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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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2003 0 0.44 0 0 6 6 11 0 0 0 0 0 0.22
2004 0.17 0.49 0.03 0.17 25 31 101 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 100 0 0.22
2005 0.06 0.5 0.04 0.06 20 51 34 2 3 31 2 31 2 2 100 0 0.23
2006 0.02 0.5 0.04 0.04 16 67 134 2 6 45 1 51 2 0 0 0.22
2007 0.08 0.46 0.09 0.1 20 87 146 8 14 36 3 67 7 1 12.5 1 0.05 0.2
2008 0.19 0.49 0.13 0.16 17 104 67 14 28 36 7 87 14 0 0 0.23
2009 0.19 0.47 0.19 0.2 13 117 56 22 50 37 7 98 20 1 4.5 2 0.15 0.24
2010 0.13 0.48 0.13 0.19 16 133 101 17 67 30 4 86 16 1 5.9 1 0.06 0.21
2011 0.07 0.52 0.25 0.33 11 144 33 36 103 29 2 82 27 0 0 0.24
2012 0.15 0.52 0.29 0.32 16 160 61 46 149 27 4 77 25 5 10.9 0 0.22
2013 0.26 0.56 0.31 0.33 25 185 35 58 207 27 7 73 24 6 10.3 2 0.08 0.24
2014 0.29 0.55 0.36 0.4 18 203 56 74 281 41 12 81 32 7 9.5 3 0.17 0.23
2015 0.21 0.55 0.25 0.23 27 230 215 58 339 43 9 86 20 5 8.6 3 0.11 0.23
2016 0.53 0.53 0.38 0.37 34 264 121 99 438 45 24 97 36 20 20.2 11 0.32 0.21
2017 0.49 0.54 0.33 0.38 38 302 71 100 538 61 30 120 46 10 10 2 0.05 0.22
2018 0.29 0.56 0.33 0.39 37 339 87 112 650 72 21 142 56 9 8 3 0.08 0.24
2019 0.31 0.58 0.34 0.45 50 389 91 133 783 75 23 154 70 20 15 4 0.08 0.23
2020 0.49 0.7 0.4 0.53 33 422 47 170 953 87 43 186 98 4 2.4 1 0.03 0.33
2021 0.39 0.87 0.42 0.39 50 472 29 197 1150 83 32 192 74 12 6.1 5 0.1 0.32
2022 0.42 1 0.48 0.46 5 477 0 230 1380 83 35 208 95 0 1 0.2 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Author Sequence and Credit for Contributions in Multiauthored Publications. (2007). Krauss, Jochen ; Resh, Vincent H ; Rand, Tatyana A ; Hochberg, Michael E ; Tscharntke, Teja. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050018.

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22006Mapping the Economic Costs and Benefits of Conservation. (2006). Ricketts, Taylor H ; Naidoo, Robin. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040360.

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32015Walk on the Wild Side: Estimating the Global Magnitude of Visits to Protected Areas. (2015). Manica, Andrea ; Walpole, Matt ; Naidoo, Robin ; Huang, Charles ; Beresford, James ; Anderson, Michael ; Balmford, Andrew. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002074.

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42018The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented?. (2018). Hauser, Cindy E ; Stuart-Fox, Devi ; Holman, Luke. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2004956.

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52015The Extent and Consequences of P-Hacking in Science. (2015). Jennions, Michael D ; Kahn, Andrew T ; Lanfear, Rob ; Holman, Luke ; Head, Megan L. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002106.

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62010Improving Bioscience Research Reporting: The ARRIVE Guidelines for Reporting Animal Research. (2010). Altman, Douglas G ; Emerson, Michael ; Cuthill, Innes C ; Browne, William J ; Kilkenny, Carol. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000412.

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72016Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): A New Metric That Uses Citation Rates to Measure Influence at the Article Level. (2016). Santangelo, George M ; Anderson, James M ; Yuan, Xin ; Hutchins, Ian B. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002541.

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82015The Economics of Reproducibility in Preclinical Research. (2015). Cockburn, Iain ; Simcoe, Timothy S ; Freedman, Leonard P. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002165.

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92012Structural and Functional Loss in Restored Wetland Ecosystems. (2012). Yockteng, Roxana ; Comin, Francisco A ; Power, Mary E ; Moreno-Mateos, David. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001247.

