444.35% 8
Martin Hud7101782.2% 25
Karolin Kirschenmann8252991.32% 19
Thilo Klein416507.41% 5
Mila Koehler39340% 4
Bastian Krieger427706.67% 11
Florian Landis36392.5% 5
Francois Laisney15619082.68% 23
Georg Licht12606041.63% 27
Philipp Massier47290% 5
Michaela Niefert9342431.62% 22
Thomas Niebel8425023.46% 35
Daniel Osberghaus10352405.14% 17
Marion Ott6281295.84% 6
Lora Pavlova45621.59% 15
Bettina Peters1710320732.36% 90
Friedhelm Pfeiffer151199698.15% 31
Christian Rammer2128123424.29% 68
Simon Reif415637.35% 9
Oliver Schenker6221164.92% 9
Michael Schymura9174871.22% 97
Reinhold Schnabel14427422.5% 32
Katrin Sommerfeld5163962.22% 36
Eliza Stenzhorn371534.78% 3
Holger Stichnoth12555932.79% 26
Susanne Steffes682521.18% 31
Anna Straubinger39794.82% 15
Maximilian Todtenhaupt38195% 1
Kathrine von Graevenitz6271427.19% 12
Sebastian Voigt463120% 62
Achim Wambach171048382.44% 23
Arne Jonas Warnke39731.35% 8
Martin Lange4197014.63% 7
Nicolas Robert Ziebarth188110518.05% 70

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