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102006Stochastic mRNA Synthesis in Mammalian Cells. (2006). Tyagi, Sanjay ; Vargas, Diana Y ; Tranchina, Daniel ; Peskin, Charles S ; Raj, Arjun. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040309.

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112006Relaxed Phylogenetics and Dating with Confidence. (2006). Rambaut, Andrew ; Phillips, Matthew J ; Simon, ; Drummond, Alexei J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040088.

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122015Resolving Conflicts between Agriculture and the Natural Environment. (2015). Farmer, Andrew ; Walker, Susan ; Lamb, Anthony ; Tanentzap, Andrew J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002242.

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132007Large-Scale Mapping and Validation of Escherichia coli Transcriptional Regulation from a Compendium of Expression Profiles. (2007). Gardner, Timothy S ; Collins, James J ; Kasif, Simon ; Cottarel, Guillaume ; Wierzbowski, Jamey ; Mogno, Ilaria ; Thaden, Joshua T ; Hayete, Boris ; Faith, Jeremiah J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050008.

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142009Article-Level Metrics and the Evolution of Scientific Impact. (2009). Wu, Shirley ; Neylon, Cameron. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000242.

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152016Differences in Collaboration Patterns across Discipline, Career Stage, and Gender. (2016). Nunes, Luis A ; Woodruff, Teresa K ; Ribeiro, Haroldo V ; Radicchi, Filippo ; Sales-Pardo, Marta ; Duch, Jordi ; Han, Xiao. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002573.

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162004Ecology Drives the Worldwide Distribution of Human Diseases. (2004). Guegan, Jean-Franois ; Hochberg, Michael E ; Guernier, Vanina. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0020141.

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172010Adaptation, Plasticity, and Extinction in a Changing Environment: Towards a Predictive Theory. (2010). Mace, Georgina M ; Lande, Russell ; Chevin, Luis-Miguel. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000357.

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182010Publication Bias in Reports of Animal Stroke Studies Leads to Major Overstatement of Efficacy. (2010). MacLeod, Malcolm R ; Howells, David W ; van der Worp, Bart H ; Sena, Emily S. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000344.

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192019Contest models highlight inherent inefficiencies of scientific funding competitions. (2019). Bergstrom, Carl T ; Gross, Kevin. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000065.

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202007Conserving Biodiversity Efficiently: What to Do, Where, and When. (2007). Rundel, Phil W ; Possingham, Hugh P ; Marquet, Pablo A ; Shaw, Rebecca M ; Wardell-Johnson, Grant ; Kareiva, Peter ; Reyers, Belinda ; Rondinini, Carlo ; Murdoch, William W ; Looker, Michael ; Klausmeyer, Kirk R ; Andelman, Sandy ; Morrison, Scott A ; Hoekstra, Jon M ; Underwood, Emma C ; Bode, Michael ; Wilson, Kerrie A ; Pressey, Robert L ; McBride, Marissa F. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050223.

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212016Citation Metrics: A Primer on How (Not) to Normalize. (2016). Wouters, Paul F ; Boyack, Kevin ; John , . In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002542.

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222004Science on the Rise in Developing Countries. (2004). Schnitzer, Stefan A ; Holmgren, Milena. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0020001.

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232010Indigenous Lands, Protected Areas, and Slowing Climate Change. (2010). Pfaff, Alexander ; Conte, Marc ; Boucher, Doug ; Anderson, Anthony ; Petsonk, Annie ; Victurine, Ray ; Nepstad, Daniel ; Ullman, Roger ; Soares-Filho, Britaldo ; Moutinho, Paulo ; Ricketts, Taylor H ; Maretti, Claudio ; Linden, Lawrence ; Creighton, Ken ; Cattaneo, Andrea. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000331.

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242013The Assessment of Science: The Relative Merits of Post-Publication Review, the Impact Factor, and the Number of Citations. (2013). Stoletzki, Nina ; Eyre-Walker, Adam. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001675.

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252011Fertilizing Nature: A Tragedy of Excess in the Commons. (2011). Beatty, Perrin H ; Good, Allen G. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001124.

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262015Beyond Bar and Line Graphs: Time for a New Data Presentation Paradigm. (2015). Garovic, Vesna D ; Winham, Stacey J ; Milic, Natasa M ; Weissgerber, Tracey L. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002128.

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272008Foundations of Neuroeconomics: From Philosophy to Practice. (2008). Huettel, Scott A ; Tankersley, Dharol ; Clithero, John A. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0060298.

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282014Alternative Perspectives on Impact: The Potential of ALMs and Altmetrics to Inform Funders about Research Impact. (2014). Dolby, Kevin ; Allen, Liz ; Dinsmore, Adam. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002003.

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292008Is Bayh-Dole Good for Developing Countries? Lessons from the US Experience. (2008). Kapczynski, Amy ; Weissman, Robert ; Reichman, Jerome H ; Cook-Deegan, Robert ; Rai, Arti K ; Sampat, Bhaven N ; So, Anthony D. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0060262.

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302020The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity. (2020). Dirnagl, Ulrich ; Foeger, Nicole ; Coriat, Anne-Marie ; Barbour, Virginia ; Sham, Mai Har ; Glasziou, Paul ; Kleinert, Sabine ; Bouter, Lex ; Moher, David. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000737.

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312019On the value of preprints: An early career researcher perspective. (2019). Hensel, Zach ; Schwessinger, Benjamin ; Burgess, Steven J ; Emmott, Edward ; Debat, Humberto J ; Sarabipour, Sarvenaz. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000151.

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322008Going, Going, Gone: Is Animal Migration Disappearing. (2008). Wikelski, Martin ; Wilcove, David S. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0060188.

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332004State-Dependent Decisions Cause Apparent Violations of Rationality in Animal Choice. (2004). Kacelnik, Alex ; Pompilio, Lorena ; Schuck-Paim, Cynthia. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0020402.

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342017The co-production of what? Knowledge, values, and social relations in health care. (2017). Marston, Cicely ; Renedo, Alicia ; Filipe, Angela. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2001403.

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352014Close the High Seas to Fishing?. (2014). Costello, Christopher ; White, Crow. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001826.

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362019Open science challenges, benefits and tips in early career and beyond. (2019). , David ; David, ; Allen, Christopher. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000246.

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372004Motifs in Brain Networks. (2004). Kotter, Rolf ; Sporns, Olaf. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0020369.

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382008The Pervasive Effects of an Antibiotic on the Human Gut Microbiota, as Revealed by Deep 16S rRNA Sequencing. (2008). Relman, David A ; Sogin, Mitchell L ; Huse, Sue ; Dethlefsen, Les. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0060280.

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392009Causal Modelling and Brain Connectivity in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (2009). Friston, Karl. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000033.

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402007Shifts in Coding Properties and Maintenance of Information Transmission during Adaptation in Barrel Cortex. (2007). Diamond, Mathew E ; Arabzadeh, Ehsan ; Fairhall, Adrienne L ; Petersen, Rasmus S ; Maravall, Miguel. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050019.

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412011Limbic Justice—Amygdala Involvement in Immediate Rejection in the Ultimatum Game. (2011). Johannesson, Magnus ; Ingvar, Martin ; Petrovic, Predrag ; Fransson, Peter ; Mohlin, Erik ; Gospic, Katarina. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001054.

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422016Where Have All the Rodents Gone? The Effects of Attrition in Experimental Research on Cancer and Stroke. (2016). Dirnagl, Ulrich ; Siegerink, Bob ; Kimmelman, Jonathan ; Diamantaras, Andreas Antonios ; Grittner, Ulrike ; Piper, Sophie K ; Holman, Constance. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002331.

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432020Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. (2020). Baas, Jeroen ; Boyack, Kevin W ; John , . In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000918.

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442019Microstructural and functional gradients are increasingly dissociated in transmodal cortices. (2019). Misic, Bratislav ; Evans, Alan C ; Bullmore, Edward T ; Seidlitz, Jakob ; Hong, Seok-Jun ; Wagstyl, Konrad ; de Wael, Reinder Vos ; Bernhardt, Boris C ; Paquola, Casey ; Smallwood, Jonathan ; Margulies, Daniel S. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000284.

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452021Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science. (2021). Spalding, Ana K ; Fulweiler, Robinson W ; Smith, Nicola S ; Duplouy, Anne ; Silbiger, Nyssa J ; Cote, Isabelle M ; Rivera, Hanny E ; Crosby, Sarah C ; Parker, Laura M ; Bove, Colleen B ; Metaxas, Anna ; Baum, Julia K ; Mangubhai, Sangeeta ; Ainsworth, Tracy ; Bates, Amanda E ; Humanes, Adriana ; Putnam, Hollie M ; Wright, Rachel M ; Hill, Tessa ; Davies, Sarah W ; Weigel, Brooke L ; Hanley, Torrance C ; Traylor-Knowles, Nikki ; Griffin, Alyssa J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3001282.

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472008Sparse Representation of Sounds in the Unanesthetized Auditory Cortex. (2008). Zador, Anthony M ; Deweese, Michael R ; Hromadka, Toma. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0060016.

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482016Reproducible Research Practices and Transparency across the Biomedical Literature. (2016). , John ; John , ; Schully, Sheri D ; Khoury, Muin J ; Wallach, Joshua D ; Iqbal, Shareen A. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002333.

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492017A critical evaluation of the algorithm behind the Relative Citation Ratio (RCR). (2017). Gwinn, Marta ; Powell, Kimberly R ; Goodman, Michael ; Cecile, A. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2002536.

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502009Parks and Tourism. (2009). Buckley, Ralf. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000143.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12018The gender gap in science: How long until women are equally represented?. (2018). Hauser, Cindy E ; Stuart-Fox, Devi ; Holman, Luke. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2004956.

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22015The Extent and Consequences of P-Hacking in Science. (2015). Jennions, Michael D ; Kahn, Andrew T ; Lanfear, Rob ; Holman, Luke ; Head, Megan L. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002106.

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32015Walk on the Wild Side: Estimating the Global Magnitude of Visits to Protected Areas. (2015). Manica, Andrea ; Walpole, Matt ; Naidoo, Robin ; Huang, Charles ; Beresford, James ; Anderson, Michael ; Balmford, Andrew. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002074.

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42007Author Sequence and Credit for Contributions in Multiauthored Publications. (2007). Krauss, Jochen ; Resh, Vincent H ; Rand, Tatyana A ; Hochberg, Michael E ; Tscharntke, Teja. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050018.

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52012Structural and Functional Loss in Restored Wetland Ecosystems. (2012). Yockteng, Roxana ; Comin, Francisco A ; Power, Mary E ; Moreno-Mateos, David. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001247.

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62015Resolving Conflicts between Agriculture and the Natural Environment. (2015). Farmer, Andrew ; Walker, Susan ; Lamb, Anthony ; Tanentzap, Andrew J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002242.

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72006Relaxed Phylogenetics and Dating with Confidence. (2006). Rambaut, Andrew ; Phillips, Matthew J ; Simon, ; Drummond, Alexei J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040088.

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82006Stochastic mRNA Synthesis in Mammalian Cells. (2006). Tyagi, Sanjay ; Vargas, Diana Y ; Tranchina, Daniel ; Peskin, Charles S ; Raj, Arjun. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040309.

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92016Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): A New Metric That Uses Citation Rates to Measure Influence at the Article Level. (2016). Santangelo, George M ; Anderson, James M ; Yuan, Xin ; Hutchins, Ian B. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002541.

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102020The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity. (2020). Dirnagl, Ulrich ; Foeger, Nicole ; Coriat, Anne-Marie ; Barbour, Virginia ; Sham, Mai Har ; Glasziou, Paul ; Kleinert, Sabine ; Bouter, Lex ; Moher, David. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000737.

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112010Improving Bioscience Research Reporting: The ARRIVE Guidelines for Reporting Animal Research. (2010). Altman, Douglas G ; Emerson, Michael ; Cuthill, Innes C ; Browne, William J ; Kilkenny, Carol. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000412.

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122017The co-production of what? Knowledge, values, and social relations in health care. (2017). Marston, Cicely ; Renedo, Alicia ; Filipe, Angela. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2001403.

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132016Differences in Collaboration Patterns across Discipline, Career Stage, and Gender. (2016). Nunes, Luis A ; Woodruff, Teresa K ; Ribeiro, Haroldo V ; Radicchi, Filippo ; Sales-Pardo, Marta ; Duch, Jordi ; Han, Xiao. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002573.

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142019Contest models highlight inherent inefficiencies of scientific funding competitions. (2019). Bergstrom, Carl T ; Gross, Kevin. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000065.

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152019Microstructural and functional gradients are increasingly dissociated in transmodal cortices. (2019). Misic, Bratislav ; Evans, Alan C ; Bullmore, Edward T ; Seidlitz, Jakob ; Hong, Seok-Jun ; Wagstyl, Konrad ; de Wael, Reinder Vos ; Bernhardt, Boris C ; Paquola, Casey ; Smallwood, Jonathan ; Margulies, Daniel S. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000284.

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162011Fertilizing Nature: A Tragedy of Excess in the Commons. (2011). Beatty, Perrin H ; Good, Allen G. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001124.

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172019Open science challenges, benefits and tips in early career and beyond. (2019). , David ; David, ; Allen, Christopher. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000246.

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182020Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. (2020). Baas, Jeroen ; Boyack, Kevin W ; John , . In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000918.

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192021Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science. (2021). Spalding, Ana K ; Fulweiler, Robinson W ; Smith, Nicola S ; Duplouy, Anne ; Silbiger, Nyssa J ; Cote, Isabelle M ; Rivera, Hanny E ; Crosby, Sarah C ; Parker, Laura M ; Bove, Colleen B ; Metaxas, Anna ; Baum, Julia K ; Mangubhai, Sangeeta ; Ainsworth, Tracy ; Bates, Amanda E ; Humanes, Adriana ; Putnam, Hollie M ; Wright, Rachel M ; Hill, Tessa ; Davies, Sarah W ; Weigel, Brooke L ; Hanley, Torrance C ; Traylor-Knowles, Nikki ; Griffin, Alyssa J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3001282.

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212010Indigenous Lands, Protected Areas, and Slowing Climate Change. (2010). Pfaff, Alexander ; Conte, Marc ; Boucher, Doug ; Anderson, Anthony ; Petsonk, Annie ; Victurine, Ray ; Nepstad, Daniel ; Ullman, Roger ; Soares-Filho, Britaldo ; Moutinho, Paulo ; Ricketts, Taylor H ; Maretti, Claudio ; Linden, Lawrence ; Creighton, Ken ; Cattaneo, Andrea. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000331.

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222021Viral dynamics of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and applications to diagnostic and public health strategies. (2021). Ott, Isabel M ; Jednak, Sarah ; Grad, Yonatan H ; Kalinich, Chaney C ; Grubaugh, Nathan D ; Shiue, Kristin Y ; Ho, David D ; Tai, Caroline ; Mancell, Jimmie ; Olesen, Scott W ; Anderson, Deverick J ; Mack, Christina ; Difiori, John ; Fauver, Joseph R ; Weisberger, James ; Kissler, Stephen M ; Wohlgemuth, Jay. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3001333.

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232018Classes and continua of hippocampal CA1 inhibitory neurons revealed by single-cell transcriptomics. (2018). Linnarsson, Sten ; Kessaris, Nicoletta ; Somogyi, Peter ; Gonzales, Carolina Bengtsson ; Katona, Linda ; Magno, Lorenza ; Skene, Nathan G ; Hochgerner, Hannah ; Harris, Kenneth D ; Hjerling-Leffler, Jens. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2006387.

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242020The ARRIVE guidelines 2.0: Updated guidelines for reporting animal research. (2020). Pearl, Esther J ; Cuthill, Innes C ; MacLeod, Malcolm ; Clark, Alejandra ; MacCallum, Catriona J ; Browne, William J ; Wurbel, Hanno ; Lidster, Katie ; Baker, Monya ; Steckler, Thomas ; Lazic, Stanley E ; Avey, Marc T ; Silberberg, Shai D ; Karp, Natasha A ; Alam, Sabina ; Sena, Emily S ; Howells, David W ; Ahluwalia, Amrita ; Rooney, Kieron ; Holgate, Stephen T ; Hurst, Viki ; Reynolds, Penny ; Garner, Paul ; du Sert, Nathalie Percie ; Rawle, Frances ; Emerson, Michael ; Petersen, Ole H ; Dirnagl, Ulrich. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000410.

Full description at Econpapers || Download The Economics of Reproducibility in Preclinical Research. (2015). Cockburn, Iain ; Simcoe, Timothy S ; Freedman, Leonard P. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002165.

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262017Identifying genetic variants that affect viability in large cohorts. (2017). Pickrell, Joseph K ; Przeworski, Molly ; John , ; Day, Felix R ; Berisa, Tomaz ; Mostafavi, Hakhamanesh. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2002458.

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272010Adaptation, Plasticity, and Extinction in a Changing Environment: Towards a Predictive Theory. (2010). Mace, Georgina M ; Lande, Russell ; Chevin, Luis-Miguel. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1000357.

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282006Mapping the Economic Costs and Benefits of Conservation. (2006). Ricketts, Taylor H ; Naidoo, Robin. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0040360.

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292019Evidence that nonsignificant results are sometimes preferred: Reverse P-hacking or selective reporting?. (2019). Jennions, Michael D ; Head, Megan L ; Vrtilek, Milan. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000127.

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302016Citation Metrics: A Primer on How (Not) to Normalize. (2016). Wouters, Paul F ; Boyack, Kevin ; John , . In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002542.

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312018Errors as a primary cause of late-life mortality deceleration and plateaus. (2018). Newman, Saul Justin. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:2006776.

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332019On the value of preprints: An early career researcher perspective. (2019). Hensel, Zach ; Schwessinger, Benjamin ; Burgess, Steven J ; Emmott, Edward ; Debat, Humberto J ; Sarabipour, Sarvenaz. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:3000151.

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352005The Pattern of Polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2005). Wang, Jue ; Gladstone, Jean ; Wall, Jeffrey D ; Calabrese, Peter ; Shah, Chitiksha ; Bakker, Erica ; Rosenberg, Noah A ; Zheng, Honggang ; Plagnol, Vincent ; Toomajian, Christopher ; Padhukasahasram, Badri ; Jhaveri, Jinal ; Bergelson, Joy ; Morozov, Yuri ; Ishino, Yoko ; Kreitman, Martin ; Kim, Sung ; Schulz, Vincent ; Nordborg, Magnus ; Kalbfleisch, Theodore ; Jakobsson, Mattias ; Zhao, Keyan ; Goyal, Rana. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0030196.

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472004Ecology Drives the Worldwide Distribution of Human Diseases. (2004). Guegan, Jean-Franois ; Hochberg, Michael E ; Guernier, Vanina. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0020141.

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482007Large-Scale Mapping and Validation of Escherichia coli Transcriptional Regulation from a Compendium of Expression Profiles. (2007). Gardner, Timothy S ; Collins, James J ; Kasif, Simon ; Cottarel, Guillaume ; Wierzbowski, Jamey ; Mogno, Ilaria ; Thaden, Joshua T ; Hayete, Boris ; Faith, Jeremiah J. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:0050008.

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492014Poverty, Disease, and the Ecology of Complex Systems. (2014). Barrett, Christopher ; Bonds, Matthew H ; Keenan, Donald C ; Farmer, Paul E ; Murray, Megan B ; Pluciski, Mateusz M ; Ngonghala, Calistus N. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1001827.

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502015Public Data Archiving in Ecology and Evolution: How Well Are We Doing?. (2015). Binning, Sandra A ; Lanfear, Robert ; Roche, Dominique G. In: PLOS Biology. RePEc:plo:pbio00:1002295.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor: 35
2022Lymphatic-preserving treatment sequencing with immune checkpoint inhibition unleashes cDC1-dependent antitumor immunity in HNSCC. (2022). Fox, Bernard A ; Jensen, Shawn M ; Simon, Aaron B ; Allevato, Michael M ; Mesirov, Jill P ; Clubb, Lauren ; Molinolo, Alfredo A ; Faraji, Farhoud ; Pietryga, Ida Franiak ; Ofarrell, Aoife ; Schokrpur, Shiruyeh ; Saddawi-Konefka, Robert ; Gutkind, Silvio J ; al Msari, Riyam ; Califano, Joseph A ; Anang, Nana-Ama ; Wu, Victoria H ; Sharabi, Andrew ; Wang, Zhiyong ; Bui, Jack D ; Yung, Bryan S. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-31941-w.

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2022An Online Pattern Recognition-Oriented Workshop to Promote Interest among Undergraduate Students in How Mathematical Principles Could Be Applied within Veterinary Science. (2022). Larrea-Alvarez, Marco ; de Janon, Sofia ; Molina-Cuasapaz, Gabriel ; Ortega-Paredes, David ; Burgos, Christian Vinueza ; Mena, Karla ; Ayala-Velastegui, David ; Efcova, Miroslava ; Loaiza, Karen ; Fernandez-Moreira, Esteban. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:11:p:6768-:d:829623.

Full description at Econpapers || Download The role of collegiality in academic review, promotion, and tenure. (2022). Alperin, Juan Pablo ; Niles, Meredith T ; Schimanski, Lesley A ; McKiernan, Erin C ; Morales, Esteban ; Dawson, Diane. In: PLOS ONE. RePEc:plo:pone00:0265506.

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2022Prevalence of questionable research practices, research misconduct and their potential explanatory factors: A survey among academic researchers in The Netherlands. (2022). Bouter, Lex M ; Wicherts, Jelte M ; Stoop, Ineke ; Vink, Gerko ; Riet, Gerben Ter ; Gopalakrishna, Gowri. In: PLOS ONE. RePEc:plo:pone00:0263023.

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2022A Landscape of Open Science Policies Research. (2022). Manco, Alejandra. In: SAGE Open. RePEc:sae:sagope:v:12:y:2022:i:4:p:21582440221140358.

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2022Translation and natural selection of micropeptides from long non-canonical RNAs. (2022). Platero, Ana Isabel ; Couso, Juan Pablo ; Patraquim, Pedro ; Magny, Emile G ; Pueyo, Jose I. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-34094-y.

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2022Risk of burnout in French entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis. (2022). Mukerjee, Jinia ; Fisch, Christian ; Benzari, Alexandre ; Torres, Olivier ; Thurik, Roy ; Swalhi, Abdelaziz. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:58:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s11187-021-00516-2.

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2022Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientists’ productivity in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and medicine fields. (2022). Jin, Lan ; Peralta, Pedro Diaz ; Chan, Alisha Yee ; Heo, Seulkee ; Bell, Michelle L ; Pereira, Claudia Ribeiro. In: Palgrave Communications. RePEc:pal:palcom:v:9:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1057_s41599-022-01466-0.

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2022Risk of burnout in French entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis. (2022). Thurik, Roy ; Swalhi, Abdelaziz ; Mukerjee, Jinia ; Fisch, Christian ; Benzari, Alexandre ; Torres, Olivier. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04115876.

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2022On predicting research grants productivity via machine learning. (2022). Amancio, Diego R ; Jorge, . In: Journal of Informetrics. RePEc:eee:infome:v:16:y:2022:i:2:s1751157722000128.

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2022A New Composite Indicator for Assessing Energy Poverty Using Normalized Entropy. (2022). Moutinho, Victor ; Macedo, Pedro ; Madaleno, Mara. In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement. RePEc:spr:soinre:v:163:y:2022:i:3:d:10.1007_s11205-022-02938-1.

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2022The Ultimate Cause of the “Reproducibility Crisis”: Reductionist Statistics. (2022). Sadri, Arash. In: MetaArXiv. RePEc:osf:metaar:yxba5.

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2022Sex differences in allometry for phenotypic traits in mice indicate that females are not scaled males. (2022). Nakagawa, Shinichi ; Haselimashhadi, Hamed ; Mason, Jeremy ; Lagisz, Malgorzata. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-35266-6.

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2022Auditing the ‘Social’ of Quantum Technologies: A Scoping Review. (2022). Wolbring, Gregor. In: Societies. RePEc:gam:jsoctx:v:12:y:2022:i:2:p:41-:d:764770.

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2022NIH Grant Expansion, Ancestral Diversity and Scientific Discovery in Genomics Research. (2022). Chou, Shin-Yi ; Fu, Wei ; Wang, Li-San. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:30155.

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2022Changing the Academic Gender Narrative through Open Access. (2022). Montgomery, Lucy ; Huang, Chun-Kai ; Wilson, Katie ; Roelofs, Aniek ; Ozaygen, Alkim ; Handcock, Rebecca N ; Neylon, Cameron. In: Publications. RePEc:gam:jpubli:v:10:y:2022:i:3:p:22-:d:855741.

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2022Emergency and Disaster Management, Preparedness, and Planning (EDMPP) and the ‘Social’: A Scoping Review. (2022). Wolbring, Gregor ; Lillywhite, Brielle. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:20:p:13519-:d:947272.

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2022Measuring the influence of non-scientific features on citations. (2022). Chamberlain, Dan ; Caprio, Enrico ; Doretto, Alberto ; Piano, Elena ; Mammola, Stefano. In: Scientometrics. RePEc:spr:scient:v:127:y:2022:i:7:d:10.1007_s11192-022-04421-7.

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2022Auditing the ‘Social’ Using Conventions, Declarations, and Goal Setting Documents: A Scoping Review. (2022). Gill, Simerta ; Wolbring, Gregor. In: Societies. RePEc:gam:jsoctx:v:12:y:2022:i:6:p:147-:d:951706.

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2022Incorporating temporal distribution of population-level viral load enables real-time estimation of COVID-19 transmission. (2022). Cheung, Justin K ; Bond, Helen S ; Wong, Jessica Y ; Cowling, Benjamin J ; Adam, Dillon C ; Leung, Gabriel M ; Wu, Peng ; Cobey, Sarah ; Tsang, Tim K ; Yang, Bingyi ; Ali, Sheikh Taslim ; Gao, Huizhi ; Ho, Faith. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-28812-9.

Full description at Econpapers || Download SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics in the Mucus Layer of the Human Upper Respiratory Tract Based on Host–Cell Dynamics. (2022). Ito, Kazuhide ; Kuga, Kazuki ; Li, Hanyu. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:14:y:2022:i:7:p:3896-:d:779801.

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2022Mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission at a large public university. (2022). Pekosz, Andrew ; Elbanna, Ahmed ; Ibrahim, Ahmed ; Johnson, Mark ; Eggett, Therese ; Mayes, Jade ; Vlach, Evette ; Wang, Le Yi ; Best-Popescu, Catherine ; Band, Mark ; Sherwood, Maryellen ; Stevens, Mary P ; Bashir, Rashid ; Healy, Robert M ; Parikh, Nil A ; Walsh, Joseph T ; Liu, Zhiru ; Silotto, Jodi L ; Edwards, April ; Manabe, Yukari C ; Vanwingerden, Scott ; Green, Kelsie J ; Brauer, Brian R ; Ballard, Randy L ; Rye, Leslie N ; Nelson, Todd J ; Vozenilek, John A ; Greta, Andrew ; Nolan, Moira ; Brooke, Christopher B ; Zhang, Hantao ; Vance, Allison C ; Eardley, Jennifer ; Lipking, Rhonda L ; Tyburski, Erika A ; Alnaji, Fadi G ; Wilhelm-Barr, Laura ; Loots, Melanie J ; Rosillo, Edith ; Grohen
2022Designing isolation guidelines for COVID-19 patients with rapid antigen tests. (2022). Shibuya, Kenji ; Aihara, Kazuyuki ; Jung, Il Hyo ; Fujita, Yasuhisa ; Iwanami, Shoya ; Joohyeon, Woo ; Su, Kwang ; Ejima, Keisuke ; Ajelli, Marco ; Jeong, Yong Dam ; Bento, Ana I ; Iwami, Shingo. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-32663-9.

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2022A hypothalamic dopamine locus for psychostimulant-induced hyperlocomotion in mice. (2022). Alpar, Alan ; Korchynska, Solomiia ; Pende, Marko ; Boi, Laura ; Rebernik, Patrick ; Fisone, Gilberto ; Horvath, Tamas L ; Romanov, Roman A ; Wulff, Peer ; Harkany, Tibor ; Saghafi, Saiedeh ; Hokfelt, Tomas ; Balueva, Kira ; Dodt, Hans-Ulrich ; Becker, Klaus ; Tasan, Ramon. In: Nature Communications. RePEc:nat:natcom:v:13:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1038_s41467-022-33584-3.

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